
Plug-ins are applications that work within or in tandem with Travelport Smartpoint. There are several types of plug-ins:

Plug-in Type Description

Core Plug-Ins

Core plug-ins are installed as part of the base Smartpoint product.

Travelport-Reviewed Plug-Ins

Travelport-reviewed plug-ins are created by Travelport or Travelport partners, and receive software review by Travelport. However, these plug-ins are not updated with the main Travelport Smartpoint installation.

These plug-ins are available at Travelport Marketplace or your agency's regional Travelport portal.

Custom Plug-Ins

Custom plug-ins are created by your agency or purchased from a third-party software vendor.

These plug-ins have not been reviewed by Travelport, and each agency is responsible for managing custom plug-ins.



Plug-Ins Failing to Display on Dual Monitors

If you are using dual monitors, plugins that display as a pop-up in a separate screen from the main Smartpoint window may not open if the monitor setting is changed from Extend to Duplicate. Plug-ins that display as pop-ups include the Travelport NDC Web Plugin, Trip Quote, and Hotel Retail.

In the following example, the monitor display is set to Extend and:

  • The main Smartpoint window displays on the first monitor (Screen 1).

  • The Travelport NDC Web Plugin pop-up displays on the second monitor (Screen 2).

When the plug-in in Screen 2 is closed and the monitor setting changes from Extend to Duplicate, the plug-in does not redisplay if it is opened again.

Workaround 1

Keep the plug-in open when you change the display setting from Extend to Duplicate.

Workaround 2

Ensure the NDC plug-in is in the main screen before closing it.


Tip! To change monitor settings, press the Windows logo key + P to display the Windows Project window.