Refunding Rail Bookings

RailRefundQuoteReq and RailRefundQuoteRsp

RailRefundReq and RailRefundRsp

Rail bookings cannot be canceled because they are ticketed immediately after booking. Therefore, rail bookings must be refunded or exchanged. To refund a rail booking:

  1. Quote the refund using RailRefundQuoteReq.

  2. Process the refund using RailRefundReq.

Refund Quote Request

Minimum Data

LocatorCode provides the unique identifier for the rail reservation.

Rail Refund Quote Response



Rail Refund Info includes the refund amount and any cancellation fees that may apply to the exchange. If the rail booking included an Accommodation (paid seat), the Accommodation amounts are included in either the RefundAmount (if Accommodation is refundable) or in the CancellationFee (if Accommodation is not refundable).

Note: The Universal Record History captures changes to: 



Rail Refund Request

Rail Refund Response

Canceled segments are removed from the UR and all changed/cancelled segments are recorded to the UR History.

A refunded rail segment is returned with a booking status of Refunded.
