Unassociated Remarks
An Unassociated Remark is an optional multi-item field that holds a free form string of text. Unassociated remarks are added at the PNR level and are not associated with a segment. There is no length restriction on an Unassociated Remark in Universal API, however, the host only accepts 70 characters. If more than 70 characters are entered, the remark is truncated at the 70th character before it is sent to the host.
Unassociated remarks are supported in:
- Air, Hotel, and Vehicle Bookings
- Book-on-Book (adding a air/hotel/vehicle to an existing PNR)
- Universal Record (UR) Retrieve and Import
Include the UnassociatedRemark element in the request.
Adding Unassociated Remarks to an Existing Booking
When a reservation is added to an existing PNR, the unassociated remarks in the new request are compared to the ones in the existing reservation.
- If all unassociated remarks match, the unassociated remark is not sent, and a warning is sent in response: "Unassociated Remark already exists"
- If none match or only some match, all unassociated remarks that do not match are sent in the request.
Adding, Updating, and Deleting Unassociated Remarks
Unassociated Remarks can be added (post booking), updated, and deleted using UniversalRecordModifyReq and:
- UniversalAdd/UnassociatedRemark
- UniversalUpdate/UnassociatedRemark
- UniversalDelete with typeElement = "UnassociatedRemark"
Multiple Unassociated Remarks can be added and updated in one request using UniversalModifyCmd. To delete multiple remarks, send multiple UniversalModifyCmd elements in the request.
The unassociated remark is returned in the response:
- CreateReservationRsp/UniversalRecord/UnassociatedRemark
- UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp/UniversalRecord/UnassociatedRemark
Within the UnassociatedRemark in the response, Key, ProviderCode and ProviderReservationInfoRef are populated.
Synchronization occurs for unassociated remarks between the Host and the Universal Record.
- If the unassociated remark text is an exact match, nothing occurs.
- If the unassociated remark that is returned in the Host response does not match the remark in the UR, the Host remark is added to the UR.
- If the UR has an unassociated remark that is not returned in the Host response, that remark is removed from the UR.
Galileo does not allow BookingTravelerRef in UnassociatedRemark. If it is sent in the request, a warning is returned: "Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with UnassociatedRemark."
Apollo does not allow BookingTravelerRef in UnassociatedRemark. If it is sent in the request, a warning is returned: "Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with UnassociatedRemark."
- Worldspan allows BookingTravelerRef in UnassociatedRemark.
- Worldspan allows 2 to 65 characters in UnassociatedRemark.