Delete Custom Rule API Reference



For {workbenchID} send the workbench identifier returned in ReservationResponse/Identifer/value in the workbench create response.

Base path:



Related Content: Custom Rules Guide

Send the Delete Custom Rule request to delete one or all custom rules from a reservation. Send it as part of a workbench session, either during the initial booking workflow after an offer is added, or a post-commit workbench for an existing reservation. It must be followed at some point by a workbench commit.

Custom rules are created in a rules booking engine used by your agency. See the Custom Rules for details.


Query Parameters

Parameter Description Required/Optional


Specify the sequence number of a single rule to remove from the booking, or all rules from the booking. Supported values:

  • {sequence number}: Send up to three digits (001-999) to specify the rule record sequence of the rule to delete. You can send a Custom Rule List request to retrieve a list of all custom rules and their sequence numbers, or a reservation retrieve with detail view requested to see the rules attached to a booking.

  • ALL: Send the value ALL to delete all custom rules for a booking.


Request Body

There is no message payload.


No response body.

Example Request

Send a numeric value in the RuleRecordSequence query parameter to remove the custom rule in that sequence number from a booking:

Send the value ALL in the RuleRecordSequence query parameter to remove all custom rules from a booking:

Example Response

No response body.