Customer Information

Passenger Names: Infants

In Customer Information, you can add infant passengers. IATA defines an infant as a passenger under age 2, exclusive.

There are two infant passenger types (PTC):

  • INF is infant without a seat, in which the infant does not have an assigned seat and sits in the lap of an adult passenger.

  • INS is infant with seat, in which a separate seat is booked for the infant.

The date of birth (DOB) are required for infant passengers. The process for date of birth varies by Smartpoint version:

  • In Smartpoint 11.0 and earlier, age and date of birth is added as a name remark.

  • In Smartpoint 11.1 and later, a date of birth field is displayed, and the age is generated based on the date of birth.

See Passenger Names for adding adult passengers and Passenger Names: Children to add child passengers.

To add infant passenger names:
Note: A red asterisk*next to an item indicates that this information is required to complete the PNR/Booking File.
  1. Select the Name tab of the Customer Information screen to display the Customer Information screen.

  2. In the Passengers section click the Add icon to create a new passenger information screen.

    Tip! To add an infant, at least one adult passenger must be already be present in the PNR/Booking File.

  3. Optional. Click the Title drop-down arrow to select a title or honorific for the passenger. Titles are required for some airlines and optional for other airlines. When selecting a title for the passenger, be aware of the titles (name prefixes) that the airline accepts.

    Titles associated to an infant’s name are typically:

    • MSTR (Master) for a boy

    • MISS (Miss) for a girl

  4. In First Name, enter the passenger's given name.

  5. In Last Name, enter the passenger's surname (family name).

  6. The step for the date of birth varies depending on your version of Smartpoint and the infant PTC.

  7. Click Apply to add the passenger to display the updated information.

  8. When all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE to store the updated information in the PNR/Booking File.

More Information

For more information, terminal equivalents, and examples:

Travelport+ (1G)

Apollo (1V)