Preferred Currency for Hotels
By default, a Hotel Search and Hotel Rate and Rule Search (HotelDetailsReq) return rates in the currency of the Target Branch. Use @PreferredCurrency to indicate a different currency for the response.
- HotelSearchAvailability(Asynch)Req/HotelSearchModifiers @PreferredCurrency
- HotelDetailsReq/HotelDetailsModifiers @PreferredCurrency
This preference applies to all providers that support Hotel segments; however, the response attributes returned vary by carrier.
- Attributes for approximate rates and taxes are available in instances when the exact value is not available from the supplier or when the conversion rate is not yet determined.
Hotel Search
In the HotelSearchAvailabilityRsp, HotelSearchAvailabilityAsynchRsp (v49.0 and earlier), and RetrieveHotelSearchAvailabilityRsp (v49.0 and earlier), approximate values are indicated in /HotelSearchResult/RateInfo in the following attributes:
- @ApproximateMinimumAmount
- @ApproximateMaximumAmount
- @ApproximateMinimumStayAmount
- @ApproximateAverageMinimumAmount
Converted hotel rates and taxes are always approximate because the estimated conversion rate using for Hotel searches and booking may not be the actual conversion rate used at the time that payment is made. The approximate attributes support currency handling when the traveler’s default currency and the currency returned do not match. When @PreferredCurrency is specified, unmatched currency values can occur if the requested currency does not match the provider’s default currency. To recognize the possible disparity in values because of differing currencies, approximate rate attributes indicate that the currently identified rate or tax value may not be exactly the same as the actual value charged at the time of payment.
- For Galileo (1G), Apollo (1V), and Worldspan (1P), the requested currency is returned in HotelSearchAvailability(Asynch)Rsp/HotelSearchResult/RateInfo @ApproximateMinimumAmount and @ApproximateMaximumAmount.
Hotel Rate and Rule Search
In a Hotel Rate and Rule request, @PreferredCurrency can be specified if HotelSearchModifiers @RateRuleDetail="Complete". Two attributes in HotelDetailsRsp/RequestedHotelDetails/HotelRateDetail return the approximate values:
- @ApproximateBase returns the approximate base room rate, excluding taxes or fees. Base values are returned for Rate by Date hotel responses.
- @ApproximateTotal returns the approximate total room rate, including taxes and fees.
The response attributes returned vary by carrier.
- Galileo (1G) and Apollo (1V)
- If a preferred currency is specified in the request, alternate currency amounts from Galileo and Apollo are returned in either HotelDetailsRsp/RequestedHotelDetails/HotelRateDetail @ApproximateTotal or HotelDetailsRsp/RequestedHotelDetails/HotelRateDetail/HotelRateByDate @ApproximateBase.
- If a preferred currency is not requested, values are returned in @Total and @Base, and approximate values are not returned.
- Galileo and Apollo default to the currency filed by the supplier (hotel property). The Preferred Currency does NOT change the handling of the default currency.
Worldspan (1P)
If a preferred currency is specified in the request, alternate currency amounts from Worldspan are returned in HotelDetailsRsp/RequestedHotelDetails/HotelRateDetail/HotelRateByDate @ApproximateBase and/or @Approximate Total.
- Approximate values are also returned even if a preferred currency is not specified.
- Values for Worldspan are not returned in @Total and @Base.
- The HotelDetailsRsp/RequestedHotelDetails/HotelRateDetail/RoomRateDescription/ExtraCharges are returned in the requested currency.
- Worldspan defaults to the currency of requested SID (PCC).