Using Keys in Universal API Transactions

Universal API uses durable keys, which keeps keys from changing when Universal Records are retrieved and modified.


The existing (optional) Key attribute in a request supports Base 64-encoded Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) values. For example, a Base 64-encoded UUID looks similar to: FRJohOqfS46ERG8efXu5Gw==


A value for @Key can be included in a request or is automatically assigned when a PNR is imported. The Key that is sent in the request is returned in the response. If no value is provided in @Key in the request, a UUID is generated in the Universal API response.


The Key remains associated with the element to which it is attached for the life of the Universal Record, and Keys must be unique for each element in a Universal Record (UR). For example, a Key submitted in a request in AirSegment @Key provides a Key value that is consistent and durable for all subsequent requests and responses that reference this AirSegment.


An Element Status (@ElStat) attribute and a Key Override (@KeyOverride) attribute in the response indicate situations where Keys were modified by Universal API, without triggering an error.