Accrual Posting

This topic provides an overview of how different forms of payment for a $1000.00 sale with a $100.00 commission post to the General Ledger when you use accrual accounting.

Post to G/L is done by AR (customer) Due Date (except tracking items, whose sales post on the commission received date).

Posting is summary to Sales and Revenue charts (by revenue type, such as air) and individual to AR and AP. Posting is individual to AR and AP for audit trail/history.

For multiple payment services (for example, a tour with deposit and final payment), sales for all items in the service post to G/L as of the AR date of the last item. (The AR, AP, and revenue for each item post on its individual AR due date.)

If there is a discount or markup, that amount is posted to the commission chart.

The Processing Table determines which specific charts sales, commissions (revenue), AR and AP post to. The Sales Contra and Commissions Receivable (AR Commission due) charts are set in System Control.

ARC/Direct Plastic

Post Invoices to GL

Sales Contra


Air commission
Air Sales


ARC/Direct Receivable

Post Invoices to GL

AR customer

Sales Contra



Air commission
Air Sales


Bank deposit



AR customer


ARC/Direct Cash (Same as AR, Except Order of Events)

Bank deposit



AR customer


Post Invoices to GL

AR customer

Sales Contra



Air commission
Air Sales


Invoice (Non-ARC) Credit Card Tour

Post Invoices to GL

AR commission due
Sales Contra


Tour commission
Tour Sales


Check from provider



AR comm due


Invoice (Non-ARC) Cash/Receivables

Post Invoices to GL

AR customer

Sales Contra



AP provider
Tour Comm
Tour Sales


Check from customer



AR customer


Check to provider

AP provider




Tracking (Car/Hotel)

Check from provider



Car revenue


Post Invoices to GL

Sales Contra


Tour Sales
