Travelport Exclusive Rates
Available on Galileo (1G), Apollo (1V), and Worldspan (1P).
What are Travelport Exclusive Rates?
- Provide exclusive rates that are available to all Travelport customers.
- Available to all Travelport B2B and B2C agencies through rate access code 4TM.
- Rates may have increased commission, greater discount off BAR and/or additional amenities, like free wifi, free breakfast, or length of stay offers.
- Provide the best and most compelling rates at any given time to reflect the hotel's business needs.
- Provide a better value overall than agents are likely to see on websites.
- Rates are not necessarily the cheapest but are competitive.
- Rates are not aimed at replacing the highly negotiated corporate rates from other hotel programs. Travelport exclusive rates complement negotiated rates.
Access Travelport Exclusive Rates
To return Travelport Exclusive Rates, send CorporateDiscountID @NegotiatedRateCode="4TM".
Travelport Exclusive Rates can be returned in conjunction with any additional rate access codes included in the request. To ensure that all rate access codes in the request are processed and sent to the hotel provider, set HotelDetailsModifiers @ProcessAllNegoRatesInd="true".
Refer to Corporate Discounts and Negotiated Rates for a list of all transactions that accept a negotiated rate code.
Why should you use Travelport Exclusive Rates?
- Improves conversion and avoids revenue leakage in the hotel booking flow.
- Increases agent value by empowering them to offer exclusive deals that their customers cannot obtain elsewhere.
- Improves agent workflow efficiency and saves time by reducing manual processes.
- Provides a competitive service to agency customers with exclusive deals. Travelport Exclusive Rates are particularly valuable for smaller agencies who do not have the negotiating power to get exclusive rates.
- Increases agency attachment rates and ultimately improves their Travelport booking credits.
- Satisfies the desire by hotels to differentiate their offering to different travelers.
- Offers hotels increased global exposure at no additional cost.
- Allows hotels to have full control over what they sell and when.