Hotel Retail

Using the Hotel Retail Map

In Hotel Retail, a map is displayed with the Hotel List and Rate Details.

Tip! To move the cursor into the Map Location field, press CTRL+L.

From the map, you can:

  • View property information.
  • Select a hotel property.
  • Search for hotel properties in a new location.
  • Request directions from a hotel property or other location. You can also:
  • Request directions for driving, public transit, or walking.
  • Copy a link of the map and directions to add to emails or other documents.

Viewing Property Information

To view property information, hover over a property. The property name and address are displayed. The lowest rate, NTM (Northstar Travel Media) ratings, and top amenities may also be displayed.

To change the size of the viewing area, you can use the Zoom In and Zoom Out icons. Click the Refresh icon to return to the original search area.

Selecting a Hotel Property

To select a hotel property, click a green property pin. The Rate Details List for the selected property are displayed and the select pin becomes blue . After a property is selected, you can continue to hover over other properties to view the property information.

Properties that are not available are displayed as a red pin.

Searching in a New Location

In the map, the target icon indicates the search location from your Hotel Search request. However, there are several ways that you can use the map to change the search location or search range.

  • In Map Location, enter a city name, airport name, or other location and click ENTER. If there is more than one location for the search name, select a location from the list of matches. You can use the mouse or arrow keys to scroll through the Map list.
  • If desired, click and drag to move the map to another location. Then, right-click in the new location and select NEW SEARCH FROM HERE.

Requesting Directions

There are several ways to display directions between two points in the map. You can also request directions for driving, public transit, or walking.