BeNe (BN) Carrier Requirements
For Universal API developers that develop code for rail carriers, some carriers require a specific process to become certified on their system.
When implementing BeNe, there are slight differences than with other rail API-connected carriers. Below is a list of what’s different for BeNe, as well as tips when starting your development:
BeNe content, through Universal API, has Benelux-only sales and distribution restrictions, does have a carrier certification process to follow, and also has a Look-to-Book requirement.
Note: With BN, Eurostar content, as well as many international SNCF trains, may be available.
When developing for BeNe content:
- The first RailAvailabilitySearchReq has no train segment. If the request includes ResponseType, ensure ResponseType="Availability". ResponseType=”Fares” is used when the request is for specific train segments. There are three settings for RailAvailabilityRequest:
- RequestType="Availability" - this is the default if the RailAvailabilitySearchReq does not include a ResponseType and does not include train segments.
- RequestType="Schedules".
- RequestType="Fares" – this is the default if the RailAvailabilitySearchReq does not include a ResponseType but includes train segments.
- The second rail availability call is optional, and typically is used to request fares for specific trains (e.g., RequestType="Fares"). If it's used for specifying a train segment, the default is "Fares."
- To build your book call, begin by choosing the correct RailPricingSolution from the RailAvailabilityRsp and add it in to the RailCreateReservationReq. For example:
<rail:RailPricingSolution Key="tzcQ2DWrTGG10Yo33k44GQ==" OfferId="29" TotalPrice="GBP110.00" ApproximateTotalPrice="GBP110.00" ProviderCode="RCS" SupplierCode="TL" HostTokenRef="fe0a7f56-c696-4ba1-a9ba-c51802d2fad3" Reference="SA">
<rail:RailJourneyRef Key="5+Pog03TR7y9G/j1vRhnnQ=="/>
<rail:RailPricingInfo Key="aGja7MaZTQOKyBz2+tVFWA==" TotalPrice="GBP110.00" ApproximateTotalPrice="GBP110.00">
<rail:RailFareRef Key="I8OxAuUeQk2ytTPnmGinww=="/>
<rail:RailBookingInfo RailFareRef="I8OxAuUeQk2ytTPnmGinww==" RailJourneyRef="5+Pog03TR7y9G/j1vRhnnQ=="/>
<rail:PassengerType Code="ADT" Age="34"/>
</rail:RailPricingSolution> - Complete any Ref data that with the actual element to which it points. Replace:
- RailJourneyRef with RailJourney.
- The RailSegmentRef under RailJourney must be replaced with the RailSegment:
<rail:RailSegmentRef Key="jKC9ePAHQa2/KpSb8tV+aw=="/>
- The RailSegmentRef under RailJourney must be replaced with the RailSegment:
- RailFareKey with RailFare.
- The RailFareNoteRef and RailFareIDRef are optional, and can be removed:
<rail:RailFareNoteRef Key="OlasB2RKRIu7VdbJz+gTaw=="/>
<rail:RailFareIDRef Key="CsgbPGs8Tz2Ajt4zda4q1w=="/>
- RailJourneyRef with RailJourney.
- Ensure the settings are correct based on what the carrier accepts:
- FormOfPayment Type: BN only accepts DirectBill (which is like an Agency form of payment):
com:FormOfPayment Type="DirectBill" Key="LO+7YhXOFrqq+S0pndtqrA==" FulfillmentType="Ticket on Departure - FulfillmentType: Ticket on Departure, Travel Agency, Train Station Service Desk, Digital Printing of Ticket at Home, Retrieve Ticket at Eurostar in London, Corporate Kiosk, Ticket by Email:
- <com:FormOfPayment Type="DirectBill" Key="LO+7YhXOFrqq+S0pndtqrA==" FulfillmentType="Ticket on Departure">
Removing the multiple FulfillmentType elements from either the RailSegment or the RailFare is optional, because Universal API only keys off of what is sent in the FormOfPayment element.
- If Corporate Kiosk is used, it will default to 'Ticket on Departure' at the carrier.
- BookingAction: BN accepts BookingActionType="Final", "FinalTicket", and "Initiate" in the root of the RailCreateReservationReq.
Payment Type: this attribute is required, and all enumerated values in the schema are accepted for BN:
<com:Payment Type="Itinerary" BookingTravelerRef="LO+6XgYQTrqq+S0pndtprA==" ApproximateAmount="GBP110.00" FormOfPaymentRef="LO+7YhXOFrqq+S0pndtqrA==" Amount="GBP110.00" Key="Mtks1xNNOmuJdFRvCybKxg=="/>
- FormOfPayment Type: BN only accepts DirectBill (which is like an Agency form of payment):
Rail Exchange
Rail.xsd enables the RailExchangeQuoteReq and RailExchangeReq transactions for BeNe through Universal API.
- For SNCF and BeNe, the customer must send RailPricingSolution in the RailExchangeQuote request.
RailExchangeQuote without RailPricingSolution is NOT supported by RCS for these vendors. Therefore, for BENE, the customer is expected to do a RailAvailabilitySearchReq/LFS to get a new RailPricingSolution and then pass it in RailExchangeQuote.
For exchange quote:
- RailExchangeQuoteReq/RailPricingSolution/RailPricingInfo/RailFare/RailFareNoteRef and RailExchangeQuoteReq/RailFareNoteList should be present.
Both should be taken from the RailPricingSolution returned in RailAvailabilitySearchRsp done before exchange quote
- BeNe allows only modifying existing segments at the journey level.
Users can indicate whether to add/modify/cancel rail journeys through the new RailPricingSolution and RailExchangeSolution element, specifically in the @Operation attribute.