Air Pricing by Cabin Class

Air Pricing requests can be modified to request pricing by a specified cabin class. Supported cabin classes can vary by provider or supplier. Universal API supports the following cabin classes:

See Air Pricing by Booking Class for more details about pricing a specific booking class.



Located in Air.xsd:

How To

  1. Enter minimum required data in the AirPriceReq.

  2. Specify the cabin class in either the individual leg (segment) level or the itinerary (booking) level. CabinClass @Type values include PremiumFirst, First, Business, Economy, PremiumEconomy.

  3. The AirPriceRsp returns and filters for the preferred or permitted cabins. If no cabin class is specified in the request, the default response returns all cabin classes.

  4. Cabin class data for each air pricing solution is included in AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/Booking Info @CabinClass.

    Note: Cabin class is not returned in the AirPriceRsp for 1P.



Worldspan (1P) Air Price responses do not return cabin class information.

Worldspan (1P) does not support PermittedCabins (PermittedCabins/CabinClass @Type).


ACH does not support CabinClass modifiers for Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) in AirSegmentPricingModifiers because ACH requires a Fare Basis Code in the Price request. If a Price request is made for an ACH segment, any CabinClass modifiers are ignored, and a warning is returned: ACH does not support the Cabin Class modifier during Pricing.