PNR/Booking File

Retrieving and Viewing Recent PNRs/Booking Files

Travelport Smartpoint allows you to view and subsequently display recently viewed and created PNRs and Booking Files. You can:

  • Retrieve recent PNRs/Booking Files in an active PCC (Pseudo City Code).
  • View the basic booking record data for all recent PNRs/Booking Files from any PCC or GDS.

You can also set options for recent PNRs and Booking Files, such as clearing on start-up or setting the number of records to display.

Retrieving Recent PNRs/Booking Files in an Active PCC

To retrieve recent PNRs/Booking Files:

  1. End transact any open PNRs/Booking Files. You cannot retrieve another PNR/Booking File when a current record is open.
  2. Open the Recent File list by either:

The Recent PNR/Booking File list is displayed.

  1. Double-click the Lead Passenger name to open a PNR/Booking File for an active PCC.
  2. If the PCC is active, the record locator is displayed in green text.
  3. If the PCC is inactive, the record locator is displayed in black text. If you double-click a PNR/Booking File in an inactive PCC, an error message is displayed: UNABLE TO RETRIEVE - RESTRICTED BF.

The retrieved PNR/Booking File displays in the PNR Viewer window.

Tip! Although you cannot retrieve a recent PNR/Booking from another PCC or GDS, you click Undock to view all recent PNRs and Booking Files from any PCC or GDS.


Viewing All Recent PNRs/Booking Files

Although you cannot retrieve a recent PNR/Booking from another PCC or GDS, you view the basic booking record data for all recent PNRs/Booking Files from any PCC or GDS.

To retrieve recent PNRs/Booking Files:

  1. Open the Recent File list by either:

The Recent PNR/Booking File list is displayed.

  1. Click UNDOCK.

The Recent File list undocks from the PNR Viewer and displays view-only booking record data.

  1. Select a record locator to display the PNR/Booking File information for that file. Note that PNRs/Booking Files for both active and inactive PCCs cannot be retrieved when the Recent File list is undocked.
  2. At any time, click DOCK to redisplay the original Recent File list or click CLOSE to exit the list.