
Selling Car Segments from Availability

Travelport Smartpoint provides two options for selling cars from availability:

  • Quick Sell, which sells the car without any additional modifiers.
  • Advanced Sell, which allows you to add to enter modifiers such as special equipment, frequent renter number, corporate discounts, billing details, and delivery and collection information.

Tip! You can use Travelport+ (1G) or Apollo (1V) formats to sell with TravelScreen preferences.

Selling Car Segments with Quick Sell

To sell a car with Quick Sell:

From the Car Rate Rules screen, click Sell Car(s).

Selling Car Segments with Advanced Sell

To sell a car with Advanced Sell:

  1. From the Car Rate Rules screen, click Advanced Sell.

  1. In the Car Sell Options screen, enter the desired sell options. All Advanced Sell fields are optional.

Sold Car Segments

Sold car segment information in the PNR/Booking File is the same for both Quick Sells and Advanced Sells, although Advanced Sells may also contain modifier data.