Vehicle Search by Distance and Direction

A vehicle search by distance and direction allows a customer to pick and drop off at a location most convenient to them. Choosing the right provider and location is the key to optimize their travel itinerary, as a customer would like to search for a car vendor that is located as close to his arrival as possible. The Distance and Direction modifiers allow a user to search for cars by including a distance (Direction and Miles) parameter from a particular location (like Terminal, CityCenter, or Downtown).


In addition to the minimum required data for a Vehicle Search, the car distance options are added as attributes of the VehicleSearchAvailabilityRequest/VehicleSearchModifiers/SearchDistance.

When using the SearchDistance modifier with distance and direction in the search criteria:


For Distance@Units, two unit types are available:

Default: If the unit is not included in the request, the default is Miles (Mi).


For Distance@Direction, Direction can be a single direction or a combination:


There are two distance modifiers, Minimum and Maximum: Distance @MinDistance and Distance @MaxDistance.

Distance can be a number or a range.

Limit: 3 Bytes (max Limit = 999) (E.g. : <DistDir>800MNW-999</DistDir>)

Default: When only a single two- or three-digit number is in the request, the default starting range = 000. For example, if Distance = 30, then <DistDir>000MN -030</DistDir>)

Both the Distance and Direction are sent in one field. The acceptable values are:


A standard Vehicle Search response is returned in VehicleSearchAvailabilityRsp, in \VehicleDateLocation\VendorLocation\Distance\, with either @Units, @Value, or @Direction.


In the \Distance\Units, the units can be returned two ways:


In the \Distance\Value, values for distance can be a number or a range:


In the \Distance\Direction, values for direction can be a single direction or a combination: