Vehicle Search by Reference Point
The location for Vehicle Searches can be modified by using References Points, which are specific locations within city or metropolitan area. Reference points are plotted by latitude and longitude.
A Reference Point can be a location such as an area attraction, business center, hospital, or government office. For example, Reference Points associated with Calgary, Canada include: Calgary International Airport, the Banff National Park Entrance, the Calgary Zoo, the Convention Centre, Foothills Stadium, the IBM corporate location at Fifth Avenue, Mt. Royal College, the University of Calgary, and Lake Louise.
/VehicleLocationRequest/ReferencePoint is used to assign reference points.
A maximum of 30 characters and spaces is permitted for a reference point.
A Pick-Up Location (/VehicleDateLocation PickUpLocation is optional in the request if the reference point is present ). Pick-Up Locations can be either a City or Airport code. However, if ReferencePoint is included in the request, without PickUpLocation, the location is always processed as a City code.
The response returns standard Vehicle Search data in proximity to the reference point.
Errors and Warnings
- If more than 30 characters/spaces are sent, the following error is returned: Max length of Reference Point description is 30 for the requested provider.
- Only one reference point can be sent in a request. If multiple reference points are sent, the following warning is returned: First ReferencePoint in SearchCriteria considered for Availability.
- If an incorrect ReferencePoint or city PickUpLocation location is specified, a list of similar names is returned as "PropName-City, PropName2-City2.", where PropName and City are the similar location and corresponding city code.
- If multiple suppliers are specified, and a Vehicle Type is not included in the request, the following error response is returned: A Vehicle Type is required when searching with multiple vendors.
- Some Location Types are not supported for a ReferencePoint only search without PickUpLocation; an error is returned.
Worldspan does not support search by Reference Point. The following error is returned: Provider does not support search by reference point.