Vehicle Location Details
Requests the location details for a specific vehicle vendor location for a specific date.
- Street address
- Local telephone number
Hours of operation
Location details vary by supplier, but include information such as:
Accepted credit cards
Age restrictions for the renter, if any
If vehicles to be refueled prior to their return
Driver's license requirements
Recommended and required insurance coverage
Makes and models of cars the vendor typically has available for rent
VehicleLocationDetailReq in the VehicleLocationService is used to request location details.
The minimum required data for car location request is:
The supplier code for the rental agency in Vendor/Code. (Only one vendor code is permitted.)
Attributes of VehicleDateLocation for:
Pick-up date and time.
Pick-up location (city/airport code).
Drop-off date and time.
Note: When no PickupLocationNumber is provided in the VehicleLocationDetailReq, an error is returned in the response <faultstring>INVALID LOCATION NUMBER ENTERED - NEED TWO NUMERICS</faultstring>:
- The PickupLocationNumber is not returned in any of the previous Vehicle related messages.
- The value of the attribute PickupLocationNumber is the same as the value of VendorLocationID, returned as part of VendorLocation@VendorLocationID in a VehicleLocationRsp.
VehicleLocationDetailRsp returns location details.