Book flight

Once you have selected flights from Flight Search results, you can add traveler information and book the flight(s).

Important information:

  • Free seats (both NDC and GDS) and paid seats (NDC only) are available prior to booking.

  • For NDC and GDS bookings, both free and paid seats can be added to held or ticketed bookings.

  • Meals and traveler assistance can be added before (NDC only) or after booking but must be added before ticketing.

  • At this time, Singapore Airlines is the only NDC airline that supports India GST within NDC. GST information must be added to a booking file prior to accessing the search panel.

  • For NDC orders only, when adding seats or SSRs before booking (NDC only), passenger information for each passenger must be included on the host booking file before searching for flights.

  1. Select a payment method if you want to book and ticket and complete the associated information. Card type TP is not a supported form of payment for NDC airlines at this time. Unused ticket may also be used where supported by the airline.

    Note:The form of payment is not required at time of booking. The form of payment may be added or modified at time of ticketing. If the FOP field exists in the booking file, only the card number and expiry date are auto-populated. The credit card name and CVV are not stored; these details have to be reentered at the ticket stage. If form of payment is added, the Ticket button is enabled as an option.

    • If Credit/Debit Card is added as form of payment, additional fees may apply.

      If credit/debit card is selected, complete the payment fields. The billing address fields also display. Billing address is optional unless required by the carrier. Some carriers may return an error message if billing address is added when not required.

    • The security code (CCV) is required for Air France, KLM, and British Airways bookings. You are prompted to enter this code before ticketing.

    • For countries that require an authorization code for credit card payments when booking GDS flights, a Card Authorization field displays as part of the credit card form.

    • If Unused Ticket is selected as form of payment (where supported by the airline), the Hold button is disabled as the only option for using Unused Ticket is to Ticket. Depending on the route, cabin class, or fare flexibility, the airline has specific rules around the use of banked funds. For example, airline rules may require that a new ticket be equal to or higher than the original ticket. Before making any exchanges, please be sure to check the Fare Rules.

      Note: Unused tickets or banked funds work differently depending on NDC carrier.

      • AA: When an unused ticket is used as a form of payment, AA refunds the amount if the booked ticket is lower than the unused ticket value based upon airline business rule.

      • UA: When an unused ticket is used as a form of payment, residual value is forfeited as based upon airline business rule.

      • QF: If the agent tries to pay a QF booking with an unused ticket as form of payment, and the booked ticket is less than the unused ticket, QF returns an error saying that unused tickets only can be used to pay a higher or equal amount.

  2. Complete the booking information fields.

    If a profile has been moved or any traveler information has been manually entered into the booking file, the relevant fields auto populate into the graphical Traveler Information screen. Sensitive information is masked.

    Note: Some airlines require certain mandatory documentation. You can refer to airline websites for specific requirements.

    • In the email field, the Type box supports TO (MT. in Travelport+) email. Note: The agent can no longer input a FROM (MF. in Travelport+) email.
      Note: American Airlines may send out emails to travelers when an agency books, tickets, changes, or cancels an NDC reservation. If you, as the agent, do not want your traveler to receive those emails, please add your own agency email address to the email field.

    • Enter a phone number.

    • While delivery address is not required to hold a booking, if including any address details, please ensure all field are completed to avoid potential hold errors. Please note that carriers each have a different subset of mandatory address fields when validating a booking.

  3. If the flights originate in India, the GST information section displays for you to enter Goods and Services Tax information.

  4. Complete the traveler information.

    • The first Traveler type must be ADT (adult). Age-based PTCs are calculated based on the birth date. If a passenger type is not supported by the airline, that passenger is converted to type ADT.

    • IATA titles are accepted, such as MR, MS, and MR.

    • The gender and birth date fields are not mandatory for adults. However, if a value is entered in one of the fields, then both fields must be completed.

    • If passenger is an infant or child, Date of Birth is required. If the passenger DOB is stored in the name remark, this will be removed once the booking is made.

    • Hyphen (-) is not a supported character in the postal code.

    • Passport expiry date must be entered as DDMMMYY (for example, 22JAN28).

      When booking a QF itinerary with a Passport ID, agents need to provide Nationality, otherwise the booking will fail.

      For UA NDC bookings, passport information must added using terminal commands.

  5. Add a security document if needed.

  6. Book the itinerary.

    • Select Hold to book but not issue a ticket.

    • Select Ticket to immediately ticket the flights (currently available for NDC bookings only). Ticket is only enabled if the form of payment was added.

      Note: For credit card purchases, if additional fees are applied, an updated Review and Confirm panel displays with a warning that the flight total has changed. The Fare Details contains a Fees entry with the new total. Select Ticket again to confirm the price change and ticket the itinerary.

    • Select Quote to add the itinerary to Trip Quote but not book.

  7. A successful booking displays the airline confirmation number. If the booking was held, the price guarantee expiry displays beneath the flight total.

    Note: For United NDC bookings, you may receive the warning "DOCA requested but could not be added." You can ignore this warning. UA does not support DOCA documents but they do use the information sent.

  8. Select View booking file button at the bottom right to display confirmation details.

    • If you selected Ticket, the Ticket section lists ticket numbers. If you selected Hold, the Ticket section is empty. Once issued, ticket numbers display in this section.

    • If you selected Hold, you must issue the ticket within the time limit provided by the airline. The ticketing deadline is listed in the Ticketing Arrangement field of the traveler.

The following options are available for bookings.


Available before ticketing

Available after ticketing

Add seats

Yes, both free and paid for NDC

Yes, only free for GDS

Yes, both free and paid for NDC and GDS

Select meals and traveler assistance



View booking






Modify an NDC booking (modify trip or passenger details or divide booking)



Exchange a Travelport booking



Apply a waiver code to an NDC booking



Cancel or void a booking

