Hotel Search by Hotel Property Address or Postal Code


A standard Hotel Search request returns a list of hotel properties. In addition to the minimum required data, a Hotel Search Location modifier can be sent to narrow the search to the closest hotels to a specific hotel property address or postal code.

Note: Hotel Search by Address supports only the street address of a hotel property. Geocode locations and street addresses associated to locations other than a specified hotel property are not supported through Search by Address.

Implementation by Provider

See Implemented Transactions for provider functionality specific to each transaction.



Galileo (1G)

Galileo supports Address search for both street addresses and postal codes. Provider activation is required for this functionality. Contact your Travelport representative for more information.

ReferencePoint can also be used to search by postal codes, but is mutually exclusive with HotelAddress.

Apollo (1V)

Apollo supports Address search for both street addresses and postal codes. Provider activation is required for this functionality. Contact your Travelport representative for more information.

ReferencePoint can also be used to search by postal codes, but is mutually exclusive with HotelAddress.

Worldspan (1P) Worldspan supports Address search for both street addresses and postal codes.


Hotel Address and Postal Code search functionality varies by provider.


The response returns hotel properties filtered by the hotel property address or postal code.

Galileo (1G) and Apollo (1V)



Implemented Transactions