
EMD Manager


For supported EMD-S types, the EMD Manager contains a user interface that automates the available EMDs and reason codes by location and airline. EMD Manager replaces the information found in the Airline EMD Fact Sheet.

EMD Manager also supports the same functionality as the following cryptic commands:

  • EMDL (EMD List)
  • EMDI (EMD Issue)
  • EMDD (EMD Display)
  • EMDH (EMD History)

Other commands related to EMD-S are currently supported only through cryptic commands.

Creating an EMD-S

You can use the EMD Manager to create Stand-Alone EMDs (EMD-S) for supported countries and carriers. For more information, see the EMD-S User Guide in KB0015446 in Travelport Knowledge Base.

To create an EMD-S using EMD Manager:
  1. Create a PNR with at least one non-flight-related service. The carrier must support EMD-S for the applicable country.
  2. Create a Service Segments (SVC) for each applicable Ancillary Service. SVC segments that are created using both cryptic commands and the Service Segments script are displayed in the EMD Manager.
  3. When all of the Service Segments are created for the PNR, you can either:
  • Click Open EMD Manager at the bottom of the Service Segments screen to display the EMD Manager.
  • Click the Documentation menu and select EMD Manager.

The Services tab of the EMD Manager displays any SVC segments that were created using either the Service Segments script or cryptic SVC commands.

  1. Optional. You can add ticket numbers, taxes, and commissions to SVC Segments. Click the Edit icon in an SVC Segment that you want to modify. The Additional Details screen displays for the selected Service Segment.
  2. By default, EMDs use the form of payment for the PNR, indicated by (PNR). However, you can override the form of payment for an SVC segment without changing the original form of payment for the PNR.
  1. If you need to create additional Service Segments, click the Add Services icon in the upper right corner of the services list.
  2. When you have completed all changes to any Service Segments, click Select All or click the tick/check box for a selected segment.
  1. Optional. You can set EMDs to print EMDs when they are issued.
  1. Click ISSUE. A confirmation message displays at the top of the Smart Panel.

Editing Additional Details

You can make required or optional changes to a selected EMD.

  1. In Ticket, select a ticket number associated to the EMD. A ticket number may be either required or optional, depending on the carrier and type of ancillary service.
  2. If Ticket is selected, the OSIs (Other Service Information) fields display:

    1. Select Include EMD Number as OSI if you want to automatically add the associated EMD coupon number to the PNR as an OSI.
    1. You can enter an optional OSI in the text field to describe the SVC charge. Currently, an OSI can be associated only to an individual traveler; an OSI cannot be associated to all travelers in the itinerary.
  3. If applicable, enter ticket endorsements.

    1. In Endorsement, enter the free-form text for the endorsement. You can add a maximum of 147 characters.
    1. To add this endorsement for all Service Segments in the PNR, select Apply to all SVC segments.

    The endorsement is added to the EMD with the format #ER. For example: #ERNON-REFUNDABLE. See KB0015592 in Travelport Knowledge Base for more information about ticket endorsements.

  4. If applicable, enter tax information for the EMD.
  1. If applicable, enter commission information for the EMD.

  1. When you have completed updates for the SVC segment, click APPLY to save the edits and redisplay the Services tab of the EMD Manager.

    If you do not want to save the changes to your EMD details, you can:

    1. Click CLEAR to remove any of your edits and revert back to the original data.
    2. Click CANCEL to redisplay the Services tab of the EMD Manager without saving your SVC Detail changes.

The updated Services tab shows any changes to ticketing, taxes, and commission made in the details. Charges for each SVC are updated to reflect any changes to the charge such as taxes or commission fees.

  1. When you have completed updates for any SVC segments, select the segments for which you want to create EMDs, or select the Select All check/tick box to select all SVCs in the list.

  2. Click ISSUE to create EMDs for each of the selected SVC segments.

The Services list redisplays with the EMD-S number and status.

  1. After an EMD has been issued, you can click the Review tab of the EMD Manager to view a status of EMDs issued for this PNR.