Rail Shopping with Discount Card

Discount card information can be sent for Low Fare Shopping requests at either the itinerary (booking) or passenger level.

Multiple Discount Codes can be sent in the request, and a request can include both discounted and non-discounted passengers.

The prices in the shopping response commonly do not indicate that a discount was applied. Many rail suppliers rely on travel agent knowledge with regard to their discounts and price structures.


The DiscountCard element support discount card information.

Requesting Discount Cards at the Passenger Level

At the passenger level, discount card information is included in /SearchPassenger/DiscountCard.

Requesting Discount Cards at the Itinerary Level

At the itinerary level, discount card information is included in /AirPricingModifiers/DiscountCard.


In the Low Fare Shopping response, discount card information is returned RailPricingSolution/RailPricingInfo/PassengerType/DiscountCard.

If a Discount Code at the booking level, Universal API maps the discount code with Quantity="1" in RCS RailShopAPIRequest. RCS returns a discounted fare for 1 passenger in RailShopAPIResponse. If the rail distributor does not tie the discounted fare to a passenger, Universal API ties the discounted fare to the first passenger.
