Selecting a Room Rate (Hotel Availability List)
The Hotel Availability List provides available room rates for a hotel property selected from the Hotel List.
To view rooms rates for a hotel property:
Click the Available link or the SELECT button for that property from the Hotel List.
The Hotel Availability List is displayed with available room/rate combinations for the selected property.
Note: For brevity, the list of rates returned has been shortened.
To book a selected room rate, click the BOOK link
To view rooms rates for a hotel property:
Click the BOOK button for that property to sell the hotel booking.
A brief list of hotel details, including the property address and contact information, displays below the property name.
Click See more... to view the full detail information for this property.
The Check-In and Check-Out times for the property display in the upper right corner of the Hotel Availability List. Specific room rate options also may include brief rule information such as guarantee/deposit information, rate changes during the stay, cancellation requirements, and commission amounts.
Click Rules below a selected room rate to see the complete set of hotel rate rules associated with your selected booking code.
If displayed, you can hover over the Information icon to see Hotel Participation Level for this property and any information for the hotel chain or property.
In this example, a tip for booking is included in the text. SI FIELD is the Supplementary Information field and is displayed in the Sell Hotel screen when you book the room.
By default, room/rate options display in the original order that is returned by Worldspan.
Click the Sort By drop-down arrow and select from the list of sorting options.
Option | Description |
Default |
The default option displays the results in the same orders as they appear on the host. |
Cancellation |
Sorts by cancellation description in alphabetical order. |
Description |
Sorts by description in alphabetical order. |
Rate |
Sorts by rate from low to high. |
If you want to make changes to your selection, you can click the Back Arrow icon or BACK button to return to the Hotel List display.