Corporate Review Transactions
Use the Corporate Review Transactions function to preview and edit the non-accounting data printed on the corporate reports of your clients. By reviewing the transactions, you can ensure that the proper savings information and sort codes have been entered and that only data you want reported to the client appears on the reports.
For instance, if there is a debit or credit memo from a provider that you do not want on the report, you can change the Report To ID for that item to an account such as NOACCT. This removes the item from the final printout of the actual account’s report.
To run the review:
On the Corporate submenu, click Corp. Review Transactions.
The Corporate Review Transactions screen appears.
Tip: You can increase the size of this screen by dragging an edge or corner to the desired size. This enables you to more efficiently view and work with data in the Search Results grid.
Complete the fields as follows:
Field Description Account ID
Specify a full or partial customer account ID. If you specify a full account ID, the Search Results grid will display the transaction records for this account ID only. Use the wildcard character (*) to specify a partial account ID, as shown in the following examples:
Displays transactions for account IDs that begin with "71" (for example, "7126" and "7153").
Displays transactions for account IDs that end with "71" (for example, "2071" and "10071").
Displays transactions for account IDs that contain "71" anywhere (for example, "7126", "10713", and "10071").
You can also specify "@tagged" to display transactions for tagged accounts only, or "@" followed by a customer interest code (for example, "@SKI") to display transactions for only accounts with that interest.
To find and select a customer account ID, click the lookup (
) button. The Find an Account ID screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.
Leave this field blank to display transactions for all customers.
Report To ID
- Leave this field blank to include all customers.
- Enter the full Report To ID to run the review for one Report To ID.
- Enter the initial characters (no wildcard character) to run the review for all Report To IDs that begin with those characters.
- Enter @ plus an interest to run the review only for Report To IDs with that interest code.
- Enter @TAGGED to run the review only for Report To IDs that are tagged.
To find and select a Report To ID, click the lookup (
) button. The Find an Account ID screen appears. For details, see Using the Lookup Buttons and Screens.
Customer Type
Enter a customer type to limit the review to invoices with that customer type.
Enter the form of payment to limit the review to invoices with that FOP.
Enter the beginning and ending invoice dates for the query.
Savings Code
Enter the savings code to limit the review (or leave blank for all).
Travel Type
Enter a travel type to limit the review to invoices with that travel type.
Primary Sort and Secondary Sort
You can sort on any of the following fields: Account Id, Report To Id, Savings Code, Sort 1, Sort 2, Sort 3, Sort 4, and Traveler.
- Click
Note: Search is limited to the branches to which you have access. -
You can edit any field in the grid by tabbing to it or by clicking on it and typing over the previous data. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to enter data:
Keyboard Shortcut Description F2
Copies the current field to the record below.
Copies the current field to all records below.
Copies the current field to the record above.
Copies the current field to all records above.
- To view invoice detail for a listed transaction, select the item and press F4. The Invoice Display screen appears. For more information, see Invoice Display Screen.
- To save changes, click OK.