Assisted Ticketing

Viewing Ticket Lists and Ticket Details

With Assisted Ticketing, you can display:

  • A list of all tickets issued for a PNR/Booking File, as well as the status of each ticket.
  • Details for each ticket.
To display the ticket list and view ticket details:
  1. Retrieve a PNR/Booking File with ticketed fares.

  2. Click the Ticket icon to launch the Smartpoint Assisted Ticketing window.

    Tip! You can also enter the #TKTLIST Quick Command.
  3. Select the Ticket List tab. The following example shows a PNR/Booking File with two Open tickets.

    A list of all tickets issued in for PNR/Booking File is displayed. The tickets are grouped together per passenger.

    Tip! You can click REFRESH to update the list with the most recent information from the Travelport+ (1G) system.
  4. Optional. To see the details for a specific ticket, click the linked ticket number.

    The Ticket Detail screen is displayed.

  5. Click CLOSE to exit the Ticket Detail and redisplay the Ticket List.

  6. After viewing all ticket information, you can either:

    • Click CLOSE from the Ticket List to exit Assisted Ticketing.
    • Click another tab in Assisted Ticketing to perform additional ticketing tasks.