
Searching for Hotel Properties (Hotel List)

The Hotel Booking Tool is a script that provides graphical screens to search for hotel properties and select room/rate options.

Displaying the Hotel Booking Tool

  1. To display the Hotel Booking Tool, use one of the following options:
  • From the Reservations menu select Hotel Booking Tool.
  • From the interactive calendar.
  • From the Quick Keys.
  • From a segment number in the PNR Viewer.

Using the Hotel Booking Tool

The Hotel Booking Tool is displayed in the Smart Panel.

Tip! If you open the Hotel Booking Tool from an air segment in the PNR Viewer, the fields for locations, dates, and city/airport codes are automatically pre-populated from the itinerary.

  1. In the Search Hotels By list box, select a search location type to search for a hotel property.

The search fields in the Hotel Booking Tool also changes depending on your selected location type.

  1. In Check In Date, add the arrival date for the hotel stay.
  • Enter a date in DDMMM format. For example: 07MAR and 24JUL.
  • Click the Calendar icon to select a date from the calendar pop-up.
  1. In Check Out Date, enter or select the departure date for the hotel stay.
  2. In Guests, enter the number of guests for the hotel stay.
  3. In Rooms, enter the number of rooms for the hotel stay.
  4. Optional. In Distance and Direction, enter the distance and/or direction the center of the search location that you selected in Step 1.
  1. Optional. In Chain/Loyalty Codes, enter a two-character chain code to limit the hotel response to that chain. A maximum of three codes are supported.
  2. Optional. In SecuRate/Plan Codes, enter negotiated rate codes.
  1. Optional. By default, hotel properties are returned regardless of availability. Select Display Available Hotels Only to return only hotel properties that are available for your search dates.
  2. Optional. Select Display Net Rates Only to return only rates that do not include a commission or other markup.
  3. Optional. Click More Options to request additional hotel search options.
  4. Optional. Click Settings to change the hotel settings that affect how your Hotel List response is displayed. These settings include options for the number of move downs, hotel images, and rate ranges.
  5. Click CONTINUE to display the Hotel List of properties that meet your search request.

Or, click the Delete icon to clear your entries and begin your search again.


Requesting Additional Hotel Search Options

Click More Options at the bottom of the Hotel Booking Tool screen to add one or more of the following search options.