Agent Commissions Overview
The Agent Commission Report calculates commissions due to your agents. These calculations are based on how you set up commissions for individual agents by using GlobalWare's Edit Agent Commission File function. You tailor commissions based on agent roles (booking, ticketing, or selling), the preferred statuses of providers (neutral, preferred, or discouraged), and the types of travel they sell. GlobalWare stores agent commission setups in the Agent Commission (AgentComm) table.
The Edit Agent Commission File Function
Before you run the Agent Commission Report, use the Edit Agent Commission File function to set up the commissions you will pay each commissioned agent for each type of travel they sell.
For each agent travel type, you must specify:
- When the agent can be paid commissions (for example, after commission is received from the provider)
For what preferred provider status, including:
- Neutral (neither Preferred nor Discouraged)
- Preferred
- Discouraged
- Other Non-Pref (includes both Neutral and Discouraged)
- All (includes Neutral, Preferred, and Discouraged)
For each agent travel type, you can set up commissions for more than one preferred provider status with the following restrictions:
- You can set up one to three separate commissions for Neutral, Preferred, or Discouraged, or
- If you set up a commission for Other Non-Pref, you can also set up one for Preferred only (not Neutral or Discouraged), or
- If you set up a commission for All, you cannot set up any other commissions for the travel type.
- You cannot set up more than one commission with the same combination of travel type and preferred provider status.
- How much the agent is paid for commissions (either a flat amount or a percentage of the base fare or commission)
- For what role (booking, ticketing, or selling)
This gives you flexibility in establishing commissions.
For agents to be recognized as commissioned employees, you must use the Edit Agent Commission File function to add them to the Agent Commission (AgentComm) table, specifying their sine codes. GlobalWare calculates commissions for an agent based on invoices that include the sine code for the particular agent in the booking, ticketing, or selling agent fields.
To use the Edit Agent Commission File function, see Using the Edit Agent Commission File Screen. To run the Agent Commission Report, see Agent Commission Report.