AirPriceRsp (AirReqRsp.xsd)

Name Type Enumeration Values R/O Default Description
AirPriceRsp element
CommandHistory string simple type Optional HTTP link to download command history and debugging information of the request that generated this response. Must be enabled on the system.
ResponseTime decimal simple type Optional The time (in ms) the system spent processing this request, not including transmission times.
TraceId string simple type Optional Unique identifier for this atomic transaction traced by the user. Use is optional.
TransactionId string simple type Optional System generated unique identifier for this atomic transaction.
ResponseMessage element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
Code decimal simple type Required
Type string simple type Warning , Error , Info Optional Indicates the type of message (Warning, Error, Info)
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
AirItinerary element A container for an Air only travel itinerary.
AirSegment typeBaseAirSegment complex type An Air marketable travel segment.
Key string simple type Required
Passive boolean simple type Optional
ProviderSegmentOrder integer simple type Optional To identify the appropriate travel sequence for Air/Car/Hotel/Rail segments/reservations in the provider reservation.
Status string simple type Optional Status of this segment.
TravelOrder decimal simple type Optional To identify the appropriate travel sequence for Air/Car/Hotel segments/reservations based on travel dates. This ordering is applicable across the UR not provider or traveler specific
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
APISRequirementsRef string simple type Optional Reference to the APIS Requirements for this AirSegment.
AvailabilitySource string simple type Optional Indicates Availability source of AirSegment.
BlackListed boolean simple type Optional Indicates blacklisted carriers which are banned from servicing points to, from and within the European Community.
BookingDate date simple type Optional Used for rapid reprice. The date the booking was made. Providers: 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A
BrandIndicator string simple type Optional Value “B” specifies that the carrier supports Rich Content and Branding. The Brand Indicator is only returned in the availability search response. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
CabinClass string simple type Optional Specifies Cabin class for a group of class of services. Cabin class is not identified if it is not present.
Carrier string simple type Optional The carrier that is marketing this segment
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ClassOfService string simple type Optional
ETicketability string simple type Yes , No , Required , Ticketless Optional Identifies if this particular segment is E-Ticketable
Equipment string simple type Optional Identifies the equipment that this segment is operating under.
FlightNumber string simple type Optional The flight number under which the marketing carrier is marketing this flight
FlownSegment boolean simple type Optional false Used for rapid reprice. Tells whether or not the air segment has been flown. Providers: 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A
Group long simple type Required The Origin Destination Grouping of this segment.
GuaranteedPaymentCarrier string simple type Optional Identifies that this segment has Guaranteed Payment Carrier.
HostTokenRef string simple type Optional Identifies that this segment has Guaranteed Payment Carrier.
MarriageGroup long simple type Optional Identifies this segment as being a married segment. It is paired with other segments of the same value.
NumberInParty positiveInteger simple type Optional Number of person traveling in this air segment excluding the number of infants on lap.
NumberOfStops long simple type Optional Identifies the number of stops for each within the segment.
OpenSegment boolean simple type Optional Indicates OpenSegment when True
OperationalStatus string simple type Optional Refers to the flight operational status for the segment. This attribute will only be returned in the AvailabilitySearchRsp and not used/returned in any other request/responses. If this attribute is not returned back in the response, it means the flight is operational and not past scheduled departure.
OptionalServicesIndicator boolean simple type Optional Indicates true if flight provides optional services.
PassiveProviderReservationInfoRef string simple type Optional Provider reservation reference key.
ProviderReservationInfoRef string simple type Optional Provider reservation reference key.
RailCoachNumber string simple type Optional Coach number for which rail seatmap/coachmap is returned.
ScheduleChange boolean simple type Optional false Used for rapid reprice. Tells whether or not the air segment had a schedule change by the carrier. This tells rapid reprice that the change in the air segment was involuntary and because of a schedule change, not because the user is changing the segment. Providers: 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A
Seamless boolean simple type Optional Identifies that this segment was sold via a direct access channel to the marketing carrier.
ArrivalTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity arrives at the destination. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of arrival. The correct time zone offset is also included.
DepartureTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity departs. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of departure. The correct time zone offset is also included.
Destination string simple type Required The IATA location code for this destination of this entity.
Origin string simple type Required The IATA location code for this origination of this entity.
AvailabilityDisplayType string simple type Optional The type of availability from which the segment is sold.Possible Values (List): G - General S - Flight Specific L - Carrier Specific/Direct Access M - Manual Sell F - Fare Shop/Optimal Shop Q - Fare Specific Fare Quote unbooked R - Redemption Availability used to complete the sell. Supported Providers: 1G,1V.
LinkAvailability boolean simple type Optional Indicates if carrier has link (carrier specific) display option.
ParticipantLevel string simple type Optional Type of sell agreement between host and link carrier.
PolledAvailabilityOption string simple type Optional Indicates if carrier has Inside (polled)Availability option.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
Distance decimal simple type Optional The distance traveled. Units are specified in the parent response element.
FlightTime decimal simple type Optional Time spent (minutes) traveling in flight, including airport taxi time.
TravelTime decimal simple type Optional Total time spent (minutes) traveling including flight time and ground time.
SegmentRemark element A textual remark container to hold any printable text. (max 512 chars)
Key string simple type Required
SponsoredFltInfo element This describes whether the segment is determined to be a sponsored flight. The SponsoredFltInfo node will only come back for Travelport UIs and not for other customers.
FltKey string simple type Required The unique identifying key for the sponsored flight.
NeutralLNB integer simple type Required The neutral line number for the flight item.
SponsoredLNB integer simple type Required The line number of the sponsored flight item
CodeshareInfo element Describes the codeshare disclosure (simple text string) or the specific operating flight information (as attributes).
OperatingCarrier string simple type Optional The actual carrier that is operating the flight.
OperatingFlightNumber string simple type Optional The actual flight number of the carrier that is operating the flight.
AirAvailInfo element Matches class of service information with availability counts. Only provided on search results.
HostTokenRef string simple type Optional
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
BookingCodeInfo element Details Cabin class info and class of service information with availability counts. Only provided on search results and grouped by Cabin class
BookingCounts string simple type Optional Lists class of service and their counts for specific cabin class
CabinClass string simple type Optional Specifies Cabin class for a group of class of services. Cabin class is not identified if it is not present.
FareTokenInfo element Associates Fare with HostToken
FareInfoRef string simple type Required
HostTokenRef string simple type Required
FlightDetails element Specific details within a flight segment.
AutomatedCheckin boolean simple type Optional false “True” indicates that the flight allows automated check-in. The default is “False”.
DestinationTerminal string simple type Optional
Equipment string simple type Optional
GroundTime decimal simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
OnTimePerformance decimal simple type Optional Represents flight on time performance as a percentage from 0 to 100
OriginTerminal string simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ArrivalTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity arrives at the destination. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of arrival. The correct time zone offset is also included.
DepartureTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity departs. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of departure. The correct time zone offset is also included.
Destination string simple type Required The IATA location code for this destination of this entity.
Origin string simple type Required The IATA location code for this origination of this entity.
Distance decimal simple type Optional The distance traveled. Units are specified in the parent response element.
FlightTime decimal simple type Optional Time spent (minutes) traveling in flight, including airport taxi time.
TravelTime decimal simple type Optional Total time spent (minutes) traveling including flight time and ground time.
Connection element Flight Connection Information
ChangeOfAirport boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change airports between flights.
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ChangeOfTerminal boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change terminals between flights.
Duration long simple type Optional The actual duration (in minutes) between flights.
FlightDetailsIndex long simple type Optional The sequential FlightDetails number that this connection information applies to.
IncludeStopOverToFareQuote string simple type NoStopOver , StopOver , IgnoreSegment Optional The field determines to quote fares with or without stop overs,the values can be NoStopOver,StopOver and IgnoreSegment.
MinConnectionTime long simple type Optional The minimum time needed to connect between the two different destinations.
SegmentIndex long simple type Optional The sequential AirSegment number that this connection information applies to.
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
FareNote element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
FareInfoMessageRef string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
NoteName string simple type Optional
Precedence decimal simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
Meals typeMealService simple type Available Meal Service.
InFlightServices string simple type Available InFlight Services. They are: 'Movie', 'Telephone', 'Telex', 'AudioProgramming', 'Television' ,'ResvBookingService' ,'DutyFreeSales' ,'Smoking' ,'NonSmoking' ,'ShortFeatureVideo' ,'NoDutyFree' ,'InSeatPowerSource' ,'InternetAccess' ,'Email' ,'Library' ,'LieFlatSeat' ,'Additional service(s) exists' ,'WiFi' ,'Lie-Flat seat first' ,'Lie-Flat seat business' ,'Lie-Flat seat premium economy' ,'Amenities subject to change' etc.. These follow the IATA standard. Please see the IATA standards for a more complete list.
FlightDetailsRef element Reference to a complete FlightDetails from a shared list
Key string simple type Required
AlternateLocationDistanceRef element Reference to a AlternateLocationDistance
Key string simple type Required
Connection element Flight Connection Information
ChangeOfAirport boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change airports between flights.
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ChangeOfTerminal boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change terminals between flights.
Duration long simple type Optional The actual duration (in minutes) between flights.
FlightDetailsIndex long simple type Optional The sequential FlightDetails number that this connection information applies to.
IncludeStopOverToFareQuote string simple type NoStopOver , StopOver , IgnoreSegment Optional The field determines to quote fares with or without stop overs,the values can be NoStopOver,StopOver and IgnoreSegment.
MinConnectionTime long simple type Optional The minimum time needed to connect between the two different destinations.
SegmentIndex long simple type Optional The sequential AirSegment number that this connection information applies to.
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
FareNote element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
FareInfoMessageRef string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
NoteName string simple type Optional
Precedence decimal simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
SellMessage string simple type Sell Message from Vendor. This is applicable in response messages only, any input in request message will be ignored.
RailCoachDetails element Sell Message from Vendor. This is applicable in response messages only, any input in request message will be ignored.
AvailableRailSeats string simple type Optional Number of available seats present in this rail coach.
RailCoachNumber string simple type Optional Rail coach number for the returned coach details.
RailSeatMapAvailability boolean simple type Optional Indicates if seats are available in this rail coach which can be mapped.
HostToken element This is a host token. It contains some kind of payload we got from a hostthat must be passed in on successive calls they know who you are as our systemdoes not maintain state. The format of this string isn't important as long as itis not altered in any way between calls. Since a host token is only valid onthe host it is assocated with, there is also an attribute called Host so we knowhow to route the command(s). You can have multiple active sessions betweenone or more hosts
Host string simple type Optional The host associated with this token
Key anySimpleType simple type Optional Unique identifier for this token - use this key when a single HostToken is shared by multiple elements.
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
APISRequirements element Specific details for APIS Requirements.
DateOfBirthRequired boolean simple type Optional
GenderRequired boolean simple type Optional
Key anySimpleType simple type Optional Unique identifier for this APIS Requirements - use this key when a single APIS Requirements is shared by multiple elements.
Level string simple type Optional Applicability level of the Document. Required, Supported, API_Supported or Unknown
NationalityRequired boolean simple type Optional Nationality of the traveler is required for booking for some suppliers.
RequiredDocuments string simple type Optional What are required documents for the APIS Requirement. One, FirstAndOneOther or All
Document element APIS Document Details.
Level string simple type Optional Applicability level of the Document. Required, Supported, API_Supported or Unknown.
Sequence nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional Sequence number for the document.
Type string simple type Optional Type of the Document. Visa, Passport, DriverLicense etc.
AirPriceResult element A solution will be returned if one exists. Otherwise an error will be present
CommandKey string simple type Optional The command identifier used when this is in response to an AirPricingCommand. Not used in any request processing.
AirPricingSolution element The pricing container for an air travel itinerary
CompleteItinerary boolean simple type Optional true This attribute is used to return whether complete Itinerary is present in the AirPricingSolution structure or not. If set to true means AirPricingSolution contains the result for full requested itinerary.
Itinerary string simple type New , Original Optional For an exchange request this tells if the itinerary is the original one or new one. A value of Original will only apply to 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A. A value of New will apply to 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A/ACH.
Key string simple type Required
QuoteDate date simple type Optional This date will be equal to the date of the transaction unless the request included a modified ticket date.
ApproximateBasePrice string simple type Optional The Converted base price in Default Currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
ApproximateFees string simple type Optional The Converted fee amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTaxes string simple type Optional The Converted tax amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTotalPrice string simple type Optional The Converted total price in Default Currency for this entity including base price and all taxes.
BasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
EquivalentBasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price in the related currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
Fees string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the fees that are associated with this entity. See the associated FeeInfo array for a breakdown of the individual fees.
Services string simple type Optional The total cost for all optional services.
Taxes string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the taxes that are associated with this entity. See the associated TaxInfo array for a breakdown of the individual taxes.
TotalPrice string simple type Optional The total price for this entity including base price and all taxes.
AirSegment typeBaseAirSegment complex type An Air marketable travel segment.
Key string simple type Required
Passive boolean simple type Optional
ProviderSegmentOrder integer simple type Optional To identify the appropriate travel sequence for Air/Car/Hotel/Rail segments/reservations in the provider reservation.
Status string simple type Optional Status of this segment.
TravelOrder decimal simple type Optional To identify the appropriate travel sequence for Air/Car/Hotel segments/reservations based on travel dates. This ordering is applicable across the UR not provider or traveler specific
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
APISRequirementsRef string simple type Optional Reference to the APIS Requirements for this AirSegment.
AvailabilitySource string simple type Optional Indicates Availability source of AirSegment.
BlackListed boolean simple type Optional Indicates blacklisted carriers which are banned from servicing points to, from and within the European Community.
BookingDate date simple type Optional Used for rapid reprice. The date the booking was made. Providers: 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A
BrandIndicator string simple type Optional Value “B” specifies that the carrier supports Rich Content and Branding. The Brand Indicator is only returned in the availability search response. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
CabinClass string simple type Optional Specifies Cabin class for a group of class of services. Cabin class is not identified if it is not present.
Carrier string simple type Optional The carrier that is marketing this segment
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ClassOfService string simple type Optional
ETicketability string simple type Yes , No , Required , Ticketless Optional Identifies if this particular segment is E-Ticketable
Equipment string simple type Optional Identifies the equipment that this segment is operating under.
FlightNumber string simple type Optional The flight number under which the marketing carrier is marketing this flight
FlownSegment boolean simple type Optional false Used for rapid reprice. Tells whether or not the air segment has been flown. Providers: 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A
Group long simple type Required The Origin Destination Grouping of this segment.
GuaranteedPaymentCarrier string simple type Optional Identifies that this segment has Guaranteed Payment Carrier.
HostTokenRef string simple type Optional Identifies that this segment has Guaranteed Payment Carrier.
MarriageGroup long simple type Optional Identifies this segment as being a married segment. It is paired with other segments of the same value.
NumberInParty positiveInteger simple type Optional Number of person traveling in this air segment excluding the number of infants on lap.
NumberOfStops long simple type Optional Identifies the number of stops for each within the segment.
OpenSegment boolean simple type Optional Indicates OpenSegment when True
OperationalStatus string simple type Optional Refers to the flight operational status for the segment. This attribute will only be returned in the AvailabilitySearchRsp and not used/returned in any other request/responses. If this attribute is not returned back in the response, it means the flight is operational and not past scheduled departure.
OptionalServicesIndicator boolean simple type Optional Indicates true if flight provides optional services.
PassiveProviderReservationInfoRef string simple type Optional Provider reservation reference key.
ProviderReservationInfoRef string simple type Optional Provider reservation reference key.
RailCoachNumber string simple type Optional Coach number for which rail seatmap/coachmap is returned.
ScheduleChange boolean simple type Optional false Used for rapid reprice. Tells whether or not the air segment had a schedule change by the carrier. This tells rapid reprice that the change in the air segment was involuntary and because of a schedule change, not because the user is changing the segment. Providers: 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A
Seamless boolean simple type Optional Identifies that this segment was sold via a direct access channel to the marketing carrier.
ArrivalTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity arrives at the destination. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of arrival. The correct time zone offset is also included.
DepartureTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity departs. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of departure. The correct time zone offset is also included.
Destination string simple type Required The IATA location code for this destination of this entity.
Origin string simple type Required The IATA location code for this origination of this entity.
AvailabilityDisplayType string simple type Optional The type of availability from which the segment is sold.Possible Values (List): G - General S - Flight Specific L - Carrier Specific/Direct Access M - Manual Sell F - Fare Shop/Optimal Shop Q - Fare Specific Fare Quote unbooked R - Redemption Availability used to complete the sell. Supported Providers: 1G,1V.
LinkAvailability boolean simple type Optional Indicates if carrier has link (carrier specific) display option.
ParticipantLevel string simple type Optional Type of sell agreement between host and link carrier.
PolledAvailabilityOption string simple type Optional Indicates if carrier has Inside (polled)Availability option.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
Distance decimal simple type Optional The distance traveled. Units are specified in the parent response element.
FlightTime decimal simple type Optional Time spent (minutes) traveling in flight, including airport taxi time.
TravelTime decimal simple type Optional Total time spent (minutes) traveling including flight time and ground time.
SegmentRemark element A textual remark container to hold any printable text. (max 512 chars)
Key string simple type Required
SponsoredFltInfo element This describes whether the segment is determined to be a sponsored flight. The SponsoredFltInfo node will only come back for Travelport UIs and not for other customers.
FltKey string simple type Required The unique identifying key for the sponsored flight.
NeutralLNB integer simple type Required The neutral line number for the flight item.
SponsoredLNB integer simple type Required The line number of the sponsored flight item
CodeshareInfo element Describes the codeshare disclosure (simple text string) or the specific operating flight information (as attributes).
OperatingCarrier string simple type Optional The actual carrier that is operating the flight.
OperatingFlightNumber string simple type Optional The actual flight number of the carrier that is operating the flight.
AirAvailInfo element Matches class of service information with availability counts. Only provided on search results.
HostTokenRef string simple type Optional
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
BookingCodeInfo element Details Cabin class info and class of service information with availability counts. Only provided on search results and grouped by Cabin class
BookingCounts string simple type Optional Lists class of service and their counts for specific cabin class
CabinClass string simple type Optional Specifies Cabin class for a group of class of services. Cabin class is not identified if it is not present.
FareTokenInfo element Associates Fare with HostToken
FareInfoRef string simple type Required
HostTokenRef string simple type Required
FlightDetails element Specific details within a flight segment.
AutomatedCheckin boolean simple type Optional false “True” indicates that the flight allows automated check-in. The default is “False”.
DestinationTerminal string simple type Optional
Equipment string simple type Optional
GroundTime decimal simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
OnTimePerformance decimal simple type Optional Represents flight on time performance as a percentage from 0 to 100
OriginTerminal string simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ArrivalTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity arrives at the destination. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of arrival. The correct time zone offset is also included.
DepartureTime string simple type Optional The date and time at which this entity departs. Date and time are represented as Airport Local Time at the place of departure. The correct time zone offset is also included.
Destination string simple type Required The IATA location code for this destination of this entity.
Origin string simple type Required The IATA location code for this origination of this entity.
Distance decimal simple type Optional The distance traveled. Units are specified in the parent response element.
FlightTime decimal simple type Optional Time spent (minutes) traveling in flight, including airport taxi time.
TravelTime decimal simple type Optional Total time spent (minutes) traveling including flight time and ground time.
Connection element Flight Connection Information
ChangeOfAirport boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change airports between flights.
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ChangeOfTerminal boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change terminals between flights.
Duration long simple type Optional The actual duration (in minutes) between flights.
FlightDetailsIndex long simple type Optional The sequential FlightDetails number that this connection information applies to.
IncludeStopOverToFareQuote string simple type NoStopOver , StopOver , IgnoreSegment Optional The field determines to quote fares with or without stop overs,the values can be NoStopOver,StopOver and IgnoreSegment.
MinConnectionTime long simple type Optional The minimum time needed to connect between the two different destinations.
SegmentIndex long simple type Optional The sequential AirSegment number that this connection information applies to.
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
FareNote element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
FareInfoMessageRef string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
NoteName string simple type Optional
Precedence decimal simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
Meals typeMealService simple type Available Meal Service.
InFlightServices string simple type Available InFlight Services. They are: 'Movie', 'Telephone', 'Telex', 'AudioProgramming', 'Television' ,'ResvBookingService' ,'DutyFreeSales' ,'Smoking' ,'NonSmoking' ,'ShortFeatureVideo' ,'NoDutyFree' ,'InSeatPowerSource' ,'InternetAccess' ,'Email' ,'Library' ,'LieFlatSeat' ,'Additional service(s) exists' ,'WiFi' ,'Lie-Flat seat first' ,'Lie-Flat seat business' ,'Lie-Flat seat premium economy' ,'Amenities subject to change' etc.. These follow the IATA standard. Please see the IATA standards for a more complete list.
FlightDetailsRef element Reference to a complete FlightDetails from a shared list
Key string simple type Required
AlternateLocationDistanceRef element Reference to a AlternateLocationDistance
Key string simple type Required
Connection element Flight Connection Information
ChangeOfAirport boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change airports between flights.
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ChangeOfTerminal boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change terminals between flights.
Duration long simple type Optional The actual duration (in minutes) between flights.
FlightDetailsIndex long simple type Optional The sequential FlightDetails number that this connection information applies to.
IncludeStopOverToFareQuote string simple type NoStopOver , StopOver , IgnoreSegment Optional The field determines to quote fares with or without stop overs,the values can be NoStopOver,StopOver and IgnoreSegment.
MinConnectionTime long simple type Optional The minimum time needed to connect between the two different destinations.
SegmentIndex long simple type Optional The sequential AirSegment number that this connection information applies to.
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
FareNote element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
FareInfoMessageRef string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
NoteName string simple type Optional
Precedence decimal simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
SellMessage string simple type Sell Message from Vendor. This is applicable in response messages only, any input in request message will be ignored.
RailCoachDetails element Sell Message from Vendor. This is applicable in response messages only, any input in request message will be ignored.
AvailableRailSeats string simple type Optional Number of available seats present in this rail coach.
RailCoachNumber string simple type Optional Rail coach number for the returned coach details.
RailSeatMapAvailability boolean simple type Optional Indicates if seats are available in this rail coach which can be mapped.
AirSegmentRef element Reference to a complete AirSegment from a shared list
Key string simple type Required
Journey element Information about all connecting segment list and total traveling time
TravelTime duration simple type Optional Total traveling time that is difference between the departure time of the first segment and the arrival time of the last segments for that particular entire set of connection.
AirSegmentRef element Reference to a complete AirSegment from a shared list
Key string simple type Required
LegRef element Reference to a Leg
Key string simple type Required
AirPricingInfo element Per traveler type pricing breakdown. This will reflect the pricing for all travelers of the specified type.
AirPricingInfoGroup long simple type Optional This attribute is added to support multiple store fare in Host. All AirPricingInfo with same group number will be stored together.
AmountType string simple type Optional This field displays type of payment amount when it is non-monetary. Presently available/supported value is "Flight Pass Credits".
Cat35Indicator boolean simple type Optional A true value indicates that the fare has a Cat35 rule. A false valud indicates that the fare does not have a Cat35 rule
Checksum string simple type Optional A security value used to guarantee that the pricing data sent in matches the pricing data previously returned
CommandKey string simple type Optional The command identifier used when this is in response to an AirPricingCommand. Not used in any request processing.
Destination string simple type Optional The IATA location code for this destination of this entity.
ETicketability string simple type Yes , No , Required , Ticketless Optional The E-Ticketability of this AirPricing
ExchangeAmount string simple type Optional The amount to pay to cover the exchange of the fare (includes penalties).
Exchangeable boolean simple type Optional Indicates whether the fare is exchangeable
FareCalculationInd string simple type Optional Fare calculation that was used to price the itinerary.
ForfeitAmount string simple type Optional The amount forfeited when the fare is exchanged.
IncludesVAT boolean simple type Optional Indicates whether the Base Price includes VAT.
Key string simple type Required
LatestTicketingTime string simple type Optional The latest date/time at which this pricing information is valid
Origin string simple type Optional The IATA location code for this origination of this entity.
PlatingCarrier string simple type Optional The Plating Carrier for this journey
PricingMethod string simple type Auto , Manual , ManualFare , Guaranteed , Invalid , Restored , Ticketed , Unticketable , Reprice , Expired , AutoUsingPrivateFare , GuaranteedUsingAirlinePrivateFare , Airline , AgentAssisted , VerifyPrice , AltSegmentRemovedReprice , AuxiliarySegmentRemovedReprice , DuplicateSegmentRemovedReprice , Unknown , GuaranteedUsingAgencyPrivateFare , AutoRapidReprice Required
PricingType string simple type Optional Indicates the Pricing Type used. The possible values are TicketRecord, StoredFare, PricingInstruction.
ProviderReservationInfoRef string simple type Optional Provider reservation reference key.
Refundable boolean simple type Optional Indicates whether the fare is refundable
Ticketed boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the associated stored fare is ticketed or not.
TotalNetPrice string simple type Optional The total price of a negotiated fare.
TrueLastDateToTicket string simple type Optional This date indicates the true last date/time to ticket for the fare. This date comes from the filed fare . There is no guarantee the fare will still be available on that date or that the fare amount may change. It is merely the last date to purchase a ticket based on the carriers fare rules at the time the itinerary was quoted and stored
InPolicy boolean simple type Optional This attribute will be used to indicate if a fare or rate has been determined to be ‘in policy’ based on the associated policy settings.
PreferredOption boolean simple type Optional This attribute is used to indicate if the vendors responsible for the fare or rate being returned have been determined to be ‘preferred’ based on the associated policy settings.
ApproximateBasePrice string simple type Optional The Converted base price in Default Currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
ApproximateFees string simple type Optional The Converted fee amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTaxes string simple type Optional The Converted tax amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTotalPrice string simple type Optional The Converted total price in Default Currency for this entity including base price and all taxes.
BasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
EquivalentBasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price in the related currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
Fees string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the fees that are associated with this entity. See the associated FeeInfo array for a breakdown of the individual fees.
Services string simple type Optional The total cost for all optional services.
Taxes string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the taxes that are associated with this entity. See the associated TaxInfo array for a breakdown of the individual taxes.
TotalPrice string simple type Optional The total price for this entity including base price and all taxes.
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
FareInfo element Information about this fare component
Amount string simple type Optional
BulkTicket boolean simple type Optional Whether the ticket can be issued as bulk for this fare. Providers supported: Worldspan
CarCode string simple type Optional
DepartureDate date simple type Optional Returns the departure date of the first segment of the journey.
Destination string simple type Required Returns the airport or city code that defines the destination market for this fare.
EffectiveDate string simple type Required Returns the date on which this fare was quoted
FareBasis string simple type Required The fare basis code for this fare
FareFamily string simple type Optional An alpha-numeric string which denotes fare family. Some carriers may return this in lieu of or in addition to the CabinClass.
InclusiveTour boolean simple type Optional Whether the ticket can be issued as part of included package for this fare. Providers supported: Worldspan
Key string simple type Required
NegotiatedFare boolean simple type Optional Identifies the fare as a Negotiated Fare.
NotValidAfter date simple type Optional Fare not valid after this date.
NotValidBefore date simple type Optional Fare not valid before this date.
Origin string simple type Required Returns the airport or city code that defines the origin market for this fare.
PassengerTypeCode string simple type Required The PTC that is associated with this fare.
PrivateFare string simple type UnknownType , PrivateFare , AgencyPrivateFare , AirlinePrivateFare Optional
PromotionalFare boolean simple type Optional Boolean to describe whether the Fare is Promotional fare or not.
PseudoCityCode string simple type Optional Provider PseudoCityCode associated with private fare.
SupplierCode string simple type Optional Code of the provider returning this fare info
TaxAmount string simple type Optional Currency code and value for the approximate tax amount for this fare component.
TourCode string simple type Optional
TravelDate date simple type Optional Returns the departure date of the first segment that uses this fare.
Value string simple type Optional Used in rapid reprice
ValueCode string simple type Optional
WaiverCode string simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
FareTicketDesignator element Ticket Designator used to further qualify a Fare
Value string simple type Optional
TicketingCode element Ticketing Code used to apply commissions.
Value string simple type Optional
FareSurcharge element Surcharges for a fare component
Amount string simple type Required
CouponRef string simple type Optional The coupon to which that surcharge is relative (if applicable)
Key string simple type Optional
SegmentRef string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Required
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
AccountCode element Account Code is used to get Private Fares.If ProviderCode or SupplierCode is not specified,it will be considered a default AccounCode to be sent to all the Providers or Suppliers.
Code string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Optional An identifier to categorize this account code. For example, FlightPass for AC Flight Pass or RFB for AC corporate Rewards for Business.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
ContractCode element Some private fares (non-ATPCO) are secured to a contract code.
Code string simple type Required The 1-64 character string which uniquely identifies a Contract.
CompanyName string simple type Optional Providers supported : ACH
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
Endorsement element Restrictions or instructions about the fare or ticket
Value string simple type Required
BaggageAllowance element Free Baggage Allowance
NumberOfPieces integer simple type Free Baggage Allowance
MaxWeight typeWeight complex type Free Baggage Allowance
Unit string simple type Kilograms , Pounds Optional
Value decimal simple type Optional
FareRuleKey element The Fare Rule requested using a Key. The key is typically a provider specific string which is required to make a following Air Fare Rule Request. This Key is returned in Low Fare Shop or Air Price Response
FareInfoRef string simple type Required The Fare Component to which this Rule Key applies
ProviderCode string simple type Required
FareRuleFailureInfo element Returns fare rule failure reason codes when fare basis code is forced.
Reason typeFareRuleFailureInfoReason simple type Returns fare rule failure reason codes when fare basis code is forced.
FareRemarkRef element Returns fare rule failure reason codes when fare basis code is forced.
Key string simple type Required
Brand element Commercially recognized product offered by an airline
AirItineraryDetailsRef string simple type Optional AirItinerary associated with this brand
BrandFound boolean simple type Optional Indicates whether brand for the fare was found for carrier or not
BrandID string simple type Optional The unique identifier of the brand
BrandMaintained string simple type Optional Indicates whether the brand was maintained from the original ticket.
BrandTier string simple type Optional Modifier to price by specific brand tier number.
BrandedDetailsAvailable boolean simple type Optional Indicates if full details of the brand is available
Carrier string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional Brand Key
Name string simple type Optional The Title of the brand
UpSellBrandFound boolean simple type Optional Indicates whether upsell brand for the fare was found for carrier or not
UpSellBrandID string simple type Optional
Title typeTextElement complex type The additional titles associated to the brand or optional service. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
Text typeTextElement complex type Type of Text, Eg-'Upsell','Marketing Agent','Marketing Consumer','Strapline','Rule'.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
ImageLocation element
ImageHeight integer simple type Required The height of the image
ImageWidth integer simple type Required The width of the image
Type string simple type Required Type of Image Location. E.g., "Agent", "Consumer".
OptionalServices element A wrapper for all the information regarding each of the Optional services
OptionalServicesTotal element The total fares, fees and taxes associated with the Optional Services
ApproximateBasePrice string simple type Optional The Converted base price in Default Currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
ApproximateFees string simple type Optional The Converted fee amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTaxes string simple type Optional The Converted tax amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTotalPrice string simple type Optional The Converted total price in Default Currency for this entity including base price and all taxes.
BasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
EquivalentBasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price in the related currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
Fees string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the fees that are associated with this entity. See the associated FeeInfo array for a breakdown of the individual fees.
Services string simple type Optional The total cost for all optional services.
Taxes string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the taxes that are associated with this entity. See the associated TaxInfo array for a breakdown of the individual taxes.
TotalPrice string simple type Optional The total price for this entity including base price and all taxes.
TaxInfo typeTaxInfo complex type The tax information for a
CarrierDefinedCategory string simple type Optional Optional category, where a carrier has used a non-standard IATA tax category. The tax category will be set to "DU"
Category string simple type Required The tax category represents a valid IATA tax code.
CouponRef string simple type Optional The coupon to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
FlightDetailsRef string simple type Optional The flight details that this tax is relative to (if applicable)
Key string simple type Optional The tax key represents a valid key of tax
ProviderCode string simple type Optional Code of the provider returning this TaxInfo.
SegmentRef string simple type Optional The segment to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
SupplierCode string simple type Optional Code of the supplier returning this TaxInfo.
TaxExempted boolean simple type Optional This indicates whether the tax specified by tax category is exempted.
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
TaxDetail element The tax idetail nformation for a fare quote tax.
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
FeeInfo typeFeeInfo complex type A generic type of fee for those charges which are incurred by the passenger, but not necessarily shown on tickets
Amount string simple type Required
BaseAmount string simple type Optional
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to booking traveler
Code string simple type Required
Description string simple type Optional
FeeToken string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
PassengerTypeCode string simple type Optional
PaymentRef string simple type Optional The reference to the one of the air reservation payments if fee included in charge
SubCode string simple type Optional
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
TaxInfoRef element This reference elements will associate relevant taxes to this fee
Key string simple type Required
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
OptionalService element this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
ApplicableFFLevel integer simple type Optional Numerical value of the loyalty card level for which this service is available.
AssessIndicator string simple type MileageAndCurrency , MileageOrCurrency Optional Indicates whether price is assessed by mileage or currency or both
Available boolean simple type Optional Boolean to describe whether the Service is available for sale or not
BaggageUnitPrice string simple type Optional The per unit price of baggage. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P
BookedQuantity string simple type Optional Indicates the Optional Service quantity already booked. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P
Chargeable string simple type Optional Indicates if the optional service is not offered, is available for a charge, or is included in the brand
Confirmation string simple type Optional Confirmation number provided by the supplier
CreateDate dateTime simple type Optional Timestamp when this service/offer got created.
DisplayOrder integer simple type Optional Optional service group display order.
DisplayText string simple type Optional Title of the Optional Service. Provider: ACH
Entitled boolean simple type Optional Boolean to describe whether the passenger is entitled for the service without charge or not
ExcessWeightRate string simple type Optional The cost of the bag per unit weight.
FirstPiece long simple type Optional Indicates the minimum occurrence of excess baggage.Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P.
GeographySpecification string simple type Optional Sector, Portion, Journey.
Group string simple type Optional Associates Optional Services with the same ServiceSub Code, Air Segment, Passenger, and EMD Associated Item. Provider:1G, 1V, 1P
InclusiveOfTax boolean simple type Optional Identifies if the service was filed with a fee that is inclusive of tax.
InterlineSettlementAllowed boolean simple type Optional Identifies if the interline settlement is allowed in service .
IsPricingApproximate boolean simple type Optional When set to True indicates that the pricing returned is approximate. Supported providers are MCH/ACH
IsRepriceRequired boolean simple type Optional false When set to “true”, the Optional Service must be re-priced. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P
IssuanceReason string simple type Optional A one-letter code specifying the reason for issuance of the OptionalService
Key string simple type Optional
LastPiece long simple type Optional Indicates the maximum occurrence of excess baggage. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P.
Mileage decimal simple type Optional Indicates mileage fee/amount
OptionalServicesRuleRef string simple type Optional UniqueID to associate a rule to the Optional Service
PaymentRef string simple type Optional Reference to a payment for merchandising services.
PerTraveler boolean simple type Optional true Boolean to describe whether the Amount on the Service is charged per traveler.
Priority decimal simple type Optional Numeric value that represents the priority order of the Service
Private boolean simple type Optional Describes if service is private or not.
ProviderDefinedType string simple type Optional Original Type as sent by the provider
PseudoCityCode string simple type Optional The PCC or SID that booked the Optional Service.
PurchaseWindow string simple type BookingOnly , TicketingOnly , CheckInOnly , Anytime , PostTicketing Optional Describes when the Service is available for confirmation or purchase (e.g. Booking Only, Check-in Only, Anytime, etc.)
Quantity decimal simple type Optional The number of units availed for each optional service (e.g. 2 baggage availed will be specified as 2 in quantity for optional service BAGGAGE)
Restricted boolean simple type Optional false When set to “true”, the Optional Service is restricted by an embargo. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P
SSRCode string simple type Optional The SSR Code associated with the OptionalService
SSRFreeText string simple type Optional Certain SSR types sent in OptionalService SSRCode require a free text message. For example, PETC Pet in Cabin.
SecondaryType string simple type Optional The secondary option code type required for certain options
SequenceNumber decimal simple type Optional The sequence number associated with the OptionalService
ServiceStatus string simple type Optional Specify the service status (e.g. active, canceled, etc.)
ServiceSubCode string simple type Optional The service subcode associated with the OptionalService
Source string simple type Optional The Source of the optional service. The source can be ACH, MCE, or MCH.
Tag string simple type Optional Optional service group name.
TotalWeight string simple type Optional The total weight of a bag. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P
Type string simple type Required Specify the type of service offered (e.g. seats, baggage, etc.)
ViewableOnly boolean simple type Optional Describes if the OptionalService is viewable only or not. If viewable only then the service cannot be sold.
WeightInExcess string simple type Optional The excess weight of a bag. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ApproximateBasePrice string simple type Optional The Converted base price in Default Currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
ApproximateFees string simple type Optional The Converted fee amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTaxes string simple type Optional The Converted tax amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTotalPrice string simple type Optional The Converted total price in Default Currency for this entity including base price and all taxes.
BasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
EquivalentBasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price in the related currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
Fees string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the fees that are associated with this entity. See the associated FeeInfo array for a breakdown of the individual fees.
Services string simple type Optional The total cost for all optional services.
Taxes string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the taxes that are associated with this entity. See the associated TaxInfo array for a breakdown of the individual taxes.
TotalPrice string simple type Optional The total price for this entity including base price and all taxes.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
ServiceData element
AirSegmentRef string simple type Optional Reference to a segment if the merchandising offering only pertains to that segment. If no segment reference is present this means this offering is for the whole itinerary.
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to a passenger if the merchandising offering only pertains to that passenger. If no passenger reference is present this means this offering is for all passengers.
Data string simple type Optional Data that specifies the details of the merchandising offering (e.g. seat number for seat service)
EMDCouponRef string simple type Optional Reference to the corresponding EMD coupon issued. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
EMDSummaryRef string simple type Optional Reference to the corresponding EMD issued. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
TravelerType string simple type Optional Passenger Type Code.
SeatAttributes element Identifies the seat attribute of the service.
SeatAttribute element Identifies the seat attribute of the service.
Value string simple type Required
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
SSRRef typeKeyBasedReference complex type References to the related SSRs. At present, only reference to ASVC SSR is supported. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
Key string simple type Required
ServiceInfo element
Description string simple type Description of the Service. Usually used in tandem with one or more media items.
MediaItem element Photos and other media urls for the property referenced above.
caption string simple type Optional
height integer simple type Optional
icon anyURI simple type Optional
sizeCode string simple type Optional
type string simple type Optional
url anyURI simple type Optional
width integer simple type Optional
Remark element A textual remark container to hold any printable text. (max 512 chars)
Key string simple type Optional
TaxInfo typeTaxInfo complex type The tax information for a
CarrierDefinedCategory string simple type Optional Optional category, where a carrier has used a non-standard IATA tax category. The tax category will be set to "DU"
Category string simple type Required The tax category represents a valid IATA tax code.
CouponRef string simple type Optional The coupon to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
FlightDetailsRef string simple type Optional The flight details that this tax is relative to (if applicable)
Key string simple type Optional The tax key represents a valid key of tax
ProviderCode string simple type Optional Code of the provider returning this TaxInfo.
SegmentRef string simple type Optional The segment to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
SupplierCode string simple type Optional Code of the supplier returning this TaxInfo.
TaxExempted boolean simple type Optional This indicates whether the tax specified by tax category is exempted.
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
TaxDetail element The tax idetail nformation for a fare quote tax.
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
FeeInfo typeFeeInfo complex type A generic type of fee for those charges which are incurred by the passenger, but not necessarily shown on tickets
Amount string simple type Required
BaseAmount string simple type Optional
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to booking traveler
Code string simple type Required
Description string simple type Optional
FeeToken string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
PassengerTypeCode string simple type Optional
PaymentRef string simple type Optional The reference to the one of the air reservation payments if fee included in charge
SubCode string simple type Optional
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
TaxInfoRef element This reference elements will associate relevant taxes to this fee
Key string simple type Required
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
EMD element this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
AssociatedItem string simple type Optional The type of Optional Service. The choices are Flight, Ticket, Merchandising, Rule Buster, Allowance, Chargeable Baggage, Carry On Baggage Allowance, Prepaid Baggage. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P
AvailabilityChargeIndicator string simple type X , E , F , G , H Optional A one-letter code specifying whether the service is available or if there is a charge associated with it. X = Service not available F = No charge for service (free) and an EMD is not issued to reflect free service E = No charge for service (free) and an EMD is issued to reflect the free service. G = No charge for service (free), booking is not required and an EMD is not issued to reflect free service H = No charge for service (free), booking is not required, and an EMD is issued to reflect the free service. Blank = No application. Charges apply according to the data in the Service Fee fields.
Booking typeBooking simple type Optional Holds the booking description for the service, e.g., SSR.
Commissionable boolean simple type Optional True/False value to whether or not the service is comissionable.
Date dateTime simple type Optional The date at which the service will be used.
DisplayCategory typeDisplayCategory simple type Optional Describes when the service should be displayed.
FulfillmentType integer simple type Optional A one digit code specifying how the service must be fulfilled. See FulfillmentTypeDescription for the description of this value.
FulfillmentTypeDescription string simple type Optional EMD description.
Location typeIATACode simple type Optional 3 letter location code where the service will be availed.
MileageIndicator boolean simple type Optional True/False value to whether or not the service has miles.
RefundReissueIndicator string simple type Refundable , NonRefundable , Reuse Optional An attribute specifying whether the service is refundable or reissuable.
Reusable boolean simple type Optional Identifies if the service can be re-used towards a future purchase.
BundledServices element Identifies if the service can be re-used towards a future purchase.
BundledService element Displays the services bundled together
Booking typeBooking simple type Optional Booking method for the bundled service, e..g SSR.
Carrier string simple type Optional Carrier the service is applicable.
CarrierSubCode boolean simple type Optional Carrier sub code. True means the carrier used their own sub code. False means the carrier used an ATPCO sub code
Name string simple type Optional Name of the bundled service.
Occurrence nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional How many of the service are included in the bundled service.
ServiceSubCode string simple type Optional The sub code of the service, e.g. OAA for Pre paid baggage
ServiceType string simple type Optional The type of service or what the service is used for, e.g. F type is flight type, meaning the service is used on a flight
AdditionalInfo element The type of service or what the service is used for, e.g. F type is flight type, meaning the service is used on a flight
Category string simple type Required The category code is the code the AdditionalInfo text came from, e.g. S5 or S7.
FeeApplication element The category code is the code the AdditionalInfo text came from, e.g. S5 or S7.
Code string simple type Optional The code associated to the fee application. The choices are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, K, F
Text typeTextElement complex type Type of Text, Eg-'Upsell','Marketing Agent','Marketing Consumer','Strapline','Rule'.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
PriceRange element
DefaultCurrency boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the currency code of StartPrice / EndPrice is the default currency code
EndPrice string simple type Optional Price range end value
StartPrice string simple type Optional Price range start value
TourCode element Tour Code Fare Basis
Value string simple type Required
BrandingInfo element Branding information for the Ancillary Service. Returned in Seat Map only. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
Chargeable string simple type Optional Indicates if the optional service is not offered, is available for a charge, or is included in the brand. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
CommercialName string simple type Required The commercial name of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
ExternalServiceName string simple type Optional The external name of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
Key string simple type Optional
ServiceSubCode string simple type Optional The Service Sub Code of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
ServiceType string simple type Optional The type of Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
PriceRange element The type of Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
DefaultCurrency boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the currency code of StartPrice / EndPrice is the default currency code
EndPrice string simple type Optional Price range end value
StartPrice string simple type Optional Price range start value
Text typeTextElement complex type Type of Text, Eg-'Upsell','Marketing Agent','Marketing Consumer','Strapline','Rule'.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
Title typeTextElement complex type The additional titles associated to the brand or optional service. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
ImageLocation element
ImageHeight integer simple type Required The height of the image
ImageWidth integer simple type Required The width of the image
Type string simple type Required Type of Image Location. E.g., "Agent", "Consumer".
ServiceGroup element The Service Group of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
Code string simple type Required The Service Group Code of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
ServiceSubGroup element The Service Sub Group of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
Code string simple type Optional The Service Sub Group Code of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
AirSegmentRef typeSegmentRef complex type Specifies the AirSegment the branding information is for. Providers: ACH, 1G, 1V, 1P
Key string simple type Required
Title typeTextElement complex type The additional titles associated to the brand or optional service. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
GroupedOptionInfo element
GroupedOption element
OptionalServiceRef string simple type Required Reference to a optionalService which is paired with other optional services in the parent PairedOptions element.
OptionalServiceRules ServiceRuleType complex type Holds the rules for selecting the optional service in the itinerary
Key string simple type Required Unique ID to identify an optional service rule
ApplicationRules element The rules to apply the rule to the itinerary
RequiredForAllSegments boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option needs to be applied to all segments in the itinerary if selected
RequiredForAllSegmentsInOD boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option needs to be applied to all segments in a origin / destination (connection flights) if selected for one segment in the OD
RequiredForAllTravelers boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option needs to be applied to all travelers in the itinerary if selected
SecondaryOptionCodeRequired boolean simple type Optional If set to true, the secondary option code is required for this option
UnselectedOptionRequired boolean simple type Optional If an UnselectedOption is present in the option, then the Unselected option needs to be selected even if the option is not selected when this flag is set to true
ApplicationLevel element Lists the levels where the option is applied in the itinerary. Some options are applied for the entire itinerary, some for entire segments, etc.
ApplicableLevels anonymous simple type Optional Indicates the level in the itinerary when the option is applied.
ProviderDefinedApplicableLevels string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
ApplicationLimits element Adds the limits on the number of options that can be selected for a particular type
ApplicationLimit OptionalServiceApplicationLimitType complex type The application limits for a particular level
ApplicableLevel string simple type Itinerary , Passenger , Segment , PassengerSegment , PassengerOD , Other Required Indicates the applicable level for the option
MaximumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Required The maximum quantity allowed for the type
MinimumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional Indicates the minimum number of the option that can be selected.
ProviderDefinedApplicableLevels string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
ServiceData element Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
AirSegmentRef string simple type Optional Reference to a segment if the merchandising offering only pertains to that segment. If no segment reference is present this means this offering is for the whole itinerary.
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to a passenger if the merchandising offering only pertains to that passenger. If no passenger reference is present this means this offering is for all passengers.
Data string simple type Optional Data that specifies the details of the merchandising offering (e.g. seat number for seat service)
EMDCouponRef string simple type Optional Reference to the corresponding EMD coupon issued. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
EMDSummaryRef string simple type Optional Reference to the corresponding EMD issued. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
TravelerType string simple type Optional Passenger Type Code.
SeatAttributes element Identifies the seat attribute of the service.
SeatAttribute element Identifies the seat attribute of the service.
Value string simple type Required
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
SSRRef typeKeyBasedReference complex type References to the related SSRs. At present, only reference to ASVC SSR is supported. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
Key string simple type Required
ModifyRules element Groups the modification rules for the Option
ProviderDefinedModificationType string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined modification type which is mapped to Other
SupportedModifications anonymous simple type Optional Lists the supported modifications for the itinerary.
ModifyRule element Indicates modification rules for the particular modification type.
AutomaticallyAppliedOnAdd boolean simple type Optional false Indicates if the option will be automatically added to new segments / passengers in the itinerary.
CanAdd boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option can be added to the itinerary without segment or passenger modification
CanDelete boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option can be deleted from the itinerary without segment or passenger modifications
Modification NMTOKEN simple type AddSegment , RemoveSegment , ReplaceSegment , AddPassenger , RemovePassenger , OptionsOnly , Other Required The modificaiton for which this rule group applies.
ProviderDefinedModificationType string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined modification type which is mapped to Other
Refundable boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the price of the option is refundable.
SecondaryTypeRules element Lists the supported Secondary Codes for the optional / additional service.
SecondaryTypeRule element Lists a single secondary code for the optional / additional service.
SecondaryType string simple type Required The unique type to associate a secondary type in an optional service
ApplicationLimit OptionalServiceApplicationLimitType complex type The unique type to associate a secondary type in an optional service
ApplicableLevel string simple type Itinerary , Passenger , Segment , PassengerSegment , PassengerOD , Other Required Indicates the applicable level for the option
MaximumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Required The maximum quantity allowed for the type
MinimumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional Indicates the minimum number of the option that can be selected.
ProviderDefinedApplicableLevels string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
Remarks FormattedTextTextType complex type Adds text remarks / rules for the optional / additional service
Formatted boolean simple type Optional Textual information, which may be formatted as a line of information, or unformatted, as a paragraph of text.
TextFormat NMTOKEN simple type PlainText , HTML Optional Indicates the format of text used in the description e.g. unformatted or html.
Language token simple type Optional Language identification.
Rules element Language identification.
RulesText string simple type Rules text
ServiceAssociations element Rules text
ApplicableSegment element Applicable air segment associated with this brand.
Key string simple type Optional Applicable air segment key
ResponseMessage element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
Code decimal simple type Required
Type string simple type Warning , Error , Info Optional Indicates the type of message (Warning, Error, Info)
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
OptionalServiceRef typeRef simple type Reference to optional service
UpsellBrand element Upsell brand reference
FareBasis string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
ApplicableSegment typeApplicableSegment complex type
AirItineraryDetailsRef string simple type Optional
BookingCounts string simple type Optional Classes of service and their counts.
Key string simple type Required
DefaultBrandDetail typeDefaultBrandDetail complex type Applicable air segment.
BrandID string simple type Optional The unique identifier of the brand
Text typeTextElement complex type Type of Text, Eg-'Upsell','Marketing Agent','Marketing Consumer','Strapline','Rule'.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
ImageLocation element
ImageHeight integer simple type Required The height of the image
ImageWidth integer simple type Required The width of the image
Type string simple type Required Type of Image Location. E.g., "Agent", "Consumer".
ApplicableSegment typeApplicableSegment complex type Applicable air segment.
AirItineraryDetailsRef string simple type Optional
BookingCounts string simple type Optional Classes of service and their counts.
Key string simple type Required
Commission element Identifies the agency commission
Amount string simple type Optional The monetary amount of the commission.
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional A reference to a passenger.
CommissionOverride boolean simple type Optional false This is enabled to override CAT-35 commission error during air ticketing. PROVIDER SUPPORTED:Worldspan
Key string simple type Optional
Level string simple type Recalled , Fare , Penalty Required The commission percentage level.
Modifier string simple type FarePercent , FareAmount , CommissionAmount , LessStandardCommission , StandardPlusSupplementaryPercent , SupplementaryPercent , SupplementaryAmount Optional Optional commission modifier.
Percentage string simple type Optional The percent of the commission.
Type string simple type Flat , PercentBase , PercentTotal Required The commission type.
Value string simple type Optional Contains alphanumeric or alpha characters intended as 1G Value Code as applicable by BSP of client.
FareAttributes string simple type Returns all fare attributes separated by pipe ‘|’. Attribute information is returned by comma separated values for each attribute. These information include attribute number, chargeable indicator and supplementary info. Attribute numbers: 1 - Checked Bag, 2 - Carry On, 3 - Rebooking, 4 - Refund, 5 - Seats, 6 - Meals, 7 - WiFi. Chargeable Indicator: Y - Chargeable, N - Not Chargeable. Supplementary Information that will be returned is : For 1 and 2 - Baggage weights. For 3 – Changeable Info. For 4 – Refundable Info. For 5 - Seat description. For 6 – Meal description. For 7 – WiFi description. Example: 1,Y,23|1,N,50|2,N,8|3,N,CHANGEABLE|4,Y,REFUNDABLE|5,N,SEATING|5,N,MIDDLE|6,Y,SOFT DRINK|6,N,ALCOHOLIC DRINK|6,Y,SNACK|7,X,WIFI
ChangePenalty typeFarePenalty complex type The penalty (if any) to change the itinerary
NoShow boolean simple type Optional The No Show penalty (if any) to change/cancel the fare.
PenaltyApplies string simple type Anytime , Before Departure , After Departure Optional
Amount typeMoney simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed as the actual amount of money. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
Percentage typePercentageWithDecimal simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed in percentage. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
CancelPenalty typeFarePenalty complex type The penalty (if any) to cancel the fare
NoShow boolean simple type Optional The No Show penalty (if any) to change/cancel the fare.
PenaltyApplies string simple type Anytime , Before Departure , After Departure Optional
Amount typeMoney simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed as the actual amount of money. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
Percentage typePercentageWithDecimal simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed in percentage. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
FareRulesFilter element Fare Rules Filter about this fare component. Applicable Providers are 1P,1G,1V.
Refundability element Refundability/Penalty Fare Rules about this fare component.
Value string simple type Required Currently returned: FullyRefundable (1G,1V), RefundableWithPenalty (1G,1V), Refundable (1P), NonRefundable (1G,1V,1P).Refundable.
LatestTicketingTime dateTime simple type For Future Use
CHG CHGType complex type For Penalties
PenFee PenFeeType complex type For Penalties
AirVFee boolean simple type Optional Carrier fee. True if carrier fee is assessed should passenger for complete all conditions for travel at fare. False if it does not exist.
Amt decimal simple type Optional Amount of penalty. If XXX.XX then it is an amount. If it is XX then is is a percenatge. Eg 100.00 or 000100.
Applicable boolean simple type Optional Applicable. True if amount specified is applicable. Flase if amount specified is not applicable.
ApplicableTo boolean simple type Optional Applicable to penalty or deposit. True if amount specified applies to penalty. False if amount specified applies to deposit.
Cancellation boolean simple type Optional Cancellation. True if subject to penalty. False if no penalty.
Currency string simple type Optional Currency code of penalty (e.g. USD).
DepNonRef boolean simple type Optional Deposit non-refundable. True is non-refundanbe. False is refundable.
DepRequired boolean simple type Optional Deposit required. True if require. False if not required.
FailConfirmSpace boolean simple type Optional Failure to confirm space. True if subject to penalty if seats are not confirmed. False if subject to penalty if seats are confirmed.
ItinChg boolean simple type Optional Subject to penalty if Itinerary is changed requiring reissue of ticket. True if subject to penalty. False if no penalty if reissue required.
ReplaceTk boolean simple type Optional Replace ticket. True if subject to penalty, if replacement of lost ticket / exchange order. False if no penalty, if replacement of lost ticket or exchange order.
TkNonRef boolean simple type Optional Ticket non-refundable. True if non-refundanbe. False if refundable.
Type string simple type Optional Type of penalty. If it is D then dollar. If it is P then percentage.
MIN MINType complex type For Minimum Stay
DaysMin boolean simple type Optional Minimum days. True if unit of time is days. False if unit of time is not days.
FareComponent decimal simple type Optional Fare component number of the most restrictive fare.
HoursMin boolean simple type Optional Minimum hours. True if unit of time is hours. False if unit of time is not hours.
MonthsMin boolean simple type Optional Minimum months. True if unit of time is months. False if unit of time is not months.
NumOccurMin decimal simple type Optional Number of min occurances. This field is used in conjunction with the Day of Week.
OccurIndMin boolean simple type Optional Minimum occurance indicator. True if day of the week is used. False if day of the week is not used.
SameDayMin boolean simple type Optional Same day minimum. True if Stay is same day. False if Stay is not same day.
TmDOWMin decimal simple type Optional If a min unit of time is true then number corrolates to day of the week starting with 1 for Sunday.
MAX MAXType complex type For Maximum Stay
CompletionInd boolean simple type Optional Completion indicator. True if Completion C Indicator. False if not Completion C Indicator.
DaysMax boolean simple type Optional Maximum days. True if unit of time is days. False if unit of time is not days.
HoursMax boolean simple type Optional Maximum hours. True if unit of time is hours. False if unit of time is not hours.
MonthsMax boolean simple type Optional Maximum months. True if unit of time is months. False if unit of time is not months.
NumOccurMax decimal simple type Optional Number of maximum occurances.
OccurIndMax boolean simple type Optional Maximum cccurance indicator. True if day of the week is used. False if day of the week is not used.
SameDayMax boolean simple type Optional Same day maximum. True if Stay is same day. False if Stay is not same day.
StartIndMax boolean simple type Optional Start indicator. True if start indicator. False if not a start indicator.
TmDOWMax decimal simple type Optional If a max unit of time is true then number corrolates to day of the week starting with 1 for Sunday.
ADV ADVType complex type For Advance Res/Tkt
AdvRsvnAnyTm boolean simple type Optional Reservation anytime. True if advanced reservatiosn anytime. False if advanced reservations for a limited time.
AdvRsvnDataExists boolean simple type Optional Reservation data exists. True if advanced reservation data exists. False if advanced reservation data does not exist.
AdvRsvnDays boolean simple type Optional Reservation days. True if advanced reservation time in days. False if advanced reservation time not in days.
AdvRsvnEarliestTm boolean simple type Optional Earliest reservation time. True if advanced reservations time is earliest permitted. False is advanced reservation time not earliest permitted time.
AdvRsvnEndItem boolean simple type Optional Reservation end item. True if advanced reservation end item and more values. False if it does not exist.
AdvRsvnHrs boolean simple type Optional Reservation hours. True if advanced reservation time in hours. False if advanced reservation time not in hours.
AdvRsvnLatestTm boolean simple type Optional Latest reservation time. True if advanced reservations time is latest permitted. False is advanced reservation time not latest permitted time.
AdvRsvnMonths boolean simple type Optional Reservation months. True if advanced reservation time in months. False if advanced reservation time not in months.
AdvRsvnOnlyIfTk boolean simple type Optional Reservation only if ticketed. True is advanced reservations only if tickets. False is no advanced reservations
AdvRsvnTm decimal simple type Optional Advanced reservation time.
AdvRsvnWaived boolean simple type Optional Reservation Waived. True if advanced reservation waived. False if advanced reservation not waived.
AdvTkAnyTm boolean simple type Optional Ticketing anytime. True if anytime. False if limited time.
AdvTkEarliestTm boolean simple type Optional Earliest ticketing time. True if earliest permitted. False if not earliest permitted.
AdvTkEndItem boolean simple type Optional Ticketing end item. True if advanced ticketing item and more values. False if end item does not exist.
AdvTkLatestTm boolean simple type Optional Latest ticketing time. True if time is latest permitted. False if time is not latest permitted.
AdvTkRsvnDays boolean simple type Optional Ticketing reservation days. True if in days. False if not in days.
AdvTkRsvnHrs boolean simple type Optional Ticketing reservation hours. True if in hours. False if not in hours.
AdvTkRsvnMonths boolean simple type Optional Ticketing reservation months. True if in months. False if not in months.
AdvTkRsvnTm decimal simple type Optional Advanced ticketing reservation time.
AdvTkStartDays boolean simple type Optional Ticketing departure days. True if in days. False if not in days.
AdvTkStartHrs boolean simple type Optional Latest ticketing departure. True if time is latest permitted. False if time is not latest permitted.
AdvTkStartMonths boolean simple type Optional Ticketing reservation months. True if in months. False if not in months.
AdvTkStartTm decimal simple type Optional Advanced ticketing departure time.
AdvTkWaived boolean simple type Optional Ticketing waived. True if waived. False if not waived.
EarliestRsvnDt date simple type Optional Earliest reservation date.
EarliestRsvnDtPresent boolean simple type Optional Earliest reservation date. True if date is present. False if date is not present.
EarliestTkDt date simple type Optional Earliest ticketing date.
EarliestTkDtPresent boolean simple type Optional Earliest ticketing date. True if date is present. False if date is not present.
LatestRsvnDt date simple type Optional Latest reservation date.
LatestRsvnDtPresent boolean simple type Optional Latest reservation date. True if date is present. False if date is not present.
LatestTkDt date simple type Optional Latest ticketing date.
LatestTkDtPresent boolean simple type Optional Latest ticketing date. True if date is present. False if date is not present.
OTH OTHType complex type Other
Cat0 boolean simple type Optional Category 0 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat1 boolean simple type Optional Category 1 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat10 boolean simple type Optional Category 10 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat11 boolean simple type Optional Category 11 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat12 boolean simple type Optional Category 12 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat13 boolean simple type Optional Category 13 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat14 boolean simple type Optional Category 14 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat15 boolean simple type Optional Category 15 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat16 boolean simple type Optional Category 16 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat17 boolean simple type Optional Category 17 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat18 boolean simple type Optional Category 18 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat19 boolean simple type Optional Category 19 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat2 boolean simple type Optional Category 2 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat20 boolean simple type Optional Category 20 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat21 boolean simple type Optional Category 21 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat22 boolean simple type Optional Category 22 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat23 boolean simple type Optional Category 23 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat24 boolean simple type Optional Category 24 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat25 boolean simple type Optional Category 25 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat26 boolean simple type Optional Category 26 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat27 boolean simple type Optional Category 27 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat28 boolean simple type Optional Category 28 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat29 boolean simple type Optional Category 29 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat3 boolean simple type Optional Category 3 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat30 boolean simple type Optional Category 30 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat31 boolean simple type Optional Category 31 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat4 boolean simple type Optional Category 4 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat5 boolean simple type Optional Category 5 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat6 boolean simple type Optional Category 6 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat7 boolean simple type Optional Category 7 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat8 boolean simple type Optional Category 8 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat9 boolean simple type Optional Category 9 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
MissingRules boolean simple type Optional Missing rules. True if rules are missing. False if rules are not missing.
NotUSACity boolean simple type Optional Not USA city. True if Origin or final destination not a continental U.S. City. False if Origin or final destination a continental U.S. City.
RestrictiveDt date simple type Optional Most restrictive ticketing date.
SurchargeAmt decimal simple type Optional Surcharge amount
FareStatus element Denotes the status of a particular fare.
Code string simple type ReadyToTicket , UnableToTicket , Reprice , Ticketed , Unable , Unknown Required The status of the fare.
FareStatusFailureInfo element Denotes the failure reason of a particular fare.
Code string simple type Required The failure code of the fare.
Reason string simple type Optional The reason for the failure.
FareInfoRef element Reference to a complete FareInfo from a shared list
Key string simple type Required
BookingInfo element Links segments and fares together
AirItinerarySolutionRef string simple type Optional Reference to an Air Itinerary Solution
BookingCode string simple type Required
BookingCount string simple type Optional Seat availability of the BookingCode
CabinClass string simple type Optional
CouponRef string simple type Optional The coupon to which that booking is relative (if applicable)
FareInfoRef string simple type Required
HostTokenRef string simple type Optional HostToken Reference for this segment and fare combination.
SegmentRef string simple type Optional
TaxInfoRef string simple type Optional TaxInfo Reference for booking info and tax info combination.
TaxInfo typeTaxInfo complex type The tax information for a
CarrierDefinedCategory string simple type Optional Optional category, where a carrier has used a non-standard IATA tax category. The tax category will be set to "DU"
Category string simple type Required The tax category represents a valid IATA tax code.
CouponRef string simple type Optional The coupon to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
FlightDetailsRef string simple type Optional The flight details that this tax is relative to (if applicable)
Key string simple type Optional The tax key represents a valid key of tax
ProviderCode string simple type Optional Code of the provider returning this TaxInfo.
SegmentRef string simple type Optional The segment to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
SupplierCode string simple type Optional Code of the supplier returning this TaxInfo.
TaxExempted boolean simple type Optional This indicates whether the tax specified by tax category is exempted.
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
TaxDetail element The tax idetail nformation for a fare quote tax.
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
FareCalc string simple type The complete fare calculation line.
PassengerType element The passenger type details associated to a fare.
AccompaniedPassenger boolean simple type Optional false Container to identify accompanied passenger. Set true means this passenger is accompanied
Age decimal simple type Optional
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional This value should be set for Multiple Passengers in the request.
Code string simple type Required The 3-char IATA passenger type code
DOB date simple type Optional Passenger Date of Birth
Gender string simple type Optional The passenger gender type
PricePTCOnly boolean simple type Optional
ResidencyType string simple type Employee , National , Resident Optional The passenger residence type.
Name element Complete name fields
First string simple type Required First Name. Size can be up to 256 characters
Last string simple type Required Last Name. Size can be up to 256 characters
Middle string simple type Optional Midle name. Size can be up to 256 characters
Prefix string simple type Optional Name prefix. Size can be up to 20 characters
Suffix string simple type Optional Name suffix. Size can be up to 256 characters
TravelerProfileId integer simple type Optional Traveler Applied Profile ID.
LoyaltyCard element Provider loyalty card information
CardNumber string simple type Required
FreeText string simple type Optional
Level string simple type Optional
MembershipStatus string simple type Optional
PriorityCode string simple type Optional
Status string simple type Optional
SupplierType string simple type Air , Vehicle , Hotel , Rail , Cruise , Other Optional
VendorLocationRef string simple type Optional
AllianceLevel string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional
MembershipProgram string simple type Optional Loyalty Program membership Id of the traveler specific to Amtrak(2V) Guest Rewards
SupplierCode string simple type Required The code used to identify the Loyalty supplier, e.g. AA, ZE, MC
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderReservationSpecificInfo typeProviderReservationSpecificInfo complex type If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderReservationLevel boolean simple type Optional If true means Loyalty card is applied at ProviderReservation level.
ReservationLevel boolean simple type Optional If true means Loyalty card is applied at Universal Record Reservation level e.g. Hotel Reservation, Vehicle Reservation etc.
OperatedBy element This is the carrier code to support Cross Accrual
ProviderReservationInfoRef element Container for Provider reservation reference key.
Key string simple type Required
DiscountCard element Rail Discount Card Information
Code string simple type Required
Description string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional
Number string simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
PersonalGeography element Personal geography details of the associated passenger.
CountryCode typeCountry simple type Passenger country code.
StateProvinceCode typeState simple type Passenger state/province code.
CityCode typeCity simple type Passenger city code.
FareGuaranteeInfo element The information related to fare guarantee details.
GuaranteeDate date simple type Optional The date till which the fare is guaranteed.
GuaranteeType string simple type Auto , Manual , ManualFare , Guaranteed , Invalid , Restored , Ticketed , Unticketable , Reprice , Expired , AutoUsingPrivateFare , GuaranteedUsingAirlinePrivateFare , Airline , GuaranteeExpired , AgencyPrivateFareNoOverride , Unknown Required Determines the status of a fare for a passenger.
BookingTravelerRef element Reference Element for Booking Traveler and Loyalty cards
Key string simple type Optional
LoyaltyCardRef element
Key string simple type Required
DriversLicenseRef element
Key string simple type Required
DiscountCardRef element
Key string simple type Required
PaymentRef element
Key string simple type Required
WaiverCode element Waiver code to override fare validations
Endorsement string simple type Optional Endorsement. Size can be up to 100 characters
TicketDesignator string simple type Optional
TourCode string simple type Optional
PaymentRef element Reference to one of the air reservation payments
Key string simple type Required
ChangePenalty typeFarePenalty complex type The penalty (if any) to change the itinerary
NoShow boolean simple type Optional The No Show penalty (if any) to change/cancel the fare.
PenaltyApplies string simple type Anytime , Before Departure , After Departure Optional
Amount typeMoney simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed as the actual amount of money. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
Percentage typePercentageWithDecimal simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed in percentage. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
CancelPenalty typeFarePenalty complex type The penalty (if any) to cancel the fare
NoShow boolean simple type Optional The No Show penalty (if any) to change/cancel the fare.
PenaltyApplies string simple type Anytime , Before Departure , After Departure Optional
Amount typeMoney simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed as the actual amount of money. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
Percentage typePercentageWithDecimal simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed in percentage. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
NoShowPenalty typeFarePenalty complex type The NoShow penalty (if any)
NoShow boolean simple type Optional The No Show penalty (if any) to change/cancel the fare.
PenaltyApplies string simple type Anytime , Before Departure , After Departure Optional
Amount typeMoney simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed as the actual amount of money. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
Percentage typePercentageWithDecimal simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed in percentage. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
MostRestrictivePenalties typeMostRestrictivePenalties complex type Contain CAT16 Most Restrictive Penalties.
RestrictionType typeRestrictionData complex type Contain the type of restriction applicable
Name anySimpleType simple type Optional Possible value for restriction name "Non-Refundable","Non-Changeable","Cancellation","Changes", "Non-Refundable marked with No Show","No Show","Non-Changeable marked with No Show"
Value anySimpleType simple type Optional Possible value for restriction value "After Departure","Anytime" and "Before Departure"
Amount typeMoney simple type Implies a flat amount to be adjusted. Negative value implies a discount.
Percentage typePercentageWithDecimal simple type Implies an adjustment to be made on original price. Negative value implies a discount.
FeeInfo typeFeeInfo complex type A generic type of fee for those charges which are incurred by the passenger, but not necessarily shown on tickets
Amount string simple type Required
BaseAmount string simple type Optional
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to booking traveler
Code string simple type Required
Description string simple type Optional
FeeToken string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
PassengerTypeCode string simple type Optional
PaymentRef string simple type Optional The reference to the one of the air reservation payments if fee included in charge
SubCode string simple type Optional
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
TaxInfoRef element This reference elements will associate relevant taxes to this fee
Key string simple type Required
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
Adjustment element An indentifier which indentifies adjustment made on original pricing. It can a flat amount or percentage of original price. The value of Amount/Percent can be negetive. Negative value implies a discount.
AdjustedTotalPrice string simple type Required The adjusted price after applying adjustment on Total price
ApproximateAdjustedTotalPrice string simple type Optional The Converted adjusted total price in Default Currency for this entity.
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to a booking traveler for which adjustment is applied.
Amount typeMoney simple type Implies a flat amount to be adjusted. Negetive value implies a discount.
Percent float simple type Implies an adjustment to be made on original price. Negetive value implies a discount.
Yield element An identifier which identifies yield made on original pricing. It can be a flat amount of original price. The value of Amount can be negative. Negative value implies a discount.
Amount string simple type Optional Yield per passenger level in Default Currency for this entity.
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to a booking traveler for which Yield is applied.
AirPricingModifiers element Controls and switches for a Air Search request that contains Pricing Information
AccountCodeFaresOnly boolean simple type Optional Indicates whether or not the private fares returned should be restricted to only those specific to the input account code and contract code.
ChannelId string simple type Optional A Channel ID is 2 to 4 alpha-numeric characters used to activate the Search Control Console filter for a specific group of travelers being served by the agency credential.
CurrencyType string simple type Optional
ETicketability string simple type Yes , No , Required , Ticketless Optional Request a search based on whether only E-ticketable fares are required.
FaresIndicator string simple type PublicFaresOnly , PrivateFaresOnly , AgencyPrivateFaresOnly , AirlinePrivateFaresOnly , PublicAndPrivateFares , NetFaresOnly , AllFares Optional Indicates whether only public fares should be returned or specific type of private fares
FiledCurrency string simple type Optional Currency in which Fares/Prices will be filed if supported by the supplier else approximated to.
ForceSegmentSelect boolean simple type Optional false This indicator allows agent to force segment select option in host while selecting all air segments to store price on a PNR. This is relevent only when agent selects all air segmnets to price. if agent selects specific segments to price then this attribute will be ignored by the system. This is currently used by Worldspan only.
InventoryRequestType string simple type Seamless , DirectAccess , Basic Optional This allows user to make request for a particular source of inventory for pricing modifier purposes.
Key string simple type Optional
OneWayShop boolean simple type Optional false Via this attribute one way shop can be requested. Applicable provider is 1G
OverrideCarrier string simple type Optional The Plating Carrier for this journey.
PlatingCarrier string simple type Optional The Plating Carrier for this journey.
ProhibitAdvancePurchaseFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitMaxStayFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitMinStayFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitNonExchangeableFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitNonRefundableFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitRestrictedFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitUnbundledFareTypes boolean simple type Optional A "True" value wiill remove fares with EOU and ERU fare types from consideration. A "False" value is the same as no value. Default is no value. Applicable providers: 1P/1G/1V
ReturnFailedSegments boolean simple type Optional false If "true", returns failed segments information.
ReturnFareAttributes boolean simple type Optional false Returns attributes that are associated to a fare
ReturnServices boolean simple type Optional false When set to false, ATPCO filed Optional Services will not be returned. Default is false. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P
SellCheck boolean simple type Optional false Checks if the segment is bookable before pricing
SellCity string simple type Optional City Code identifying where the ticket is to be sold.
TicketingCity string simple type Optional City Code identifying where the ticket will be issued.
ProhibitedRuleCategories element City Code identifying where the ticket will be issued.
FareRuleCategory element Rule Categories to filter on.
Category integer simple type Required
AccountCodes element
AccountCode element Account Code is used to get Private Fares.If ProviderCode or SupplierCode is not specified,it will be considered a default AccounCode to be sent to all the Providers or Suppliers.
Code string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Optional An identifier to categorize this account code. For example, FlightPass for AC Flight Pass or RFB for AC corporate Rewards for Business.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
PermittedCabins element
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
ContractCodes element
ContractCode element Some private fares (non-ATPCO) are secured to a contract code.
Code string simple type Required The 1-64 character string which uniquely identifies a Contract.
CompanyName string simple type Optional Providers supported : ACH
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
ExemptTaxes element Request tax exemption for specific tax category and/or all taxes of a specific country
AllTaxes boolean simple type Optional Request exemption of all taxes.
CompanyName string simple type Optional The federal government body name must be provided in this element. This field is required by AC
TaxTerritory string simple type Optional exemption is achieved by sending in the TaxTerritory in the tax exempt price request.
CountryCode typeCountry simple type Specify ISO country code for which tax exemption is requested.
TaxCategory string simple type Specify tax category for which tax exemption is requested.
PenaltyFareInformation element Specify tax category for which tax exemption is requested.
ProhibitPenaltyFares boolean simple type Required Indicates whether user wants penalty fares to be returned.
PenaltyInfo typeFarePenalty complex type Penalty Limit if requested.
NoShow boolean simple type Optional The No Show penalty (if any) to change/cancel the fare.
PenaltyApplies string simple type Anytime , Before Departure , After Departure Optional
Amount typeMoney simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed as the actual amount of money. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
Percentage typePercentageWithDecimal simple type The penalty (if any) - expressed in percentage. Both Amount and Percentage can be present.
DiscountCard element Rail Discount Card Information
Code string simple type Required
Description string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional
Number string simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
PromoCodes element If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
PromoCode element A container to specify Promotional code with Provider code and Supplier code.
Code string simple type Required To be used to specify Promotional Code.
ProviderCode string simple type Required To be used to specify Provider Code.
SupplierCode string simple type Required To be used to specify Supplier Code.
ManualFareAdjustment element To be used to specify Supplier Code.
AdjustmentType string simple type Amount , Percentage Required Represents process used for applying manual discount/increment. Presently supported values are Flat, Percentage.
AppliedOn string simple type Base , Total , Other Required Represents pricing component upon which manual increment/discount to be applied. Presently supported values are Base and Total. Other is present as a future place holder but presently no request processing logic is available for value Other
FareType string simple type Optional Providers: 1p
PassengerRef string simple type Optional Represents passenger association.
TicketDesignator string simple type Optional Providers: 1p
Value decimal simple type Required Represents value of increment/discount applied. Negative value is considered as discount whereas positive value represents increment
PointOfSale element User can use this node to send a specific PCC to access fares allowed only for that PCC. This node gives the capability for fare redistribution at UR level. For fare redistribution at the stored fare level see AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/AirPricingModifiers/PointOfSale.
IATA string simple type Optional Used for rapid reprice. This field is the IATA associated to this Point of Sale PCC. Providers: 1G/1V
Key string simple type Optional
ProviderCode string simple type Required The provider in which the PCC is defined.
PseudoCityCode string simple type Required The PCC in the host system.
BrandModifiers element Used to specify the level of branding requested.
FareFamilyDisplay element Used to request a fare family display.
ModifierType string simple type Required "FareFamily" returns the lowest branded fares in a fare family. "MaintainBookingCode" attempts to return the lowest branded fare in a fare family display based on the permitted booking code. Any brand that does not have a fare for the permitted booking code will then have the lowest fare returned. "LowestFareInBrand" returns the lowest fare within each branded fare in a fare family display.
BasicDetailsOnly element Used to request basic details of the brand.
ReturnBasicDetails boolean simple type Required
MultiGDSSearchIndicator element Indicates whether public fares and/or private fares should be returned.
DefaultProvider boolean simple type Optional Use the value “true” if the provider is the default (primary) provider. Use the value “false” if the provider is the alternate (secondary). Use of this attribute requires specifically provisioned credentials.
PrivateFareCode string simple type Optional The code of the corporate private fare. This is the same as an account code. Use of this attribute requires specifically provisioned credentials.
PrivateFareCodeOnly boolean simple type Optional : Indicates whether or not the private fares returned should be restricted to only those specific to the PrivateFareCode in the previous attribute. This has the same validation as the AccountCodeFaresOnly attribute. Use of this attribute requires specifically provisioned credentials.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Optional Indicates whether only public fares or both public and private fares should be returned or a specific type of private fares. Examples of valid values are PublicFaresOnly, PrivateFaresOnly, AirlinePrivateFaresOnly, AgencyPrivateFaresOnly, PublicandPrivateFares, and NetFaresOnly.
PreferredCabins element Indicates whether only public fares or both public and private fares should be returned or a specific type of private fares. Examples of valid values are PublicFaresOnly, PrivateFaresOnly, AirlinePrivateFaresOnly, AgencyPrivateFaresOnly, PublicandPrivateFares, and NetFaresOnly.
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
TicketingModifiersRef element Reference to a shared list of Ticketing Modifers
Key string simple type Required
AirSegmentPricingModifiers element Specifies modifiers that a particular segment should be priced in. If this is used, then there must be one for each AirSegment in the AirItinerary.
AccountCode string simple type Optional
AirSegmentRef string simple type Optional
BrandTier string simple type Optional Modifier to price by specific brand tier number.
CabinClass string simple type Optional
ConnectionIndicator string simple type AvailabilityAndPricing , TurnAround , Stopover Optional ConnectionIndicator attribute will be used to map connection indicators AvailabilityAndPricing, TurnAround and Stopover. This attribute is for Wordspan/1P only.
FareBasisCode string simple type Optional The fare basis code to be used for pricing.
FareBreak string simple type MustBreak , MustOnlyBreak , MustNotBreak Optional Fare break point modifier to instruct Fares where it should or should not break the fare.
ProhibitAdvancePurchaseFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitNonRefundableFares boolean simple type Optional false
ProhibitPenaltyFares boolean simple type Optional false
PermittedBookingCodes element
BookingCode element The Booking Code (Class of Service) for a segment
Code string simple type Required
FlightOptionsList element List of Flight Options for the itinerary.
FlightOption element List of Options available for any search air leg.
Destination string simple type Required The IATA location code for this destination of this entity.
LegRef string simple type Optional Identifies the Leg Reference for this Flight Option.
Origin string simple type Required The IATA location code for this origination of this entity.
Option element List of segment and fare available for the search air leg.
Key string simple type Required
TravelTime duration simple type Optional Total traveling time that is difference between the departure time of the first segment and the arrival time of the last segments for that particular entire set of connection.
BookingInfo element Links segments and fares together
AirItinerarySolutionRef string simple type Optional Reference to an Air Itinerary Solution
BookingCode string simple type Required
BookingCount string simple type Optional Seat availability of the BookingCode
CabinClass string simple type Optional
CouponRef string simple type Optional The coupon to which that booking is relative (if applicable)
FareInfoRef string simple type Required
HostTokenRef string simple type Optional HostToken Reference for this segment and fare combination.
SegmentRef string simple type Optional
TaxInfoRef string simple type Optional TaxInfo Reference for booking info and tax info combination.
Connection element Flight Connection Information
ChangeOfAirport boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change airports between flights.
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ChangeOfTerminal boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change terminals between flights.
Duration long simple type Optional The actual duration (in minutes) between flights.
FlightDetailsIndex long simple type Optional The sequential FlightDetails number that this connection information applies to.
IncludeStopOverToFareQuote string simple type NoStopOver , StopOver , IgnoreSegment Optional The field determines to quote fares with or without stop overs,the values can be NoStopOver,StopOver and IgnoreSegment.
MinConnectionTime long simple type Optional The minimum time needed to connect between the two different destinations.
SegmentIndex long simple type Optional The sequential AirSegment number that this connection information applies to.
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
FareNote element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
FareInfoMessageRef string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
NoteName string simple type Optional
Precedence decimal simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
BaggageAllowances element Details of Baggage allowance
BaggageAllowanceInfo element Information related to Baggage allowance like URL,Height,Weight etc.
Carrier string simple type Optional
Destination string simple type Optional
Origin string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
TravelerType string simple type Optional
URLInfo element Contains the text and URL of baggage as published by carrier.
Text typeGeneralText simple type Contains the text and URL of baggage as published by carrier.
URL anyURI simple type Contains the text and URL of baggage as published by carrier.
TextInfo element Information on baggage as published by carrier.
Title string simple type Optional
Text typeGeneralText simple type
BagDetails element Information related to Bag details .
ApplicableBags string simple type Required Applicable baggage like Carry-On,1st Check-in,2nd Check -in etc.
ApproximateBasePrice string simple type Optional
ApproximateTotalPrice string simple type Optional
BasePrice string simple type Optional
Taxes string simple type Optional
TotalPrice string simple type Optional
BaggageRestriction element Information related to Baggage restriction rules .
Dimension element Information related to Length,Height,Width of a baggage.
Unit string simple type Optional Unit values would be lb,Lb,kg etc.
Value float simple type Optional
type string simple type Optional Type denotes Length,Height,Width of a baggage.
MaxWeight typeUnitOfMeasure complex type Type denotes Length,Height,Width of a baggage.
Unit string simple type Optional Unit values would be lb,Lb,kg etc.
Value float simple type Optional
TextInfo element Information on baggage as published by carrier.
Title string simple type Optional
Text typeGeneralText simple type
AvailableDiscount element
Amount string simple type Optional
Description string simple type Optional
DiscountQualifier string simple type Optional
Percent string simple type Optional
LoyaltyProgram element
Level anySimpleType simple type Optional
AllianceLevel string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Optional
MembershipProgram string simple type Optional Loyalty Program membership Id of the traveler specific to Amtrak(2V) Guest Rewards
SupplierCode string simple type Required The code used to identify the Loyalty supplier, e.g. AA, ZE, MC
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
CarryOnAllowanceInfo element Information related to Carry-On allowance like URL, pricing etc
Carrier string simple type Optional
Destination string simple type Optional
Origin string simple type Optional
URLInfo element Contains the text and URL of baggage as published by carrier.
Text typeGeneralText simple type Contains the text and URL of baggage as published by carrier.
URL anyURI simple type Contains the text and URL of baggage as published by carrier.
TextInfo element Information on baggage as published by carrier.
Title string simple type Optional
Text typeGeneralText simple type
CarryOnDetails element Information related to Carry-On Bag details .
ApplicableCarryOnBags string simple type Optional Applicable Carry-On baggage "First", "Second", "Third" etc
ApproximateBasePrice string simple type Optional
ApproximateTotalPrice string simple type Optional
BasePrice string simple type Optional
Taxes string simple type Optional
TotalPrice string simple type Optional
BaggageRestriction element Information related to Baggage restriction rules .
Dimension element Information related to Length,Height,Width of a baggage.
Unit string simple type Optional Unit values would be lb,Lb,kg etc.
Value float simple type Optional
type string simple type Optional Type denotes Length,Height,Width of a baggage.
MaxWeight typeUnitOfMeasure complex type Type denotes Length,Height,Width of a baggage.
Unit string simple type Optional Unit values would be lb,Lb,kg etc.
Value float simple type Optional
TextInfo element Information on baggage as published by carrier.
Title string simple type Optional
Text typeGeneralText simple type
EmbargoInfo BaseBaggageAllowanceInfo complex type Information related to Embargo
Carrier string simple type Optional
Destination string simple type Optional
Origin string simple type Optional
URLInfo element Contains the text and URL of baggage as published by carrier.
Text typeGeneralText simple type Contains the text and URL of baggage as published by carrier.
URL anyURI simple type Contains the text and URL of baggage as published by carrier.
TextInfo element Information on baggage as published by carrier.
Title string simple type Optional
Text typeGeneralText simple type
FareRulesFilter element Fare Rules Filter about this fare component. Applicable Providers are 1P,1G,1V.
Refundability element Refundability/Penalty Fare Rules about this fare component.
Value string simple type Required Currently returned: FullyRefundable (1G,1V), RefundableWithPenalty (1G,1V), Refundable (1P), NonRefundable (1G,1V,1P).Refundable.
LatestTicketingTime dateTime simple type For Future Use
CHG CHGType complex type For Penalties
PenFee PenFeeType complex type For Penalties
AirVFee boolean simple type Optional Carrier fee. True if carrier fee is assessed should passenger for complete all conditions for travel at fare. False if it does not exist.
Amt decimal simple type Optional Amount of penalty. If XXX.XX then it is an amount. If it is XX then is is a percenatge. Eg 100.00 or 000100.
Applicable boolean simple type Optional Applicable. True if amount specified is applicable. Flase if amount specified is not applicable.
ApplicableTo boolean simple type Optional Applicable to penalty or deposit. True if amount specified applies to penalty. False if amount specified applies to deposit.
Cancellation boolean simple type Optional Cancellation. True if subject to penalty. False if no penalty.
Currency string simple type Optional Currency code of penalty (e.g. USD).
DepNonRef boolean simple type Optional Deposit non-refundable. True is non-refundanbe. False is refundable.
DepRequired boolean simple type Optional Deposit required. True if require. False if not required.
FailConfirmSpace boolean simple type Optional Failure to confirm space. True if subject to penalty if seats are not confirmed. False if subject to penalty if seats are confirmed.
ItinChg boolean simple type Optional Subject to penalty if Itinerary is changed requiring reissue of ticket. True if subject to penalty. False if no penalty if reissue required.
ReplaceTk boolean simple type Optional Replace ticket. True if subject to penalty, if replacement of lost ticket / exchange order. False if no penalty, if replacement of lost ticket or exchange order.
TkNonRef boolean simple type Optional Ticket non-refundable. True if non-refundanbe. False if refundable.
Type string simple type Optional Type of penalty. If it is D then dollar. If it is P then percentage.
MIN MINType complex type For Minimum Stay
DaysMin boolean simple type Optional Minimum days. True if unit of time is days. False if unit of time is not days.
FareComponent decimal simple type Optional Fare component number of the most restrictive fare.
HoursMin boolean simple type Optional Minimum hours. True if unit of time is hours. False if unit of time is not hours.
MonthsMin boolean simple type Optional Minimum months. True if unit of time is months. False if unit of time is not months.
NumOccurMin decimal simple type Optional Number of min occurances. This field is used in conjunction with the Day of Week.
OccurIndMin boolean simple type Optional Minimum occurance indicator. True if day of the week is used. False if day of the week is not used.
SameDayMin boolean simple type Optional Same day minimum. True if Stay is same day. False if Stay is not same day.
TmDOWMin decimal simple type Optional If a min unit of time is true then number corrolates to day of the week starting with 1 for Sunday.
MAX MAXType complex type For Maximum Stay
CompletionInd boolean simple type Optional Completion indicator. True if Completion C Indicator. False if not Completion C Indicator.
DaysMax boolean simple type Optional Maximum days. True if unit of time is days. False if unit of time is not days.
HoursMax boolean simple type Optional Maximum hours. True if unit of time is hours. False if unit of time is not hours.
MonthsMax boolean simple type Optional Maximum months. True if unit of time is months. False if unit of time is not months.
NumOccurMax decimal simple type Optional Number of maximum occurances.
OccurIndMax boolean simple type Optional Maximum cccurance indicator. True if day of the week is used. False if day of the week is not used.
SameDayMax boolean simple type Optional Same day maximum. True if Stay is same day. False if Stay is not same day.
StartIndMax boolean simple type Optional Start indicator. True if start indicator. False if not a start indicator.
TmDOWMax decimal simple type Optional If a max unit of time is true then number corrolates to day of the week starting with 1 for Sunday.
ADV ADVType complex type For Advance Res/Tkt
AdvRsvnAnyTm boolean simple type Optional Reservation anytime. True if advanced reservatiosn anytime. False if advanced reservations for a limited time.
AdvRsvnDataExists boolean simple type Optional Reservation data exists. True if advanced reservation data exists. False if advanced reservation data does not exist.
AdvRsvnDays boolean simple type Optional Reservation days. True if advanced reservation time in days. False if advanced reservation time not in days.
AdvRsvnEarliestTm boolean simple type Optional Earliest reservation time. True if advanced reservations time is earliest permitted. False is advanced reservation time not earliest permitted time.
AdvRsvnEndItem boolean simple type Optional Reservation end item. True if advanced reservation end item and more values. False if it does not exist.
AdvRsvnHrs boolean simple type Optional Reservation hours. True if advanced reservation time in hours. False if advanced reservation time not in hours.
AdvRsvnLatestTm boolean simple type Optional Latest reservation time. True if advanced reservations time is latest permitted. False is advanced reservation time not latest permitted time.
AdvRsvnMonths boolean simple type Optional Reservation months. True if advanced reservation time in months. False if advanced reservation time not in months.
AdvRsvnOnlyIfTk boolean simple type Optional Reservation only if ticketed. True is advanced reservations only if tickets. False is no advanced reservations
AdvRsvnTm decimal simple type Optional Advanced reservation time.
AdvRsvnWaived boolean simple type Optional Reservation Waived. True if advanced reservation waived. False if advanced reservation not waived.
AdvTkAnyTm boolean simple type Optional Ticketing anytime. True if anytime. False if limited time.
AdvTkEarliestTm boolean simple type Optional Earliest ticketing time. True if earliest permitted. False if not earliest permitted.
AdvTkEndItem boolean simple type Optional Ticketing end item. True if advanced ticketing item and more values. False if end item does not exist.
AdvTkLatestTm boolean simple type Optional Latest ticketing time. True if time is latest permitted. False if time is not latest permitted.
AdvTkRsvnDays boolean simple type Optional Ticketing reservation days. True if in days. False if not in days.
AdvTkRsvnHrs boolean simple type Optional Ticketing reservation hours. True if in hours. False if not in hours.
AdvTkRsvnMonths boolean simple type Optional Ticketing reservation months. True if in months. False if not in months.
AdvTkRsvnTm decimal simple type Optional Advanced ticketing reservation time.
AdvTkStartDays boolean simple type Optional Ticketing departure days. True if in days. False if not in days.
AdvTkStartHrs boolean simple type Optional Latest ticketing departure. True if time is latest permitted. False if time is not latest permitted.
AdvTkStartMonths boolean simple type Optional Ticketing reservation months. True if in months. False if not in months.
AdvTkStartTm decimal simple type Optional Advanced ticketing departure time.
AdvTkWaived boolean simple type Optional Ticketing waived. True if waived. False if not waived.
EarliestRsvnDt date simple type Optional Earliest reservation date.
EarliestRsvnDtPresent boolean simple type Optional Earliest reservation date. True if date is present. False if date is not present.
EarliestTkDt date simple type Optional Earliest ticketing date.
EarliestTkDtPresent boolean simple type Optional Earliest ticketing date. True if date is present. False if date is not present.
LatestRsvnDt date simple type Optional Latest reservation date.
LatestRsvnDtPresent boolean simple type Optional Latest reservation date. True if date is present. False if date is not present.
LatestTkDt date simple type Optional Latest ticketing date.
LatestTkDtPresent boolean simple type Optional Latest ticketing date. True if date is present. False if date is not present.
OTH OTHType complex type Other
Cat0 boolean simple type Optional Category 0 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat1 boolean simple type Optional Category 1 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat10 boolean simple type Optional Category 10 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat11 boolean simple type Optional Category 11 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat12 boolean simple type Optional Category 12 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat13 boolean simple type Optional Category 13 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat14 boolean simple type Optional Category 14 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat15 boolean simple type Optional Category 15 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat16 boolean simple type Optional Category 16 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat17 boolean simple type Optional Category 17 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat18 boolean simple type Optional Category 18 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat19 boolean simple type Optional Category 19 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat2 boolean simple type Optional Category 2 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat20 boolean simple type Optional Category 20 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat21 boolean simple type Optional Category 21 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat22 boolean simple type Optional Category 22 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat23 boolean simple type Optional Category 23 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat24 boolean simple type Optional Category 24 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat25 boolean simple type Optional Category 25 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat26 boolean simple type Optional Category 26 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat27 boolean simple type Optional Category 27 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat28 boolean simple type Optional Category 28 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat29 boolean simple type Optional Category 29 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat3 boolean simple type Optional Category 3 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat30 boolean simple type Optional Category 30 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat31 boolean simple type Optional Category 31 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat4 boolean simple type Optional Category 4 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat5 boolean simple type Optional Category 5 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat6 boolean simple type Optional Category 6 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat7 boolean simple type Optional Category 7 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat8 boolean simple type Optional Category 8 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
Cat9 boolean simple type Optional Category 9 rules. True if category applies. False if rules do not apply.
MissingRules boolean simple type Optional Missing rules. True if rules are missing. False if rules are not missing.
NotUSACity boolean simple type Optional Not USA city. True if Origin or final destination not a continental U.S. City. False if Origin or final destination a continental U.S. City.
RestrictiveDt date simple type Optional Most restrictive ticketing date.
SurchargeAmt decimal simple type Optional Surcharge amount
PolicyCodesList element Surcharge amount
PolicyCode typePolicyCode simple type A code that indicates why an item was determined to be ‘out of policy’.
PriceChange PriceChangeType complex type Indicates a price change is found in Fare Control Manager
Amount string simple type Required Contains the currency and amount information. Assume the amount is added unless a hyphen is present to indicate subtraction.
Carrier string simple type Optional Contains carrier code information
SegmentRef string simple type Optional Contains segment reference information
ActionDetails element Information related to the storing of the fare: Agent, Date and Action for Provider: 1P
AgentSine string simple type Optional The sign in of the user who stored the fare for Provider: 1P
EventDate date simple type Optional Date at which the fare was stored for Provider: 1P
EventTime time simple type Optional Time at which the fare was stored for Provider: 1P
PseudoCityCode string simple type Optional PCC in the host of the agent who stored the fare for Provider: 1P
Text string simple type Optional The type of action the agent performed for Provider: 1P
Commission element Identifies the agency commission
Amount string simple type Optional The monetary amount of the commission.
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional A reference to a passenger.
CommissionOverride boolean simple type Optional false This is enabled to override CAT-35 commission error during air ticketing. PROVIDER SUPPORTED:Worldspan
Key string simple type Optional
Level string simple type Recalled , Fare , Penalty Required The commission percentage level.
Modifier string simple type FarePercent , FareAmount , CommissionAmount , LessStandardCommission , StandardPlusSupplementaryPercent , SupplementaryPercent , SupplementaryAmount Optional Optional commission modifier.
Percentage string simple type Optional The percent of the commission.
Type string simple type Flat , PercentBase , PercentTotal Required The commission type.
Value string simple type Optional Contains alphanumeric or alpha characters intended as 1G Value Code as applicable by BSP of client.
FareNote element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
FareInfoMessageRef string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
NoteName string simple type Optional
Precedence decimal simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
FareNoteRef element A reference to a fare note from a shared list. Used to minimize xml results.
Key string simple type Required
Connection element Flight Connection Information
ChangeOfAirport boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change airports between flights.
ChangeOfPlane boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change planes between flights.
ChangeOfTerminal boolean simple type Optional false Indicates the traveler must change terminals between flights.
Duration long simple type Optional The actual duration (in minutes) between flights.
FlightDetailsIndex long simple type Optional The sequential FlightDetails number that this connection information applies to.
IncludeStopOverToFareQuote string simple type NoStopOver , StopOver , IgnoreSegment Optional The field determines to quote fares with or without stop overs,the values can be NoStopOver,StopOver and IgnoreSegment.
MinConnectionTime long simple type Optional The minimum time needed to connect between the two different destinations.
SegmentIndex long simple type Optional The sequential AirSegment number that this connection information applies to.
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
FareNote element A simple textual fare note. Used within several other objects.
FareInfoMessageRef string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
NoteName string simple type Optional
Precedence decimal simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
MetaData element Extra data to elaborate the parent element. This data is primarily informative and is not persisted.
Key string simple type Required
Value string simple type Required
AirPricingResultMessage typeResultMessage complex type
Code decimal simple type Required
Type string simple type Warning , Error , Info Optional Indicates the type of message (Warning, Error, Info)
FeeInfo typeFeeInfo complex type A generic type of fee for those charges which are incurred by the passenger, but not necessarily shown on tickets
Amount string simple type Required
BaseAmount string simple type Optional
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to booking traveler
Code string simple type Required
Description string simple type Optional
FeeToken string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
PassengerTypeCode string simple type Optional
PaymentRef string simple type Optional The reference to the one of the air reservation payments if fee included in charge
SubCode string simple type Optional
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
TaxInfoRef element This reference elements will associate relevant taxes to this fee
Key string simple type Required
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
TaxInfo typeTaxInfo complex type The tax information for a
CarrierDefinedCategory string simple type Optional Optional category, where a carrier has used a non-standard IATA tax category. The tax category will be set to "DU"
Category string simple type Required The tax category represents a valid IATA tax code.
CouponRef string simple type Optional The coupon to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
FlightDetailsRef string simple type Optional The flight details that this tax is relative to (if applicable)
Key string simple type Optional The tax key represents a valid key of tax
ProviderCode string simple type Optional Code of the provider returning this TaxInfo.
SegmentRef string simple type Optional The segment to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
SupplierCode string simple type Optional Code of the supplier returning this TaxInfo.
TaxExempted boolean simple type Optional This indicates whether the tax specified by tax category is exempted.
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
TaxDetail element The tax idetail nformation for a fare quote tax.
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
AirItinerarySolutionRef element Reference to a complete AirItinerarySolution from a shared list
Key string simple type Required
HostToken element This is a host token. It contains some kind of payload we got from a hostthat must be passed in on successive calls they know who you are as our systemdoes not maintain state. The format of this string isn't important as long as itis not altered in any way between calls. Since a host token is only valid onthe host it is assocated with, there is also an attribute called Host so we knowhow to route the command(s). You can have multiple active sessions betweenone or more hosts
Host string simple type Optional The host associated with this token
Key anySimpleType simple type Optional Unique identifier for this token - use this key when a single HostToken is shared by multiple elements.
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
OptionalServices element A wrapper for all the information regarding each of the Optional services
OptionalServicesTotal element The total fares, fees and taxes associated with the Optional Services
ApproximateBasePrice string simple type Optional The Converted base price in Default Currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
ApproximateFees string simple type Optional The Converted fee amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTaxes string simple type Optional The Converted tax amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTotalPrice string simple type Optional The Converted total price in Default Currency for this entity including base price and all taxes.
BasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
EquivalentBasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price in the related currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
Fees string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the fees that are associated with this entity. See the associated FeeInfo array for a breakdown of the individual fees.
Services string simple type Optional The total cost for all optional services.
Taxes string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the taxes that are associated with this entity. See the associated TaxInfo array for a breakdown of the individual taxes.
TotalPrice string simple type Optional The total price for this entity including base price and all taxes.
TaxInfo typeTaxInfo complex type The tax information for a
CarrierDefinedCategory string simple type Optional Optional category, where a carrier has used a non-standard IATA tax category. The tax category will be set to "DU"
Category string simple type Required The tax category represents a valid IATA tax code.
CouponRef string simple type Optional The coupon to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
FlightDetailsRef string simple type Optional The flight details that this tax is relative to (if applicable)
Key string simple type Optional The tax key represents a valid key of tax
ProviderCode string simple type Optional Code of the provider returning this TaxInfo.
SegmentRef string simple type Optional The segment to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
SupplierCode string simple type Optional Code of the supplier returning this TaxInfo.
TaxExempted boolean simple type Optional This indicates whether the tax specified by tax category is exempted.
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
TaxDetail element The tax idetail nformation for a fare quote tax.
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
FeeInfo typeFeeInfo complex type A generic type of fee for those charges which are incurred by the passenger, but not necessarily shown on tickets
Amount string simple type Required
BaseAmount string simple type Optional
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to booking traveler
Code string simple type Required
Description string simple type Optional
FeeToken string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
PassengerTypeCode string simple type Optional
PaymentRef string simple type Optional The reference to the one of the air reservation payments if fee included in charge
SubCode string simple type Optional
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
TaxInfoRef element This reference elements will associate relevant taxes to this fee
Key string simple type Required
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
OptionalService element this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
ApplicableFFLevel integer simple type Optional Numerical value of the loyalty card level for which this service is available.
AssessIndicator string simple type MileageAndCurrency , MileageOrCurrency Optional Indicates whether price is assessed by mileage or currency or both
Available boolean simple type Optional Boolean to describe whether the Service is available for sale or not
BaggageUnitPrice string simple type Optional The per unit price of baggage. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P
BookedQuantity string simple type Optional Indicates the Optional Service quantity already booked. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P
Chargeable string simple type Optional Indicates if the optional service is not offered, is available for a charge, or is included in the brand
Confirmation string simple type Optional Confirmation number provided by the supplier
CreateDate dateTime simple type Optional Timestamp when this service/offer got created.
DisplayOrder integer simple type Optional Optional service group display order.
DisplayText string simple type Optional Title of the Optional Service. Provider: ACH
Entitled boolean simple type Optional Boolean to describe whether the passenger is entitled for the service without charge or not
ExcessWeightRate string simple type Optional The cost of the bag per unit weight.
FirstPiece long simple type Optional Indicates the minimum occurrence of excess baggage.Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P.
GeographySpecification string simple type Optional Sector, Portion, Journey.
Group string simple type Optional Associates Optional Services with the same ServiceSub Code, Air Segment, Passenger, and EMD Associated Item. Provider:1G, 1V, 1P
InclusiveOfTax boolean simple type Optional Identifies if the service was filed with a fee that is inclusive of tax.
InterlineSettlementAllowed boolean simple type Optional Identifies if the interline settlement is allowed in service .
IsPricingApproximate boolean simple type Optional When set to True indicates that the pricing returned is approximate. Supported providers are MCH/ACH
IsRepriceRequired boolean simple type Optional false When set to “true”, the Optional Service must be re-priced. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P
IssuanceReason string simple type Optional A one-letter code specifying the reason for issuance of the OptionalService
Key string simple type Optional
LastPiece long simple type Optional Indicates the maximum occurrence of excess baggage. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P.
Mileage decimal simple type Optional Indicates mileage fee/amount
OptionalServicesRuleRef string simple type Optional UniqueID to associate a rule to the Optional Service
PaymentRef string simple type Optional Reference to a payment for merchandising services.
PerTraveler boolean simple type Optional true Boolean to describe whether the Amount on the Service is charged per traveler.
Priority decimal simple type Optional Numeric value that represents the priority order of the Service
Private boolean simple type Optional Describes if service is private or not.
ProviderDefinedType string simple type Optional Original Type as sent by the provider
PseudoCityCode string simple type Optional The PCC or SID that booked the Optional Service.
PurchaseWindow string simple type BookingOnly , TicketingOnly , CheckInOnly , Anytime , PostTicketing Optional Describes when the Service is available for confirmation or purchase (e.g. Booking Only, Check-in Only, Anytime, etc.)
Quantity decimal simple type Optional The number of units availed for each optional service (e.g. 2 baggage availed will be specified as 2 in quantity for optional service BAGGAGE)
Restricted boolean simple type Optional false When set to “true”, the Optional Service is restricted by an embargo. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P
SSRCode string simple type Optional The SSR Code associated with the OptionalService
SSRFreeText string simple type Optional Certain SSR types sent in OptionalService SSRCode require a free text message. For example, PETC Pet in Cabin.
SecondaryType string simple type Optional The secondary option code type required for certain options
SequenceNumber decimal simple type Optional The sequence number associated with the OptionalService
ServiceStatus string simple type Optional Specify the service status (e.g. active, canceled, etc.)
ServiceSubCode string simple type Optional The service subcode associated with the OptionalService
Source string simple type Optional The Source of the optional service. The source can be ACH, MCE, or MCH.
Tag string simple type Optional Optional service group name.
TotalWeight string simple type Optional The total weight of a bag. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P
Type string simple type Required Specify the type of service offered (e.g. seats, baggage, etc.)
ViewableOnly boolean simple type Optional Describes if the OptionalService is viewable only or not. If viewable only then the service cannot be sold.
WeightInExcess string simple type Optional The excess weight of a bag. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ApproximateBasePrice string simple type Optional The Converted base price in Default Currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
ApproximateFees string simple type Optional The Converted fee amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTaxes string simple type Optional The Converted tax amount in Default Currency.
ApproximateTotalPrice string simple type Optional The Converted total price in Default Currency for this entity including base price and all taxes.
BasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
EquivalentBasePrice string simple type Optional Represents the base price in the related currency for this entity. This does not include any taxes or surcharges.
Fees string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the fees that are associated with this entity. See the associated FeeInfo array for a breakdown of the individual fees.
Services string simple type Optional The total cost for all optional services.
Taxes string simple type Optional The aggregated amount of all the taxes that are associated with this entity. See the associated TaxInfo array for a breakdown of the individual taxes.
TotalPrice string simple type Optional The total price for this entity including base price and all taxes.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
ServiceData element
AirSegmentRef string simple type Optional Reference to a segment if the merchandising offering only pertains to that segment. If no segment reference is present this means this offering is for the whole itinerary.
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to a passenger if the merchandising offering only pertains to that passenger. If no passenger reference is present this means this offering is for all passengers.
Data string simple type Optional Data that specifies the details of the merchandising offering (e.g. seat number for seat service)
EMDCouponRef string simple type Optional Reference to the corresponding EMD coupon issued. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
EMDSummaryRef string simple type Optional Reference to the corresponding EMD issued. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
TravelerType string simple type Optional Passenger Type Code.
SeatAttributes element Identifies the seat attribute of the service.
SeatAttribute element Identifies the seat attribute of the service.
Value string simple type Required
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
SSRRef typeKeyBasedReference complex type References to the related SSRs. At present, only reference to ASVC SSR is supported. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
Key string simple type Required
ServiceInfo element
Description string simple type Description of the Service. Usually used in tandem with one or more media items.
MediaItem element Photos and other media urls for the property referenced above.
caption string simple type Optional
height integer simple type Optional
icon anyURI simple type Optional
sizeCode string simple type Optional
type string simple type Optional
url anyURI simple type Optional
width integer simple type Optional
Remark element A textual remark container to hold any printable text. (max 512 chars)
Key string simple type Optional
TaxInfo typeTaxInfo complex type The tax information for a
CarrierDefinedCategory string simple type Optional Optional category, where a carrier has used a non-standard IATA tax category. The tax category will be set to "DU"
Category string simple type Required The tax category represents a valid IATA tax code.
CouponRef string simple type Optional The coupon to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
FlightDetailsRef string simple type Optional The flight details that this tax is relative to (if applicable)
Key string simple type Optional The tax key represents a valid key of tax
ProviderCode string simple type Optional Code of the provider returning this TaxInfo.
SegmentRef string simple type Optional The segment to which that tax is relative (if applicable)
SupplierCode string simple type Optional Code of the supplier returning this TaxInfo.
TaxExempted boolean simple type Optional This indicates whether the tax specified by tax category is exempted.
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
TaxDetail element The tax idetail nformation for a fare quote tax.
Amount string simple type Required
CountryCode string simple type Optional
DestinationAirport string simple type Optional
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
OriginAirport string simple type Optional
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
FeeInfo typeFeeInfo complex type A generic type of fee for those charges which are incurred by the passenger, but not necessarily shown on tickets
Amount string simple type Required
BaseAmount string simple type Optional
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to booking traveler
Code string simple type Required
Description string simple type Optional
FeeToken string simple type Optional
Key string simple type Required
PassengerTypeCode string simple type Optional
PaymentRef string simple type Optional The reference to the one of the air reservation payments if fee included in charge
SubCode string simple type Optional
Text string simple type Optional Additional Information returned from Supplier.(ACH only)
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
TaxInfoRef element This reference elements will associate relevant taxes to this fee
Key string simple type Required
IncludedInBase element Shows the taxes and fees included in the base fare. (ACH only)
Amount string simple type Optional this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
EMD element this attribute shows the amount included in the base fare for the specific fee or tax
AssociatedItem string simple type Optional The type of Optional Service. The choices are Flight, Ticket, Merchandising, Rule Buster, Allowance, Chargeable Baggage, Carry On Baggage Allowance, Prepaid Baggage. Provider: 1G, 1V, 1P
AvailabilityChargeIndicator string simple type X , E , F , G , H Optional A one-letter code specifying whether the service is available or if there is a charge associated with it. X = Service not available F = No charge for service (free) and an EMD is not issued to reflect free service E = No charge for service (free) and an EMD is issued to reflect the free service. G = No charge for service (free), booking is not required and an EMD is not issued to reflect free service H = No charge for service (free), booking is not required, and an EMD is issued to reflect the free service. Blank = No application. Charges apply according to the data in the Service Fee fields.
Booking typeBooking simple type Optional Holds the booking description for the service, e.g., SSR.
Commissionable boolean simple type Optional True/False value to whether or not the service is comissionable.
Date dateTime simple type Optional The date at which the service will be used.
DisplayCategory typeDisplayCategory simple type Optional Describes when the service should be displayed.
FulfillmentType integer simple type Optional A one digit code specifying how the service must be fulfilled. See FulfillmentTypeDescription for the description of this value.
FulfillmentTypeDescription string simple type Optional EMD description.
Location typeIATACode simple type Optional 3 letter location code where the service will be availed.
MileageIndicator boolean simple type Optional True/False value to whether or not the service has miles.
RefundReissueIndicator string simple type Refundable , NonRefundable , Reuse Optional An attribute specifying whether the service is refundable or reissuable.
Reusable boolean simple type Optional Identifies if the service can be re-used towards a future purchase.
BundledServices element Identifies if the service can be re-used towards a future purchase.
BundledService element Displays the services bundled together
Booking typeBooking simple type Optional Booking method for the bundled service, e..g SSR.
Carrier string simple type Optional Carrier the service is applicable.
CarrierSubCode boolean simple type Optional Carrier sub code. True means the carrier used their own sub code. False means the carrier used an ATPCO sub code
Name string simple type Optional Name of the bundled service.
Occurrence nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional How many of the service are included in the bundled service.
ServiceSubCode string simple type Optional The sub code of the service, e.g. OAA for Pre paid baggage
ServiceType string simple type Optional The type of service or what the service is used for, e.g. F type is flight type, meaning the service is used on a flight
AdditionalInfo element The type of service or what the service is used for, e.g. F type is flight type, meaning the service is used on a flight
Category string simple type Required The category code is the code the AdditionalInfo text came from, e.g. S5 or S7.
FeeApplication element The category code is the code the AdditionalInfo text came from, e.g. S5 or S7.
Code string simple type Optional The code associated to the fee application. The choices are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, K, F
Text typeTextElement complex type Type of Text, Eg-'Upsell','Marketing Agent','Marketing Consumer','Strapline','Rule'.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
PriceRange element
DefaultCurrency boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the currency code of StartPrice / EndPrice is the default currency code
EndPrice string simple type Optional Price range end value
StartPrice string simple type Optional Price range start value
TourCode element Tour Code Fare Basis
Value string simple type Required
BrandingInfo element Branding information for the Ancillary Service. Returned in Seat Map only. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
Chargeable string simple type Optional Indicates if the optional service is not offered, is available for a charge, or is included in the brand. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
CommercialName string simple type Required The commercial name of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
ExternalServiceName string simple type Optional The external name of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
Key string simple type Optional
ServiceSubCode string simple type Optional The Service Sub Code of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
ServiceType string simple type Optional The type of Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
PriceRange element The type of Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
DefaultCurrency boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the currency code of StartPrice / EndPrice is the default currency code
EndPrice string simple type Optional Price range end value
StartPrice string simple type Optional Price range start value
Text typeTextElement complex type Type of Text, Eg-'Upsell','Marketing Agent','Marketing Consumer','Strapline','Rule'.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
Title typeTextElement complex type The additional titles associated to the brand or optional service. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
ImageLocation element
ImageHeight integer simple type Required The height of the image
ImageWidth integer simple type Required The width of the image
Type string simple type Required Type of Image Location. E.g., "Agent", "Consumer".
ServiceGroup element The Service Group of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
Code string simple type Required The Service Group Code of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
ServiceSubGroup element The Service Sub Group of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
Code string simple type Optional The Service Sub Group Code of the Ancillary Service. Providers: 1G, 1V, 1P, ACH
AirSegmentRef typeSegmentRef complex type Specifies the AirSegment the branding information is for. Providers: ACH, 1G, 1V, 1P
Key string simple type Required
Title typeTextElement complex type The additional titles associated to the brand or optional service. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
LanguageCode token simple type Optional ISO 639 two-character language codes are used to retrieve specific information in the requested language. For Rich Content and Branding, language codes ZH-HANT (Chinese Traditional), ZH-HANS (Chinese Simplified), FR-CA (French Canadian) and PT-BR (Portuguese Brazil) can also be used. For RCH, language codes ENGB, ENUS, DEDE, DECH can also be used. Only certain services support this attribute. Providers: ACH, RCH, 1G, 1V, 1P.
Type string simple type Required
GroupedOptionInfo element
GroupedOption element
OptionalServiceRef string simple type Required Reference to a optionalService which is paired with other optional services in the parent PairedOptions element.
OptionalServiceRules ServiceRuleType complex type Holds the rules for selecting the optional service in the itinerary
Key string simple type Required Unique ID to identify an optional service rule
ApplicationRules element The rules to apply the rule to the itinerary
RequiredForAllSegments boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option needs to be applied to all segments in the itinerary if selected
RequiredForAllSegmentsInOD boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option needs to be applied to all segments in a origin / destination (connection flights) if selected for one segment in the OD
RequiredForAllTravelers boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option needs to be applied to all travelers in the itinerary if selected
SecondaryOptionCodeRequired boolean simple type Optional If set to true, the secondary option code is required for this option
UnselectedOptionRequired boolean simple type Optional If an UnselectedOption is present in the option, then the Unselected option needs to be selected even if the option is not selected when this flag is set to true
ApplicationLevel element Lists the levels where the option is applied in the itinerary. Some options are applied for the entire itinerary, some for entire segments, etc.
ApplicableLevels anonymous simple type Optional Indicates the level in the itinerary when the option is applied.
ProviderDefinedApplicableLevels string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
ApplicationLimits element Adds the limits on the number of options that can be selected for a particular type
ApplicationLimit OptionalServiceApplicationLimitType complex type The application limits for a particular level
ApplicableLevel string simple type Itinerary , Passenger , Segment , PassengerSegment , PassengerOD , Other Required Indicates the applicable level for the option
MaximumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Required The maximum quantity allowed for the type
MinimumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional Indicates the minimum number of the option that can be selected.
ProviderDefinedApplicableLevels string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
ServiceData element Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
AirSegmentRef string simple type Optional Reference to a segment if the merchandising offering only pertains to that segment. If no segment reference is present this means this offering is for the whole itinerary.
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to a passenger if the merchandising offering only pertains to that passenger. If no passenger reference is present this means this offering is for all passengers.
Data string simple type Optional Data that specifies the details of the merchandising offering (e.g. seat number for seat service)
EMDCouponRef string simple type Optional Reference to the corresponding EMD coupon issued. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
EMDSummaryRef string simple type Optional Reference to the corresponding EMD issued. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
TravelerType string simple type Optional Passenger Type Code.
SeatAttributes element Identifies the seat attribute of the service.
SeatAttribute element Identifies the seat attribute of the service.
Value string simple type Required
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
SSRRef typeKeyBasedReference complex type References to the related SSRs. At present, only reference to ASVC SSR is supported. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
Key string simple type Required
ModifyRules element Groups the modification rules for the Option
ProviderDefinedModificationType string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined modification type which is mapped to Other
SupportedModifications anonymous simple type Optional Lists the supported modifications for the itinerary.
ModifyRule element Indicates modification rules for the particular modification type.
AutomaticallyAppliedOnAdd boolean simple type Optional false Indicates if the option will be automatically added to new segments / passengers in the itinerary.
CanAdd boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option can be added to the itinerary without segment or passenger modification
CanDelete boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option can be deleted from the itinerary without segment or passenger modifications
Modification NMTOKEN simple type AddSegment , RemoveSegment , ReplaceSegment , AddPassenger , RemovePassenger , OptionsOnly , Other Required The modificaiton for which this rule group applies.
ProviderDefinedModificationType string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined modification type which is mapped to Other
Refundable boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the price of the option is refundable.
SecondaryTypeRules element Lists the supported Secondary Codes for the optional / additional service.
SecondaryTypeRule element Lists a single secondary code for the optional / additional service.
SecondaryType string simple type Required The unique type to associate a secondary type in an optional service
ApplicationLimit OptionalServiceApplicationLimitType complex type The unique type to associate a secondary type in an optional service
ApplicableLevel string simple type Itinerary , Passenger , Segment , PassengerSegment , PassengerOD , Other Required Indicates the applicable level for the option
MaximumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Required The maximum quantity allowed for the type
MinimumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional Indicates the minimum number of the option that can be selected.
ProviderDefinedApplicableLevels string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
Remarks FormattedTextTextType complex type Adds text remarks / rules for the optional / additional service
Formatted boolean simple type Optional Textual information, which may be formatted as a line of information, or unformatted, as a paragraph of text.
TextFormat NMTOKEN simple type PlainText , HTML Optional Indicates the format of text used in the description e.g. unformatted or html.
Language token simple type Optional Language identification.
AvailableSSR element A wrapper for all the information regarding each of the available SSR
SSR element Special serivces like wheel chair, or pet carrier.
Carrier string simple type Optional
CarrierSpecificText string simple type Optional Carrier specific information which are not captured in the FreeText field(not present in IATA's standard SSR DOCO format). An example is VISA Expiration Date.
Description string simple type Optional
FreeText string simple type Optional Certain SSR types will require a free text message. For example MAAS (Meet and assist).
Key string simple type Optional
PassiveSegmentRef string simple type Optional Reference to the passive segment.
ProfileID string simple type Optional Key assigned for Secure Flight Document value from the specified profile
ProfileSecureFlightDocKey string simple type Optional Unique ID of Booking Traveler's Profile that contains the Secure flight Detail
ProviderDefinedType string simple type Optional Original Type as sent by the provider
ProviderReservationInfoRef string simple type Optional Provider reservation reference key.
SSRRuleRef string simple type Optional UniqueID to associate a rule to the SSR
SegmentRef string simple type Optional Reference to the air segment. May be required for some Types.
Status string simple type Optional
Type string simple type Required Programmatic SSRs use codes recognized by the provider/supplier (example, VGML=vegetarian meal code). Manual SSRs do not have an associated programmatic code.
URL anyURI simple type Optional
ElStat string simple type A , M , C Optional This attribute is used to show the action results of an element. Possible values are "A" (when elements have been added to the UR) and "M" (when existing elements have been modified). Response only.
KeyOverride boolean simple type Optional If a duplicate key is found where we are adding elements in some cases like URAdd, then instead of erroring out set this attribute to true.
SSRRules ServiceRuleType complex type Holds the rules for selecting the SSR in the itinerary
Key string simple type Required Unique ID to identify an optional service rule
ApplicationRules element The rules to apply the rule to the itinerary
RequiredForAllSegments boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option needs to be applied to all segments in the itinerary if selected
RequiredForAllSegmentsInOD boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option needs to be applied to all segments in a origin / destination (connection flights) if selected for one segment in the OD
RequiredForAllTravelers boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option needs to be applied to all travelers in the itinerary if selected
SecondaryOptionCodeRequired boolean simple type Optional If set to true, the secondary option code is required for this option
UnselectedOptionRequired boolean simple type Optional If an UnselectedOption is present in the option, then the Unselected option needs to be selected even if the option is not selected when this flag is set to true
ApplicationLevel element Lists the levels where the option is applied in the itinerary. Some options are applied for the entire itinerary, some for entire segments, etc.
ApplicableLevels anonymous simple type Optional Indicates the level in the itinerary when the option is applied.
ProviderDefinedApplicableLevels string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
ApplicationLimits element Adds the limits on the number of options that can be selected for a particular type
ApplicationLimit OptionalServiceApplicationLimitType complex type The application limits for a particular level
ApplicableLevel string simple type Itinerary , Passenger , Segment , PassengerSegment , PassengerOD , Other Required Indicates the applicable level for the option
MaximumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Required The maximum quantity allowed for the type
MinimumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional Indicates the minimum number of the option that can be selected.
ProviderDefinedApplicableLevels string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
ServiceData element Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
AirSegmentRef string simple type Optional Reference to a segment if the merchandising offering only pertains to that segment. If no segment reference is present this means this offering is for the whole itinerary.
BookingTravelerRef string simple type Optional Reference to a passenger if the merchandising offering only pertains to that passenger. If no passenger reference is present this means this offering is for all passengers.
Data string simple type Optional Data that specifies the details of the merchandising offering (e.g. seat number for seat service)
EMDCouponRef string simple type Optional Reference to the corresponding EMD coupon issued. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
EMDSummaryRef string simple type Optional Reference to the corresponding EMD issued. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
StopOver boolean simple type Optional false Indicates that there is a significant delay between flights (usually 12 hours or more)
TravelerType string simple type Optional Passenger Type Code.
SeatAttributes element Identifies the seat attribute of the service.
SeatAttribute element Identifies the seat attribute of the service.
Value string simple type Required
CabinClass element Requests cabin class (First, Business and Economy, etc.) as supported by the provider or supplier.
Type string simple type Required
SSRRef typeKeyBasedReference complex type References to the related SSRs. At present, only reference to ASVC SSR is supported. Supported providers are 1G/1V/1P
Key string simple type Required
ModifyRules element Groups the modification rules for the Option
ProviderDefinedModificationType string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined modification type which is mapped to Other
SupportedModifications anonymous simple type Optional Lists the supported modifications for the itinerary.
ModifyRule element Indicates modification rules for the particular modification type.
AutomaticallyAppliedOnAdd boolean simple type Optional false Indicates if the option will be automatically added to new segments / passengers in the itinerary.
CanAdd boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option can be added to the itinerary without segment or passenger modification
CanDelete boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the option can be deleted from the itinerary without segment or passenger modifications
Modification NMTOKEN simple type AddSegment , RemoveSegment , ReplaceSegment , AddPassenger , RemovePassenger , OptionsOnly , Other Required The modificaiton for which this rule group applies.
ProviderDefinedModificationType string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined modification type which is mapped to Other
Refundable boolean simple type Optional Indicates if the price of the option is refundable.
SecondaryTypeRules element Lists the supported Secondary Codes for the optional / additional service.
SecondaryTypeRule element Lists a single secondary code for the optional / additional service.
SecondaryType string simple type Required The unique type to associate a secondary type in an optional service
ApplicationLimit OptionalServiceApplicationLimitType complex type The unique type to associate a secondary type in an optional service
ApplicableLevel string simple type Itinerary , Passenger , Segment , PassengerSegment , PassengerOD , Other Required Indicates the applicable level for the option
MaximumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Required The maximum quantity allowed for the type
MinimumQuantity nonNegativeInteger simple type Optional Indicates the minimum number of the option that can be selected.
ProviderDefinedApplicableLevels string simple type Optional Indicates the actual provider defined ApplicableLevels which is mapped to Other
Remarks FormattedTextTextType complex type Adds text remarks / rules for the optional / additional service
Formatted boolean simple type Optional Textual information, which may be formatted as a line of information, or unformatted, as a paragraph of text.
TextFormat NMTOKEN simple type PlainText , HTML Optional Indicates the format of text used in the description e.g. unformatted or html.
Language token simple type Optional Language identification.
IndustryStandardSSR element Indicates Carrier Supports this industry standard.
Code string simple type Optional This code indicates which Standard of SSR's they support. Sucha as the 'AIRIMP' standard identified by ''
PricingDetails element Used for rapid reprice. This is a response element. Additional information about how pricing was obtain, messages, etc. Providers: 1G/1V/1P/1S/1A
AccountCode string simple type Optional
BankersSellingRate decimal simple type Optional The selling rate at time of quote.
ConversionRate decimal simple type Optional The conversion rate at the time of quote.
DiscountApplies boolean simple type Optional false This tells if a discount applies.
ForTicketingOnDate date simple type Optional The ticketing date of the itinerary.
FormOfRefund string simple type MCO , FormOfPayment Optional How the refund will be issued. Values will be MCO or FormOfPayment
ItineraryType string simple type International , Domestic Optional Values allowed are International or Domestic. This tells if the itinerary is international or domestic.
LastDateToTicket date simple type Optional The last date to issue the ticket.
LowFareFound boolean simple type Optional false This tells if the lowest fare was found.
LowFarePricing boolean simple type Optional false This tells if Low Fare Finder was used.
OriginalTicketCurrency string simple type Optional The currency of the original ticket.
PenaltyApplies boolean simple type Optional false This tells if penalties apply.
PricingType string simple type ClassBooked , LowestClass , LowestQuote Optional Ties with the RepricingModifiers sent in the request and tells how the itinerary was priced.
RateOfExchange decimal simple type Optional The exchange rate at time of quote.
ValidatingVendorCode string simple type Optional The vendor code of the validating carrier.
AdvisoryMessage string simple type Advisory messages returned from the host.
EndorsementText string simple type Endorsement text returned from the host.
WaiverText string simple type Waiver text returned from the host.
FareRule element Fare Rule Container
FareInfoRef string simple type Optional
RuleNumber string simple type Optional
Source string simple type Optional
TariffNumber string simple type Optional
ProviderCode string simple type Optional
SupplierCode string simple type Optional
FareRuleLong element Long Text Fare Rule
Category decimal simple type Required
Type string simple type Optional
FareRuleShort element Short Text Fare Rule
Category decimal simple type Required
TableNumber string simple type Optional
FareRuleNameValue element Fare Rule Name Value Pair, used in Short Rules
Name string simple type Required
Value string simple type Required
RuleAdvancedPurchase element Container for rules regarding advance purchase restrictions. TicketingEarliestDate and TicketingLatestDate are strings representing respective dates. If a year component is present then it signifies an exact date. If only day and month components are present then it signifies a seasonal date, which means applicable for that date in any year
MoreRulesPresent boolean simple type Optional If true, specifies that advance purchase information will be present in fare rules.
ReservationLatestPeriod string simple type Optional
ReservationLatestUnit string simple type Minutes , Hours , Days , Months , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday Optional
TicketingEarliestDate string simple type Optional
TicketingLatestDate string simple type Optional
RuleLengthOfStay element Container for rules providing minimum and maximum stay requirements.
MinimumStay typeRestrictionLengthOfStay complex type Container for rules providing minimum and maximum stay requirements.
Length decimal simple type Optional
MoreRulesPresent boolean simple type Optional If true, specifies that advance purchase information will be present in fare rules.
StayDate date simple type Optional
StayUnit string simple type Minutes , Hours , Days , Months , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday Optional
MaximumStay typeRestrictionLengthOfStay complex type
Length decimal simple type Optional
MoreRulesPresent boolean simple type Optional If true, specifies that advance purchase information will be present in fare rules.
StayDate date simple type Optional
StayUnit string simple type Minutes , Hours , Days , Months , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday Optional
RuleCharges element Container for rules related to charges such as deposits, surcharges, penalities, etc..
Amount string simple type Optional
DepartureStatus string simple type Optional
MoreRulesPresent boolean simple type Optional If true, specifies that advance purchase information will be present in fare rules.
PenaltyType string simple type Optional
Percent decimal simple type Optional
FareRuleResultMessage typeResultMessage complex type
Code decimal simple type Required
Type string simple type Warning , Error , Info Optional Indicates the type of message (Warning, Error, Info)
StructuredFareRules StructuredFareRulesType complex type Indicates the type of message (Warning, Error, Info)
FareRuleCategoryType FareRuleCategoryTypes complex type For FareRulesType element
Value string simple type Required
CategoryDetails ValueDetails complex type To indicate details of which category is displayed
Name string simple type Required
Value string simple type Required
VariableCategoryDetails VariableCategoryType complex type If the specified category of Structured Fare Rules is of variable lenght
Value string simple type Required
CategoryDetails ValueDetails complex type To indicate details of which category is displayed
Name string simple type Required
Value string simple type Required
VariableCategoryDetail CategoryDetailsType complex type If the specified category of Structured Fare Rules is of variable lenght
Value string simple type Required
CategoryDetails ValueDetails complex type For each category Details of Structured Fare Rules
Name string simple type Required
Value string simple type Required
AirPriceError typeResultMessage complex type
Code decimal simple type Required
Type string simple type Warning , Error , Info Optional Indicates the type of message (Warning, Error, Info)