Schedules: Queues to Monitor

Once an Action has been created, the Queues to monitor section displays.

Note: As of release 15.7.1, Queue 0 can be monitored for action, advanced ticketing, and DistributePNRsEvenly handlers.

As of release 20.1, when a schedule is created with the options Inherit PNRs from previous action in this schedule AND Do not refresh PNR for applying criteria selected, the Queue to monitor page has the following options with Inherit queues from previous action selected.

When Inherit is selected, the queues to monitor for the current action are inherited from the previous action by default. If you change the option to Customized queues, a message informs you that you can add new queues; however, the inheritance option will be cleared. Click Yes to remove the inheritance option and add new queues.

When no inheritance option is selected, you can add new queues to monitor:

  1. Click Add new item to add a queue to monitor.

  2. Enter the queue number from which booking files will be monitored and actioned.

  3. (Optional) Enter the queue category from which booking files will be monitored and actioned.

  4. (Optional) Enter the queue date range from which booking files will be monitored and actioned.

  5. (Optional) If Pseudo City Code is left blank, the PCC associated with the web service credentials is used.

  6. Click Update to save the queue information.


Next Steps

  1. Edit Criteria.

  2. Add Handlers.