Hotel Description

Hotel Property Descriptions supplies additional information about a hotel property or chain, based on keyword requests, that can be used to determine a hotel selection.

The amount and type of details supplier can vary by provider and supplier (hotel chain). However, property description information typically includes information such as:

Implemented Transactions

Hotel Property Descriptions are optional, but are frequently used when selecting a hotel property. A Hotel Property Description request is typically performed as a follow-up request for a specific property in a list retrieved through a Hotel Search or Hotel Rate and Rule Search. Hotel Rate and Rule Search also typically returns room descriptions specific to a room/rate combination.

Hotel Property Description Options

There are several types of property description data available through Universal API. These data vary by provider as well as by the level of specificity desired.


Property Description Type Description Request XPath/File Location Supported Providers

General Property Description

An abridged version of the hotel property description or chain description.

Description information can vary by vendor, but typically includes:

  • Hotel property identification, including chain code, hotel code (unique property ID), associated city or airport, and the hotel name.

  • The address of the hotel property.

  • The distance and direction of the hotel.

HotelDetailsModifiers @RateRuleDetail="None" (or empty)

Galileo (1G), Apollo (1V), Worldspan, (1P)

Keyword Property Description

Specific information based on a keyword. This information is typically more comprehensive than the abridged information provided in the General Property Description.

For example, keywords can return detailed information for cancellation policies, deposit and credit card policies, family plans, promotions, and frequent traveler services.

A list of available keywords for a specified provider and hotel chain or property can also be requested.


Galileo (1G), Apollo (1V), Worldspan, (1P)