passwords and keywords

Password and Keyword Requirements for Travelport+ (1G) and Apollo (1V)

The following requirements apply to passwords and keywords for the Travelport+ (1G) and Travelport Apollo (1V) systems.

Use these requirements when you are:


The following requirements apply to host passwords for Travelport+ (1G) and Apollo (1V).

Required Characters

Passwords and keywords must contain:

  • 8 to 10 characters.
    Note: As of March 15, 2022, the minimum number of characters required for a new password changes from 7 to 8 characters.
  • At least one letter and one number (alphanumeric).
  • At least three different characters from the previous password.

Prohibited Characters

Passwords and keywords cannot:

  • Contain special characters such as *, ; - + _ [] {}.
  • Use the same first three characters from the previous password.
  • Be repeated from the five previous password changes.
  • Be the same as your keyword.

Prohibited Words and Text Strings

In addition to the prohibited characters, the following words and text strings cannot be included as all or part of your password. For example:

  • If the first name in your sign-on profile is LISA, you cannot use either LISA or MONALISA.
  • You cannot use PASS, PASSWORD, or PASSPORT because they contain the restricted word PASS.

Restricted words and text strings include:

  • Your Sign-On ID, typed either forwards or backwards, and with or without a check digit.
  • Your agent name.
  • The first or last name shown in your STD profile.
  • Days of the week.
  • The name of a month.
  • Three consecutive similar characters such as AAA, 222, or 123.
  • Restricted words and text strings. For a list of restricted words and text, see Password/keyword restrictions for Galileo or Apollo sign-on in the Travelport Knowledge Base.
Tip! Be sure to log in with your MyTravelport user name, password, and multi-factor authentication code (MFA).


The following requirements apply to keywords for Travelport+ (1G) and Apollo (1V).

The following requirements apply to keywords:

  • Must contain between four and six characters.
  • Can contain letters and/or numbers (alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric).
  • Must be different from your password.

Tip! Try to set a keyword that you remember easily because this keyword will be useful when you need to change your password in the future.