
Profile preferences were created to provide the greatest of flexibility; therefore, most attributes are optional. Preferences can be defined for air, vehicle, rail, hotel, and other.
"Other" preferences are used to define criteria that does not fit into any of the other travel categories.

In the attributes for each preference type there is a reference to LoyaltyProgramEnrollment and FormOfPayment that will have a unique ID stored in the preference that maps to the data for each loyalty or payment to is setup for a preference on the product type.

Common Preferences


The following rules apply to the GeoPoliticalArea attributes:

Find Codes

The Util schema contains a ReferenceDataRetrieve request that allows users to specify a type code, such as Country, City, or Airport. The response contains a list of all values and associated codes. For example, if the user wants to specify a DepartureGeoPoliticalAreaType of country but does not know the country code, the user can first send the ReferenceDataRetrieveReq with TypeCode=Country. The response would contain a list of all countries and their associated codes.

The ReferenceDataRetrieve request can be applied to the following Preference attributes:

The following TypeCodes apply to GeoPoliticalAreas:

Currency and Money

The following attributes are of data type Money: MaxAirFareAmt, MaxFareAmt, BenchMarkAmt, MaxRoomRateAmt.

Preferred Payment Method

The AirPreference, HotelPreference, VehiclePreference, RailPreference, and OtherPreference elements contain a PreferencePaymentMethod attribute. The PreferencePaymentMethod attribute values are the same codes used for the FormOfPayment Type attribute.

Travel Preference Codes

Within the Utility service, the Reference Data Retrieve request can be used to return codes required in many profile preference attributes. Send the ReferenceDataRetrieveReq with the TypeCode attribute set to one of the following:

Air Preferences

The following rules apply to air preferences:

Hotel Preferences

The following rules apply to hotel preferences:

Vehicle Preferences

The following rules apply to vehicle preferences:

Rail Preferences

The following rules apply to rail preferences: