Hotel Media

A Hotel Media request allows the user to enter an identification number for a hotel property and choose which images of that property to display. The response contains the URLs of the requested images or media files.

Hotel media and descriptions are stand-alone transactions, which do not need to be made as part of any specific travel business process. However, images and descriptions are typically requested as part of shopping functions, such as a hotel property search or a complete hotel availability request.


HotelMediaLinksReq in the HotelMediaLinksService requests hotel media links.

In HotelProperty, the HotelCode and HotelChain children are required to identify the property. Image requests for up to 20 properties can be included in a single media request.

By default, all media files associated with a property are returned. However the following attributes can be used to modify the request:


The response is returned in HotelMediaLinksRsp.

The response returns URLs for each of the associated request items for each property in HotelPropertyMediaItems.

HotelProperty returns identifying information for the property.

Each instance of MediaItem returns the details for response item associated with that property. The returned attributes vary depending on the type of medium:

Any additional messages, errors, or warnings are included in MediaResultMessage.