Hotel Search by Number of Travelers

By default, a Hotel Search processes a request for one adult traveler. However, the number of adult travelers in a request can be modified.

Note: For an initial hotel availability, only adult travelers are considered. Child travelers can be added to a room and rate request using a Hotel Rate and Rule Search.


A standard Hotel Search request is made to more than one room. In addition to the minimum required search data, the NumberOfAdults attribute of HotelSearchAvailabilityReq/HotelSearchModifiers is used to the set the number of adults in the availability search.


The Hotel Search response returns only properties with availabilities for the requested number of adults.

Indicates the number of adult travelers in the booking using the NumberofAdults attribute in HotelSearchModifiers.


If the NumberOfChildren modifier was sent in the request and if a vendor does not support the number of children modifier, that vendor code is indicated in the error response: Number of Children Not Supported by CC, where CC is the HotelProperty @HotelChain.
