Retrieve a booking file

Once Travelport+ has assigned a record locator to a booking file, you can retrieve it from the central database. Retrieve a booking file when you want to make changes to the record, or to verify information regarding your passenger’s travel plans.

To retrieve a booking file, use one of the following:

  • ER function

  • IR function

  • Customer’s last name and first name: *-Smith/John

  • Record locator: *xxxxxx

This following explains when and how to use each.

End and retrieve


The function identifier to end and retrieve a booking file is ER

The ER function ends a booking file and retrieves it in just one entry. Certain changes to a booking file require a received field before you can end and retrieve the modified record.

The modified booking file displays with the record locator.

Ignore and retrieve

The function identifier to ignore and retrieve a booking file is IR

The IR function ignores any changes made to a booking file and retrieves the previous version in just one entry. The IR function works only on booking files that have been previously ended.

The previous version of the booking file displays.

Retrieve by last name


Whether you are sure of the customer’s last name or just know the first few letters, you can easily retrieve their booking file by last name or similar name list.

The function identifier to retrieve a booking file by last name or by similar name list is: *-




Function identifier followed by the customer’s last name.


Function identifier followed by partial last name.


By date and last name.


By the last name from branch offices.

If more than one booking file exists for the same customer, a list of names matching your entry displays. Each name has a reference number.

By similar name list

If you are not sure how to spell the customer’s last name, enter the function identifier followed by as many letters as you know. For example, for the name Smith you could enter: *-SMI* (with the asterisk representing the missing letters.)

Smartpoint Cloud displays a list of booking files with names similar to your entry:

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

To retrieve a booking file from a list, select the name you want to retrieve or use a cryptic entry. For example, enter *1 to select the booking file on line 1.

Note: To redisplay the list of names, enter the function identifier followed by the letter L for the list (*L).

Retrieve by record locator


You can retrieve a booking file by record locator. The record locator is a six-character code (consisting of letters and numbers) Travelport+ assigns the first time you end transaction a booking file. This code does not change regardless of how many times you retrieve, modify, or ignore a record.

To retrieve a booking file by record locator, enter the function identifier * followed by the record locator. For example, *XKP81U

Vendor locator

When you end a booking, you can expect to receive a vendor locator from the airline. Most airlines (but not all) will return a vendor locator. It is the airline’s booking reference in the airline’s reservations system. It is not the same as the Travelport+ record locator, the booking reference in Travelport+.

To view the vendor locator, press *VL in the PNR Viewer window:

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Knowledge base search: Which carriers will return a vendor locator?

If the vendor locator is not returned in your booking file, wait up to four hours before reporting it to the Travelport help desk.

Next lesson: Retrieve a booking file in graphical view