Setting Options for Recent PNRs/Booking Files

You can set options for the list when retrieving or viewing recent PNRs/Booking Files.

To view recent PNRs/Booking Files:
  1. Open the Recent PNRs list.

The Recent PNR list is displayed.

  1. Optional. Click CLEAR to delete the list of PNRs/Booking Files.
  2. Optional. Click OPTIONS to display the Recent PNRs Settings window.

From the Recent PNRs Settings window, you can:

  • Save the PNR/Booking File list to an XML file.
  • Specify the PNR/Booking File recording limit, up to a maximum of 999.
  • Check the ‘Clear Replay PNRs when Smartpoint starts up’ box to clear the list each time you launch Travelport Smartpoint.