Hierarchy Levels

A Hierarchy is a collection of hierarchy levels. Each hierarchy level defines a kind of profile that an agency has. Hierarchies allow the agency to set up which kinds of profiles it has in its business model. These “kinds” are the levels in the hierarchy.

The Universal API supports two types of hierarchies: Agency and Account.

With few exceptions, each specific profile is associated to one of these levels (directly or indirectly). Within each agency’s (or account’s) hierarchy, certain types of profiles (and thus certain levels in the hierarchy) will be required. These required types of profiles are “anchor points” – Agency, Branch, Agent, Account, Traveler. Group profile types (i.e., Agency Group, Branch Group, and Traveler Group) represent the extended/flexible hierarchy. The hierarchy levels are also used to house the templates associated to the profiles at each hierarchy level.

Individual profiles are associated to a hierarchy level, which identifies which type or kind of profile it is, and, indirectly, which template is used to display the profile. Hierarchy levels are associated to each other in parent-child relationships. The parent-child relationship of hierarchy levels constrains but does not determine the parent-child relationships of the profiles associated to the hierarchy levels.

Note that on the Universal Desktop GUI, "hierarchy" refers to the relationships among profiles themselves, i.e., it refers to the profile hierarchy, not to the types of profiles. The GUI does not directly present hierarchy levels. Instead, it merges the presentation of templates and hierarchy levels, so users think they're editing the templates even when the attributes they are modifying are attributes of the hierarchy levels, and users will think of defining relationships among templates when in fact they are defining relationships among hierarchy levels.

Hierarchy Levels and Templates

Common Functions and Rules

There is a separate Agency Hierarchy and Account Hierarchy, each with multiple hierarchy levels.

The Agency Hierarchy must contain the anchor points of Agency, Branch, Agent. This hierarchy can be customized by adding one or more levels of Branch Group between Agency and Branch.

The Account Hierarchy must contain the anchor points of Account, Traveler. This hierarchy can be customized by adding one or more levels of Traveler Group between Account and Traveler.

Universal API will not provide an external web service to create the anchor points of a hierarchy. Those levels will be auto-generated by the system at time of provisioning an agency or creating an account profile.™

The following rules apply for relationships of hierarchy levels.

Hierarchy Level

Number of Parent Levels

Parent Hierarchy Level

Number of Children Levels

Child Hierarchy Level

Agency Group






0 or 1

None or Agency Group, if one exists


Branch Group or Work Area Branch

Branch Group


Branch Group or Agency


Branch Group or Work Area Branch

Work Area Branch


Branch Group or Agency





Work Area Branch







Traveler Group or Traveler

Traveler Group


Traveler Group or Account


Traveler Group or Account



Traveler Group or Account

