Air Booking by Itinerary Type

Air Booking requests can be made for a number of simple and complex itinerary types including, including:

See How Travel Type Affects Fares, for a description of the types of simple and complex travel that are supported in Universal API.

Note: Support for multiple destinations may vary by provider or supplier. See the Exceptions section for details.


Located in Universal.xsd:

How To

  1. Include the minimum required information for creating an air booking.

  2. There is technically no distinction between requesting a round-trip itinerary and a multi-destination itinerary. Specify each leg of the trip using AirPricingSolution/AirSegment to identify the departure and arrival dates, times, and locations.

    • A trip is multi-city if more than two AirSegment nodes are sent.

    • A journey is one-way if one AirSegment node is sent.

  3. A standard Air Booking response is returned with multiple AirSegment elements in the AirReservation element of AirCreateReservationRsp.

ARNK Segments

An ARNK (Arrival Unknown) segment is usually present in an itinerary to signify that a lack of continuity between the arrival of one segment and the departure of the next segment is known and accepted.

Open Jaw trips can include ARNK (Arrival Unknown) segments. These segments do not contain any surface or other non-air travel details, but serve as a "placeholder" for the travel between the distinct destination and origin airports.

Universal API does not have a mechanism to manually add an ARNK segment to an itinerary. However, if the provider detects the need for an ARNK segment in a Single Open Jaw trip because of mismatched airports or other continuity gap, a message is sent to Universal API to automatically add an ARNK segment to the Universal Record for the requested itinerary.

