Rail Shopping by Cabin Class
Low Fare Shopping requests can be modified to request availability by the cabin class (class of service). Supported cabin classes can vary by provider or supplier.
There are three types of cabin-selection options available. Note that the availability of each of these options may vary by function, segment type, provider, and/or supplier.
- Preferred Cabins
Requests availability for the selected cabin classes.
If that class is not available, an alternate cabin may be returned. Depending on availability and processing, either a cabin downgrade or upgrade may be offered.
Permitted Cabins
Requests availability only for the selected cabin class.
If that class is not available, no additional options are returned in the response.
Prohibited Cabins
Excludes availability for the selected cabin classes.
Note: Prohibited cabin classes are not currently supported for Rail segments. The ProhibitedCabins element serves as a placeholder for future implementations of Air segments.
In Low Fare Shopping, cabin classes can be specified in either the individual segment level or the itinerary (booking) level for each segment in the itinerary.
Itinerary-level (booking-level) cabin preferences are specified in LowFareSearchReq\AirPricingModifiers. When requested at this level, the cabin preference applies to all applicable segments in the itinerary.
Only PermittedCabins are supported at the itinerary level. The specified can class applies to all segments in the itinerary.
Segment-level cabin preferences are specified in LowFareSearchReq\SearchAirLeg\AirLegModifiers.
PreferredCabins and PermittedCabins are supported at the segment level.
Minimum Required Data
The Type attribute in the Class child identifies the requested cabin class.
Current Rail suppliers support only the following enumerated values for typeCabinClass:
- First
- Economy (Standard)
If an unsupported cabin class is requested:
- PremiumFirst is processed as First class.
- PremiumEconomy is processed as Economy class.
Business class is not used by the current suppliers and is ignored; a warning message is returned.
The response returns a Low Fare Shopping response that is filtered for the preferred or permitted cabins. If no cabin class is specified in the request, the default response returns all cabin classes.
Cabin class data for each air pricing solution is included in CabinClass attribute of the BookingInfo element, which is located in LowFareSearchRsp/AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo.
The values of theCabinClass attribute are:
- 1.SEG = First Class
- 2.SEG = Standard (Economy) Class
If the supplier does not specify a cabin class for the response, Standard-class options are returned.
Errors and Warnings
Multiple cabin classes are not supported by RCS. If multiple classes are included in the request, only the first cabin class is processed, and a warning is returned: Search of multiple cabin options is not supported. Only the first cabin option has been searched.
BeNe does not support class of service requests for inbound segments. If a class is specified in the request, it is ignored and a warning is returned: RailPref/@Class and RailPref/@MaxChanges are supported at booking level. Only OUTBOUND or BOTH preferences if present are taken. The INBOUND preferences are discarded.
Amtrak supports First, Economy, and Business classes.