1400 |
Reservation is currently being updated by another process. |
1401 |
Invalid reservation. |
1402 |
Provider information not found. |
1403 |
Target Provider Code not found. |
1404 |
Target Provider Locator code not found. |
1405 |
Import of a ReadOnly record is not allowed. |
1406 |
PNR XXX is ReadOnly |
1407 |
This service is deprecated. |
1408 |
Please check service endpoint. |
1409 |
Action Status date is past dated. |
1410 |
Reservation has been created ignoring rule name. |
1411 |
Invalid length for Provider Locator Code. |
1412 |
Invalid length for City. The response has been truncated. |
5124 |
Provider supports only one hotel loyalty card for the primary passenger. The following loyalty card(s) were not included in the request: |
5125 |
Provider supports only one air loyalty card for the primary passenger. The following loyalty card(s) were not included in the request: |
18077 |
Invalid Account ID. |
0017 |
Provider Locator Code does not exist. |
0018 |
PNR does not exists. |
0020 |
Error in retrieving the PNR. |
0022 |
Universal Record Locator for the specificed Provider Locator could not be found. |
0023 |
Loyalty card information is allowed for primary passenger only. |
0031 |
Status UC - Unable to confirm or waitlist |
0032 |
Status SS - Sell message sent to the carrier |
0315 |
Origin Application is required in the request. |
3004 |
Minimum Connect-time Threshold violated. |
3006 |
Authorization on at least one credit card failed. |
3111 |
Credit card has no funds. |
3112 |
Credit card Expiry Date is past dated. |
3113 |
Invalid credit card number format. |
3115 |
Invalid credit card vendor. |
3117 |
Credit card was denied. |
3118 |
This credit card is not supported for address verification. |
3119 |
Credit card security code verification failure. |
3121 |
Credit card has an invalid expiration date. |
3122 |
Credit card has an invalid effective date. |
3124 |
Credit card has an invalid authorization amount. |
3339 |
Invalid Credit Card |
3106 |
Passenger name not found in the database. |
3130 |
Record locator not found. |
3148 |
Reservation has expired. |
3157 |
Duplicate loyalty card. A passenger can only have one loyalty card for each carrier. |
3403 |
Invalid host |
3899 |
Remarks have been truncated. Host does not support remark text of more than 69 characters |
3068 |
Additional details like Billing Address, Phone Number is saved locally for the requested provider. |
3725 |
Updates for the given product is not supported by provider. |
3757 |
Child Age information not supported for the requested provider |
3625 |
NextResultReference is not supported by the Provider. |
5625 |
The Next Result Reference is not associated with a valid session. |
3644 |
Customer ID is not supported by the requested provider. |
3915 |
Invalid Supplier Locator code. |
3919 |
PNRBFRetrieve element not found in response. |
4579 |
Only first three of the street address is being considered |
4580 |
Tax Information for Exempted Taxes not available for the provider |
4581 |
All Taxes may not be exempted for the provider |
4582 |
The modifier would not be supported by the Provider |
4583 |
Seat assignment request not mapped for Traveler Type - INF (Infant-In-Lap). |
4584 |
Only infant date Of birth name remark could be sent. |
4585 |
Due to provider limitation, only the first name remark could be sent |
4586 |
An SSR DOCS item is required for each passenger with an SSR DOCO with an 'R' Redress Number |
4587 |
Ticketless booking requires special processing. |
4588 |
The first BookingCode is considered in the request as only one permitted booking code is supported per air segment for the requested provider. |
4589 |
Osi Input truncated to 57 characters due to Provider restriction |
4590 |
Plating Carrier XX is used for booking |
4591 |
1P does not support the request modifier - IncludeSurcharges |
4592 |
The requested modifier - FareBasis is not supported for the requested Provider. |
4593 |
The requested modifier - Ticketing Date is only supported for historical fares for provider $? |
4594 |
When requesting availability by Arrival Time, provider only selects flights departing on the requested date. If the display involves a flight that crosses midnight, the date change is not considered and the flight is displayed as if it arrives on the requested date. |
4595 |
Specific Time could not be mapped to provider |
4596 |
Time Range could not be mapped to provider |
4597 |
Search By Arrival Time not supported by Provider. Arrival Date has been considered as Departure Date in Provider request. A default time window of 6AM - 2359Am have been used. |
4598 |
Requested provider has a restriction of 30 characters for Address (Street and City). Only Zip Code submitted to Provider |
4599 |
Maximum of 6 SearchOrigins/SearchDestinations supported for requested Provider |
4600 |
Alternate Origins and/or Destinations from the First SearchAirLeg are considered |
4601 |
Search By Arrival Time not supported by Provider. Arrival Date has been considered as Departure Date in Provider request. A default time window of 6AM - 2359Am have been used. |
4602 |
Booking Traveler Info provided in the new product request should match with the Booking Traveler Info in the existing reservation. |
4603 |
No response from host. |
4604 |
Invalid response from host. |
4605 |
Postscript note has been truncated. Host does not support postscript note of more than 63 characters. |
4606 |
Postscript Note already exists in PNR and is being ignored. Use modify to change Postscript Note. |
4607 |
CustomerID already exists in PNR and is being ignored. Use modify to change CustomerID. |
4623 |
TicketingDate and ReturnDate modifiers cannot be combined. |
3223 |
Postscript is not supported by the provider |
3225 |
SSR Foramt is not correct. Check the Format |
3270 |
Provider supports max 25 characters per Billing Address field. |
3271 |
Could not delete FormOfPayment as it is associated with one or more payment elements |
4152 |
ProviderCode and ProviderLocatorCode is required if either is present in the request. |
4173 |
Provider Code must be SDK for third party supplier. |
4181 |
Provider only supports Update of BookingSource post booking. |
4197 |
Not Implemented. |
5018 |
Rate category 'Negotiated' is not supported for 1G. |
5019 |
Invalid value in NegotiatedRateCode. |
5020 |
Maximum 3 Negotiated Rate Codes allowed. |
4736 |
A time out occurred while waiting for the first Response. |
4737 |
No response came from any provider. |
5021 |
No Hotel Rates found for the request. |
5022 |
Max of 20 characters corporate discount id is supported for this host. |
5023 |
Provide unique search order in each hotel search criteria for the requested provider. |
5024 |
No Matching Rate Plan found. |
4902 |
Universal record NULL. This should be created at provider. |
8116 |
The Host Provider Info is invalid. |
8259 |
Host Connection Credentials not available |
8261 |
Agent not provisioned for Cryptic entries |
1326 |
Provider supports AccountingRemark with TypeInGDS - Account, Other, Endorsement and TourCode only. |
1366 |
Attribute RetrieveProviderReservationDetails is ignored as this is not supported for this provider |
17029 |
Couldn't find optional services for the Itinerary and Credentials. |
21602 |
Unable to perform sync. |
3514 |
Credit Card has not been charged. |
3527 |
PhoneNumber of Type Agency is only supported for AgencyContactInfo phone numbers |
4008 |
Provider code is invalid. |
7402 |
Provide either credit card info or Other Guarantee Info, not both. |
7406 |
This form of Guarantee/Deposit is not supported by the Provider |
7407 |
This form of Deposit do not support text data by the provider |
7408 |
Name in Credit Card is not supported by the provider |
7409 |
Billing Reference Number should have maximum 25 characters. |
7410 |
No images available from provider based on the request info. |
7411 |
No image available from provider for the requested car type. |
7412 |
VehicleSpecialRequest already exists against segment. Only one can be added. Please delete the existing record to add a new request or update the existing information. |
7413 |
No VehicleSpecialRequest available against reservation for update. |
7414 |
No VehicleSpecialRequest available against reservation for delete. |
7415 |
Voucher does not exist. Use Vehicle Add to add new voucher information. |
7416 |
Payment info does not exist. Use Vehicle Add to add new Payment information. |
7417 |
Return Location Type and Number both must be supplied with Return Location. |
7418 |
Provider does not support indexing by reference point. |
7420 |
SubKey word is not supported. Only KeyWord info is supported by the provider |
4203 |
ProviderCode and ProviderLocatorCode both are required. |
5123 |
Price requested and Price received do not match. |
1509 |
Payment with Key = $? not found. |
1510 |
Phone location can't be more than 3 characters. |
1511 |
General Price Error. |
1512 |
Unable to process the request. |
1513 |
Deprecated request data is not allowed |
1514 |
Please provide atleast one SegmentRef inside ThirdPartyInformation. |
1515 |
The first Third Party Supplier Element was applied to the reservation. |
1516 |
Loyalty cards already exists in booking traveler |
1517 |
Unable to retrieve reservation |
1518 |
Travel Compliance cannot be modified |
1519 |
Booking Traveler Refernce is required |
1520 |
Segment reference is required |
1521 |
Every Travel Compliance 'key' should be numeric : |
1522 |
SegmentRef is mandatory for Air, Passive, and Rail Travel Compliance fields. If no SegmentRef exists, the travel compliance entry will be ignored. |
1526 |
Unknown rail location: $? |
21608 |
Unable to sync PNR @ with host. Host error returned: 'Unable to process the request.' |
21611 |
Incorrect payment amount. Please re-price before payment addition |
21612 |
Problem in re-price, payment amount could not be validated |
21613 |
OverrideCarrier is not supported for requested provider. |
21614 |
Destination must be specified for Air type passive segment. |
21615 |
Provider $? is not authorized, please use default; leave PermittedProvider blank, and send the request again. |
21616 |
Free text is required for this type of SSR [$?] |
21617 |
Free text is not required for this type of SSR [$?] |
21618 |
Provider is not supported for attaching custom check rule |
21619 |
Invalid Agent Sine. |
21620 |
Agent Sine more than 2 characters, first 2 characters of Agent Sine used. |
21621 |
Unable to sync PNR @ with host. Host error returned: '$?' |
21622 |
Multiple HostReservation present. All bookings must be created by one IATA agency for Merchandising optional services to be returned. |
21623 |
Failed to get Booking IATA from GDS retrieve |
21624 |
Invalid SSR text. [$?] |
21625 |
EMD number required for detail retrieve |
21626 |
EMD is not associated to the provided PNR |
21627 |
The FNAME '$?' has been truncated to '$?' |
21628 |
The LNAME '$?' has been truncated to '$?' |
21629 |
No configuration value found for $? |
21630 |
Invalid EventOriginator type specified: $? |
21631 |
Not yet implemented. |
21632 |
validation failed |
21634 |
Could not find a payment information for key $? |
21635 |
Could not find a traveler with id $? |
21636 |
No EMD information available for display |
21637 |
No associated PNR is available for this EMD. Security validation failed |
21638 |
EMD synchronization failed |
21639 |
String must either be 'Y' or 'N' |
0138 |
Invalid data for form of payment type $? |
21641 |
Invalid data for form of payment type $? |
21662 |
Reference to the requested form of payment not found in the associated reservation |
21663 |
Emd no does not exist under the given pnr |
21664 |
AssociatedRemark in Passive segment is not supported for requested provider: ['$?']. |
21665 |
Requested Fop type does not match applied profile fop type |
21668 |
Ticket modifier key should be specified |
0127 |
Invalid Payment Method key |
0129 |
Frequent Flyer Numbers application failed: $? |
0130 |
Frequent Flyer Cross Accrual Numbers application failed: $? |
0131 |
Phone application failed: $? |
0132 |
Street Address application failed: $? |
0133 |
Travel Order Number application failed: $? |
0134 |
End Mark application failed: $? |
0135 |
Please provide comma (|) separated tables names as input. Empty input not accepted. Here is the list of table names $? |
0136 |
Invalid field length for $? [Expected: $? , Actual: $? ] |
0137 |
Media Item not assigned. |
21679 |
Unable to decrypt the password . Please correct the Host password for Provider = $? and Supplier = $? |
0138 |
Invalid data for form of payment type |
0139 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Credit Card specified |
0140 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Debit Card specified |
0141 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Certificate specified |
0142 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Ticket specified |
0143 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Check specified |
0144 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Requisition specified |
0145 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: If formOfPayment type is cash , you cannot specifiy other form of payment element |
0146 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: If formOfPayment type is invoice , you cannot specifiy other form of payment element |
0147 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: If formOfPayment type is UnitedNations , you cannot specifiy other form of payment element |
0148 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: If formOfPayment type is DirectPayment , you cannot specifiy other form of payment element |
0149 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: If formOfPayment type is AgentVoucher, you cannot specifiy other form of payment element |
0150 |
Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Miscellenious formOfPayment specified |
0154 |
Invalid SSR Format.. |
0155 |
Invalid Passport/TravelerID code $? in SSR FreeText.. |
0156 |
Invalid Visa code $? in SSR FreeText.. |
0157 |
Visa Expiry Date is required field.. |
158 |
Modifications to reservations with Optional Charges are not supported for carrier $? Contact the carrier directly to make changes |
0160 |
Passenger name(s) has changed. Contact the carrier $? directly to make changes. |
0161 |
Carrier $? flights have been cancelled or are past date. Contact carrier $? directly for further details or to make changes. |
0162 |
Only one unit of distance - KM or MI is allowed for the requested provider |
0163 |
Duplicate key error; Object: AgencyContactInfo.PhoneNumber Key: $? |
0164 |
Bad time format: $? |
0165 |
Bad date format: $? |
0166 |
Number of airsegment in request does not match for carrier $? |
0172 |
Duplicate key error; object:ThirdPartySupplierLocator key: $? |
0173 |
Host Access Code is blank for $? |
0174 |
Duplicate provider info |
0175 |
Host Provider Code is blank |
0176 |
$? is not a valid provider code. |
0177 |
No validator configured for DefaultAirPricingEditor |
0178 |
PassegnerRemark cannot be null |
0179 |
PassengerRemark cannot be empty |
0180 |
Cannot assign role to a disabled entity. |
0181 |
Cannot assign role as branch of the entity is disabled. |
0182 |
Role Name cannot be blank |
0183 |
Role [$?] with id [$?] already exists. Role names must be unique within its hierarchical context. |
0184 |
3rd Party resources are not yet supported in Kestrel. |
0185 |
Cannot delete role because it is the requester's only assigned role. |
0186 |
Invalid AssignerCategory ( $? ) Specified |
0187 |
Invalid Agent Code passed in AssignableResourcesRetrieveReq. |
0189 |
Invalid Agent Code passed in AgentAssignableRolesRetrieveReq. |
0190 |
Duplicate key error; object:BookingTraveler key: $? |
0191 |
Invalid response from host $? |
0192 |
Missing/Invalid departing airport in request |
0193 |
Missing/Invalid arriving airport in request |
0194 |
US Teritory departing airport in request |
0195 |
US Teritory arriving airport in request |
0196 |
Cannot leave and arrive at the same airpoint in a segment! |
0197 |
Missing/Invalid Base Fare in request |
0198 |
$? to $? has no special tax factor. |
0199 |
Unable to build Fare Calc Line. |
0200 |
Ticket number is invalid: '$? |
0201 |
Could not find UniversalRecord |
0202 |
More than one ProviderReservation found for Provider Code: $? Provider LocatorCode: $? and HostCreateDate: $? |
0205 |
Please specify number of records to be purged. |
0206 |
Reference data already exists for code : $? |
0207 |
Reference data not available for code : $? |
0208 |
Update is not supported for active REFPUB Reference data, code : $? |
0209 |
Invalid Account [?] supplied |
0210 |
Account [$?] does not belong to agency supplied |
0211 |
Invalid Agent [$?] supplied |
0212 |
Agent [$?] does not belong to agency supplied |
0213 |
Invalid Branch [$?] supplied |
0214 |
Branch [$?] does not belong to agency supplied |
0215 |
Duplicate key error; object:UniversalRecordCmd key: $? |
0216 |
Existing Restriction should be deleted when changing the existing data type of a field. |
0217 |
When deleting Restriction for previous data type, one and only one new Restriction needs to be added for Field [$?]. |
0218 |
Restriction with Action=\"Add\" is not compatible with the new Type : $? |
0219 |
Restriction can not be deleted if Type is not changed for Field [$?]. |
0220 |
Action='Add' can not be provided with Restriction if Type is not changed for Field [$?]. |
0221 |
Value [$?] specified for Field [$?] is not in accordance to the field data type. [$?]. Please specify a correct |
0222 |
Value for Field[$?] should be from enumerated list$? |
0223 |
Value $? for Field[$?] is beyond maximum limit acceptable. |
0224 |
Field [$?] should have compatible Restriction with Type. |
0225 |
No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Boolean. |
0226 |
No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Date Day Month Year. |
0227 |
No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Date Day Month Year Time. |
0228 |
No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Date Month Year. |
0229 |
No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Date Year. |
0230 |
No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Time in Milliseconds with Time Zone. |
0231 |
No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Time in Hour & Minute. |
0232 |
No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Time in Minutes. |
0233 |
MinLength, MaxLength cannot be applied with Enumerations. |
0234 |
In field [ $? ], each field enumerations must be unique. |
0235 |
In field [$?] the default value must be a value from the enumerated list. |
0236 |
Min Length for $? cannot be more than the Max Length specified. |
0237 |
Default value [$?] specified for $? is not in accordance to the min/max value applicable for the field. Please specify a correct Default value. |
0238 |
Min Value for $? cannot be more than the Max Value specified. |
0239 |
Default value [$?] specified is not in accordance to the field data type. [$?]. Please specify a correct Default value. |
0240 |
Restriction is not compatible with Type for Field [$?]. |
0241 |
Value [$?] specified for field [$?] is not in accordance to the min/max value applicable for the field. Please specify a correct value. |
0242 |
$?MiscTravel = $? and $?RefCategory = $? combination is not valid. |
0243 |
Other Preference data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
0244 |
The $?EndDate can not be before the $?Startdate. |
0245 |
The $?EndDate and $?Startdate can not be the same date. |
0246 |
$?Preference Key is mandatory for Update and Delete. |
0247 |
$?Preference data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
0248 |
$?TypeCRS = $? and $?TypeSSR = $? combination is not valid. |
0249 |
CRSCode = $? and SSRCode = $? combination is not valid. |
0250 |
Credit Card Number must be provided |
0251 |
Debit Card Number must be provided |
0252 |
Invalid Tag Name |
0253 |
Invalid Tag Label |
0253 |
Invalid Tag Description |
0261 |
Invalid tag description. |
1525 |
Invalid schema version found. |
21669 |
AssociatedRemark in Passive segment is not supported for requested provider. |
21670 |
PassiveSegmentRef $? is not present in the universal record. |
1202 |
This function is not supported. |
0021 |
The code [$?] for [$?] is deprecated. |
0012 |
No default location for city/ airport. |
19066 |
Only Brand data Add/Delete is supported in UniversaRecordModify with SessionContext. |
0042 |
System Admins not allowed to perform the search. |
0044 |
Service not implemented. |
0122 |
Invalid Url. |
0316 |
Invalid data entered. |
3517 |
No service defined for the request. |
0041 |
Error responses from multiple hosts. |
19034 |
Unexpected system error. |
19040 |
Provider Reservation [$?] Retrieve failed. |
19041 |
Error from host .Description: |
19049 |
System is unable to start session |
19050 |
Session information not provided |
19051 |
The AreaCode exceeded the maximum length of 10 characters. |
19052 |
Invalid Session key provided or Session has expired. |
19053 |
Provider Error - Some of the elements could not be added. |
19054 |
Session already bound to Universal Record $? . Generate new session token. |
19055 |
Session has been closed and the key is no longer valid. |
4780 |
Record not found. |
19057 |
Request contains a Policy Reference. But is not setup in uPolicy System! |
19058 |
Universal Policy is not supported prior to version 15.4 (hotel.xsd v34). |
19059 |
Universal Policy is not applied to one or more response options. Please check your response. |
19060 |
19063 |
Agent ID is invalid and override is ignored |
19065 |
Be aware that this response may include items that are marked as Excluded (@PolicyExclusion= "true") based on the associated Universal Policy settings. |
19067 |
Unable to find BookingTraveler. SSR added to UR. |
19064 |
Universal Policy was not applied. The chain code (HotelChain) or Hotel Property ID (HotelCode) was not recognized by Universal Policy. |
19069 |
AirRefundQuote using the ticket number is not supported for this provider. |
19070 |
Fares failed. |
19071 |
Session was not end transacted because of errors.User action required. |
19072 |
Null response from HCA |
21673 |
Split Booking is not enabled for book on book scenarios. |
21674 |
Split Booking is not supported with more than 2 pricing solutions. |
21676 |
Provider code is either missing or not the same in all air segments. |
21677 |
Unsupported provider ACH for split booking. |
21678 |
One or more segments are not bookable. |
21680 |
Split booking functionality is currently disabled. |
21681 |
Corporate ID is not supported by the Provider |
21682 |
Invalid Cabin Class Type is specified |
3308 |
Seat map is unavailable for this flight. |
3309 |
SSR type not supported by this carrier. |
3211 |
Some or all of the seat assignments could not be made. |
3606 |
Number of infants must not exceed number of adult passengers. |
3031 |
Ticketing is not supported for a ticketless carrier. |
3032 |
The passenger does not match the name on the ticket. |
3005 |
No segments to ticket. |
3007 |
One or more pricings have changed. |
3030 |
The requested feature is not implemented for this carrier. |
3033 |
Reprice is required before ticketing. |
3034 |
The carrier locator code is not yet available for this Reservation. Please try again later. |
3035 |
Carrier is not permitted. The set of permitted carriers is:$? |
3036 |
The request contains a past-date segment with no availability defined. |
3037 |
No availability on chosen flights. |
3038 |
The Air Segment has only zero availability defined. |
3039 |
Ticket cannot be modified. |
3040 |
Tickets should be for the same Reservation. |
3041 |
Ticketing time limit (TTL) has expired. Re-book itinerary in a new Reservation and try again. |
3102 |
Ticket number not associated with the right owner. |
3109 |
At least one void or refund operation failed. The output will contain the ticket number of the successfully processed tickets. |
3110 |
Duplicate SSR type. |
3114 |
Invalid credit card expiration date. Transaction rejected. |
3249 |
DocumentSelect ticketing modifier can not be deleted from Host. |
3250 |
Validity dates modification is only supported via manual fare on Galileo host. |
3251 |
Ticket Designator modification is only supported via manual fare on Galileo host. |
3252 |
Non Refundable Bulk Ticket modifier is not Supported on 1G. |
3253 |
Baggage Allowance Ticket modifier is not Supported on 1G. |
3254 |
Ticketing modifier System Generated Itinerary Numbers is not supported by the requested provider. |
3255 |
Sequence number is not supported on 1G. |
3256 |
Supplier Locator ticketing modifier is not supported on 1G. |
3224 |
Net Fares ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3226 |
Invoice Fare ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3227 |
Ticketing Modifier - Bulk Ticket is not supported with SuppressOnFareCalc false for the requested provider. |
3228 |
Ticketing Modifier - Group Tour is not supported with SuppressOnFareCalc false for the requested provider. |
3229 |
Accountancy Info ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3230 |
Actual Selling Fare ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3231 |
Corporate Discount ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3232 |
Ticketing modifier - Fare Percent Commission Modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3233 |
Ticketing modifier - Fare Amount Commission Modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3234 |
Ticketing modifier - Commission Amount is not supported by the requested provider. |
3235 |
Ticketing modifier - Less Standard Commission Modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3236 |
Ticketing modifier - Commission Modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3237 |
Ticketing modifier - Supplementary Percent is not supported by the requested provider. |
3238 |
Ticketing modifier - Supplementary Amount is not supported by the requested provider. |
3239 |
ExemptVAT ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3240 |
ValueModifier ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3241 |
Net Remit Override not Supported on 1G. |
3242 |
Net Remit Override maximum length is 8 characters. |
3116 |
Credit card has an invalid merchant id. |
3104 |
Reduced ticket not supported. |
3105 |
Agency number not found. |
3107 |
Ticket number not found in the database. |
3108 |
Unable to associate passenger with a fare. |
3125 |
Invalid account. |
3126 |
Price Verification Failure. |
3127 |
Unable to generate a price for specified itinerary that matched the quoted price. Price verification is performed on fare + tax amount, and only on booking classes with sufficient availability for all passengers in requested list. Transaction will be rejected. |
3128 |
Not e-ticketable itinerary; was not able to issue ticket. Transaction rejected. |
3129 |
Unable to price itinerary. |
3131 |
Reprice required. |
3133 |
E-Ticket creation failed. Was not able to generate a ticket at time of ticketing request. Transaction rejected. |
3134 |
Reservation is already ticketed. |
3135 |
Invalid fare data. The fare data does not match the itinerary data. |
3136 |
Post ticketing Warning. Failed to remove ticket from Reservation database. |
3137 |
Invalid ticket number. Ticket number should be 13 chars long. |
3138 |
Ticket has no refund value. |
3139 |
Out of date. |
3140 |
Non-refundable. |
3142 |
This transaction is not supported due to a carrier imposed restriction. |
3143 |
This transaction is not supported due to a client-imposed restriction. |
3144 |
This transaction is not supported due to a carrier/client-imposed restriction. |
3145 |
Airline unable to modify ticket. |
3146 |
Unable to refund/void ticket. Try again. |
3147 |
Actual refund amount is less than the expected refund amount. |
3321 |
Failure. There is at least one past-date segment in the request |
3302 |
Unable to refund ticket. Value of the used fare portion is less than when it was originally ticketed. |
3150 |
No cabin class specified. Cabin class is required to verify the price quote. |
3008 |
Host does not support the requested Preferred Cabin modifier. Host supports up to 2 Permitted Cabin modifier. |
3009 |
Amadeus supports max 2 SearchAirLeg(s). |
3010 |
Host does not support both Permitted and Prohibited Cabins together. |
3151 |
No form of payment specified. FOP is required to complete the transaction. |
3894 |
Invalid credit card details provided. $? |
3153 |
Incomplete air itinerary. If a component is specified without a flight, or if an air itinerary is specified without any air components, the transaction will be rejected. |
3154 |
Invalid correspondence address. |
3155 |
Maximum number of segments allowed for specified airline has been exceeded. |
3159 |
Currency code is blank. |
3160 |
Married segments error. |
3161 |
Invalid infant name. If a reservation includes an un-ticketed infant, then at least the last name must be specified. |
3162 |
Unsupported Name Change request. A Name change request must not contain other changes. |
3163 |
Airline code is missing. |
3164 |
PNR Must Contain atleast one Non-Infant Passenger. |
3165 |
Primary Passenger cannot be Infant. |
3166 |
Amount must be greater than $1.00. |
3167 |
Invalid airline requested. |
3168 |
Not enough seats available. Requested itinerary does not have sufficient availability on one or more flights for requested passenger list. |
3170 |
Invalid air itinerary. |
3171 |
Insufficeint seats available in requested cabin class. |
3172 |
Ticket is fully used. |
3173 |
Quote tolerance exceeded. |
3174 |
Invalid Passenger. The passenger type list did not contain the specified passenger. |
3175 |
Tickets for all passengers listed in the refund/void request must have the same coupon usage. |
3177 |
The requested booking class was not available for at least one segment. The itinerary was priced and booked in coach for these segments. |
3178 |
Fare was upgraded free of charge. |
3179 |
Unable to access record because it cannot be found or access is restricted. |
3180 |
Air Reservation not found. |
3183 |
Ticket already exchanged. |
3184 |
Ticket already refunded. |
3185 |
Ticket is printed. |
3186 |
The status of the ticket is unknown; please confirm with the carrier. |
3187 |
Ticket is voided. |
3188 |
This trip contains at least one non-exchangeable fare. |
3189 |
Airline rule states that a non-refundable ticket cannot be exchanged for a refundable ticket. |
3190 |
Traveler cannot get the refund due because the ticket is non-refundable |
3191 |
Changes of origin or destination are not allowed for tickets that are partially used. |
3192 |
Nothing to exchange. New and old itineraries match exactly. |
3193 |
The ticket cannot be exchanged because it lies outside the airline's established use-it-or-lose-it parameters. |
3194 |
Unable to qualify the input fare data. Please verify fare calc line format. |
3195 |
The fare provided does not match the fare retrieved from the fares database. |
3196 |
The fare provided cannot be found in the fares database. |
3198 |
Invalid request. Attempting to cancel a segment that does not exist or has been previously cancelled. |
3199 |
More than one cash, credit card, or check form of payment supplied. |
3200 |
Invalid Form of Payment. |
3201 |
The flight is either sold out or does not exist. Please try a different booking class. |
3202 |
Cannot modify a past-date segment. |
3203 |
This ticket is partially used and cannot be voided. |
3204 |
Connection with host airline expired. |
3205 |
Sell failed because of problem with one or more segments. |
3206 |
Solution verification difference. Unable to generate a solution for the specified itinerary that matched the one specified in the request.Transaction will be rejected. |
3207 |
Ticket out of sync with host. Please contact the carrier. |
3208 |
Attempting to update a segment that does not exist. |
3209 |
Attempt to find air segment details was unsuccessful. |
3210 |
Refund amount is less than the expected. Try to refund manually. |
3212 |
Duplicate payments on same credit card are not allowed. Please consolidate payments. |
3213 |
Cancel denied by vendor |
3214 |
Create Service fee failed for all passengers. |
3215 |
Duplicate PCC in the same agency are not allowed |
3216 |
OptionalService must contain at least one reference to an AirSegment or BookingTraveler |
3217 |
Some PCCs in the request were not successfully deleted from the host database. |
3218 |
Some PCCs in the request were not successfully added to the host database. |
3219 |
PCC was not found in the host database. |
3220 |
A reference to a passenger is missing. |
3221 |
We are unable to retrieve fare rules due to issues during storing of fare rules or the Fare is now invalid due to itinerary change. |
3301 |
Segment sync error. Flight times returned from the carrier do not match the flight times requested. |
3303 |
Segment mismatch error. Number of segments does not match segments in host, or no segments exist. |
3304 |
Departure date required for a historical enquiry. |
3305 |
Ticketing date must be past date for a historical enquiry. |
3306 |
International is not supported for this request. |
3307 |
No historical data available before 6 Feb 2006. |
3310 |
Failed to find matching ticket. |
3311 |
The status of the ticket and it's coupons may not be updated. |
3312 |
Failed to find matching coupon. |
3313 |
Unknown coupon status. |
3314 |
Unknown ticket. |
3315 |
The ETR contains at least one ticket with an invalid state. Please contact the carrier. |
3316 |
The ETR is the result of an exchange and has been already partially used. Please contact the carrier. |
3317 |
The ETR was issued with a manual pricing and cannot be automatically exchanged. |
3318 |
No Plating Carrier Found. |
3319 |
Booking Class/Preference not avail, check availability. |
3320 |
Infant in lap passenger type is prohibited for international flights. |
3322 |
Date sequence is not valid for the itinerary. |
3323 |
Invalid combination of penalty restriction modifier. |
3324 |
Provider does not support search by reference point. |
3800 |
Detected international origin in itinerary. |
3801 |
Detected international destination in itinerary. |
3802 |
Code share not allowed to book. |
3885 |
Credit Card authorization number should be same as form of payment Credit Card number. |
3886 |
Approval Code is not supported. |
3887 |
Invalid payment approval code returned from provider. AuthCode not populated in the response. |
3991 |
A Segment has a bad flight date. |
3992 |
Host locator code is not valid. |
3993 |
This flight, segment or class is closed. |
3994 |
Unable to sell segment. |
3995 |
Segment was not sold via the Type A link. |
3996 |
Could not add SSR. |
3997 |
No qualified air providers found. |
3998 |
No meal service on this flight. |
3501 |
Agency not authorized to use this carrier for Merchandising. |
3502 |
The carrier locator code is not valid. Please check the locator and try again. |
3504 |
There are no confirmed segments found on the PNR. |
3505 |
Cannot complete this transaction. Please contact the carrier directly to modify seat assignments. |
3803 |
Ticket date is required for specified type. |
3804 |
Only one value of FaresIndicator is supported in AirPricingModifier during Air Book . |
3805 |
Remark is required for specified type. |
3506 |
There are no existing seats to cancel/modify. Please attempt seat assignment only. |
3507 |
Seat request date is out of range. |
3508 |
Generic seat requests are not supported on this airline. Please assign specific seats. |
3509 |
Invalid seat. Please check the seat requested and try again. |
3510 |
No available seats to assign on this flight. |
3511 |
Invalid request for preferred traveler. |
3512 |
The carrier reservation does not contain any valid flight segments. |
3513 |
There are fewer preferred seats available than passengers traveling. |
3518 |
Maximum of 18 services are permitted in a single purchase request. |
3519 |
Max of one trip type is supported for this host. The following trip type(s) were not included in the request: |
3520 |
The following trip type(s) are not supported for this host and not included in the request: |
3536 |
Multiple Universal Records present. All air segments must be in one Universal Record for Merchandising optional services to be returned. |
3537 |
Universal Record not found. |
3538 |
Provider Locator for the specified Universal Record Locator could not be found. |
3541 |
Invalid Provider Locator specified in request. |
3400 |
Invalid itinerary. Please check date time continuity of flights. |
3401 |
Invalid itinerary. Please check flight number. |
3402 |
Invalid itinerary. Please check booking class. |
3404 |
Seat map display is restricted. |
3405 |
Class of Service not available. |
3406 |
Unable to change new class. |
3407 |
Class of Service not found. |
3408 |
Booking restricted at this location. Contact system administrator |
3409 |
Booking restricted from this location. Contact system administrator. |
3410 |
Please check segment |
3412 |
Verify order of itinerary segments. |
3413 |
Segment must be in sold order. |
3414 |
Unable to process sell. |
3415 |
Flight is not operating on this date. |
3416 |
Seat not allowed. |
3417 |
Airport check in not successful. |
3419 |
Advance seating limit reached. Further seating at check in. |
3420 |
Maximum passenger limit reached. |
3421 |
Booking segment invalid. Please call system administrator. |
3422 |
This airline is Invalid. |
3423 |
Request is 30 days prior to departure. |
3424 |
Request is 48 hrs within departure. |
3425 |
Invalid Segment code. |
3426 |
No combinable fare found. |
3427 |
Passenger reservation system not available. |
3428 |
Segment status not allowed. |
3429 |
Availability service returned no booking codes. |
3430 |
Invalid flight segment. |
3431 |
No itinerary cloned.Check record locator. |
3432 |
Request is restricted. Please call system administrator. |
3435 |
Direct connect is in process. Please wait. |
3436 |
Direct connect is in process. |
3437 |
Direct connect is in progress. Please retry.. |
3438 |
Unable to end transaction without stored fare. |
3439 |
Check number in party. |
3440 |
Error in opening session: Unable to connect to ICE security system. |
3441 |
Unable to process. Seat doesn't exist. |
3442 |
Host does not support the requested Prohibited Cabin modifier |
3443 |
Host does not support the requested ETicketable modifier |
3444 |
Host does not support the requested plating carrier modifier |
3445 |
used for all Search Legs |
3446 |
Host does not support the requested Permitted Cabin modifier. Host supports only 1 Preferred Cabin modifier |
3447 |
Alpha Remark has not been added to the reservation, please use single letter category |
3448 |
Remarks have been truncated. Host does not support remark text of more than 70 characters |
3449 |
3450 |
SSR Update not supported in host. Please Cancel and Add |
3898 |
More than one cash, credit card, or check form of payment supplied. |
3329 |
Host supports PricePTCOnly=true for only 1 passenger type. So, PricePTCOnly was ignored. |
3456 |
Age is required for this PTC. |
3459 |
ProhibitRestrictedFares cannot be combined with any other Fare Type modifier. |
3521 |
Host allows maximum 2 Fare Type modifiers. |
3522 |
Host supports only 4 passenger types. Please ensure that the Booking Travelers do not have more than 4 different PassengerTypes. |
3524 |
Exchange not supported for this scenario. |
3528 |
Carrier can not be Empty |
3529 |
Upsell Admin Offer is more than one |
3531 |
No Matching FareFamiles Found. |
3532 |
Maximum seat allowed exceeded. |
3533 |
Invalid number of seat requested. |
4520 |
4521 |
Traveler type already exists for the Traveler |
4522 |
4523 |
Traveler type change for INF passenger types not allowed |
4524 |
Traveler type cannot be changed to INF |
3534 |
Invalid seat number. |
3535 |
Invalid characteristics. |
3451 |
Invalid travel date. |
3452 |
Date outside system range. Please enter date with year. |
3453 |
Invalid flight date. |
3454 |
Invalid board point. |
3455 |
Invalid off point. |
3457 |
Invalid class code. |
3458 |
Invalid Airline code. |
3460 |
Seating suspended. |
3461 |
No seats available. |
3462 |
No seating this flight. |
3463 |
No seating in this class. |
3464 |
Generic seating only. |
3465 |
No input keyword block. |
3466 |
Non positive number for loop. |
3467 |
Invalid TRS address.. |
3468 |
Invalid seat data in TRS. |
3469 |
Invalid seat length. |
3470 |
Keyword find error on TRS. |
3471 |
Keyword find error . |
3472 |
Flight not operating or invalid. |
3473 |
Error finding flight items in TRS. |
3474 |
Keyword data error. |
3475 |
Keyword build error. |
3476 |
Link error 'MFT is missing'. |
3477 |
Seat to cancel not found in flight. |
3478 |
Invalid number in party. |
3479 |
Flight item not in TRS. |
3480 |
No class of service. |
3481 |
Bad flight number. |
3482 |
Bad service class. |
3483 |
Bad board point. |
3484 |
Bad off point. |
3485 |
flight date. |
3486 |
Check vendor/carrier code. |
3487 |
Check itinerary status. |
3488 |
Number of seats invalid. |
3489 |
Flight is ground transport and ASR. |
3490 |
Flight status is not confirmed. |
3491 |
Airport check in error. |
3492 |
Advance seat reservation is not allowed. |
3493 |
Code share flight. |
3494 |
Building ACI input. |
3495 |
Returned from ACI. |
3496 |
Equipment changed airport check in. |
3497 |
Airport check in. |
3498 |
Seat map unavailable. |
3499 |
Seat assignment temporarily suspended. |
3500 |
Invalid seat. |
3515 |
Unsuccessful primary host transaction causing reservation failure. |
3516 |
Secondary host reservation failure. |
3551 |
Air availability not available. |
3552 |
Only one stored fare is supported for the requested provider. Use URModify AirDelete to remove the existing fare and AirAdd to add the new fare |
3553 |
The pricing information for the requested provider air reservation has expired. Use URModify AirDelete to remove the existing fare and AirAdd to add the new fare. |
3554 |
Only one stored fare is supported for the requested provider. |
3555 |
Certain elements of the provider reservation could not be saved.Please verify the Universal Record. |
3556 |
Both max connection, max stop, permitted and prohibited connection points cannot be present in the same request. |
3557 |
Max number of Prohibited Connections exceeded for this host. The following Prohibited Connection(s) are not included in the request: |
3558 |
Payment amount must match AirPricing TotalPrice - (amount). |
3559 |
Value in Payment @ Key does not reference in Universal Record. |
3560 |
Maximum number of connection points exceeded for this host. Connection points not included: |
3561 |
Ticket numbers must be from a single AirReservation. |
3562 |
Ticketing Modifiers already exist for referenced AirPricingInfo. |
3563 |
Invalid Form of Payment for Credit Card authorization. |
3564 |
Only Fare Level commissions are supported as a ticketing modifier. |
3565 |
Any one of the value of Amount or Percent should be passed. |
3566 |
Amount or Value is required for Flat Commission. |
3567 |
Percent is required for PercentBase Commission. |
3568 |
Host error during manual fare build. |
3569 |
AirPricingInfo BookingInfo is required for manaul fare build. |
3570 |
SegmentRef in BookingInfo is missing or invalid. |
3571 |
Host stored fare already exists - use AirDelete to remove stored fare before adding new pricing. |
3572 |
All AirPricingInfos must use the same Pricing Method. |
3573 |
Missing Total Amount. |
3574 |
Missing Base Fare Amount. |
3575 |
Base plus Taxes plus Fees does not equal Total Price. |
3576 |
All AirPricingInfos must be booked in the same class of service. |
3577 |
All taxes must be exempt for all Air Pricings. |
3578 |
Missing Fare Construction. |
3579 |
Missing Equiv Amount. |
3580 |
Incomplete PFC (XF Tax) Information. |
3581 |
Incomplete Segment (ZP Tax) Information. |
3582 |
Percent is required for PercentTotal Commission. |
3583 |
Value Code ticketing modifier not supported. |
3584 |
Commission Type must be set to PercentBase or PercentTotal for FarePercent Commission. |
3585 |
Percent is required for FarePercent Commission. |
3586 |
Commission Type must be set to PercentBase or PercentTotal for LessStandardCommission Commission. |
3587 |
Percent is required for LessStandardCommission Commission . |
3588 |
Commission Type must be set to Flat for amount commissions. |
3589 |
Commission amount must be set for Flat amount commissions. |
3590 |
Only whole percentages are supported by the host system. |
3591 |
Only whole currency amounts are supported by the host system. |
3592 |
Host error during restrict fare modification. |
3593 |
Seat assignment is not Guaranteed by the Provider. |
3594 |
Manual fare build is only supported for specific Providers (eg. 1G). |
3595 |
Payment has already been made for this fare. |
3596 |
Prohibition of Max Stay Fares is not supported via 1P. |
3597 |
Time Range cannot be more than 12 hours |
3598 |
NUC fares require only one carrier code to be specified in the request for provider 1P |
3599 |
If a Global Indicator is provided, a carrier code should also be provided for 1P |
3770 |
Format of the data in Commission\Value is not supported by the requested Provider. Please use a monetary value up to two decimal point. |
3797 |
Both permitted and prohibited connection points cannot be present in the same SearchAirLeg. |
3798 |
Both preferred and disfavored elements for carriers and/or alliances cannot be present in the same request. |
3799 |
The flex options - Flex airports,days, origin and destination,weekend are mutually exclusive in the low fare shop request. |
3950 |
Departure Date should be past for historical fares for 1P as Ticketing date is in the past |
3951 |
At least one vendor code has to be provided to view historical fares for provider $? |
3952 |
Unable to Retrieve FARERULE. |
3953 |
There has been change in fare data, please redisplay tariff and request for follow on information again. |
3954 |
Host supports only Long Fare Rules. |
3955 |
Booking Traveler Name or Loyalty Card information is not supported by provider in a Seat Map request. |
3956 |
The first stored fare is considered as only one stored fare is supported for the requested provider. |
3957 |
Retrieval of only Short Text fare rules for a priced 1G Air reservation is supported currently. |
3958 |
PreferredCarrier modifier is not supported for the requested provider. |
3959 |
More than one FQUG is not supported by the provider |
3960 |
FQUG is valid only for carrier UA |
3961 |
Free text not allowed with SSR - FQUG by provider. The text has not been mapped to provider request. |
3962 |
Commission Type must be set to PercentBase or PercentTotal for StandardPlusSupplementaryPercent Commission. |
3963 |
Percent is required for StandardPlusSupplementaryPercent Commission. |
3964 |
Commission Type must be set to PercentBase or PercentTotal for SupplementaryPercent Commission. |
3965 |
Percent is required for SupplementaryPercent Commission. |
3966 |
Commission Type must be set to Flat for amount commissions. |
3967 |
Commission amount must be set for Flat amount commissions. |
3968 |
Net Fare Value must be set. |
3969 |
ValueModifier Value must be set. |
3970 |
Add FOP is not supported for ACH. Use AirUpdate/AirPricingPayment elements to make payment. |
3971 |
PricingMethod for each AirPricingInfo having the same AirPricingInfoGrp for a particular provider should have the same value. |
3972 |
Payment amount does not match the total for this provider reservation.. |
3973 |
Provider does not allow combining of options for Preferred Carriers and Alliances. |
3974 |
Provider does not allow combining of options for Permitted Carriers and Alliances. |
3975 |
Provider does not allow combining of options for Preferred Carriers and Permitted Carrier. |
3976 |
FareFamily Record being updated by another user |
3977 |
Carrier not found |
3978 |
Universal Record Locator code is required for ACH Host reservation. |
3979 |
The Provider reservation is being modified externally. Please Air Ticket later. |
3980 |
The stored fare is invalid. Please use UR Modify AirAdd and AirDelete to delete the current stored fare and add a new stored fare before ticketing. |
3981 |
Flight information has changed. |
3982 |
Price information has changed. |
3983 |
Verify date sequence in itinerary. |
3985 |
Value for Key is required for AirDelete. |
3986 |
Retrieval of only Short Text fare rules for a priced 1P Air reservation is supported currently. |
3987 |
Search of multiple cabin options is not supported. |
3988 |
Unassociated Itinerary Remark has been truncated. Host does not support remark text of more than 70 characters |
3989 |
AccountCodeFaresOnly air pricing modifier requires at least an account code or a contract code to be specified in the request. |
3990 |
Only one contract code is supported in a request. |
3015 |
Multiple segments are not supported for the requested Provider. |
3016 |
Associated Itinerary Remark has been truncated. Host does not support remark text of more than 70 characters |
3018 |
Form Of Payment already exists in the Air Reservation. Use AirUpdate/FormOfPayment to update the existing Form Of Payment |
3019 |
Not an existing Form of Payment |
3024 |
Only FareBasisCode and FareBreak are supported as AirSegmentPricingModifiers in Book/Modify. |
3025 |
Both AirSegmentPricingModifier or BookingInfo should not be provided in this request for AirPricingInfos belonging to the same AirPricingInfoGrp |
3026 |
Atleast AirSegmentPricingModifier or BookingInfo should be provided in this request for AirPricingInfos belonging to the same AirPricingInfoGrp |
3027 |
Cannot find segment for AirSegmentPricingModifiers/AirSegmentRef: |
3028 |
All AirPricingInfos belonging to the same AirPricingInfoGrp should have the same PaymentRef |
3029 |
Some of the prices could not be stored because either flight departure time changes have occurred or some of the segments failed to be sold. Please verify connections, then price and store again. |
3631 |
Invalid AirSegment provided or no AirSegment provided |
3632 |
SegmentSelect can have either ApplyAllSegment or AirSegmentRef |
3042 |
Multiple vendors cannot be provided for this provider. Cross Accrual will be handled internally by the provider. |
3045 |
Airport Fare Exists |
3046 |
Contract Code is not supported by the Provider |
3050 |
Contract Code modifier is not supported by the provider. |
3051 |
No more later flights. |
3052 |
Credit card holder name length should not exceed 29. |
3053 |
The Credit Card Holder Name is only saved locally for the requested provider. |
3054 |
Ticket Number not found. |
3055 |
The fare quote cannot be stored. |
3056 |
Penalty Fare Information is not supported by the provider. |
3057 |
ProhibitNonRefundableFare is not supported by the provider. |
3058 |
Penalty Limit information is not supported by the provider. |
3299 |
Record locator not attached with specified provider |
3350 |
FormOfPayment and AirPricingPayment both cannot be specified in a single UR modify request. |
3351 |
Net Remit Applied ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider |
3352 |
Net Remit ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider |
3353 |
Optional Services returned in the Book Response do not match the Request. Please review. |
3354 |
Baggage Allowance ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3355 |
No stored fare in Host PNR - use UR Modify to store new fare |
3356 |
Unable to ticket - Booking Traveler Name changed |
3357 |
Unable to ticket - Segment returned from host changed |
3358 |
BookingInfo is required to identify segments for which fare applies |
3359 |
Not an existing OSI |
3360 |
Group Tour and Bulk Ticket cannot be requested together |
3361 |
Bulk Ticket cannot be requested without Tour Code |
3362 |
Group Tour cannot be requested without Tour Code |
3363 |
carrier(s) is/are blacklisted. |
4276 |
carriers are blacklisted. |
4277 |
carrier is blacklisted. |
3364 |
Validity Dates ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3365 |
Ticket Designator ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3366 |
Free Ticket ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3367 |
Passenger Receipt Override is not supported by the request provider. |
3368 |
Document Type $? is not supported. |
3369 |
Only Non Accounting predefined values are supported by the requested provider. |
3370 |
The Credit Card Holder Name is only saved locally for the requested provider. |
3371 |
Credit Card Authorization is supported by the requested provider for the Payment which is associated with Stored Fare FOP Only. |
3372 |
Credit Card Authorization is present for the Payment provided. |
3373 |
Credit Card Authorization code length must be less or equal to six for the requested provider. |
3374 |
Must Not Break Pricing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3375 |
MustOnlyBreak should be applied on a single segment. |
3376 |
Both MustBreak and MustOnlyBreak can not be clubbed in a single AirPricingInfo. |
3377 |
Price Break Modifiers are not supported by the requested provider in Air Price Request. |
3378 |
Customer Reference number length is more than 24 characters, max 24 characters are supported |
3379 |
Invalid Form of Payment not imported/synced |
3380 |
Provider mandates that an adult passenger can only have one infant in lap. |
3381 |
Infant In Lap needs to be associated with the correct adult PTC by re-adding the SSR INFT. |
3382 |
Please provide at least one permitted carrier. |
3383 |
Unknown availability type. |
3384 |
No. in party is not numeric. |
3385 |
Class pref is not 'F', 'C', 'Y'. |
3386 |
No displayable flights. |
3387 |
Carrier code not in OGI. |
3388 |
No link availability for this carrier. |
3389 |
This carrier link is not operating. |
3390 |
No more earlier flights. |
3391 |
Unable - refresh link availability. |
3392 |
Carrier not available. |
3393 |
Can't relax carrier preference - CSD. |
3394 |
Carrier is not a CSD participant. |
3395 |
No more classes exist. |
3396 |
Some of the Provider stored fare could not be processed due to Name change in PNR. |
3397 |
Invalid form of payment, permitted credit card type length is two. |
3398 |
Invalid PTC returned by host. |
3399 |
GenerateItinNumbers and SuppressInvoiceNumberPrinting can't be used together by the requested provider |
3062 |
$? ticket modifier is not supported by the requested Provider |
3063 |
Invalid SupplierCode is provided. |
3064 |
Segment Reference in SupplierLocator is mandatory by the requested provider. |
3065 |
CircleTrip and RoundTheWorld trip types are not supported in estimated taxes scenario for the requested provider. |
3066 |
Ticketing currency modifier is not supported on 1G. |
3067 |
Pocket Itinerary not supported for this host. |
3069 |
The requested provider does not support Apply All for Waitlisted segments. |
3070 |
Fax indicator not supported for this host. |
3071 |
Entry of Fax data is not supported for this provider. Unable to complete document issuance. |
3072 |
$? carriers are blacklisted. |
3073 |
Entry of Fax data is not present in the request. Unable to complete document issuance. |
3075 |
Only one option can be selected out of PrintItineraryInvoicePerTraveler and PrintItineraryInvoicePerSurname |
3076 |
FaxDetails can not be empty in FaxDetailsInformation. |
3077 |
AirPricingInfoRef can not be empty in FaxDetailsInformation. |
3078 |
AirPricingInfoRef Key = $? is invalid in FaxDetailsInformation. |
3079 |
Only Canada(CA) or US(US) are allowed in LanguageOption - Country. |
3080 |
Invalid language option specified for this provider - Only English(en) or French(fr) are allowed. |
3081 |
Ignoring Second LanguageOption from Request. |
3082 |
Please provide Language Option for TermConditions. |
3083 |
Multiple Customized Name Data is only allowed with Itinerary/Invoice blank form options (BV/BVD/HV/HVD) |
3084 |
Language Option is only allowed with Itinerary/Invoice blank form options (BV, BVD, HV and HVD) |
3085 |
Key reference not found for PassiveSegment with key reference $? inside SupplierLocator. |
3086 |
Provider supports a single PreferredAlliance |
3087 |
Provider does not allow combining of options for Permitted Carriers and Alliances |
3088 |
Provider does not allow combining of options for Prohibited Carriers and Alliances |
3089 |
Provider does not support DisfavouredAlliances |
3090 |
Provider supports PreferredAlliance at the AirSearchModifier level only |
3091 |
Alliance Code requested not supported by provider |
3092 |
Invalid Phone Type Specified - 'Fax' type PhoneNumber required for FaxDetails |
3093 |
Preferred Alliance Code not supported in air search modifier |
3094 |
An Air Type Passive AirSegment must be present in the PNR for any SupplierLocator to be added. |
3095 |
The combination of segment/s select for Auxiliary is not supported by the requested provider. |
3096 |
Invalid search window start time. |
3097 |
Invalid search window end time. |
3098 |
PercentTotal is not supported by the requested provider. PercentTotal has been changed to PercentBase and submitted. |
3099 |
The combination of segment/s select for Waitlisted is not supported by the requested provider. |
0025 |
Only one Loyalty Card of type "Air" is allowed. |
2603 |
No matching flight segment found in database. |
3705 |
Max number of Prohibited Carriers exceeded for this host. The following Prohibited Carriers were not included in the request: |
3706 |
Max number of Permitted Carriers exceeded for this host. The following Permitted Carriers were not included in the request: |
3707 |
Max number of Prohibited Connection Points exceeded for this host. The following Prohibited Connection Points were not included in the request: |
3708 |
Max number of Permitted Connection Points exceeded for this host. The following Permitted Connection Points were not included in the request: |
3709 |
The following Pseudo City Code was sent to host: |
3710 |
No available flights found |
3711 |
Each passenger must have a seat (current or new) in order to submit your request. |
3712 |
You can only select seats of the same type - Either all preferred or all standard. |
3713 |
Max number of account codes exceeded for the host. The following account code(s) were not included in the request: |
3714 |
Unable to complete this transaction. Please make sure all segments are in a confirmed status and try again. |
3715 |
Host only allows one Address/Delivery Address. Only one sent in request. |
3717 |
Only one Carrier is allowed, if specifying a Booking Code. |
3718 |
A Carrier must be specified, if specifying a Booking Code. |
3626 |
Provider do not support City Code. Use Airport Codes. |
3639 |
GeneralRemark with TypeInGDS as Vendor is not supported for the requested provider. |
3640 |
Provider does not accept Availability Source in request. Data has been saved locally. |
3642 |
FirstAvailable by Cabin Class is not supported by the requested provider |
3645 |
MICR number cannot be added or modified. |
3647 |
Origin must be specified by user. |
3653 |
Provider supports only one tour code per passenger type. |
3658 |
Provider does not support different Passenger Type(PTC) inside a AirPricing. |
3665 |
At least one Passenger Type should be present in Pricing Info. |
3667 |
Non INF Passenger can't be priced as INF. |
3679 |
StopoverIgnoreInd is not supported for the requested provider. |
3543 |
No Reservations found for given TCR. |
3011 |
IncludeMileRouteInformation, UnsaleableFares, AdditionalBookingCodeInfo for Primary/Secondary airline are mutually exclusive and cannot be requested together. |
4700 |
AirFareDisplayRuleKey is required for a follow on air fares display as UnSaleableFaresOnly is set to true. |
4701 |
UnSaleableFaresOnly and IncludeMileRouteInformation modifiers are mutually exclusive in the request for the requested provider. |
4702 |
AirFareDisplayRuleKey is not allowed for air fares display as UnSaleableFaresOnly is set to true. |
4703 |
AirRefundQuoteReq requires non-null Ticket numbers |
3013 |
SecondaryCarrier is required when IncludeAddlBookingCodeInfo Type is Secondary. |
3900 |
Invalid Trip Type combination selected. |
3901 |
Only one-way and simple round trips are supported for Flex Airports Shopping |
3902 |
Only one-way and simple round trips are supported for Flex Origin and Destination Shopping |
3903 |
One-way or simple round trips and open jaw itinery are supported for Flex Days Shopping |
3904 |
Request Flex option cannot be queried with Agency Private Fares and/or ContractCodes for the requested Provider |
3905 |
Only Simple round trips are supported for Flex Weekend Shopping |
3906 |
Maxiumum distance (100 Miles or 160 Kilometres) exceeded for Flex Origin and Destination Shopping |
3907 |
Flex shop more days supports an expanded date range search of Maximum of 3 days for a departure and/or a Return Date |
3908 |
IncludeExtraSolutions have to be used with only one of the four flex options - Airports, Days, Origin and Destination or Weekend |
3910 |
FareInfo element not found in response |
3912 |
Invalid FareDisplayRuleKey, please redisplay fare and request for rules again. |
3913 |
The request details in the follow on fare display is different from the initial fare display. Please check. |
3914 |
There has been change in fare data, please redisplay tariff and request for follow on information again. |
3917 |
Ticketless journey is not supported. |
3920 |
Conflicting ExemptTaxes info in the request - ExemptAllTaxes True and/or specific tax/country codes provided. |
3921 |
Host supports only Miles as Distance Unit for Flex Origin and Destination Shopping |
3922 |
Flex Shopping with Alternate City and Mileage Radius cannot be combined in the same request |
4575 |
Only the first two search air legs are considered in the request. |
4576 |
Provider does not support the requested plating carrier modifier |
4566 |
Requested fare type is not supported for the requested provider. |
4567 |
Requested fare type is not supported for the specific provider/transaction combination. |
4577 |
No applicable Eticketable Flights |
4578 |
The modifier would not be supported by the Provider |
4610 |
Price Break Modifiers are not supported by the requested provider in Air Price Request. |
3222 |
FirstAvailable is supported either for Permitted Booking Code or Cabin Class for the requested provider. |
3243 |
UnSaleable Fares are not supported by the provider. |
3244 |
ExemptTaxes modifier is not supported by the provider. |
1523 |
The ExemptTaxes modifier is not supported by the Provider. |
3246 |
Host Reservation is required for merchandising requests |
3247 |
Reservation not ticketed. Paid seats may be available after ticketing |
3248 |
Some of the requested AirPricingInfos could not be saved for the requested provider. |
3257 |
NetFareValue is not supported by the requested host. |
3258 |
Tour Code can be maximum 15 alphanumeric characters for the requested Provider. |
3259 |
Net fare is required for Actual selling fare. |
3260 |
Multiple Ticket Modifier Lines (DI Lines) exist for the ProviderReservation which could not be imported. |
3261 |
Ticket modifier Add/Update/Delete through UR Modify is not supported as multiple ticket modifier lines (DI Lines) exist for the ProviderReservation. |
3262 |
Ticketing is not supported as multiple ticket modifier lines (DI Lines) exist for the ProviderReservation. |
3264 |
The combination of segment/s select is not supported by the requested provider. |
3265 |
Auxiliary type or segment number are not supported for requested provider. |
3266 |
Fare Rules not available for priced itinerary for the requested Provider. |
3273 |
Duplicate ticket number found :[$?]. Please provide UniversalRecordLocatorCode, ProviderCode and ProviderLocatorCode to retrieve the ticket. |
3274 |
Use value 'Fare' for Commission Level |
3293 |
TicketNumber is required for all passengers in the PNR when passengers have matching last/first names. |
3279 |
Economy Plus seats can be purchased on up to four flights. A combination of paid and free seats can be selected on up to four flights. |
3281 |
Only first line of endorsement is accepted by requested provider. |
1315 |
Currency code in AdjustedTotalPrice must match the currency code in TotalPrice. |
1320 |
Some of the Payments could not be added as some of the prices changed or some of prices did not store. |
13518 |
Departure time cannot be after the Arrival time for Air Segment |
13520 |
No PassiveAirSegment found for the specified PassiveSegmentRef |
17028 |
Offer data missing for element OptionalServiceData in OptionalService. |
20019 |
Carrier UA is not supported for the requested provider. |
20035 |
Segment Reference or Carrier Code is required by the provider. |
3909 |
Err element not found in response |
3289 |
All PricingType inside AirPricingInfo with same AirPricingInfoGroup should have same value. |
3290 |
Provider code expected on air segment. |
3291 |
No segment found for the specified AirSegmentRef - $?. |
3292 |
Multiple adjustment for a Booking Traveler is not allowed |
3294 |
Max length of Commission amount supported by host is 8. |
3296 |
Provider does not allow combining the options for Preferred Carriers, Permitted Carriers and Prohibited Carrier. They are Mutually exclusive. |
3297 |
BookingInfo@SegmentRef should correspond to the segment of the same provider as airpricing. |
3298 |
Eticketability is required for Airsegment. |
30001 |
Request modifier(s) not supported for specific flight availability for the requested provider. |
30002 |
Specific flight not found. |
30003 |
Number in party for specific flight not met. |
30004 |
Invalid SegmentIndex specified for $? in the request. |
30005 |
Departure date-time is before the current departure city date-time |
7203 |
The ActionStatus Type specified is not supported by the requested provider. |
7204 |
Start date cannot be greater than the End date. |
7205 |
Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with GeneralRemark |
7206 |
Requested modifier $? not supported at segment level. |
7207 |
LoyaltyCard with key $? not found for update. |
7208 |
Invalid payment specified. , InvalidPaymentAmount The specified payment has an undefined amount |
7209 |
Key reference not found for PassiveSegment with key reference $? inside ThirdPartyInformation. |
7210 |
Preferred Carrier Code not supported. All results returned. |
7211 |
ETR $? could not be retrieved |
7212 |
Some or all of the ASVC SSR could not be added. |
7213 |
Some Optional Services ignored. Seat number required in ServiceData @ Data. |
7214 |
Some Optional Services ignored. Web service only supports Optional Services with Type "PreReservedSeatAssignment". |
7215 |
Web service only supports Optional Services with Type "PreReservedSeatAssignment". |
7216 |
Seat number required in ServiceData @ Data |
7217 |
Seat is not available. |
7218 |
Seat price has changed. |
7219 |
Seat $? requested is not available. Alternative seat $? is available. |
7220 |
Action Status already exists in the Air Reservation. Please use AirUpdate to update the same. |
7221 |
FiledCurrency not supported. |
7222 |
Some or all seats are not available. |
7223 |
Some or all seat prices have changed. |
7224 |
Provider does not allow combining of options for PermittedCarriers and ProhibitedCarriers. Option Permitted Carrier Submitted. |
7225 |
ProhibitedCarriers is not supported at Segment Level but supported at Itinerary Level by the requested provider. |
7226 |
Max number of Prohibited Carriers exceeded for this host. The following Prohibited Carrier(s) were not included in the request. |
7227 |
Seat $? requested is not assigned. |
7228 |
Action status is required. |
7229 |
The price has changed to $? $? for the optional service $? $? on flight $? $?. |
7230 |
SSRCode is missing in one of the optional service element in request. |
7231 |
Preferred and Permitted Carrier Modifier is not supported at Segment level for this request. |
4024 |
The combination of segment/s select is not supported by the requested provider. |
4025 |
The supplier did not provide a refund amount for this cancellation. |
4026 |
AirSegment@SupplierCode is mandatory for this provider |
4027 |
Percentage value is not allowed for Commission Type 'Flat', provide Amount value |
4032 |
Invalid Payment Mode,selected payment type not supported for this transaction |
4033 |
Requested PermittedCabins are ignored during pricing in requested ClassOfService. |
4034 |
PricePoints are not compatible with PointToPoint or ExpertSolutions. Only PricePoints returned. |
4035 |
PricePoints are not supported for $?. |
4036 |
Duplicate AirSegment Key values found in request. |
4040 |
Phone extension length should not be greater than 10 characters. |
4041 |
Selected FaresIndicator option not supported for requested provider. PrivateFaresOnly used as default setting. |
4042 |
AccountCodeFaresOnly air pricing modifier requires at least an account code to be specified in the request. |
4043 |
InventoryRequestType is not a supported modifier for the specified provider |
4044 |
InventoryRequestType is not a supported modifier for this transaction |
4045 |
Required Terminal Session Info elements are missing. The required elements are: Static GTID,TPFSYSID,PCC, Source ID, Source type, Vendor ID, Vendor type, Special Characters flag |
4046 |
Required Terminal Session Info elements are missing.The required elements are: EAS UserID, EAS Password, PCC, ISOCountry, AgentDutyCode, AirLineVendorId, IATA, TerminalId |
4047 |
Required either SysId or EasUserId |
4048 |
Preferred Providers contains different providers than FareRuleKey. |
4049 |
Required Terminal Session Info elements are missing. The required elements are: [Static GTID,TPFSYSID,PCC, Source ID, Source type, Vendor ID, Vendor type, Special Characters flag][EAS UserID, EAS Password, PCC, ISOCountry, AgentDutyCode, AirLineVendorId, IATA, TerminalId] |
4051 |
Issues with saving price in reservation. |
4052 |
No Merchandising optional services returned for Flight(s) |
4058 |
ServiceSubCode is required. |
4059 |
AirSegment and SearchTraveler are required to fulfill optional service. |
4060 |
Response missing some of the AirPricing Solutions. |
4061 |
AirSegmentRef and SearchTravelerRef are required to fulfill optional service. |
4062 |
Different PseudoCityCode values sent in multiple AirPricingInfo without AirPricingInfoGroup or with same AirPricingInfoGroup values. PCC $? used to store fares. |
4063 |
Multiple AirPricingInfo without AirPricingInfoGroup or with same AirPricingInfoGroup values sent. PseudoCityCode value not sent in first AirPricingInfo. PCC $? used to store fares. |
4064 |
Commission element is missing in the response as commission@value $? is not supported in this version of common schema. Please upgrade to common version 19 or higher for exact response. |
4065 |
SSR application failed. |
4067 |
Commission Conflict: Only one is allowed. |
4066 |
Seat Map not supported. |
4068 |
This functionality is not supported by the requested Provider. |
4069 |
Ticketing Modifiers already exist for referenced BookingTraveler. |
4070 |
AirPricingInfoRef and BookingTravelerRef are not supported as part of same AirPricingTicketingModifiers. Please retry after removing one of them. |
4071 |
No Matching Form Of Payment Found for Payment |
4072 |
SpecificSeatAssignment for infants are not supported for the requested provider. |
4073 |
Manual Fare Build Failed |
4074 |
Custom Exception |
4075 |
Stored fare fop addition failed |
4076 |
AssociatedRemark with Key $? should have a text message - Update Failed for this Element |
4077 |
AssociatedRemark with Key = $? have either illegal or no AirSegmentRef Present - Update Failed for this Element |
4078 |
AssociatedRemark with Key = $? is not valid for no AirSegmentRef |
4079 |
Optional Service containing AirSegment with key $? not found in air reservation. |
4080 |
BookingTraveler with key $? not found in air reservation. |
4081 |
Third Party Information containing AirSegment with key $? not found in air reservation. |
4082 |
Third Party Information already been added to AirSegment with key $? |
4083 |
User Not Authorized to view Fares Rules of the requested Provider - $? |
4084 |
TCR already exchanged |
4085 |
Specified TCR has been exchanged |
4086 |
Flight Details could not be retrieved for segment |
4087 |
Null request passed to tax service |
4088 |
No segments passed to tax service for calculation |
4089 |
All override exchange fees that correspond to a single air pricing must match |
4090 |
AirSegment with no ClassOfService information |
4091 |
AirSegment cannot have duplicate keys |
4092 |
If an enumeration contains a primary SolutionGroup there must only be one such SolutionGroup. |
4093 |
AirRefundTicketReq is null |
4094 |
AirRefundTicketReq requires non-null request data |
4095 |
AirRefundTicketReq.AirRefundBundle.WaiverCode has no type defined |
4096 |
AirRefundTicketReq.AirRefundBundle.WaiverCode is empty |
4097 |
Ticketing with commissions is not supported at this time. |
4098 |
Commissions on refund must be of commission level Recalled. |
4099 |
Commissions must be unique by level and passenger. |
4100 |
Commissions on ticketing may not be of commission level Recalled. |
4101 |
Passengers specified were not unique. Please use full names or unique keys to identify passengers. |
4107 |
No responses returned from GWS |
4117 |
Exchange only supports one type of host per request |
4118 |
Passenger name mismatch between ticket being used and PNR |
4119 |
No ticket number to use for exchange |
4120 |
No ExchangeTicketBundle found on request |
4122 |
SpecificSeatAssignment for Seat Id $? is ignored as Passenger Type in Booking Traveler is missing. |
4123 |
Segment remarks should be set a valid value. |
4134 |
Invalid provider code on segment. |
4156 |
A booking require the fare to be set a valid value. |
4160 |
Fare Basis should be set a valid value. |
4166 |
Carrier $? doesn't support automated void. |
1524 |
AccompaniedPassenger modifier in SearchPassenger is not supported by the requested Provider. |
3411 |
SOA Shop does not support LowFareSearch. |
3418 |
SOA Shop does not support AsynchLowFareSearch. |
4219 |
Days of Operation is not supported for the requested provider. |
4220 |
End Date is not supported for the requested provider. |
4221 |
The flight specific search is not supported by this provider. The timetable for all the flights for the carrier will be displayed. |
4222 |
Prefer City is not supported for the requested provider. |
4223 |
Only first 3 Carrier Codes are supported in the include carrier list for the requested provider. |
4224 |
The exclusion of carrier is not supported by this provider. |
4225 |
End Time is not supported for the requested provider. |
4226 |
DaysOfOperation is Manadory for GeneralTimeTable for the requested Provider. |
4227 |
EndDate is Manadory for GeneralTimeTable for the requested Provider. |
4228 |
Merchandising request unsuccessful - please retrieve UR/PNR, check status and report issue immediately. At least one OptionalService/ServiceData is required for non-seat optional service and must reference one air segment and one booking traveler to fulfill optional service. |
4300 |
Null request passed |
4301 |
Expected a MctCountReq |
4302 |
No MctSearch element in MctCountReq |
4303 |
No Arrival Airport specified in search element |
4304 |
Expected a MctLookupReq |
4305 |
Either a Search or Query is Required |
4306 |
Cannot have both a Search and a Query |
4307 |
Arrival AirSegment Required for Query |
4308 |
Departing AirSegment Required for Query |
0151 |
Either AirSolution or HostReservation is required. |
0167 |
Invalid AirSegment in the request for carrier $? |
0168 |
Airsegment validation failed. |
0169 |
Couldn't process Airpricing. |
0204 |
Could not find AirReservation with LocatorCode: $? |
4314 |
Reduce not allowed if travel has started. |
4315 |
Cannot reduce single-passenger PNR |
4316 |
Must reduce at least one passenger from the PNR |
4317 |
May not reduce all passengers from a Pnr |
4318 |
reduce may not result in a PNR with only CHD, INF or INS passengers |
4319 |
Cannot have more infants in laps ($?) than adults ($?) |
4320 |
Cannot travel with $?INS and only $? adults |
4321 |
Cannot divide AirReservation with un-confirmed segments |
4322 |
Cannot divide single-passenger AirReservation |
4323 |
Must divide at least one passenger from the AirReservation |
4324 |
May not divide all passengers from a AirReservation |
4325 |
No ProviderReservationDivideReq passed to validator |
4326 |
Request passed to validator must be of type [$?] |
4327 |
Cannot travel alone: $? |
4328 |
Incorrect chaperone passenger types or ratio for: $? |
4329 |
No ACH credentials found |
4330 |
One OptionalService/ServiceData is required for seat optional service and must reference one air segment and one booking traveler to fulfill optional service. |
4331 |
At least one OptionalService/ServiceData is required for non-seat optional service and must reference one air segment and one booking traveler to fulfill optional service. |
4332 |
Multiple booking traveler references not allowed within one OptionalService. |
4333 |
ViewableOnly Services cannot be sold. |
4334 |
ViewableOnly Service $? cannot be sold. |
4335 |
ReturnFirstAvailableOnly and OrderBy cannot be combined. ReturnFirstAvailableOnly has been used. |
4336 |
OrderBy $? not supported for the requested provider. |
4337 |
OrderBy modifier is not supported for this transaction. |
3000 |
General air service Error. |
30014 |
30015 |
StoredFareQuote requires end transaction prior to deletion |
30016 |
3002 |
GDS Enter Queue Error. |
3540 |
Failure. All segments in the request are in the past. |
3547 |
FareType, Booking Code, Cabin Class and Fare Basis code modifiers are mutually exclusive for the requested provider. |
3549 |
Invalid Currency Code. |
3911 |
Not a valid Fare Rule Type |
3924 |
Use a request of type DirTerminalCommandRequest |
4611 |
Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided for $? |
4612 |
Multiple BookingTravelerRef allowed only with clustered names. Separate UnassociatedRemark submitted for each BookingTraveler as per provider specification |
4613 |
Provider PNR is clustered. Please select all travelers from same cluster |
4614 |
Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with UnassociatedRemark |
4620 |
Provider does not support InvoiceRemark |
4621 |
Provider does not support AccountingRemarks with TypeInGDS=Other |
4622 |
Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with AccountingRemark |
3245 |
Postscript is not supported by the provider |
3282 |
Language code and country code combination is not supported by the requested provider. |
3287 |
Invalid ParticipantLevel. |
3288 |
Invalid PolledAvailabilityOption |
4615 |
Provider PNR is clustered. Please select all travelers from same cluster for $?. |
4616 |
Multiple BookingTravelerRef allowed only with clustered names |
4617 |
Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided for General Remark |
4618 |
Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with General Remark |
4619 |
Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef for GeneralRemark with TypeInGds = Basic |
3283 |
Enter correct Tax code - Two letters (alpha character). |
3284 |
Some of the tax code/s are in incorrect format, so could not be saved. |
3285 |
SuppressItineraryRemarks ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider. |
3286 |
Host PNR has unsupported ticketing modifiers. |
4624 |
SSR OTHS is not supported for the requested provider. A vendor remark has been added instead. |
4625 |
Multiple BookingTravelerRef for $? allowed only with clustered names. |
4626 |
Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with AssociatedRemark |
3280 |
Enter correct value for Destination/purpose code. |
3275 |
Net fare is required, and commission type should be Percent Base for NetRemitApplied |
3276 |
Net fare ticketing modifier is required for successful ticketing |
3267 |
Point of sale country missing in request. |
3268 |
Agency sell information is required for merchandising requests |
3272 |
Name field on the segment does not match passenger list. |
4627 |
Vendor remarks associated to air passive segments for the requested provider not supported. |
4628 |
SSR OTHS not supported as Vendor remarks associated to air passive segments for the requested provider. |
4629 |
ProhibitMultiAirportConnection is not supported at Segment Level but supported at Itinerary Level by the requested provider. |
4630 |
BookingTraveler or RPH is missing for SeatAssignment. |
4631 |
MaxSolutions is not supported by the requested Provider. |
4632 |
profileType is not valid. |
4633 |
Credit card form of payment must be sent in the air price request for an OB fee to be returned. |
4634 |
SearchTraveler is missing in the request |
4635 |
PreferredCabins is not supported by the requested provider. |
4636 |
BookingInfo/SegmentRef is required. |
4637 |
ProviderReservationInfoRef is not supported in this request |
4638 |
SegmentIndex is not supported by Provider 1P |
4639 |
Specific flight not found.| $? |
4640 |
Request modifier(s) not supported for specific flight availability for 1P provider |
4641 |
FOP and Credit Card can not have different profile ids |
4642 |
FOP and Credit Card can not have different keys |
4643 |
Invalid Search Traveler key. Key should be a numeric value. |
4644 |
Open segments are not supported for this provider. It is only applicable to 1G,1V and 1P. |
4645 |
Time is ignored for open segments. |
4646 |
Connection indicator is ignored because of more than one value exist. Please specify only one conenction indicator element in the Price request. |
4647 |
Flight number is not valid for Segment marked as Open. Flight number should be null/OPEN. |
4648 |
Invalid flight number for Air Segment with OpenSegment = false. |
4396 |
Only Flat and PercentBase options are supported for requested provider. |
4397 |
Amount is required for Flat Commission. |
4398 |
SearchPassenger Key or BookingTravelerRef is required. |
4399 |
Ticket status in the Document Info may not be current. |
4400 |
No Merchandising optional service returned for Flight(s) [$?][$?]. |
4401 |
No request for Merchandising optional services sent for Flight(s) [$?] [$?]. AirSegment ArrivalTime is required. |
4402 |
No request for Merchandising optional services sent for Flight(s) [$?] [$?]. AirSegment Carrier, FlightNumber, DepartureTime and ArrivalTime are required. |
4403 |
The PTC Type FR is related to AF Abandonment fees, that uAPI currently does not support. |
4404 |
4405 |
The FOP is not associated at the PNR level. |
4406 |
Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided in OptionalService/ServiceData |
4407 |
Invalid AirSegmentRef provided in OptionalService/ServiceData |
4408 |
Payment amount was lowered to $? $? for $? seat optional service SEAT $? on flight $? $?. |
4409 |
OptionalServices may not be Supported/Required for passenger type INF. |
4410 |
Some or all merchandising requests for carrier $? were unsuccessful. |
4411 |
HostReservation not found or Agency IATA was not returned. |
4412 |
The BookingCode modifier is not supported for this request |
4413 |
No fares found for the specified request |
4414 |
PreReservedSeatAssignment OptionalService not supported. Seat has not been confirmed. |
4415 |
Prohibit Unbundled Fare Types modifier is not supported for this request. |
4417 |
Required Session Context elements are missing.The required elements are: UserID, Password, PCC, ISOCountry, AgentDutyCode, AirLineVendorId, IATA, TerminalId, AgentSine |
4418 |
Some of the Pricing in the Universal Record may have changed. |
4419 |
Some of the Pricings can not be Ticketed. |
4420 |
InventoryRequestType may or may not be applicable for all types of segment sell. |
4421 |
triple connections not supported by requested provider. |
4422 |
Requested Carrier is not supported for this Provider. |
4423 |
Book request unsuccessful due to incorrect OptionalService/ServiceData. Seat Data is required. |
4424 |
SpecificSeatAssignment $? has been ignored because of duplicate seat in OptionalService. |
4425 |
A BookingTraveler can’t have more than one seat assignment for each AirSegment. Correct OptionalService with the paid seat and SpecificSeatAssignment with the standard seat each referencing a unique BookingTraveler and AirSegment. |
4426 |
OptionalService PreReservedSeatAssignment is missing ServiceSubCode. If this is standard seat then an OptionalService should not be used. |
4427 |
ASVC delete not allowed - delete assigned seat. |
4428 |
Ticket Agency modifier will be ignored. |
4429 |
CheckFlightDetails modifier will be ignored. |
4430 |
Active Air segments with Arrival dates past two or more days are ignored in Journey Data of AvailabilitySearchReq. |
4431 |
ASVC SSR was ignored and SSR was sent for deletion. |
4432 |
ASVC SSR delete is not allowed. Delete standard SSR first. |
4433 |
MaxConnections and MaxStops are not supported. |
4434 |
Private Fare modifier will be ignored. |
4435 |
Optional Service cannot be added. Use AirMerchandisingFulfillment. |
4436 |
One or more ancillary services saved successfully. |
4437 |
Passenger type level fees are informational only, and may not match with those returned at the itinerary level. |
4438 |
Provider code needed if provider locator code is specified |
4439 |
AirReservationLocatorCode required |
4440 |
Request provider code and segment provider code doesnot matches |
4441 |
Atleast one air pricing solution is required |
4442 |
Atleast two air pricing solution is supported |
4443 |
Both New and Original itinerary are required |
4444 |
Only one air pricing solution is supported |
4445 |
Original itinerary not supported for this provider |
4446 |
FareCalc is required with the original itinerary for a Rapid Reprice request |
4447 |
Provider Code in air segment in mandatory |
4448 |
A mix of providers in exchange quote is not supported |
4449 |
Provider not supported |
4450 |
Cabin Class is not supported for 1P/1J |
3826 |
Waitlist Segment Status $? not allowed in request |
3827 |
UR Modification has failed due to waitlisted segment |
3828 |
– Policy Code(s) is invalid. |
3829 |
– Policy details not available. |
3830 |
Please provide AirTicketReq/AirPricingInfo/Booking Traveler Ref@Key and associated PaymentRefs for Ticket issuance with Multiple Forms of Payment. |
3831 |
Payment is not required with single FOP for ticket issuance of a single Air Pricing Info. |
3832 |
Multiple Form of Payment requires Payment for a booking traveler |
3833 |
AirPricingInfoRef is required with multiple AirTicketingModifiers for ticket issuance. |
3834 |
Booking Traveller specific ticketing is not supported for 1V provider. |
3835 |
Multiple Form of Payments not allowed for the requested Provider. |
3835 |
HostToken Validation Failed For [$?] |
3848 |
HostToken validation failed for [$?] |
3849 |
$? is not supported in AirCreateReservationReq |
3836 |
HostToken key was not found |
3837 |
HostToken has expired |
3838 |
HostToken Decryption Failed |
3839 |
HostToken Decryption Failed |
3840 |
Invalid ticket numbers specified |
3841 |
Ticket Number doesn’t match for each passenger in the booking |
3842 |
Tickets not present in the reservation |
3843 |
Ticket Number doesn’t matches |
3844 |
HostToken is not present in the request |
3845 |
NumberInParty is not present in the request |
3846 |
Passenger Select or Segment Select Pricing not supported. |
3847 |
Multiple Auto Prcing is not supported. |
4451 |
Optional Service cannot be updated. Use AirMerchandisingFulfillment. |
4452 |
TAN Details have not been considered for the current booking. |
4453 |
TAN Details have not been applied due to an incorrect format or incorrect Supplier Code. Use TAN/ (2 Digit Supplier Code). |
4454 |
Original ticket has no residual value for this specific itinerary. Issue a new ticket using current fares. |
4455 |
Pricing is not present in reservation. |
4456 |
Provide valid air vendor code for SSR DOCS/DOCO/DOCA. |
4458 |
Transaction not supported. |
4459 |
Discount Card/Rail Seat Assignment/Emergency Info/Drivers License/Applied Profile/Traveler Compliance/Traveler Info/CustomizedName Data is ignored for Shared Booking. |
4460 |
Seats assignment is only allowed via Booking Seat req. |
4462 |
Unable to End PNR due to Host errors |
4463 |
Unable to map a stored fare to FareInfo. |
4464 |
UniversalRecordLocatorCode not associated with specified provider. |
4465 |
Seat assignment at airport check-in. |
4466 |
Flight not operating on requested date. |
4467 |
Seat map not available for requested zone. |
4468 |
Seat map not found for requested flight. |
4469 |
Availability seat map not supported by this supplier. |
4470 |
Carrier code required. |
4471 |
No fares found for this request. |
4472 |
No fares returned from provider. |
4473 |
Rule not found. |
4474 |
Seat map not available for this class or carrier. |
4475 |
Seat map not available. |
4476 |
Seat map not available for codeshare flight. |
4477 |
Seating selection available for specified time range. |
4478 |
Unable to fare quote. |
4479 |
Date requested is too far in the future or is in the past. |
4480 |
Invalid City/Airport code. |
4481 |
Invalid passenger count. |
4482 |
Invalid format. |
4483 |
Invalid flight number. |
4484 |
Unable to price requested segments. |
4485 |
No fare found for class of service booked. |
4486 |
Invalid City code. |
4487 |
Invalid Arrival or Departure location. |
4488 |
Total flight segments exceed maxiumum allowed. |
4489 |
Invalid destination City/Airport code. |
4490 |
Fare is not filed in the requested currency. |
4491 |
Unable to process. Function restricted for carrier. |
4492 |
Number of infants exceeds number of adults. |
4493 |
Invalid City/Airport code for connection. |
4494 |
Invalid time. |
4495 |
Unable to process flight times given. |
4496 |
PNR segments not in proper date/time sequence. |
4497 |
Permitted cabin class not supported by 1P. |
4498 |
BrandID, AirPricingInfoRef, FareInfoRef is missing in the request |
4499 |
AirpricingInfo not found in UR |
4500 |
FareInfo not found in UR |
4501 |
Unable to process request. Segments are not in proper date/time sequence. |
4502 |
System busy and unable to process request. Retry request in 5 seconds. |
4503 |
Unable to process current request while previous request is in progress. Retry current request. |
4504 |
Key is required |
4505 |
Mutiple Passenger Type is not allowed in single auto pricing |
4506 |
No local fares in this market. |
4507 |
FareInfo already contains Brand Details. Delete existing Brand to add new Brand |
4508 |
Please provide ProviderCode for AirSegment. |
4509 |
Arrival/Departure times is not set to a valid value. |
4510 |
The following attribute is missing: AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/BookingInfo@HostTokenRef. |
4511 |
Key reference not found for HostToken with key reference $? inside BookingInfo. |
4512 |
The following attribute is missing in the $?: AirPricingSolution/HostToken. |
4513 |
Unable to reissue ticket |
4514 |
Unable to find tickets in the PNR |
4515 |
Ignored Invalid OTHS SSR. |
4516 |
CreatePassiveForHold is not applicable for this provider. |
4517 |
CreatePassiveForHold is not applicable when FormOfPayment is provided. |
4518 |
Ticket Details not available from the Carrier. |
4519 |
Unable to associate Ticket Number $? to Booking Traveler - $?. |
4805 |
4806 |
4807 |
4808 |
4809 |
4810 |
Invalid general remark. Please verify format. |
4811 |
Unable to process automated reissue - ticket information not found. |
4815 |
Se ha producido un error al intentar validar alguno de los pasajeros. Por favor, vuelva a intentarlo más tarde. Disculpe las molestias. |
4816 |
SeatMap for UAPI versions 34 and lower no longer provide ReturnSeatPricing, please upgrade to the latest UAPI Seatmap version for that functionality. |
4817 |
Invalid Channel ID. |
4818 |
Invalid SCC Override. |
4819 |
Invalid Modifier Combination. |
4820 |
Agent Not Authorized. |
4821 |
OptionalServices may not be Supported/Required for passenger type VFF. |
4822 |
OptionalServices may not be Supported/Required for passenger type ITF. |
4461 |
Timezone not available for airport $?. So +00.00 is added. |
3020 |
FareInfoRef element is not valid in this type of request. Use a FareInfo element instead. |
3021 |
FareNoteRef element is not valid in this type of request. Use a FareNote element instead. |
3022 |
AirSegmentRef element is not valid in this type of request. Use an AirSegment element instead. |
3023 |
FlightDetailsRef element is not valid in this type of request. Use a FlightDetails element instead. |
3600 |
Only one primary contact info is allowed. |
3601 |
Phone number is required for primary contact. |
3602 |
At least one contact must be specified as a primary contact. |
3603 |
At least one Contact is required. This contact will be primary by default |
3604 |
Number of passengers cannot exceed 9. |
3605 |
Not all passengers can be Non-Adult. |
3607 |
Invalid PTC in request. |
3608 |
Only one account code is allowed in request. |
3609 |
Invalid tour code format. |
3610 |
The exchange amount is not calculated properly. The value of the exchange amount must be equal to the value of the new ticket, minus the value of the old ticket, plus the penalty and forfeit amounts. |
3611 |
Invalid Accounting Remark Category |
3612 |
Invalid Accounting Remark text format |
3613 |
A permitted BookingCode or ClassOfService for each air segment is required to price in the requested class of service. |
3623 |
Please enter Payment details. |
3700 |
GWS supports only 3 Carriers. |
3701 |
GWS supports only 3 Point Of Sales. |
3702 |
GWS supports only 1 Fare type. |
3703 |
GWS supports only 1 Booking Code. |
3704 |
Remark has not been added to the reservation, please use single letter category |
3716 |
Multiple Ticketing ActionStatus is not supported for a specific provider |
3729 |
No flight service information available. |
3730 |
Specific Time could not be mapped to host. |
3731 |
Host Message do not support Queue category with a Action Status - TTL |
3733 |
FormOfPayment@Type is an unsupported FormOfPayment for host reservation. |
3734 |
Payment and FormOfPayment reference key do not match. |
3735 |
Invalid credit text specified for this form of payment. |
3736 |
Credit card type must be specified in form of payment. |
3737 |
Credit card number must be specified in form of payment. |
3738 |
Credit card expiration date must be specified in form of payment. |
3739 |
CreditCardAuth must be included with form of payment. |
3740 |
CreditCardAuth AuthCode must be specified with form of payment. |
3741 |
Only Government Requisition supported for this form of payment. |
3742 |
Invalid Requisition number for this form of payment. |
3743 |
Invalid freeform text for this form of payment. |
3744 |
Invalid freeform Credit Card for this form of payment. |
3745 |
Only AutoSeatAssignment@SeatType Aisle or Window is supported without a Booking Traveler and/or Air Segment association for the requested provider. |
3746 |
Earliest Time should be before Latest Time |
3747 |
Time Difference cannot be greater than 24 hours for provider |
3750 |
Infant date of birth is required in the name remark field. |
3752 |
Infant Email address is not supported by the provider |
3753 |
Every FQTU and FQUG needs a corresponding FQTV |
3754 |
More than one FQTV number for same airline is not supported |
3756 |
PseudoCityCode length should not be more than 4 |
3759 |
Booking Traveler(s) already have seat(s) assigned. Please delete the same to add a new one. |
3760 |
Either BookingTraveler or Segment is not present in the UR for the given SeatAssignment request. |
3761 |
Seats Assignment not available for all Booking Travelers and/or Segments in the requested Updated Command(s). |
3762 |
TypeInGds cannot be blank for updating general remark. |
3763 |
The pricing information for the provider air reservation has expired. Use URModify AirAdd and AirDelete to add new fare before ticketing. |
3765 |
eVoucher is not supported by the Requested Provider. |
3773 |
Invalid - $? Loyalty Number - $? for Booking Traveler - $? - $? Please take necessary action. |
3778 |
Same BookingTraveler should not be repeated inside AirPricingInfo/PassengerType having same AirPricingInfoGroup. |
3781 |
Cannot find segment for BookingInfo/SegmentRef: |
3785 |
No more AirItinerarySolution exists for the requested SearchAirLeg. |
3788 |
Unable to ticket without pricing information. |
3789 |
Ticket already exist. |
3790 |
Some of the AirPricingInfos are not associated with requested AirReservation. |
3791 |
All AirPricingInfos associated to an AirPricingInfoGroup should be provided in the request. |
3792 |
Some AirPricingInfos associated to other providers are not ticketed. |
3793 |
All AirPricingInfos associated to an AirPricingInfoGroup should be provided with the DetailedBillingInformation. |
3794 |
All AirPricingInfos associated to the same AirPricingInfoGroup should be provided with the DetailedBillingInformation. |
3616 |
All forms of payment must be associated with Air pricing information. |
3617 |
Duplicate Loyalty Card found for same Booking Traveler. |
3618 |
"This loyalty card already exists for this booking traveler." |
3619 |
Pricing cannot be added for deleted segments. |
3620 |
No Air Pricing found for the given key. |
3621 |
Invalid Key Specified. |
3622 |
BookingTravelerRef and AirSegmentRef are required with ServiceData/Data. |
3807 |
Provider requires AirportCode and SupplierCode simultaneously for ActionStatus = TTL: |
3808 |
Fulfillment Error: SeatSell is not found. |
4889 |
Form of payment required with optional service price higher than 0.00. |
3809 |
Fulfillment Error: NonTravelSell and Confirmation Number not found. |
3810 |
No Seats were selected. Please go back and make seat selections. |
3624 |
Invalid Request - Incorrect Provider Reservation Info Ref. |
3629 |
Provider does not support multiple VehicleType or PseudoCodes. Only the first VehicleType was considered for the request. |
3633 |
Fare Type Code SR is mandatory for Net Fare |
3634 |
NetFaresOnly is not supported by the provider |
3635 |
Specific Private fare type is not supported by the provider |
3636 |
Account Code is not required for this FaresIndicator type by the Provider. |
3637 |
Appropriate FareTypeCode is used for the given FaresIndicator type by the provider |
3638 |
Provide FaresIndicator type |
3641 |
Invalid Request - No Provider Reservation Info found. |
3643 |
Invalid Requisition type for this form of payment. |
3646 |
Any of the values in MileRouteInformation, AdditionalBookingCodeInfo, UnSaleableFaresOnly is required for the requested provider. |
3648 |
Flight Number is truncated to 4 characters. |
3649 |
Fare Basis Code is Mandatory by the Provider |
3650 |
Fare Construction is mandatory by the Provider |
3651 |
Provider does not support Endorsement |
3652 |
Provider supports only 2 character tax code |
3654 |
Base Fare Currency Code is mandatory |
3655 |
Base Fare Amount is mandatory |
3659 |
attribute ProviderCode is required in AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo for aggregated air booking. |
3660 |
All BookingTraveler of same TravelerType should be present inside a AirPricingInfoGroup. |
3661 |
Some of the SegmentRef provided in AirSegmentPricingModifier do not match the ones provided in BookingInfo |
3662 |
Each AirPricingInfo of a specific AirPricingInfoGroup should have BookingTravelerRef. |
3668 |
Provider supports only one tour code/Bulk ticket/Inclusive per passenger type. |
3669 |
BulkTicket cannot be requested without Tour Code. |
3657 |
InclusiveTour cannot be requested without Tour Code. |
3656 |
BulkTicket/InclusiveTour is not supported for the requested provider. |
3663 |
BookingTraveler reference does not exists in Air reservation. |
3666 |
Passenger must have a valid passenger type code. |
3675 |
Air Segment Reference is required in AirSegmentPricingModifiers. |
3676 |
Provided in Infant Date Of Birth |
3677 |
Infant passengers date of birth can not be in future |
3678 |
Infant passengers include new borns to 23-month olds only |
3678 |
DOB for Infant is ignored. Invalid SSR text. |
3680 |
Date of Birth (DOB) for Infant is ignored. Invalid SSR text. |
3681 |
Invalid tax amount. |
3682 |
Cannot find segment for given SegmentRef. |
3683 |
Invalid TypeInGDS value provided by the user. Permitted values are $? |
3684 |
MICR Number not supported by provider |
3685 |
Invalid OverrideOption value provided by the user. Permitted values are $? |
3686 |
Invalid FareInfoRef specified in BookingInfo. |
3687 |
Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided for $?. |
3688 |
Multiple BookingTravelerRef for $? allowed only with clustered names. |
3689 |
Please provide at least one permitted carrier. |
3690 |
Separate PointOfSale not supported by provider |
3691 |
Invalid FOP type. Permitted values are $? |
3692 |
Invalid Category for MiscFormOfPayment. Permitted values are $? |
3693 |
Provider does not support this FOP Type |
3694 |
Provider requires at least 7 digit long number for this FOP type |
3695 |
Free Text can be maximum 25 characters long and should not contain special characters |
3696 |
Invalid AirSegmentRef for InvoiceRemark. |
3697 |
Provider does not support Segment Association in InvoiceRemark for Vehicle, Hotel or Passive Segments |
3698 |
Provider does not support AirSegment Association in InvoiceRemark for Non-Air Products |
3333 |
Invalid AirSegmentRef Provided in EMDIssuanceReq. |
0013 |
No Timezone specified for airport. |
3012 |
AirFareDisplayRuleKey is required for a follow on air fares display. |
3699 |
Invalid PricingType. Permitted values are $? |
0099 |
Payment and PaymentRef elements must be added in the same request. |
3999 |
PaymentRef element must be added in the air pricing. |
4001 |
PaymentRef attribute must be added in the fee. |
4002 |
Segment class of service is missing. |
4003 |
Status MK only supported for segment type Hotel. |
4015 |
Key reference not found for Charge with key reference $? inside $?. |
4016 |
There are too many search solutions; Please retry your search with more restrictive criteria. |
4017 |
Session emulation is restricted. |
4018 |
Payment with multiple Tickets is not supported. |
4019 |
Pricing Details are not returned by the provider. Check host setup for Pricing Strings |
4020 |
Fare rules could not be retrieved. |
4021 |
The reservation returned by the host changed. The segment information is now updated and the pricing data has been removed. |
4022 |
The reservation returned by the host changed. The segment information is now updated. |
4023 |
The reservation returned by the host changed. The segment information is now updated and the pricing data has not changed. |
4028 |
Amount value is not allowed for Commission Type 'PercentBase', provide Percent value |
4029 |
Use PercentBase for Commission as percentage |
4030 |
Host has returned Unknown Carrier Code [$?] for SSR [$?]. |
4031 |
Length of postal code exceeds maximum allowable |
4037 |
Please provide ProviderCode for ActionStatus. |
4038 |
MaxSolutions cannot exceed $? for $? |
4039 |
"Result size exceeded the maximum allowable and some results were discarded. It may be necessary to narrow your search using search modifiers." |
4050 |
00:00 in TicketDate is not a supported value for the requested provider. |
4053 |
Different air ticketing modifiers for different AirPricingInfos belonging to same AirPricingInfoGrp is not supported. |
4054 |
GenerateItineraryInvoice, GenerateAccountingInterface are not supported for the requested provider. All documents will be issued. |
4055 |
Plating carrier is not supported for the requested provider. |
3823 |
Ticketed Fare Override is not supported for the requested provider. |
4056 |
One or more SSRs have been ignored ; Invalid SSRCode : $? |
4057 |
Host has returned Unknown Status Code [$?] for SSR [$?]. |
3811 |
One or more SeatAssignment have been ignored; Invalid SeatAssignment Status $? |
3812 |
Departure Time of $?-$? Flight is being removed from the response. |
3813 |
Arrival Time of $?-$? Flight is being removed from the response. |
3814 |
Multiple ProviderLocatorCodes for the same carrier is not allowed. |
3815 |
A passenger can only request one seat per flight. |
3816 |
Destination terminal value cannot exceed 10 characters. Only first 10 characters has been considered. |
3817 |
The valid type with radius is DistanceInMiles and DistanceInKilometers. |
3818 |
The radius is manadatory with type DistanceInMiles and DistanceInKilometers. |
3819 |
The valid type with destination list is destination. |
3820 |
The destination list is manadatory with type destination. |
3821 |
Fuzzy Search for this provider not permitted. |
3822 |
BrandTier should be 1-9999. |
3824 |
The fare HostToken has been ignored. The BrandTier has been applied. |
3825 |
Either a BrandTier or a HostToken can be sent. |
3850 |
The Brand Tier must be the same for all passengers in a stored fare. |
3851 |
BrandTier should be sent in FareInfo/Brand. AirSegmentPricingModifiers/BrandTier has been ignored. |
3852 |
RFIC, RFISC and SvcDescription required to create SVC segment |
3853 |
StartDate cannot be past date while creating SVC segment |
3854 |
SVC segments were not added as the Change Fee is zero. |
3855 |
SvcSegmentRef should not be specified if IssueAllOpenSVC is set to true |
3856 |
SvcSegmentRef could not be found |
3857 |
SvcSegmentRef= $? is already issued EMD-S |
3858 |
Booking Traveler of specified SvcSegmentRef= $? have multiple valid ticket |
3859 |
The Ticket -$? is not valid open ticket |
3860 |
The BookingTraveler associated with SvcSegmentRef= $? does not have any valid ticket |
3861 |
Specified ticket is not associated with passenger of given SVC segment |
3862 |
No SVC segment present to issue EMD-S |
3863 |
All the SVC segments in the reservation are already issued EMD-S |
3864 |
StandAlone EMD Issuance Error |
3865 |
EMDS issuance for SvcSegmentRef= $? has failed with error: $? |
3866 |
SVC addition failed for BookingTravelerRef = $? Process Manually |
3867 |
Functionality for adding SVC is currently not available and will be enabled in future |
4649 |
Unable to parse host response message |
4656 |
Provider does not allow stored fare updation. |
4657 |
Change of Date is not supported for this provider |
4660 |
Unable to update segment status- HOST ERROR $? : $? |
4661 |
Air Segment with key $? not found in air reservation. |
4663 |
Please assign default currency in Agency Branch |
4664 |
FOP not implemented |
4665 |
User not authorized to use this service for the requested provider |
4666 |
Custom Runtime Exception |
4667 |
Error from Galileo |
4668 |
Error |
4669 |
User Not Authorized for Flight Information |
4670 |
Could not locate host passenger: $? in pnr |
4671 |
Key is mandatory for updating the element $? |
4672 |
No coupon could be found that matches the coupons |
4673 |
Testing ApolloAirFareRulesService |
4674 |
exception1 |
4675 |
Fail test case |
4676 |
Custom App Exception |
4677 |
Unsupported Service |
4678 |
availabilitySearch is not yet implemented for GwsLowFareSearchAdapter |
4679 |
priceItinerary is not yet implemented for GwsLowFareSearchAdapter |
4680 |
retrieveFareRule is not yet implemented for GwsLowFareSearchAdapter |
4681 |
scheduleSearch is not yet implemented for GwsLowFareSearchAdapter |
4682 |
segmentDetailSearch is not yet implemented for GwsLowFareSearchAdapter |
4683 |
availabilitySearch is not yet implemented for GwsOptimizedLowFareSearchAdapter |
4684 |
priceItinerary is not yet implemented for GwsOptimizedLowFareSearchAdapter |
4685 |
retrieveFareRule is not yet implemented for GwsOptimizedLowFareSearchAdapter |
4686 |
scheduleSearch is not yet implemented for GwsOptimizedLowFareSearchAdapter |
4687 |
segmentDetailSearch is not yet implemented for GwsOptimizedLowFareSearchAdapter |
4688 |
Date Of Birth can not be in future |
4689 |
Missing city code for airport $? |
4690 |
Retrieval of only Long Text fare rules for a priced ACH Air reservation is supported. |
4691 |
Not all AirSegments are referred to bookings from submitted AirPricingInfos. |
4692 |
Airport Country is not set to a valid value. |
4662 |
Airport Country is not set to a valid value. |
4692 |
Carrier Code is not set to a valid value. |
4693 |
Account Code should set to a valid value. |
4694 |
Fare Destination should be set a valid value. |
4694 |
FareNote should be set a valid value. |
4748 |
FareNote is not set to a valid value. |
4695 |
AirPricing.BasePrice is null |
4696 |
AirPricing.BookingTravelers is empty |
4697 |
AirPricing.TotalPrice is null |
4698 |
AirPricing.LatestTicketingTime is null" |
4699 |
AirPricing.TaxPrice is null |
4704 |
AirPricing.Taxes is empty |
4705 |
Pricing Feed is malformed |
4706 |
The validator cannot validate non AirExchangeQuoteReq: $? |
4707 |
$? cannot validate non AirExchangeTicketingReq: $? |
4708 |
AirReservation cancel request validation |
4709 |
The AirReservation specified was not found. |
4710 |
Locator code is missing on request |
4711 |
AirRefundQuoteReq requires non-empty ticket number |
4712 |
All coupons are in a status that does not premit refund. |
4713 |
AirRefundQuoteReq is null |
4714 |
AirRefundQuoteReq requires non-null Ticket numbers |
4715 |
AirReservation is null |
4716 |
PNR does not have any air segments. |
4717 |
LatestTicketingTime is not set on air pricing |
4718 |
Optional Service containing BookingTraveler with key $? not found in air reservation. |
4719 |
Unable to generate back office accounting feed |
4720 |
The amount for Payments is not equal to the total amount of the elements with a matching PaymentRef. |
4721 |
Segment origin is missing. |
4722 |
Segment destination is missing. |
4723 |
Itinerary cannot have repeated origin airport. |
4724 |
Itinerary cannot have repeated destination airport. |
4725 |
SSR seat types not allowed |
4726 |
ProvideLocator locator value missing. |
4727 |
The amount for Payment(Key=$?) is not equal to the total amount of the elements with a matching PaymentRef. |
4728 |
Action ID(s) does not exist. ID = $? |
4729 |
Invalid $?Card |
4730 |
AirTicketingReqValidator cannot validate $? |
4731 |
No ETR found for ticket $? |
4732 |
AirRefundTicketReq.AirRefundBundle.WaiverCode(TicketDesignator) is greater than $? characters |
4733 |
AirRefundTicketReq.AirRefundBundle.WaiverCode is greater than $? characters |
4734 |
AirPricing.WaiverCode has no type defined |
4735 |
AirPricing.WaiverCode is empty |
4738 |
AirPricing.Bookings is empty |
4739 |
AirPricing.Fares is empty |
4740 |
AirPricing.WaiverCode(TicketDesignator) is greater than $? characters |
4741 |
AirPricing.WaiverCode is greater than $? characters |
4742 |
AirPricing.Bookings[$?] is not associated with any Fare |
4743 |
AirPricing.Bookings[$?].BookingCode is blank |
4744 |
AirPricing.Fares[$?].$? is null |
4745 |
AirPricing.Taxes[$?]$? is null |
4746 |
AirPricing.Taxes[$?].FlightDetails is not resolved (transient key$?) |
4747 |
AirPricing.BookingTravelers element [$?] is null |
4659 |
The amount itemized must be equal the total $? tax amount |
4749 |
Not Used Now |
4750 |
validate$?Contact internal error |
4751 |
AirReservation in database has newer version. |
4752 |
AirReservation was not valid for saving to DB - Created By Agent Id is found null for the reservation. |
4753 |
AirReservation was not valid for saving to DB - contained invalid Tax info. Make sure each Tax object does not refer to both flight detail and segment simultaneously. |
4650 |
No AirSegment found for the specified SegmentRef |
4651 |
Multiple Elements with same key $? are found. |
3433 |
air reservation air itinerary mis-match. |
3434 |
Some or all Optional Service Type are not valid |
4758 |
FormOfPayment is not supported for the requested provider in AirTicketingReq. |
4759 |
CreditCardAuth is not supported for the requested provider in AirTicketingReq. |
4761 |
[$?] is missing in Journey Data |
4762 |
Some of the fare rules were not returned, as the associated fares changed – please price the itinerary to get the updated fares. |
4763 |
Retrieval of MCOs associated to the Ticket Number is not supported without ProviderCode and ProviderLocatorCode. |
4764 |
Retrieval of MCOs is not supported for the given ProviderCode. |
4765 |
Carrier does not support updating an SSR. |
4766 |
Unable to update. Document not found. |
4767 |
4768 |
Max number of SearchAirLegs supported by uAPI is 16. The remaining SearchAirLegs are not considered for the request |
4769 |
No response from PSS. |
4770 |
Code is required in AccountCode. |
4771 |
Invalid CreditCard details has been returned from host - FOP ignored. |
3796 |
Unrecognized PTC is returned,converted to ADT |
4772 |
SOA SeatMap Error |
4773 |
SOA SeatMap Warning |
3947 |
3948 |
One or more air segments do not contain valid flight dates |
4774 |
Seat Map is unavailable |
4775 |
All air segments do not contain valid flight data. AirSegment Carrier, FlightNumber, DepartureTime and ArrivalTime are required. |
4776 |
Override PCC does not have printer details in uAPI database hence printer details will be configured from Target Branch |
4777 |
Override PCC has multiple WAB associated hence printer details will be configured from Target Branch |
4778 |
All PricingType inside AutoPricing should have same value. |
4779 |
Alpha numeric Tariff Number suppressed. |
4783 |
All BookingTraveler of same TravelerType should be present inside an AutoPricingInfo. |
4784 |
BookingTraveler with key $? is invalid |
4785 |
Please ignore and end existing session before opening PNR $? in session |
4786 |
Universal Record changed outside existing session. Please ignore current session and re-open PNR in session. |
4787 |
Sesioned Transacation on a existent UR with multiple PNRs not supported. |
4788 |
The sessioned universal record is incomtaible with the version being retrievd from. |
4789 |
Invalid $? Loyalty Number - $? for Booking Traveler $?. Please take necessary action. |
4790 |
Invalid Action Status key specified |
4794 |
ServiceFee@BaseAmount is required |
4795 |
Imported Universal Record is missing Document Info. |
4799 |
Given PhoneNumber Type is not supported for this Provider |
4800 |
Invalid FOP type. Permitted values are $? |
4801 |
ProviderReservationInfo is required. |
4802 |
No passenger type codes were found. |
19109 |
SellCity and TicketingCity modifier(s) not supported by this provider and have been ignored. |
19110 |
BSPPayment is not applicable for this provider. |
19111 |
ARCPayment is not applicable for this provider. |
19112 |
1010020 |
Guarantee type with Corporate Number is not supported. |
4102 |
No car companies operate in the provided location. |
4103 |
An all-alpha confirmation code was used for CE of a car segment. |
4104 |
No rates qualify for request. |
4105 |
The system is unable to display all the information in the car segment. |
4106 |
The system is unable to find the reservation matching the given information. |
4108 |
A phone number is required to complete the booking. |
4109 |
The car vendor is unable to confirm your request. |
4110 |
An invalid vendor code was used. |
4111 |
The rental counter is closed during your specified arrival time. Please select another vendor or change arrival time. |
4112 |
The system found more than one reservation for the given information. |
4113 |
A supplier locator code is required to complete the cancellation. |
4114 |
Car vendor, car type, rate code, and rate token are required for vehicle rules. Inventory token may be required. |
4115 |
Unable to process Rules Request. |
4116 |
This feature not implemented. |
4121 |
Vendor/Location not found. |
4124 |
Vendor code not found. |
4125 |
Check car company code.It must be valid two letter code. |
4126 |
Price requested and Price received do not match. |
4127 |
Book Car-then add Voucher Request. |
4128 |
Host does not support the Return Location Type modifier. |
4129 |
Host does not support Pick up Location Type modifier with Permitted Vendor modifier. |
4130 |
Host supports only 1 Loyalty Card modifier. |
4131 |
Only companies with loyalty numbers were used in search. |
4132 |
Host does not support the RatePeriod modifier. |
4133 |
Host does not support the RateGuaranteed modifier. |
4135 |
Max number of rate codes exceeded for this host. The following rate code(s) were not included in the request: |
4136 |
Max number of rate categories exceeded for this host. The following rate category(s) were not included in the request: |
4137 |
Max number of discount numbers exceeded for this host. The following discount number(s) were not included in the request: |
4138 |
Max number of rate periods exceeded for this host. The following rate period(s) were not included in the request: |
4139 |
Supplier Type for loyalty card not supported by host. The following card number(s) was not included in the request: |
4140 |
Max number of loyalty cards exceeded for this host. The following loyalty card(s) were not included in the request: |
4141 |
PermittedVendors and ProhibitedVendors are not applicable with multiple Discount Numbers or Loyalty Cards for this host. The following vendors were not included in the request: |
4142 |
Either PickupLocation or ReferencePoint or both should be provided. |
4143 |
PickupLocation required for the requested provider. |
4144 |
Only one vendor can be specified in a Car Location List search with Reference Point. |
4145 |
A Vehicle Type is required when searching with multiple vendors. |
4146 |
Max length of Reference Point description is 30 for the requested provider |
4148 |
$? - Car Special Equipments are not supported by the requested provider. |
4149 |
Only Guarantee type is supported for car book. |
4153 |
First 3 car types considered in the request considering VehicleModifiers and VehicleTypes.A maximum of 3 car types are supported for the requested provider. |
4154 |
Provider does not support search by reference point. |
4155 |
Flight Number is required for requested provider. |
4157 |
Invalid Pickup Location Type. If Pickup Location Number is present in request Pickup Location Type can not be null. |
4158 |
Invalid Pickup Location Number. If Pickup Location Type is present in request Pickup Location Number can not be null. |
4159 |
Location Type is mandatory with Location Number for provider. |
4161 |
Provider allows a maximum of 16 characters for CardNumber for SupplierType - Vehicle. |
4162 |
Provider allows a maximum of 15 characters for LoyaltyCard including SupplierCode and CardNumber for SupplierType - Air. |
4163 |
Provider only accepts Loyalty Cards with SupplierCode same as that of VendorCode for SupplierType = Vehicle. |
4164 |
Provider supports only one vehicle loyalty card for the primary passenger. The following loyalty card(s) were not included in the request: $? |
4165 |
The Car Special Equipments - $? are not supported by the requested provider. |
4167 |
Provider allows maximum of 60 characters for Street, City, State, Postal Code and Country combined in Delivery Address. |
4168 |
Provider allows maximum of 60 characters for Street, City, State, Postal Code and Country combined in Collection Address. |
4169 |
Provider does not accept phone number as part of Delivery or Collection Address. |
4171 |
Supplier Type cannot be changed. |
4172 |
Loyalty Card does not exist. |
4176 |
Child Count modification is not supported. |
4177 |
"ReturnLocationType and ReturnLocationNumber should always be supplied together; one cannot exist without the other. |
4178 |
Provider does not support Booking Source of Type $? |
4179 |
Provider supports only Booking Source with 7 or 8 numerics. |
4180 |
Reservation does not have an existing BookingSource to update. Use VehicleAdd to add one. |
4182 |
eVoucher and PrePayAmount are not supported by the provider |
4184 |
Deleting Vehicle Billing Reference Number (BR) is not supported by the Provider. |
4185 |
Only one Driving License is supported by the provider. First Driving License of 1st Traveler is sent to the provider. |
4189 |
Provider supports either a VehicleSpecialRequest or a DriverLicense. DriverLicense has been saved locally |
4190 |
Provider supports only one DriverLicense for each segment. DriverLicense of the first BookingTraveler has been submitted provider |
4191 |
DriverLicense exists for the Reservation. Use VehicleUpdate to update the number. |
4192 |
No DriverLicense exists for the Reservation for $? |
4193 |
Reservation already has a drivers license.Please use product update to change drivers license data |
4194 |
Reservation does not have a drivers license |
4195 |
No matching drivers license found |
4196 |
Drivers license not associated with this reservation |
4198 |
Provider supports either a VehicleSpecialRequest or a DriverLicense. A VehicleSpecialRequest exists against the Reservation |
4199 |
Credit card type, card number and expiration date cannot be empty. |
4200 |
Vehicle Loyalty Card $? not sent to requested Provider as it belongs to a different Supplier |
4202 |
EVoucher amount is required for a SpecificValue EVoucher the requested provider |
4204 |
Credit Card Billing Address not supported for car book by the requested provider. |
0026 |
Only one Loyalty Card of type "Vehicle" is allowed. |
0033 |
Car Vendor, Car Type and Rate Code information is required for vehicle rules |
0035 |
Keyword CARS is required |
0036 |
Only one Keyword with a single SubKey is supported for the requested provider |
3530 |
No Vehicle Matches with Upsell Offer |
3627 |
Pseudo Code - %s not supported by provider. |
3628 |
Provider does not support VehicleType or PseudoCodes with other car types. Only the VehicleModifiers were considered for the request. |
3630 |
First 10 car types considered in the request considering VehicleModifier. A maximum of 10 car types are supported for the requested provider. |
4004 |
Multiple Vehicle modifers not allowed for Upsell. |
4005 |
PickupLocationType is mandatory when VendorLocation(s) are provided in the request. |
4006 |
Door count is required, if vehicle category is CAR. |
4007 |
Car vendor, car type, rate code, and rate token are required for vehicle rules. Inventory token , Rate period , Rate category maybe required. |
4009 |
The GWS request doesn't accept more than one Vendors for a Single Rate Code. |
7405 |
Supplemental information (SI) Text have been truncated. Requested Provider does not support more than 30 characters |
7455 |
Supplemental information (SI) Text have been truncated. Requested Provider does not support more than 138 characters |
40020 |
Only one Vendor code is allowed in Permitted Vendors. |
3325 |
Host supports only 1 Loyalty Card modifier |
3326 |
Host does not support the RateGuaranteed modifier |
3327 |
Host does not support the Prohibited Vendor modifier |
3984 |
Vendor Preference must be specified for Loyalty Card. |
3300 |
Vehicle Rules returned are as of today since Vehicle supplier confirmation is not yet available. |
7801 |
Reservation already has a booking source. Please use product update to change booking source data. |
7802 |
ReturnAllRates not supported by $?, and has been ignored. |
7804 |
$? Time is required |
7805 |
PickupLocation, PickupLocationType and PickupLocationNumber are required for location with City codes. |
7806 |
ReturnLocation, ReturnLocationType and ReturnLocationNumber are required for location with City codes. |
4000 |
General vehicle service error. |
0034 |
SubKey match not found |
7807 |
PickupLocationNumber or ReturnLcationNumber should not be more than 3 digit long |
7808 |
Provider does noy support Booking Source of Type $?. |
7809 |
Provider supports Booking Source with 7 or 8 numeric only. |
7811 |
The max distance cannot exceed 999 and the results are based on a Max distance of 999. |
7812 |
Min Distance cannot be greater than the max Distance. |
7813 |
7814 |
Reference Search with Distance and Direction is currently not supported. |
7815 |
Direction and Distance value must both be present for Direction Search. |
7816 |
Distance and direction search criteria is not supported with CarMatrix and has been ignored. |
7817 |
PickupLocationType "Unknown" not a valid Type for Vehicle booking |
7818 |
Invalid Special Equipment Type $? |
7819 |
Pickup Location attributes not specified in VendorLocation |
7820 |
Return @LocationType and @VendorLocationID are not allowed with multiple Pickup Locations. |
7821 |
All Return Locations must be the same when Multiple Pickup Locations are requested |
7822 |
Match VendorLocation/@Key to veh:VendorLocationRef and resend request |
7823 |
The number of /VendorLocation/ @Location, @Type “Pickup” has exceeded 10. Please correct and resend request. |
7824 |
Missing VendorLocation/@Key or veh:VendorLocationRef, update and resend request. |
7825 |
Voucher number is mandatory when VoucherType is selected as RegularVoucher. |
7826 |
Please select VoucherType as “RegularVoucher” to provide the Voucher Number information. |
7827 |
PrePayAmount is not supported by the provider. |
7828 |
BookingSourceOverride is only applicable for 1P/1J providers in Vehicle Booking. |
7829 |
BookingSourceOverrride code is applicable only in the vehicle reservation. BookingSourceOverrride code will be ignored when used other than VehicleCreateReservationReq service. |
4339 |
Maximum 5 special equipment’s can be used in the vehicle search request for 1P/1J providers. When more than 5 special equipment’s are being provided in the request, uAPI will consume first 5 and ignore the rest. |
4457 |
Special Equipment type(s) [$?] is/are invalid. Please enter the valid special equipment code and resubmit request. |
4872 |
[$?]-Policy Name is invalid and was not processed in the request |
4835 |
[$?]-SubKey @Name is invalid and was not processed in the request |
4836 |
Please provide a valid LoyaltyCard/@SupplierCode |
4871 |
Partial DiscountNumber returned. Upgrade to schema v34.0 or higher to retrieve full DiscountNumber. |
4837 |
Invalid company code. |
4838 |
Location closed at the time of day requested. |
4839 |
Invalid vendor code. |
4840 |
Location closed at time specified. |
4841 |
Location closed. After hour returns are not available. |
4842 |
Location not found. |
4843 |
Location is closed at specified time/date. |
4844 |
Need city/airport code. |
4845 |
No rates for the requested vehicle(s). |
4846 |
No vehicles available for requested city. |
4847 |
Pick up date cannot be in the past. |
4848 |
Rate code and plan did not match the date requested. |
4849 |
Reference point not found. |
4850 |
Return date cannot be in the past. |
4851 |
Return date too far in the future. |
4852 |
Return location not found. |
4853 |
Unable to find rates for the date range indicated. |
4854 |
Car company not at location. |
4855 |
Car not available. |
4856 |
Invalid pickup date. |
4857 |
Invalid pickup location. |
4858 |
Invalid return location. |
4859 |
Location closed at time of return. |
4860 |
No response from vendor. |
4861 |
Rate not available. |
4862 |
Return to same city. |
4863 |
Return to same district. |
4864 |
Return to same location. |
4865 |
Credit card required. |
4866 |
Link to Supplier not available. |
4867 |
Return city or location code not valid. |
4868 |
Vehicle not offered at this location. |
4869 |
Invalid location category. |
4870 |
Invalid arrival time. |
4873 |
VehicleCategory, VehicleClass, TransmissionType, AirConditioning are required for Vehicle Rules by the Provider. |
4874 |
VendorCode, VehicleCategory, VehicleClass, TransmissionType, AirConditioning, RateCode, and RateToken are required for vehicle rules. InventoryToken , RatePeriod , RateCategory may be required |
4875 |
VendorCode, VehicleCategory, VehicleClass, TransmissionType and AirConditioning are required with /VehicleModifier |
4876 |
All Return @LocationCode must be the same. |
4877 |
Request contains a Policy Reference. But there is no valid response data to pass into Policy. |
4878 |
You are not provisioned for this version of the schema, which contains alpha functionality. Please use another version, or contact your local Travel port representative or API Support for more information. |
4879 |
Maximum 5 Special equipment codes can be used in the search request. First 5 special equipment codes have been processed in the request. |
4880 |
SpecialEquipment/@Quantity is not supported in the VehicleSearchAvailabilityReq and has been ignored. |
4881 |
1P host does not support the @Quantity in VehicleCreateReservationReq. SpecialEquipment/@Quantity has been ignored. |
4882 |
The following <SpecialEquipment/@Type(s)> are not supported and were not included in the request: [$?] |
4883 |
The following <RateCategory> are not supported and were not included in the request: [$?] |
4884 |
The following <VehicleClass> are not supported and were not included in the request: [$?] |
4885 |
The following <Category> are not supported and were not included in the request: [$?] |
4886 |
At Age, please enter a valid driving age number , eg . '21'. |
4887 |
Age specified > 99 is not valid and has been ignored. |
4888 |
VehicleModifier/@ MinDoorCount and /@ MaxDoorCount has been ignored. Possible values for MinDoorCount is 2,4 and MaxDoorCount is 3,4,5. |
4890 |
MinDoorCount cannot be greater than MaxDoorCount. VehicleModifier/@ MinDoorCount and /@ MaxDoorCount has been ignored. |
4891 |
VendorLocation/@ProviderCode and @VendorCode are required. |
4892 |
AcrissVehicleCode was processed and all other VehicleModifiers have been ignored. |
4893 |
Location is closed at specified time/date.[$?][$?] is open at [$?] and closed at [$?] |
4894 |
Location is closed at specified time/date.[$?][$?] is open at [$?] and closed at [$?] and open at [$?] and closed at [$?] |
4895 |
Prepay rates are not available for rental requests that exceed $? days. |
4896 |
The requested location.[$?] does not offer prepay rates. |
4897 |
VehicleRules Request with VehicleReservationLocatorCode is not valid and has been ignored |
5105 |
The system is unable to display all the information in the hotel segment. |
5106 |
The system is unable to find the reservation matching the given information. |
5107 |
No properties match request. |
5108 |
The property does not accept the type of credit card given. |
5109 |
Property requires a deposit for this date. |
5110 |
Check the date. |
5111 |
An invalid chain code was used. |
5114 |
Dir support up to 50 Vendor Locations, First 50 vendor locations are considered for this request. |
5116 |
A phone number is required to complete the booking. |
5117 |
Max number of Corporate Discount Id(s)/Negotiated Rate Code(s) exceeded for this Provider. The following Corporate Discount Id(s)/Negotiated Rate Code(s) were not included in the request: |
5555 |
Max number of Corporate Discount Id(s) exceeded for this Provider. The following Corporate Discount Id(s) were not included in the request: |
5118 |
Amenity request not supported by host. Supported amenities have been requested. |
5119 |
The maximum number of 15 search modifiers has been exceeded. Additional modifiers have been ignored. |
5120 |
Invalid amenity code, please verify. |
5121 |
No hotels meet your search modifier criteria. |
5122 |
Maximum number of amenities has been exceeded. First four amenities have been requested. |
5113 |
isRelaxed indicator not supported by this provider, and has been ignored. |
5112 |
No hotels meet your search modifier criteria. |
5232 |
Location ignored - Specific properties returned. |
5233 |
The maximum number of 8 amenity search modifiers has been exceeded. Additional amenities have been ignored |
5234 |
Please add a LocationCode or PropertyID. |
5235 |
MaxProperties modifier is not supported and has been ignored. |
5236 |
Amenities modifier is not supported, and has been ignored. |
5237 |
RateCategory modifier is not supported, and has been ignored. |
5238 |
PermittedChains modifier is not supported and has been ignored. |
5239 |
ProhibitedChains modifier is not supported and has been ignored. |
5240 |
HotelAddress modifier is not supported, and has been ignored. |
5241 |
ReferencePoint modifier is not supported, and has been ignored. |
5242 |
SearchPriority modifier is not supported, and has been ignored. |
5243 |
PermittedSuppliers modifier is not supported and has been ignored. |
5244 |
NumberOfChildren modifier is not supported, and has been ignored. |
5245 |
HotelPaymentType modifier is not supported, and has been ignored. |
5246 |
Distance modifier is not supported, and has been ignored. |
5247 |
CorporateDiscountID modifier is not supported, and has been ignored. |
5248 |
HotelBedding modifier is not supported, and has been ignored. |
5250 |
"BookingGuestInformation" is used by TRM only. For GDS providers (1G, 1V, 1P, and 1J) and aggregated requests (GDS provider + TRM), use @NumberOfAdults, @NumberOfRooms, and @NumberOfChildren. |
5128 |
Invalid Date Range, NumberOfNights should not exceed 99 |
5129 |
Invalid Date Range, Check-out date cannot be before Check-in date |
5130 |
CheckOut date must be after CheckIn date |
5131 |
The child count must include one age for each child listed within the number of children |
5132 |
The number of adults plus the number of children must not exceed a total of 9 |
19073 |
The number of rooms must not exceed 9 |
19074 |
The number of adults plus the number of children must not exceed a total of 9 and the number of rooms must not exceed 9 |
5134 |
Invalid Request: Duplicate Bed Type. |
5135 |
Invalid Request: Apart from Adult Rollway, Child Rollway and Crib only one bed type is supported. |
5136 |
Credit Cardholder Name or CVV not supported for the requested hotel supplier. |
5137 |
Credit Card Billing Address not supported for the requested hotel supplier. |
5138 |
Number of beds is required for the requested provider. |
5139 |
Invalid NumberOfBeds for the requested provider. |
5140 |
Maximum 25 characters allowed for guarantee information. |
5143 |
Only Agency IATA or ARC number can be mapped to host. |
5144 |
Provider does not support Search by Loyalty Number. So Loyalty Information not submitted to Provider. |
5145 |
Provider does not allow setting of Priority Order for Search Modifiers. |
5146 |
Provider does not support search by AAA Rating. The input was not submitted to the Provider. |
5147 |
Only one Corporate Discount ID or Negotiated Rate code is supported for the requested provider. |
5148 |
Requested provider has a restriction of 30 characters for Address (Street and City). |
5149 |
Number of Bed Type is not supported by Vendor. |
5150 |
Provider does not support Age for Children in request. Age value not submitted to provider. |
5151 |
Number of Children is not supported by $?. |
5152 |
Provider does not support Details by Bed Type |
5153 |
Provider allows a maximum 2 Number Of Beds for Type |
5154 |
No Room details available for this property. |
5155 |
Provider does not support Details by Loyalty Number. |
5156 |
This form of Guarantee/Deposit is not supported by the host. |
5157 |
Supplemental information (SI) Text have been truncated. Requested Provider does not support more than 90 characters |
5158 |
Bed Types supported by provider are - RollawayAdult, RollawayChild and Crib. |
5159 |
Number of beds is required for the requested provider. |
5160 |
Provider only allows one Email Address per passenger. Only one sent in request. |
5161 |
Provider allows a maximum of 17 characters for LoyaltyCard including SupplierCode and CardNumber for SupplierType - Hotel. |
5162 |
Provider allows a maximum of 22 characters for LoyaltyCard including SupplierCode and CardNumber for SupplierType - Air. |
5163 |
Provider only allows a maximum of 3 Booking Codes |
5164 |
Provider does not support Availability request with Premium First as cabin class. |
5165 |
Best fares for the requested cabin class may not have been returned. Please use booking code search. |
5166 |
Provider returns best fares for search with Booking Codes. Hence PermittedBookingCodes submitted to provider. |
5167 |
Provider does not support search with 'Premium First' cabin class. |
5168 |
Only one Corporate Discount ID is supported for the requested provider. |
5169 |
Separate NegotiatedRateCode is not supported in the Book request by the requested provider. NegotiatedRateCode is tied with RatePlan if applicable. |
5170 |
Separate NegotiatedRateCode is not supported in the Book request by the requested provider. NegotiatedRateCode is tied with RatePlan if applicable.Only corporate discount ID is supported for the requested provider. |
5171 |
Provider supports only one Corporate Discount ID. First one in the list submitted to provider. |
5172 |
The HotelRateDetail and HotelRatebyDate data may vary from the actual rates used for the booking as the provider does not support some of the rate modifiers for the Rate Detail request. |
5173 |
Provider does not support Age for Children in request. Age value not submitted to provider |
5174 |
Booking Source requires 7 or 8 numerics by the Provider. |
5175 |
This form of Guarantee is not supported by the Provider. |
5176 |
This form of Guarantee/Deposit is not supported by Vendor. |
5177 |
Invalid IATA Number. |
5178 |
Location Type not supported by provider. |
5179 |
Location Number is mandatory with Location Type for provider. |
5180 |
Location Type is mandatory with Location Number for provider. |
5185 |
Provider does not support this RatePeriod modifier. |
5186 |
VendorCode and RateCode are required for Vehicle Rules by the Provider. |
5187 |
VehicleCategory and VehicleClass are required for Vehicle Rules by the Provider. |
5188 |
DoorCount is required this Vehicle Category by the Provider. |
5189 |
SupplierCode for Customer Identification Number(SupplierType="Vehicle") should be same as the Car Vendor being requested. |
5190 |
Provider sometimes return the Total value for all rooms. |
5191 |
This type of Booking Source is not supported by the provider. |
5192 |
Vendor does not support booking with Promotional Code. |
5195 |
Host does not support Number of Beds in Hotel Shop Request. |
5196 |
The Bed Type is not supported as user input in Hotel Shop by the provider. |
5198 |
Provider does not support Bedding Type = '$?'. |
5199 |
Provider supports max. two Bed Types in the request. Bed Types - $? have been submitted to the provider request. |
5201 |
Unmatched search criteria |
5202 |
Invalid Chain - |
5203 |
No Properties found for Chain - |
5205 |
Provider requires either HotelLocation or ReferencePoint is required for Hotel Search. |
5206 |
HotelLocation is mandated by provider. |
5207 |
Images of type Gallery is not supported by provider. |
5208 |
Number of Children is not supported by Vendor |
5209 |
Number of Persons in room exceeds limit. Please alter number of person or change the room type |
5210 |
Provider allows a maximum $? Number Of Beds for Type = '$?'. |
5211 |
This form of Guarantee/Deposit is not supported by the host. |
5213 |
Hotel Rules may not reflect rules as booked |
5216 |
Provider does not support modification of Email Comment |
5220 |
Requested Bed Type not available from vendor |
5221 |
Requested Bed Type is not available from vendor and a substitute is being offered |
5222 |
Requested Bed Type is not available from vendor as maximum has been exceeded |
5223 |
Credit card type, card number and expiration date cannot be empty. |
5224 |
Cannot add Corporate Discount for the hotel segment as only 1 corporate discount is allowed per segment |
5225 |
No updation possible as no corporate discount exists for the hotel segment |
5226 |
No deletion possible as no corporate discount exists for the hotel segment |
5227 |
NegotiatedRateCode can only be added during book. This field cannot be modified post booking |
5115 |
Only Property level keywords are supported by the provider and HotelCode is required to get property level keywords. |
5133 |
SubKey word is not supported. Only KeyWord is supported by the provider. |
5228 |
Negotiated rate code is not supported for requested provider |
5229 |
Guarantee Key Mismatch. |
5230 |
0024 |
Only one Loyalty Card of type "Hotel" is allowed. |
0030 |
Loyalty Card of Type "Hotel" already exists and not sent to host. |
3043 |
Cannot update Booking Source for the hotel segment as only 1 special request is allowed per segment. |
3044 |
No updation possible as no Booking Source exists for the hotel segment. |
3047 |
Cannot update Special Request for the hotel segment as only 1 special request is allowed per segment. |
3048 |
No updation possible as no special request exists for the hotel segment. |
3049 |
No deletion possible as no special request exists for the hotel segment. |
4174 |
Total number of rooms cannot exceed 9. |
4175 |
Total number of persons including children cannot exceed 9. |
4183 |
No updation possible as no Booking Source exists for the hotel segment. |
4186 |
Provider supports maximum of 9 Extra Adults. Modify Booking to add the Extra Adults. |
4187 |
ExtraAdults value already exists against the Reservation. Please use HotelUpdate to modify. |
4188 |
There is no ExtraAdults value against the Reservation for update. Please use HotelAdd to add the value. |
4201 |
Additional details like Phone Number is saved locally for the requested provider. |
4211 |
Total number of children cannot exceed 5 |
4904 |
No hotel images available. |
5031 |
Amenity data not available for the selected properties |
5028 |
Hotel Rules returned are as of today since Hotel supplier confirmation is not yet available |
5029 |
Cannot add Special Request for the hotel segment as only 1 special request is allowed per segment |
5030 |
No updation possible as no special request exists for the hotel segment |
1321 |
Hotel Rules returned are as of today since Hotel supplier confirmation is not yet available. |
1322 |
Hotel Rules returned are as of today due to other error/warnings returned by the provider. |
1323 |
No hotel reservation found for this locator code. |
1330 |
Hotel Check-in or Check-out Date cannot be in the past. |
5231 |
RoomMaster Property Number should have max length 5 |
4979 |
Max. one Corporate Discount is supported by provider. Only the first one has been used. |
4980 |
Max. one Negotiated Rate Code is supported by provider. Only the first one has been used. |
4983 |
Corporate Discount/Negotiated Rate Code not supported for this service for the selected Provider. |
4984 |
Unrecognized Hotel Bedding Type was entered and will be ignored. |
4985 |
Requested Provider supports only 5 Rate Categories. Rate Categories $? have been ignored. |
4986 |
Rate Categories $? are not supported by the requested provider and have been ignored. |
5499 |
Traveler compliance with given key $? not found. |
4927 |
Please provide a bookingTraveler in the request |
4929 |
Could not add session |
4961 |
User Not Authorized to book Hotel of the requested Provider - $? |
4989 |
User Not Authorized to view Hotel Rules of the requested Provider - $? |
5500 |
Hotel Transportation type is unrecognized by host, and was ignored on the response. |
5501 |
No hotels are available for search criteria. |
5502 |
No hotels meet the hotel transportation type CourtesyBus criteria. |
5503 |
Please change your search criteria, no hotels meet the hotel transportation type CourtesyBus with the AvailableHotelsOnly search as true. |
5504 |
"Available Hotels Only" is set to true, in hotel search availability request, some hotels that may match other search criteria, are removed from response. |
5505 |
No more hotels are available for search criteria. |
5506 |
Rules request with Bed Type not supported by provider |
5508 |
Unmatched search criteria Amenity |
5000 |
General hotel service error. |
5005 |
Hotel property doesn't exist. |
5006 |
DAY rate category not recognized or supported with other rate categories. |
5509 |
The rate override in not supported in hotel book. The rate can be overridden only during hotel modify. |
5510 |
The base amount and total amount are suppressed as rate override occurred. |
5511 |
The currency in the rate override amount should match with the currency in reservation. |
5512 |
Cancelation Deadline Cannot be Derived |
5513 |
TotalOccupants cannot be greater than sum of Number of Adults and Number of Children |
5514 |
Total Occupants was ignored, not supported by provider. |
5515 |
Only NumberOfChildren/@Count may be supported for this host provider. Children support is hotel supplier dependent. |
5516 |
NumberOfAdults and NumberOfRooms both are '0', you must have at least '1' room with atleast '1' adult. |
5517 |
NumberOfRooms is ‘0’, you must have at least ‘1’ room. |
5518 |
Modification of Extra child not supported for provider. |
5519 |
NumberOfChildren or ExtraChild, not both. Most suppliers use NumberOfChildren. |
5520 |
ExtraChild data already exist in the reservation. Please use UniversalRecordModify, HotelUpdate transaction to request change. |
5521 |
ExtraChild Content Attribute is not supported at request. |
5522 |
Number of children Amount Attribute is not supported at request. |
5523 |
Only ExtraAdult modification is supported using HotelAdd. For other GuestInformation attributes please use ModifyCommand/HotelUpdate. |
5524 |
Extra children request exceeds 5 persons. |
5525 |
Hotel Bedding Type is currently implemented only for RA, RC and CR. |
5526 |
Please specify the number of beds. |
5527 |
Number of beds can not be zero |
5528 |
User must input a valid HotelSearchLocation code. |
5529 |
You must enter a supported ProviderCode. |
5530 |
IATA City/Airport code or ProviderLocation Code was not applied for GDS’ shopping. |
5531 |
Please assure six character bespoke location code is entered. |
5533 |
The hotel location, location airport, city, or the provider bespoke location code, could not be applied to the hotel search. |
5535 |
Please check airport/city/bespoke code, change and try the search again. |
5536 |
Must provide Latitude and Longitude for Hotel Search by Coordinate Location. |
5537 |
Hotel Search by Coordinate Location is not supported for this provider. |
5538 |
Cannot search by both Coordinate Location and Reference Point or Postal Code or Transportation, or Property ID or Hotel Address. Coordinate Location was used and other search modifiers were ignored. |
5539 |
Max Distance cannot exceed 75 miles. Search modified for max of 75 miles. |
5540 |
Max Distance cannot exceed 120 km. Search modified for max of 120 km |
5542 |
Your reference point name was too long and has been truncated to the supported max 30 character length. |
5544 |
Please enter a valid 2 character ISO state or country code and try your request again. |
5546 |
Please check the CorporateDiscountID/NegotiatedRateCode – Plan Code. Only one Master Secure Rate Code may be supported per transaction. |
5547 |
The following rate information does not match your request. Please adjust rate and resubmit reservation request. $?. To override this validation and complete hotel reservation anyway, resubmit your request with MandatoryRateMatch ="false" |
5548 |
No Rates for Total or Base were returned cannot complete booking. |
5549 |
ReferencePoint has been ignored. |
5551 |
Loyalty Card Number was ignored for Supplier Type Vehicle. |
5552 |
Loyalty number invalid for this hotel chain – $?. Add the Supplier Code to Loyalty Number and resubmit. |
5553 |
Loyalty Card for $? not supported by supplier. Remove and try request again. |
5554 |
Supplier Code $$ is ignored from Request. |
5556 |
Can only enter one loyalty card per Supplier Type (Air, Hotel). |
5557 |
Cannot exceed 17 characters for Loyalty Card for Hotel Frequent Guest. |
5558 |
Cannot exceed 22 characters for Loyalty Card for Air Frequent traveler |
5559 |
RulesDetailReqd not supported by provider and was ignored. |
5560 |
No rate plan type was returned. Change the RulesDetailReqd indicator to “Rules” or “All” and resubmit your request. |
5561 |
No Rate for Total or Base were entered. Cannot complete booking. |
5562 |
Variance – The Rate Base returned does not match the Rate Base entered in the request. Booking was completed because the Rate Total in the request did match the Rate Total in booking response. |
5563 |
The Source Link for this request was not available and the returned rate information may not be accurate. Resubmit reservation request.$?. To override this validation and complete hotel reservation anyway, resubmit your request with MandatoryRateMatch ="false". |
5564 |
Please enter a Country code and State code when US, on Worldspan Reference Point search. |
5565 |
Invalid hotel properties: $?. |
5566 |
5567 |
5568 |
HotelLocation "XXX" was applied as a null value because the hotel supplier did not return an IATA city or airport code. |
5569 |
A duplicate discount rate code $? was entered and has been ignored. |
5570 |
Travelport Rooms and More credentials are invalid. |
5571 |
Please note the actual room rates may not match the room rate that is confirmed. |
5400 |
Check-in date in the past. |
5401 |
Check-out date in the past. |
5402 |
Connection to Supplier is unavailable. |
5403 |
No properties found for postal code. |
5404 |
No properties found at this location. Refine search parameters. |
5405 |
No properties found for reference point requested. |
5406 |
No properties found meeting specified criteria. |
5407 |
No properties found or available for this request. |
5408 |
No properties found or available offering multi-level rate code. |
5409 |
Reference point not found. |
5410 |
Chain ID is invalid. |
5411 |
Check-in/check-out date is invalid. |
5412 |
Check-in date is not available. |
5413 |
Check-in date is not valid. |
5414 |
Check-in date is too far in the future. |
5415 |
Check-in date is before today's date. |
5416 |
Check-in date restriction. |
5417 |
Check-out date is too far in the future. |
5418 |
Check-out date restriction. |
5419 |
Number of adults is invalid. |
5420 |
5421 |
Invalid Supplier response. |
5422 |
Maximum length of stay error. |
5423 |
Maximum length of stay restriction. |
5424 |
Maximum number of adults has been exceeded. |
5425 |
The maximum number of rooms has been exceeded. |
5426 |
A maximum of 4 rooms per transaction can be booked. |
5427 |
Minimum length of stay restriction. |
5428 |
No room/rate available for number of guests requested. |
5429 |
Number of adults exceeds room limits. |
5430 |
Number of children exceeds room limits |
5431 |
Number of nights CTA restriction. |
5432 |
Number of nights exceeds limit. |
5433 |
Property closed restriction. |
5434 |
Property is not available. |
5435 |
Rate plan is not available. |
5436 |
Rates requested are not available. |
5437 |
Room inventory restriction. |
5438 |
Room occupancy exceeded. |
5439 |
Room type is not available. |
5440 |
Roomaster processing error. |
5441 |
Rooms requested exceeds limit. |
5442 |
Unable to perform multi-room request. |
5443 |
Property does not support requests for this number of adults. |
5444 |
Credit card number is invalid. |
5445 |
Rate is not available. |
5573 |
$? - $? |
5574 |
"message": "None of the enabled engines could fulfill your request. $?." |
5575 |
Children below age $? will be booked as Infants by $?. |
5576 |
Children aged $? or older will be booked as Adults by $?. |
5577 |
Maximum children per room supported by $? is $?. If more than $? children are requested for a room, excess children will be booked as Adults by the aggregator. |
5578 |
$? does not support children. Any children included in the request will be booked as Adults by the aggregator. |
5579 |
The hotel booking was successful. However, the aggregator or supplier (hotel property) was unable to fulfill the requested guest allocation per room. <AdaptedRoomGuestAllocation> contains the modified room allocation returned by the aggregator/supplier |
5588 |
The target branch is not provisioned for the provider in the request. |
5589 |
Amenity type has been ignored and sent as type 'HA'. The request supports a 2 byte alpha code; HA - hotel property amenity or RA - Room Amenity. Supported amenities have been requested. |
5590 |
Only 3 rate codes are supported for requested hotel chain. |
5591 |
No rate plan type was returned. |
5592 |
Preferred currency has been ignored, please enter a valid ISO currency code. |
5593 |
A Currency conversion attribute was not provided to successfully complete rate conversion support. |
5594 |
PrettyPrintService failed for some of the HotelRateDetails. |
5595 |
One or more Remarks could not be synched on the UR : $? |
5596 |
One or more SSR could not be synched on the UR : $? |
5597 |
The Vehicle Rules request does not support Air loyalty numbers and has been ignored. |
5600 |
PNR Cancellation Date has been passed |
5605 |
Email address was ignored in the Hotel Reservation due to invalid or no email type provided.Valid values are 'Traveler,Agency'. |
5606 |
Email not supported by hotel vendor |
5607 |
All rooms could not be sold - booking ignored. |
1302 |
Universal Record Modification Failed. |
1303 |
Segment continuity validation failed. |
1308 |
SSR with key $? not found for update. |
1309 |
Only 1 FOP is supported. A new FOP cannot be added with one existing. |
1310 |
Free text is mandatory for SSR - $?. |
1311 |
Provider only supports a status - $? for SSR - $?. |
1312 |
Carrier code is mandatory for this type of SSR. |
1313 |
Carrier Code, Status Code, Country Code Of Origin , Passenger Contract Phone Number , Passenger First Name and Passenger last name are mandatory for this type of SSR. |
1314 |
PhoneNumber of Type Agency is only supported for AgencyContactInfo phone numbers. |
1316 |
AirPricingInfo cannot be found. |
1317 |
All the AirPricingInfoRefs for the requested stored fare need to be specified in the request. |
1318 |
$? already exists against segment. Please delete the existing record to add a new address or update the existing information. |
1319 |
No $? available against reservation for $?. |
1324 |
Due to the provider limitation, booking traveler can support single name remark. |
1325 |
Agent Email already available in host. |
1327 |
Only one AccountingRemark with TypeInGDS = Account is supported by provider.The reservation already has an existing AccountingRemark with TypeInGDS = Account. |
1328 |
Provider supports only one AccountingRemark of TypeInGDS = Account. |
1335 |
Provider supports only one TourCodeRemark |
1336 |
Tour Code can be maximum 14 alphanumeric characters for the requested Provider and this Tour Code is not applied. |
1367 |
TourCode modifier is not supported for the requested provider. |
1500 |
BulkTicket is not supported for the requested provider. |
1338 |
No TourCodeRemark exists for the Reservation, use URAdd to add one. |
1339 |
Accounting Remark Key and TypeInGds = TourCode did not match in the UR |
1329 |
Provider only supports Category of FT for AccountingRemark with TypeInGDS = Other. |
1331 |
Deleting Vehicle Special Equipment Type is not supported by the provider. |
1332 |
Universal record is Inhibited. Please contact customer service for further queries. |
1333 |
Traveler Type cannot be changed to INF. |
1334 |
Traveler Type change for INF passenger types not allowed. |
1337 |
Provider supports only one EndorsementRemark. |
1340 |
No EndorsementRemark exists for the Reservation, use URAdd to add one. |
1341 |
Accounting Remark Key and TypeInGds = Endorsement did not match in the UR. |
1342 |
One CommissionRemark already exists and Provider supports only one CommissionRemark |
1343 |
No Commission Remark exists for the Provider, use URAdd to add one. |
1344 |
CorporateTrackingId can have a minimum of 6 characters and maximum of 10 characters. |
1345 |
Provider supports only one CorporateTrackingId. |
1346 |
No CorporateTrackingId exists for the Reservation, use URAdd to add one. |
1347 |
Accounting Remark Key and TypeInGds = CorporateTrackingId did not match in the UR |
1348 |
Provider supports a maximum length of 58 characters for Commission Remark line formed by concatenation of all CommissionRemark fields for all passengers |
1349 |
Credit Card Type and Credit Card Number need to be specified in the request. |
1350 |
ItineraryInvoicePerTraveler Remark already present for the ProviderReservation. |
1351 |
ItineraryInvoicePerSurname Remark already present for the ProviderReservation. |
1352 |
Provider does not support any associated text for AccountingRemark with TypeInGds = $?. |
1353 |
Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided for Divider Card Remark. |
1354 |
Provider PNR is clustered. Please select all travelers from same cluster. |
1355 |
Provider does not support any Booking Traveler association for AccountingRemark with TypeInGds = $?. |
1356 |
Booking Traveler Name has been truncated in host PNR because of Provider Limitation. |
1357 |
Stored fare is required for Ticketing Modifiers. |
1358 |
CustomizedNameData exists for BookingTraveler for the ProviderReservation. Provider supports only one CustomizedNameData per traveler per ProviderReservation. |
1359 |
Use UniversalRecordModifyReq for add, update or delete of CustomizedNameData. |
1360 |
CustomizedNameData Key is mandatory for Update. |
1361 |
No CustomizedNameData available for update. |
1362 |
No CustomizedNameData available for delete. |
1363 |
Provider supports a maximum of 29 alphanumeric characters for CustomizedNameData. |
1364 |
Ticketing Action Status already exists in the Provider Reservation. Please use URUpdate to update the same. |
1365 |
Ticketing Action Status cannot be deleted when Active/ Passive Air segment is present in Provider Reservation. Only Action Status update is allowed. |
3748 |
Invalid Request - General Remark with typeInGds 'Alpha' should have a single character category. |
3749 |
Invalid Request - General Remark with typeInGds 'Historical' should have 'Z' as category. |
3755 |
'Include Taxes' modifier is supported only for domestic fares within Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Canada, and the USA. |
3758 |
Cannot delete phone number as at least one phone number is required by Provider. |
3764 |
Only Textual Information can be modified for this Provider. |
3766 |
Payment Information already exist for this Reservation. |
3767 |
Cancellation or Addition failed for some segments : |
3772 |
Postscript already exists in PNR and is being ignored. Use modify to change Postscript. |
3774 |
UniversalAdd for BookingTravelerName not supported for the requested provider. |
3776 |
CustomerID already exists in PNR and is being ignored. Use modify to change Customer ID. |
3777 |
Name change may not be communicated to the Vehicle reservation supplier for the requested provider. |
3779 |
Name change for a partially or fully ticketed UR is not supported. |
3780 |
Name change not supported for the request. |
3786 |
Modification of Vendor Remark is not supported. |
3787 |
Deletion of Vendor Remark is not supported. |
3670 |
Traveler type already exists for the Traveler. |
3545 |
Number of Booking Travelers should be same as total number of AirPricingInfo(s)/PassengerType(s). |
3277 |
Phone number for the Delivery Address already exists |
3278 |
Email for the Delivery Address already exists |
5200 |
Provider does not support deletion of primary email of booking traveler. |
5212 |
No Payment Information present to be deleted for the Vehicle reservation |
5215 |
Provider does not support modification of Agent Email (Additional Email) |
5217 |
Provider does not support deletion of Agent Email (Additional Email) |
5218 |
Provider does not support deletion of Email Comment |
5219 |
A passenger type email is required along with an Agent type email |
12012 |
Provider does not support delete of Delivery Info Email Address. |
12013 |
Provider does not support Update of Delivery Info Email Address. |
1300 |
Universal Record being updated by another user |
1301 |
Failed refresh: Universal Record data may be stale |
13006 |
Failed UR Modify: Not able to synch with the Host |
13002 |
Provider reservation exists in another Universal Record. |
13003 |
No provider reservation to import. |
13004 |
Provider reservation contains an unsupported product. |
13005 |
User is not authorized to acces the UR details. |
13007 |
Universal record is being updated by another user or wrong version retrieved. Please retrieve the reservation again and try again. |
13067 |
Universal record is being updated by another user or wrong version retrieved. Please do URretrieve or EMDretrieve to get updated data. |
13009 |
Cascade is not supported for Multi Passenger. Please provide Provider Code and Provider Locator Code. |
13010 |
Cascade is not supported for Multi Provider UR. Please provide Provider Code and Provider Locator Code. |
13011 |
Cascade not supported. Please Provide Provider Code and Provider LocatorCode. |
13012 |
ProviderReservationDetails are not available for this provider. |
13500 |
No matching records found for the given parameters. |
13504 |
The specified Universal Record does not exist. |
13505 |
The specified Universal Record has been archived. Merge is not allowed. |
13508 |
UniversalRecord is Archived and user does not have permission to view. |
13509 |
Associated Remark(s) could not be mapped to host as Segment was not found. |
13510 |
Some history elements were not returned as version of UR does not support these specific elements: $? |
13511 |
ProviderLocatorCode of the requested provider is not currently associated with the UR |
13514 |
already present in the reservation. |
13516 |
ProviderLocatorCode does not exist on UR. Use UR Import services first to import the PNR data. |
13519 |
Age/DOB already exists for the Traveler |
21605 |
Universal Record not found for the rail reservation. |
13013 |
Provider does not support SegmentRef in AssociatedRemark for Vehicle, Hotel or Passive Segments. |
13015 |
Addition or Deletion of TicketRecord or PricingInstruction PricingType is not allowed for the requested provider. |
13016 |
Action Status already exists in the Provider Reservation |
13017 |
The requested Action Status is not associated to the Provider Code: $? and Provider Locator Code: $? |
13018 |
Segment Status change ignored for segments undergoing class of service and/or date update. |
13019 |
Split of Provider Reservation with single Traveler or more than 8 Travelers is not allowed. |
13020 |
Split of Provider Reservation without the air reservation is not allowed. |
13021 |
Universal record must contain 1G or 1V or 1P PNR to support Divide. |
13022 |
Number of infants must be less than or equal to number of adults in a Provider Reservation. |
13023 |
Failed to update class of service for flight $?. |
13024 |
Provider reservation must have atleast one adult traveler. |
13025 |
Import failed. Failing element $?. |
13026 |
One or more booking traveler reference is invalid. |
13027 |
User not authorized. |
13028 |
Requested Profile ID can only be Agency, Branch Group or Branch Profile. |
13029 |
Please provide a valid target branch. |
13030 |
Not Authorized without Profile Modifier. |
13031 |
User not authorized to view the UR. |
13032 |
Failed to add some of the Review Bookings. |
13033 |
Duplication of Review Booking not allowed. |
13034 |
Segment connection validation failed. |
13035 |
Unable to Import PNR for Provider $?. |
13036 |
Unable to retrieve reservation for Provider $?. |
13037 |
Valid Remarks required in review booking. |
13038 |
Multiple Provider Code Types not allowed in a single UR Modify Request |
13039 |
Associated universal record is not active or retained. |
13040 |
PNR may have been recycled, please import before EMD retrieval |
13041 |
EMD validation error |
13042 |
No Booking Traveler found for the specified BookingTravereRef |
13043 |
No Booking Travelers available in UR |
13044 |
Don't use Product specific operations(like AirAdd, AirUpdate etc) if your request doesn't contain ProviderCode or ProviderLocatorCode. Instead use UR specific operations(like UniversalAdd, UniversalUpdate etc). |
13045 |
Product [$?] updates unsupported by provider |
13046 |
Provider Locator Code not found in the Universal Record |
13047 |
Address with key $? either does not exist or not tagged with the current PNR |
13048 |
Universal Record $? has already been cancelled |
13049 |
Invalid Target Branch specified... |
13050 |
13051 |
Universal Record has been archived. |
13052 |
Review booking date should be before the last departure date. |
13053 |
Infant addition not supported for the requested provider. |
13054 |
Non INF traveler cannot be added for this provider |
13055 |
$? and $? should be used in separate modify commands |
13056 |
Non INF traveler cannot be deleted for this provider |
13057 |
Unable to retrieve TicketInfo for Ticket Number $? : $? |
13069 |
Ticket was issued successfully. Error retrieving new electronic ticket record. Send a follow on AirRetrieveDocument to retrieve new electronic ticket record. $? |
13058 |
Applied Profile already present in Booking Traveler $? |
13059 |
General UR service Error. |
13060 |
Profile $? present in Form of Payment cannot be updated or deleted. |
13061 |
AppliedProfile $? is not present in universal record. |
13062 |
Split of Provider Reservation failed. Please retrieve and report UR. |
0153 |
No HostReservation present for Provider Code \"ACH\". Only post booking optional services can be searched. |
13063 |
Universal Record is not in sync with carrier $? booking(s). Re-retrieve the Universal Record so that the booking(s) can be synched. Once synched, continue with the cancellation or modification process. |
0203 |
UniversalRecord ($?) already exists for Provider Code: $? Provider LocatorCode: $? and HostCreateDate: $? |
4653 |
PNR has been created |
0152 |
Only one OfferAvailabilityModifiers element permitted |
13071 |
User is not the primary traveler on the PNR. Action not allowed. |
3539 |
UR Modify Service Error. |
3540 |
PNR $? associated with UR $? has been re-used in host with creation date $?. No further operation is permitted on this PNR. |
4338 |
The PNR $? associated with UR $? has been re-used in host provider with creation date $?. No further operation is permitted on this PNR. |
3541 |
"The PNR $? has been re-used in host. To retrieve PNR $? associated with UR $? retrieve with UR $?. The new details has been syned to UR $?. |
3503 |
"The PNR $? has been re-used in host provider. To retrieve PNR $? associated with UR $?, retrieve with UR $?. The new details have been synchronized to UR $?. |
3542 |
UR has multiple Booking Travelers, please specify the BookingTravelerRef |
13064 |
Unable to sync $? PNR: $?, with host creation date: $? |
13065 |
ProfileID or ProfileSecureFlightDocKey only valid for SSR DOCA/DOCO/DOCS |
13066 |
ProfileID specified in SSR is not present in Booking traveler(s) in request or UniversalRecord |
13067 |
ProfileID or ProfileSecureFlightDocKey must be accompanied with eachother for Secure Flight SSRs |
13070 |
ProfileID and ProfileSecureFlightDocKey are required for Secure Flight SSRs. |
13068 |
UniversalRecordSearchReq@ProviderCode has been ignored, UniversalRecordSearchReq/OverridePCC@ProviderCode is used. |
13100 |
'ViewOnly' retrieval of a PNR already existing in a UR is not possible. Sync is done. |
13101 |
'ViewOnly' retrieval of an UR is not possible. Sync is done. |
13102 |
TripName already exists for the Traveler |
13103 |
TravelPurpose already exists for the Traveler |
13104 |
No TravelPurpose exists for the Traveler for deletion |
13105 |
No TripName exists for the Traveler for deletion |
13106 |
No TravelPurpose exists in the Traveler for update |
13107 |
No TripName exists in the Traveler for update |
13108 |
System encountered issues during UR creation. UR may have incomplete reservation data. Please report issue to API Support immediately. |
13109 |
Unable to create the minimum UR. Missing field : [$?] |
13110 |
Unable to perform sync for the PNR : [$?] |
13111 |
Provide valid Provider Locator Code |
13112 |
Requested provider does not match with configured background passive provider |
13113 |
New PNR created as requested Provider Locator Code does not have equal number in Party and matching Booking Traveler name |
21025 |
BookingAction attribute in RailExchangeReq can either be Initiate,Final or FinalTicket |
13114 |
Drop off charges cannot be shown. |
13115 |
Universal API encountered issues during Universal Record (UR) creation. Please review the UR. If necessary, Retrieve to synchronize booking data. |
13116 |
Please add Travelers and Segments |
13117 |
OperatedBy for LoyaltyCard is not supported for this provider. |
13118 |
Provider does not accept more than one cross accrual carrier. Only the first is considered. Others are ignored |
13119 |
Loyalty Card mentioned in the request does not exist on PNR |
13120 |
Simultaneous addition of new traveler and updating existing travelers are not supported |
13121 |
Adding or Updating $? is not supported |
13122 |
Multiple Applied Profile specified in request. |
13123 |
VIP already exists for the Traveler |
13124 |
Gender already exists for the Traveler |
13125 |
Nationality already exists for the Traveler |
13126 |
Reduce Number in Party for non-air bookings is not supported for the requested provider |
13127 |
Voucher number is mandatory when VoucherType is selected as RegularVoucher. |
13128 |
CAR segment already has a voucher number. If you like to update the existing voucher number, please use the VehicleUpdate. |
13130 |
Agency contact email is required for Travel Agency Fulfillment Type. |
13131 |
Agency Email id given in any BookingTraveler other than first are ignored. Please provide the Agency email under first Booking Traveler. |
60003 |
Profile [$?] deleted successfully. |
60004 |
Profile [$?] not found. |
60005 |
Profile cannot be deleted because it has child profiles that are not deleted. |
60006 |
The requested profile [$?] does not exist. |
60007 |
No matching Postal Address [$?] for the provided Profile [$?]. |
60008 |
No matching Phone [$?] for the provided Profile [$?]. |
60009 |
No matching Electronic Address [$?] for the provided Profile [$?]. |
60011 |
Not authorized to retrieve the requested profile. |
60012 |
Not authorized to create a profile of Type |
60013 |
Not authorized to create the requested profile type within the specified parent context. User's authorization level is not sufficient. |
60014 |
Not authorized to modify a profile of Type |
60015 |
Not authorized to modify the requested profile. User's authorization level is not sufficient. |
60016 |
Not authorized to retrieve the requested template. |
60017 |
Not authorized to modify the requested template. |
60018 |
Not authorized to search for children of the requested profile. |
60019 |
Not authorized to search profile of Type |
60021 |
Not authorized to search within the specified parent profile. |
60024 |
Not authorized to perform a child search from a profile in the agency hierarchy. |
60025 |
User is not authorized. This resource requires a user to be authorized at the System level. |
60026 |
Not authorized to create a custom field or field group for the specified profile ID. |
60027 |
Not authorized to modify a field for the specified field owner. |
60028 |
Not authorized to retrieve a field for the specified field owner. |
60029 |
Not authorized to define or manage protected fields. |
60030 |
Not authorized to create a level in the specified hierarchy. |
60031 |
Not authorized to create hierarchy levels in the agency hierarchy. |
60032 |
Not authorized to modify a level in the specified hierarchy. |
60033 |
Not authorized to modify hierarchy levels in the agency hierarchy. |
60034 |
Not authorized to retrieve a level in the specified hierarchy. |
60035 |
Not authorized to retrieve hierarchy levels in the agency hierarchy. |
60036 |
Not authorized to delete a level in the specified hierarchy. |
60037 |
Not authorized to delete hierarchy levels in the agency hierarchy. |
60038 |
Not authorized to change the status of profiles of Type |
60039 |
Not authorized to change the status of the requested profile. |
60040 |
Not authorized to retrieve the bridge branches of the requested agent. |
60041 |
Not authorized to modify the bridge branches of the requested agent. |
60042 |
The data type of the Field [$?] and Endpoint [$?] is not compatible. |
60043 |
Invalid [$?] Key : [$?]. |
60044 |
Not authorized to retrieve history for profiles of Type |
60045 |
Not authorized to retrieve history for the requested profile. |
60046 |
User is not authorized to access control branch. |
60048 |
Profile Link is possible only for traveler |
60049 |
Multiple occurrences of ProfileStatusUpdate not allowed. |
60050 |
Agency Info can not be updated twice in single request |
60051 |
Branch Group Info can not be updated twice in single request |
60052 |
TargetBranch does not exist with Code [$?] |
60053 |
AgencyGroup Info can not be updated twice in single request |
60054 |
Branch Info can not be updated twice in single request |
60055 |
Agent Info can not be updated twice in single request |
60056 |
TravelerGroup Info can not be updated twice in single request |
60057 |
Traveler Info can not be updated twice in single request |
60058 |
$? cannot be modified for Profile Type $? |
60059 |
Duplicate parent profile Ids specified for addition. |
60060 |
Only Traveler can support multiple parents. |
60061 |
AgencyGroup does not have parent. |
60062 |
Duplicate parent profile Ids specified for deletion. |
60063 |
Only Deletion of Agency, BranchGroup, Branch and Agent is supported as of now. |
60066 |
Invalid Advisory with Key : $? |
60070 |
Profile doesn't exists. |
60072 |
Invalid ProfileID provided. |
60075 |
Valid Key has to be specified for updating Remark. |
60076 |
Account Info can not be updated twice in single request |
60078 |
CustomFieldId [$?] does not exist. |
60079 |
Template doesn't exists for the requested Template ID [$?]. |
60080 |
Template version ID[$?] is not the current version. |
60081 |
Multiple occurrences of TemplateInfoUpdate not allowed. |
60082 |
Duplicate ID specified, ID=[$?] |
60086 |
Adding fixed field group not supported |
60087 |
Adding fixed field not supported |
60090 |
Key is not valid. |
60093 |
Invalid provider code: $? |
60098 |
Cannot modify data for multiple profiles [$?] in single request. |
60104 |
Traveler Id [$?] cannot be linked multiple times with the same relationship type. |
60105 |
Unable to remove link. Cannot find the specified link in Traveler id [$?] profile |
60107 |
FixedFieldIdNbr [$?] does not exist. |
60108 |
Parent profile Id [$?] is not a valid parent. |
60123 |
Payment Type [$?] and PaymentSupplier [$?]combinations are not permitted. |
60126 |
Invalid Type present in Key [$?]. |
60127 |
Account [$?] is not a valid account for the Accounting Reference [$?]. |
60128 |
Accounting Reference [$?] not valid for profile [$?] type [$?] being updated. |
60130 |
AgentID does not exist. |
60131 |
Provisioning Code does not exist. |
60132 |
The agent [$?] is already bridged to branch (Branch ID) [$?] so it cannot be added. |
60133 |
The agent [$?] is already bridged to branch (Branch Code) [$?] so it cannot be added. |
60134 |
A specified branch (ID [$?] ) is already saved in the agent's profile [$?] as the default branch, so cannot be added as a bridged branch. |
60135 |
A specified branch (Code [$?] ) is already saved in the agent's profile [$?] as the default branch, so cannot be added as a bridged branch. |
60136 |
The default branch (ID [$?] ) cannot be deleted via this service. |
60137 |
The default branch (Code [$?] ) cannot be deleted via this service. |
60138 |
Bridge branch request can not be performed for duplicate branch (Branch ID) [$?]. |
60139 |
Bridge branch request can not be performed for duplicate branch (Branch Code) [$?]. |
60140 |
Bridge branch request can not be performed as branch (Branch Code) [$?] and branch (Branch ID) [$?] referes to same branch. |
60141 |
The agent [$?] is not bridged to branch (Branch ID) [$?] so it cannot be removed. |
60142 |
The agent [$?] is not bridged to branch (Branch Code) [$?] so it cannot be removed. |
60143 |
An agent cannot be bridged to a branch (Branch ID) [$?] that does not exist. |
60144 |
An agent cannot be bridged to a branch (Branch ID) [$?] that is outside the agent's agency. |
60145 |
An agent cannot be bridged to a branch (Branch Code) [$?] that does not exist. |
60146 |
An agent cannot be bridged to a branch (Branch Code) [$?] that is outside the agent's agency. |
60147 |
No agent bridge branch exist for branch (Branch ID) [$?]. |
60148 |
The branch (Branch ID) [$?] is outside the agent's agency. |
60149 |
No agent bridge branch exists for branch (Branch Code) [$?]. |
60150 |
The branch (Branch Code) [$?] is outside the agent's agency. |
60151 |
Profile doesn't have any alternate contact types to be deleted. |
60152 |
Profile doesn't have any contact types to be deleted." |
60153 |
Profile doesn't have any existing alternate contact. |
60155 |
Not authorized to search tags. |
60157 |
Not authorized to search tags within the specified tag owner. |
60159 |
Commission data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60160 |
Duplicate Commission data exists in request [Key=$?]. |
60161 |
Cannot specify both an amount and percentage for a given Commission value. |
60164 |
The StartDate [$?] needs to be prior to the ExpirationDate [$?]. |
60165 |
Provider [ $? ] is not valid. |
60166 |
Supplier [$?] and SupplierType [$?] combinations are invalid. |
60167 |
Field Name "$?" is already in use. Field names must be unique among all fields or within all fields in a group. Please specify a different Name. |
60168 |
The Profile ID submitted is either not valid or does not exist. Please enter a valid profile ID and re-submit your request. |
60169 |
Display Order cannot be specified for standalone field[$?] |
60170 |
Display Order [$?] for field [$?] is already in use [$?]. Please specify a different Display Order. |
60171 |
DisplayOrder cannot be a negative number for $? |
60172 |
DisplayOrder cannot be a zero for $? |
60173 |
Min Occurs [$?] cannot be more than the Max Occurs specified [$?] for $? |
60174 |
Inheritability of the child field [$?] cannot be different from that of the parent group [$?]. |
60175 |
Field Name [$?] is duplicated in request. Field names must be unique among all fields or within all fields in a group. Please specify a different Name. |
60176 |
Field Group Name [$?] is duplicated in request. Field Group names must be unique. Please specify a different Name. |
60177 |
The child field's [$?] immutable property cannot be different than that of it's parent group [$?]. |
60178 |
Invalid Agency ID [$?] specified. |
60179 |
Field Group with ID [$?] does not exist in database. |
60180 |
ActionType in Field Group with ID [$?] is not valid. |
60182 |
Field Group Name [$?] is already in use. Please specify a different Name. |
60184 |
Inheritability of the all child fields cannot be different from that of the parent group. |
60185 |
[$?] cannot be deleted as it is in use by one or more templates. |
60186 |
The MinOccurs for [$?] cannot be increased as it is in use by one or more templates. |
60189 |
A hierarchy level of type [$?] cannot be a child of a [$?]. Please specify the ID of a permitted hierarchy level type as the parent level. |
60191 |
Advisory not valid for profile type being modified. |
60192 |
LoyaltyProgramEnrollmentRef doesn't exist for the references $?. |
60193 |
$?GeoPoliticalArea doesn't exist for the given combination [$? and $?]. |
60194 |
PaymentDetailsRef doesn't exist for the references $?. |
60195 |
No parent information for the requested profile can be returned. The user is not authorized to view control branches. |
60198 |
The remark type [$?] does not allow for the AccountingRemarkType in the request. |
60199 |
Not authorized to create, modify or delete tags. |
60200 |
Not authorized to create, modify or delete the requested tag or tags. |
60201 |
Cannot create field [$?]. The maximum number of custom fields allowed [$?] has been exceeded. |
60202 |
Cannot create field group [$?]. The maximum number of custom fields allowed [$?] has been exceeded. |
60203 |
The IssuedForGeoPolicitalAreaType is required when using the GeoPoliticalAreaType. |
60204 |
The IssuedForGeoPolicitalAreaCode is required when using the GeoPoliticalAreaType. |
60205 |
Cannot add value for field [$?]. The maximum number of occurrences [$?] per custom field per profile has been exceeded |
60206 |
Not authorized to define a parent for an agency profile or move an agency profile to a different parent. |
60207 |
Not authorized to delete a profile of Type |
60208 |
Not authorized to delete the requested profile. User's authorization level is not sufficient. |
60209 |
The maximum number of Tags that can be applied to a given data value is [$?]. One or more data values exceeds this limit. |
60210 |
Tag [$?] has a deleted status that can not be used for the profile. |
60211 |
Cannot add the Branch Group Level. The maximum number of levels [$?] permitted in an Agency hierarchy has been exceeded. |
60212 |
Cannot add the Traveler Group Level. The maximum number of levels [$?] permitted in an Account hierarchy has been exceeded. |
60213 |
Duplicate Tag Id[$?] is not allowed for modify tag,please verify and resend request. |
60214 |
Cannot use the field group [$?] specified because the field group is not owned by the agency [$?] associated to the template [$?]. |
60216 |
The commission reference has more than one agent number. |
60217 |
Commission Reference not valid for profile type being updated. |
60219 |
CommissionReference data does not exist for specified profile. |
60220 |
The commission reference can only support one agent name. |
60222 |
Commission Reference is not valid for profile type [$?]. |
60224 |
Traveler Group cannot be moved to a parent from a different Account. |
60225 |
The new parent [$?] must be at a higher level in the hierarchy than the profile [$?] itself. |
60226 |
The new parent [$?] must be at a higher or same level in the hierarchy than the current parent [$?]. |
60227 |
Not authorized to move a traveler group profile to a different parent. |
60228 |
Not Authorized to set Profile Sync Indicators. |
60229 |
FilterType Departure is applicable on Air ,Rail, Hotel and Vehicle preferences only. |
60230 |
FilterType Arrival is applicable on Air and Rail preferences only. |
60231 |
FilterType Connection is applicable on Air and Rail preferences only. |
60232 |
FilterType Other is applicable on Other preferences only. |
60233 |
Specified SupplierCode [$?] is not valid. |
60234 |
Invalid PTC [$?] specified. |
60235 |
Enter correct value for Destination/purpose code |
60236 |
Data with key [$?] can not be deleted and updated in the same request. |
60238 |
Cannot modify Type for AccountingReference [$?]. |
60242 |
Key has to be provided during Advisory update. |
60243 |
Invalid Key provided for Advisory update. |
60244 |
Parent profile Id [$?] is not a valid parent. |
60246 |
The parent specified [$?] is not valid. |
60247 |
The parent [$?] is not an AgencyGroup. Agency must have AgencyGroup as parent |
60248 |
Alternate contact with Key [$?] does not exist for Profile [$?] |
60250 |
Invalid Alternate contact |
60251 |
Alternate contact ID [$?] doesn't belong to Profile [$?]. |
60252 |
No Parent Profile Found |
60253 |
Specified Currency [$?] is not valid. |
60254 |
Please specify the PCC corresponding to the IATA Number [$?]. |
60258 |
Cannot specify both a code [$?] and name [$?] for state. |
60262 |
PaymentDetails data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60263 |
Invalid input string[$?]. |
60264 |
The parent specified is not valid. |
60265 |
"Parent profile Id in ProfileParentDelete [$?] is not a valid parent.". |
60267 |
Start Date [$?] and End Date [$?] cannot be the same. |
60268 |
End Date [$?] must be after Start Date [$?]. |
60270 |
Parent in ProfileParentAdd should be a Branch. |
60272 |
Atleast one phone number is required for agent |
60273 |
Atleast one email address is required for agent |
60275 |
Default Branch [$?] doesn't exist. |
60276 |
Must have at least one phone number in the profile. |
60277 |
Must have at least one email address in the profile. |
60278 |
Parent in ProfileParentAdd should be a Agency or BranchGroup. |
60280 |
Geo City Code is invalid. |
60282 |
The MaxOccurs [$?] for [$?] cannot be decreased as it is in use by one or more templates. |
60283 |
Child fields[$?] of [$?] cannot be deleted as it is in use by one or more profiles. |
60284 |
Child fields[$?] cannot be added to [$?] as it is in use by one or more Profiles. |
60285 |
Field [$?] is under different ProfileId [$?],all fields should be under the same ProfileId |
60286 |
Field Name [$?] has already been specified. Please specify a different Name. |
60288 |
ID has to be provided for field [$?] when Action = Update or Delete. |
60289 |
Field with ID [$?] does not exist in the context. |
60290 |
ID cannot be provided for field [$?] when Action = Add. |
60291 |
Field with ID [$?] does not exist in database for the Field Group[$?] specified. |
60292 |
Root field cannot be added, see field with Name [$?]. |
60293 |
The MinOccurs for [$?] cannot be specified as it is in use by one or more templates. |
60294 |
The MaxOccurs for [$?] cannot be specified as it is in use by one or more template |
60295 |
State and Country combination is not valid for State[$?] and Country[$?] |
60297 |
Payment Type [ $? ] and PaymentSupplier [ $? ] combinations are not permitted. |
60298 |
Not authorized to move the requested profile. User's authorization level is not sufficient. |
60299 |
Not authorized to move the requested profile type [$?] |
60300 |
ServiceFee Key is mandatory for Update and Delete. |
60301 |
ServiceFee data does not exist for [$?]. |
60302 |
Fixed group does not exist, ID = [$?] |
60303 |
Custom field group does not exist, ID = [$?] |
60304 |
Custom field group already exists, ID = [$?] |
60305 |
Fixed field does not exist, ID = [$?] |
60306 |
Field ID[$?] cannot be a Search Option |
60307 |
Search Option on field [$?] must be off to hide the field on the template |
60308 |
Search Options limited to [$?], please update selected search options |
60309 |
Root level custom field does not exist, ID = [$?] |
60310 |
Custom field already exists, ID = [$?] |
60311 |
Custom field does not exist, ID = [$?] |
60312 |
LoyaltyProgramEnrollment Key is mandatory for Update and Delete. |
60313 |
LoyaltyProgramEnrollment data does not exist for [$?] |
60314 |
LoyaltyProgramEnrollment is not supported by [$?] |
60316 |
Provider Info can only be added/updated/deleted while modifying a branch profile. |
60321 |
Error loading AccountSyncEnabled indicator from configuration. |
60322 |
Invalid object |
60323 |
The parent specified $? is not valid. |
60326 |
Supplier and SupplierType combination is invalid for [Type=$?, Supplier=$?]. |
60327 |
Supplier Type Code $? and Supplier $? combination is invalid. |
60328 |
Profile does not exist with ProfileID [$?] |
60329 |
LoyaltyProgramEnrollment data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60330 |
Address [$?] doesn't belongs to profile [$?]. |
60331 |
No Matching Contact found for Address Key [$?] |
60332 |
Provisioned is not allowed for [$?] |
60333 |
Key has to be provided during Address update |
602334 |
Phone Key [$?] doesn't belongs to this profile ID [$?]. |
60335 |
No Matching Contact found for Phone Key [$?] |
60336 |
Key has to be provided during Phone update |
60337 |
Electronic Address [$?] doesn't belongs to this profile [$?]. |
60338 |
No Matching Contact found for Electronic Address Key [$?] |
60339 |
Key has to be provided during Electronic Address update |
60340 |
[$?] Key [$?] doesn't belong to profile [$?]. |
60341 |
Invalid Contract with Key : [$?] |
60343 |
The agent ID [$?] is not a valid Agent ID. |
60344 |
The User Name [$?] is not a valid User Name. |
60345 |
Agency Group is not supported yet. |
60346 |
Parent Hierarchy Level Id is required to create new Hierarchy Level. |
60347 |
Parent Hierarchy Level Id [$?] does not exist under agency hierarchy structure. |
60348 |
Parent Hierarchy Level Id [$?] does not exist under account hierarchy structure. |
60349 |
No hierarchy found for the specified ID[$?]. |
60350 |
Anchor point hierarchy levels cannot be deleted. |
60352 |
Specified ProfileType [$?] is not valid for the HierarchyLevelID[$?]. |
60353 |
Invalid parent hierarchy level specified |
60354 |
Hierarchy Level Id [$?] does not exist under account hierarchy structure. |
60355 |
Hierarchy Level Id [$?] does not exist under agency group hierarchy structure. |
60356 |
No Profile found for the specified ID [$?]. |
60357 |
The requested profile is deleted. History cannot be retrieved for a profile that is deleted. |
60358 |
Profile type [$?] is unsupported |
60360 |
TagAdd/TagDelete for TravelDocument cannot be performed for non-traveler profile. |
60361 |
TagAdd/TagDelete for LoyaltyProgram cannot be performed for non-traveler profile. |
60362 |
TravelDocument doesn't exist for [$?]. TagAdd cannot be performed. |
60363 |
TravelDocument data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60364 |
The tag [$?] already exists for [$?][$?] on this profile. |
60365 |
Tag does not exist for TravelDocument[$?] to be deleted. |
60366 |
Tag[$?] does not exist for TravelDocument[$?] to be deleted. |
60367 |
LoyaltyProgramEnrollment doesn't exist for [$?]. TagAdkeyd cannot be performed. |
60368 |
The tag [$?] already exists for VehiclePreference ID [$?] on this profile. |
60370 |
Not authorized to search masked or encrypted data in the specified profile. User's authorization level is not sufficient. |
60372 |
Tag doesnot exist for LoyaltyProgramEnrollment[$?] to be deleted. |
60373 |
Tag[$?] doesnot exist for LoyaltyProgramEnrollment[$?] |
60374 |
Contract doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed. |
60375 |
Contract data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60376 |
Tag doesnot exist for Contract[$?] to be deleted. |
60377 |
Tag[$?] doesnot exist for Contract[$?] to be deleted. |
60378 |
PaymentDetails doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed. |
60379 |
Tag[$?] doesnot exist for PaymentDetails[$?] to be deleted. |
60380 |
AirPreference doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed. |
60381 |
AirPreference data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60382 |
Tag doesnot exist for AirPreference[$?] to be deleted. |
60383 |
Tag[$?] doesnot exist for AirPreference[$?] to be deleted. |
60384 |
Duplicate Tag id[$?] found in request for "+element+" with key[$?]. |
60385 |
Tag[$?] doesnot exist for Remark[$?] to be deleted. |
60386 |
Tag doesnot exist for Remark[$?] to be deleted. |
60388 |
Remark data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60389 |
HotelPreference doesn't exist for [$?]. TagAdd cannot be performed. |
60390 |
HotelPreference data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60391 |
Tag doesnot exist for HotelPreference[$?] to be deleted. |
60392 |
Tag[$?] doesnot exist for HotelPreference[$?] to be deleted. |
60393 |
VehiclePreference doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed. |
60394 |
VehiclePreference data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60395 |
Tag doesnot exist for VehiclePreference[$?] to be deleted. |
60396 |
Tag[$?] doesnot exist for VehiclePreference[$?] to be deleted. |
60397 |
RailPreference data does not exist for [$?]. |
60398 |
Tag doesnot exist for RailPreference[$?] to be deleted. |
60399 |
Tag[$?] doesnot exist for RailPreference[$?] to be deleted. |
60400 |
OtherPreference doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed. |
60401 |
OtherPreference data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60402 |
Tag doesnot exist for OtherPreference[$?] to be deleted. |
60403 |
Tag[$?] doesnot exist for OtherPreference[$?] to be deleted. |
60404 |
Remark doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed. |
60405 |
RailPreference doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed. |
60406 |
RailPreference data does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60407 |
No User Data Found |
60408 |
Not authorized to retrieve the specified profile with all data unmasked. User's authorization level is not sufficient. |
60409 |
Not authorized to retrieve profile of Type $? with all data unmasked. |
60410 |
PartyRole or PartyRoleType not found for associated AgencyCustomerRelationship |
60411 |
PartyRole not found in CustomerRelationship Hierarchy for the associated party |
60412 |
HierarchyLevel not found for the hierarchyLevelId $? |
60413 |
Field Data key [$?] is not valid for Field Group Data key [$?]. |
60414 |
Queue list cannot be null. |
60415 |
60416 |
Not authorized to retrieve profile of Type [$?]. |
60417 |
No security level code for agency parent movement |
60418 |
Not authorized to define the agent's default branch. |
60419 |
Not authorized to assign branch ID/Code [$?/$?] to an agent as the default branch. |
60420 |
Not authorized to assign a default branch to the agent. To manage default branch assignments, user must be authorized at the Branch level or above. |
60421 |
Key [$?] has duplicate tag reference, in TagAdd or TagDelete Request for [$?] Element please verify and resend request. |
60422 |
No data with key [$?] exists for [$?] Element |
60424 |
[$?]Element is not valid for key [$?] |
60425 |
The tag [$?] is not valid, please verify and resend request |
60426 |
Travel Document is not supported by[$?] |
60427 |
Accounting Reference [$?] not valid for profile type [$?] being created |
60428 |
Main traveler can not be linked to itself |
60429 |
Unable to create link - Cannot locate Traveler Id [$?] profile. |
60430 |
Cannot link to traveler in a different agency |
60432 |
Not authorized to create or modify provisioned data in the requested profile. |
60433 |
Not authorized to modify Control branch profiles. |
60434 |
Not authorized to modify the requested Control branch profile. |
60436 |
Issue Date [$?] and Expiration Date [$?] for a Travel Document cannot be same. |
60437 |
TravelDocument Key is mandatory for Update and Delete. |
60440 |
Citizenship Country [$?] is invalid. |
60441 |
IssuedByCountry[$?] is invalid. |
60442 |
Nationality [$?] is invalid. |
60443 |
Travel Document Issued Date[$?] cannot be after Expiration Date [$?]. |
60444 |
TravelDocument is not supported by [$?] |
60445 |
Parent should be a AgencyGroup |
60446 |
Parent should be a Branch |
60447 |
Parent should be an Agency, BranchGroup, Branch, Account or TravelerGroup |
60448 |
Parent should be an Agency, Branch or BranchGroup |
60449 |
Parent should be an Agency or BranchGroup |
60450 |
Only one Parent is permitted for Traveler |
60452 |
At least one Parent is required |
60453 |
Only one Parent is permitted for [$?] |
60455 |
Parent Id [$?] is not valid |
60456 |
Agent [Current Agency $?] cannot be moved to a parent from a different Agency[$?]. |
60457 |
For modifying parent, both ProfileParentAdd and ProfileParentDelete should be present. |
60458 |
Branch [Current Agency $?] cannot be moved to a parent from a different Agency[$?]. |
60459 |
Branch Group [Current Agency $?] cannot be moved to a parent from a different Agency[$?]. |
60460 |
Traveler [Current Agency $?] cannot be moved to a parent from a different Agency[$?]. |
60461 |
Account [Current Agency $?] cannot be moved to a parent from a different Agency[$?]. |
60462 |
Hierarchy Level doesn't exist for the new parent. |
60471 |
Field with Id [$?] does not exist |
60473 |
Field Group with Id [$?] does not exist. |
60477 |
Version [$?] is not the current version of the profile. The current version is [$?] |
60478 |
Agency details can not be modified for[$?] type profile |
60479 |
Account details can not be modified for [$?] type profile |
60481 |
Tag cannot be deleted because it being used by profiles. |
60482 |
Tags of multiple agency can not be modified in the same request. |
60483 |
Tags provided in the request do not exist. |
60484 |
The number of allowed Tags has exceed 15 for your agency, adjust the number of tags. |
60485 |
Tag Name $? is already in use. Tag names must be unique among all tags. Please specify a different Name. |
60486 |
Invalid AgencyID [$?] specified. |
60487 |
Tag ID [$?] does not exists. |
60489 |
Tags cannot be referenced at time of [$?] creation |
60493 |
It is not valid to have a currency code and money data type in the same request. Remove the attribute currency and try request again. |
60495 |
CRSCode and SSRCode both has to be provided. |
60496 |
MealTypeCRS and MealTypeSSR both has to be provided. |
60497 |
Must submit the same currency for each of the money data types [MaxFareAmount,BenchMarkAmount]. Correct the currency and try request again. |
60498 |
It is not permitted to tag child field data within a grouping |
60499 |
FieldData can not be referenced during agency profile creation. |
60500 |
FieldGroupData can not be referenced during agency profile creation |
60501 |
FieldID is required to Add new data value |
60502 |
Key is not required to Add new data value. |
60505 |
Invalid Template Id specified. |
60506 |
The Template Version specified [$?] is not the current/latest version. The current version is [$?]. |
60507 |
The tag [$?] already exists for [$?] on this profile. |
60508 |
Key [$?] has duplicate tag reference, in TagAdd or TagDelete Request for Fielddata or FieldGroupData Element please verify and resend request. |
60509 |
The tag [$?] already exists for [FieldData/FieldGroupData] on this profile. |
60510 |
Party with Provisioning Identifier Code [$?] for [$?] already exists. |
60513 |
No profile data to delete with key [$?] for mentioned profile |
60514 |
Data with same key [$?] can not be deleted again in same request |
60516 |
Field Id [$?] is not valid for key [$?]. |
60517 |
No data with key [$?] exists for update. |
605118 |
Data with same key [$?] can not be updated again in same request. |
605119 |
The field group with id [$?] has duplicate tag reference, please verify and resend request. |
60520 |
The tag [$?] already exists for field group Id [$?] on this profile. |
60523 |
Not supported here yet. |
60524 |
Duplicate Action ID(s) [$?] specified in request. |
60525 |
fieldIdList is null. |
60526 |
listOfFieldvalue is null. |
60527 |
The value [$?] is not valid for Gender. |
60529 |
HierarchyLevelID is not applicable while creating AgencyGroup/Agency/Account/Traveler. |
60530 |
The parent specified violates the hierarchy level constraints. |
60531 |
Cannot Delete HierarchyLevel having profile associated to it. |
60532 |
Cannot Swap HierarchyLevel having profile associated to it. |
60533 |
HierarchyLevelID can only be numeric.[$?] is not valid. |
60534 |
Hierarchy Level ID[$?] cannot be moved below Hierarcy Level ID[$?]. |
60535 |
Hierarchy level [$?] can not be a child of hierarcy level [$?]. |
60536 |
AgencyHierarchyLevelID [$?] cannot be same as ParentHierarchyLevelId [$?]. |
60537 |
AgencyHierarchyLevelID [$?] cannot be moved below ParentHierarchyLevelId [$?]. |
60538 |
Hierarchy level [$?] is already in use. Please specify a different Name. |
60539 |
The new parent of the hierarchy level can only be one level up or down from the current location of the level being moved |
60700 |
Not authorized to change the status of profiles of Type [$?]. |
60701 |
Not authorized to create a profile of Type [$?]. |
60703 |
Not authorized to retrieve the specified profile's history with all data unmasked. User's authorization level is not sufficient. |
60704 |
Not authorized to retrieve history of profile of Type $? with all data unmasked. |
60705 |
Applied Profile [$?] in Form of Payment / Guarantee is not related to any Traveler ID in the request or Universal Record. |
60706 |
At least one applied profile must be present in order to refer to payment details from a profile. |
60707 |
Display order must be a non-negative integer. |
60708 |
Display order of tags must be unique. |
60709 |
Profile parent ID specified is not valid because it is the ID of an $?[$?]. These profile types cannot be a parent to other profiles. |
60711 |
Display Order on custom field data is not supported and any values specified have been ignored. |
60712 |
Unable to identify the payment details from the profile. Request must specify both the profile ID and the Key of the payment method to reference. |
60713 |
Phone number local number is not a valid length. |
60714 |
The local number value of a phone number has been truncated from the saved value of [$?]. |
60715 |
Cannot add or remove multiple immediate parents of a traveler profile using this schema version. |
60716 |
Cannot delete all existing parents from a profile. A traveler profile must have at least one immediate parent. |
60717 |
The requested profile has more than one immediate parent. Additional parent information is available, but cannot be returned with the schema version used. |
60718 |
The requested profile has more than one immediate parent. Inherited parent data cannot be returned unless a single immediate parent is specified in the request. |
60719 |
The requested parent [$?] is already associated to the profile. |
60720 |
The request exceeds the maximum allowed number of immediate parent associations [$?]. |
60721 |
Value of travelerInfo for gender is a deprecated value. |
60722 |
Value of travelDocument for gender is a deprecated value. |
60723 |
Same Field [$?] can not be modify again in same request. |
60724 |
Same FieldGroup [$?] can not be modify again in same request. |
60725 |
Same ChildField [$?] of FieldGroup [$?] can not be modify again in same request. |
60726 |
Invalid parent ID. The specified parent ID [$?] is not an immediate parent of the given profile. |
60727 |
Not authorized to retrieve profile within the specified parent ID [$?]. |
60728 |
No user is permitted to search for traveler profiles across the system. Specify a parent context in which to search, or emulate to a branch in order to indirectly limit the scope of the search request. |
60729 |
"Invalid accounting remark type [$?]. |
60759 |
The endpoint [$?] (ID $?) already exists on custom field [$?] (ID $?) and has been ignored. |
60760 |
The endpoint [$?] (ID $?) already exists on fixed field ID [$?] and has been ignored. |
60778 |
The CabinType [$?] specified in RailPreference is not valid. |
60779 |
The profile[$?] has one or more rail cabin class preferences ($?) that cannot be returned with the schema version used. |
18045 |
Anchor points cannot be moved within the hierarchy. |
18057 |
No Action available in the system. |
18060 |
AgencyGroup can not have parent. |
18062 |
Parent profile id does not exist. |
18064 |
Agency Group can not have field or field group. |
18065 |
Branch Group can not have multiple parents. |
18066 |
Branch Group can have only Agency or Branch Group as parent. |
18068 |
Traveler Group can not have multiple parents. |
18069 |
Traveler Group can have only Account or Traveler Group as parent. |
18070 |
No hierarchy found for the specified ID[$?]. |
18073 |
The status is not valid for the type of Profile. |
18074 |
Invalid Hierarchy Level Id [$?] specified. |
18075 |
Only System Level users can retrieve/modify non-active profiles. |
18080 |
Failed to decrypt some of the secured data.Erroneous data has been replaced with |
18081 |
Contract Level is no more supported by the application. |
60820 |
OwnerID is not valid for any Profile except Traveler. |
60821 |
Overridden template must have at least one overridden field/group. |
60822 |
The template [$?] is not an Overridden Template. |
60823 |
[FixedField/Group or CustomField or CustomFieldGroup] [$?] already exist in override template. |
60824 |
Overridden template does not have the [FixedField/Group or CustomField or CustomFieldGroup] [$?]. |
60825 |
Overridden template [$?] deleted successfully. |
60826 |
Overridden template cannot be modified through this service. |
60827 |
The field/group [$?] cannot be made searchable as it is marked as hidden in overridden templates [$?]. |
60828 |
Optional Services and / or Additional Services are unavailable for the selected itinerary at this time. Please change your selection or try again later |
60829 |
Encryption of [$?] cannot be changed as it is in use by one or more profiles. |
60830 |
The $? for [$?] cannot be increased as it is in use by one or more profiles. |
60831 |
The $? for [$?] cannot be specified as it is in use by one or more profiles. |
60832 |
The $? for [$?] cannot be decreased as it is in use by one or more profiles. |
60833 |
The existing enumerations for [$?] cannot be changed/deleted as it is in use by one or more profiles. |
60834 |
Data type of [$?] cannot be changed as it is in use by one or more profiles. |
60835 |
The change will take some time to get reflected in profile data. Changes are expected to be completed by Midnight GMT. |
60836 |
Association of custom field with template will also get deleted. |
60837 |
Association of custom field group with template will also get deleted. |
60838 |
AccountID is not valid for Accounting Reference in Account Profile. |
60839 |
The Template ID [$?] being used is not the latest/correct traveler template in the hierarchy. |
60840 |
Profile data associated with the custom field that will not be deleted. |
60841 |
An amount or percentage must be entered for commission. |
60842 |
The response may have truncated data for MultiLevelRateCode and RateCode. |
60843 |
[$?] is not authorized to [$?] [$?] profile. |
60845 |
Data exceeds field length of 255 |
60846 |
Agent level user is not allowed to retrieve Report on Profile Criteria |
60847 |
System level access required to enable or update URSyncTo flag. |
60848 |
Data not returned for URSyncTo field, please upgrade to the current version of the schema to receive this data. |
60849 |
Data not returned for URSyncData field, please upgrade to the current version of the schema to receive this data. |
60850 |
Specify a single entity (AgencyID, BranchID or AgentCode) to retrieve assigned roles. |
60851 |
Specify an entity (AgencyID, BranchID or AgentCode) to retrieve assigned roles. |
60852 |
Specify either AgencyID or BranchID. One role cannot be owned by an Agency and a Branch at the same time. |
60853 |
If the role is agency-owned or branch-owned, TravelportRestricted must be false. |
60854 |
User is not authorized to create a Travelport-restricted role. |
60855 |
Duplicate Assignable Resource is not allowed.[$?] |
60856 |
Duplicate Transactional Resource is not allowed.[$?] |
60857 |
$? field [$?] can not be searched with wildcard |
60858 |
Field Id [$?] is invalid |
60859 |
Parent group[$?] is Hide, child $?[$?] cannot be made Hide off. |
60860 |
Child field[$?] is a Search Option, the parent group [$?] cannot be Hide. |
60861 |
Duplicate endpoints present for the same $? ID [$?] in the request. |
60862 |
No match found for the requested consuming system. |
60863 |
Template ID request does not have a new version of the template |
60864 |
Custom Field Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order. |
60865 |
Label name is already in use [$?]. Please specifiy a different label name. |
60866 |
Custom Field Group Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order. |
60867 |
Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order. |
60868 |
PurposeTypeCode is blank for Endpoint ID [$?]. |
60869 |
EndpointId [$?] does not exist |
60870 |
EndpointId does not exist. |
60871 |
EndpointId $? does not exist |
60872 |
EndpointId [$?] does not exist for CustomField ID [$?]. |
60873 |
Fixed Field Group Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order. |
60874 |
Fixed Field Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order. |
60875 |
Search Option Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order. |
60876 |
Search Option Display Order [$?] is already in use. Please specify a different Display Order. |
60877 |
EndpointId [$?] does not exist for FixedField ID [$?]. |
60878 |
Specify an entity (AgencyID, BranchID or AgentCode) to assign roles. |
60879 |
Provisioning Details Not Available |
60880 |
Required License Match Not Found |
60881 |
Only 'Agent' level for the bridged Branches. |
60882 |
Duplicate bridge branch codes are not allowed. |
60883 |
Cannot bridge to a branch whose status is Disabled. |
60884 |
[$?] is already in use. Please specify a different Name. |
60885 |
Specific Relationship type data exists for ProfileLink. Please update to the latest schema to retrieve all data. |
60886 |
Language Code [$?] is not supported by ISO-639-1. |
60887 |
Security Answer data must be transmitted with corresponding Security Question data. |
60888 |
Security Question data must be transmitted with corresponding Security Answer data. |
60889 |
Invalid PolicyReference Type. |
60890 |
ControllingPolicyID [$?] is not a valid id for the Policy Reference |
60891 |
Supplier Type Code [$?], Supplier [$?] and ProgramName [$?] combination is invalid. |
60892 |
Cannot create field [PolicyReference]. The maximum number of Policy Reference allowed [$?] has been exceeded. |
60893 |
Data exists. Please update to the latest schema to retrieve all data. |
60894 |
PolicyReference Key is mandatory for Update and Delete. |
60895 |
PolicyReference [$?] doesn't belongs to this profile ID [$?] |
60896 |
[Policy Reference] Key [$?] doesn't belong to profile [$?] |
60897 |
Only one instance of TravelerIdentityInformation is permitted. |
60898 |
Traveler Identity Information may only be applied to a traveler profile. |
60899 |
TravelerIdentityInformation Key is mandatory for Update and Delete. |
60900 |
Traveler Identity Information Key [Key=$?] doesn't belongs to this profile ID [$?,$?] |
60901 |
Secondary Identification Code is required if a masking code has been indicated. |
60902 |
Not authorized to retrieve the specified profile with all data unmasked. User's authorization level is not sufficient. |
60903 |
Key reference not found for $? with key reference [$?] inside $? |
60904 |
UniqueProfileID is a required field associated with TravelerInfo. |
60905 |
[$?] is already in use. Please specify a different identifier. |
60906 |
Only 1 ProfileSpecification attribute may be transmitted. Please Choose ProfileID or UniqueProfileID or ProvisioningCode. |
60907 |
ProfieType is a required field associated with UniqueProfileID. |
60908 |
Minimum charters required is 6. |
60908 |
ProfileUniqueIdentifier data is not a valid option for this transaction. Please re-submit using Profile ID or ProvisioningCode data. |
60932 |
ProfileUniqueIdentifier is not a valid option for this transaction. Please re-submit using Profile ID or ProvisioningCode. |
60909 |
Length of StartingFlightNumber/EndingFlightNumber Should not exceed 5. |
60910 |
Profile does not exist with UniqueProfileID [$?] |
60911 |
Profile does not exist with ProvisioningCode [$?] |
60912 |
Invalid input for Local Language field. |
60913 |
LocalLanguage code format not supported in version of the schema. Please upgrade to the current version of the schema to receive this information. |
60914 |
Upgrade to later version for additional data. |
60915 |
Please provide a different source for External ID, [$?] is already specified. |
60916 |
$? Key is mandatory for Update and Delete. |
60917 |
Accounting Reference $? does not exist for Account [$?]. |
60920 |
FormOfPayment [Key=$?] doesn't belong to this profile ID [$?]. |
60921 |
FormOfPayment [Key=$?] doesn't belong to this unique profile ID [$?]. |
60922 |
FormOfPayment of type Credit Card is allowed to be linked with AccountingReference. |
60923 |
Data values may not be updated when a Source value is a host provider. |
60924 |
Data values may not be updated when a Source value is a host provider. Upgrade to the latest schema version to retrieve all data values. |
60925 |
Upgrade to latest version for additional data. |
60926 |
Additional data exists, upgrade to the latest schema. |
60927 |
AgencyCode, [$?], does not exist. |
60928 |
Invalid ExternalSystem. Please provide ExternalSystem value as 1G or 1V. |
60929 |
Invalid ProfileType. Please provide ProfileType value as Account or Traveler. |
60930 |
TravelerProfileTitle is required when ProfileType is Traveler. |
60931 |
Minimum and maximum characters permitted are 1 and 50. |
60937 |
Some UProfile Services are temporarily unavailable. |
60938 |
Some Security Services are temporarily unavailable. |
60939 |
Some Internal Services are temporarily unavailable. |
60940 |
MaxResults cannot be more than 2000 |
18059 |
Name cannot be blank. |
60064 |
Invalid Advisory Key $? |
60067 |
Both Profile Id and Profile type are required. |
60068 |
Both Provisioning Code and Profile type are required. |
60069 |
ProfileId is required. |
60071 |
Parent ID or Code not found. |
60074 |
Valid Key has to be specified for updating AccountingReference. |
60094 |
Please specify Supplier Type for Supplier[$?] |
60095 |
Please specify Supplier for Supplier Type[$?] |
60096 |
Key [$?] is not Valid. |
60097 |
Invalid subjectPartyRoleId present in Key [$?]. |
60099 |
Invalid Item Number present in Key [$?]. |
60100 |
Key [$?] does not exist |
60101 |
Key does not exist |
60102 |
RemarkText cannot be blank. |
60103 |
Valid Key has to be specified for deleting Remark. |
60109 |
Hierarchy level ID should be specified. |
60120 |
ProfileType should be specified. |
60125 |
Invalid partyRoleID present in Key [$?]. |
60129 |
Please specify Agent ID or Provisioning Code. |
60158 |
Commission Key is mandatory for Update and Delete. |
60162 |
Supplier Contract Number is required. |
60181 |
Field Group Name [ID=$?] can not be empty. Please specify a Name. |
60187 |
$? cannot be blank. |
60197 |
The remark for type accounting requires the AccountingRemarkType. |
60221 |
Valid Key has to be specified for deleting CommissionReference. |
60223 |
A Commission Reference must include at least an agent name or an agent number. Please specify a value for one or both fields. |
60237 |
No FieldGroupData element is present with key [$?] |
60239 |
Invalid Item Number present in Key [$?]. |
60241 |
Valid Key has to be specified for deleting AccountingReference. |
60249 |
Invalid Alternate contact Key |
60255 |
Branch Name cannot be Null or Empty. |
60256 |
LocalNumber cannot be Null or Empty. |
60257 |
ElectronicAddress Name cannot be Null or Empty. |
60259 |
Address Line 1 is required. |
60260 |
Electronic Address name is required. |
60261 |
FormOfPayment Key is mandatory for Update and Delete. |
60266 |
AccountInfo is not found in request. |
60269 |
AgencyGroupInfo is not found in request |
60271 |
AgentInfo is not found in request |
60274 |
DefaultBranchCode can't be an empty string. |
60279 |
BranchInfo is not found in request |
60281 |
BranchGroupInfo is not found in request |
60287 |
Field Name [$?] can not be empty. Please specify a Name. |
60296 |
Account Number is required for PaymentDetails. |
60315 |
LoyaltyProgramEnrollment Number is mandatory for[$?] |
60324 |
TravelerGroupInfo is not found in request |
60325 |
One Parent is required, please specify the parent. |
60342 |
Invalid Contract Key : [$?] |
60351 |
Hierarchy Level Id [$?] does not exist under agency hierarchy structure. |
60359 |
Invalid key for ProviderInfo. |
60371 |
Tag not found. |
60423 |
TravelerInfo is not found in request |
60431 |
ProfileType must be specified and value can't be empty |
60435 |
Atleast one address line is mandatory. |
60438 |
DocumentNumber cannot be empty. |
60439 |
City in Address cannot be empty. |
60451 |
ProfileType not found |
60454 |
Duplicate parent id [$?] is found |
60463 |
[$?] is not found in request |
60464 |
AgencyInfo is not found in request |
60465 |
LocalNumber for phone cannot be empty in the request. |
60466 |
City for Address cannot be empty in the request. |
60467 |
Invalid Month value[$?] provided in the request. |
60468 |
Invalid Day value[$?] provided in the request. |
60469 |
Custom Date requires Integer in Day, Month and Year. |
60470 |
Field Group Id [$?] does not contain field [$?] |
60472 |
Field [$?] should be present inside field group id [$?] |
60480 |
The field with id [$?] has duplicate tag reference, please verify and resend request. |
60488 |
The [$?] has duplicate tag reference, please verify and resend request. |
60490 |
Tag Name [$?] should not be empty. |
60494 |
Other Preference Key is mandatory for Update and Delete. |
60503 |
Key is required to update existing data. |
60504 |
Please specify the Template Id and Version for the profile being created. |
60511 |
Provisioning Identifier Code cannot be blank for [$?]. |
60515 |
Key [$?] can not be blank |
60522 |
The currency code is missing from [$?].A currency code must prepend every attribute with Money data type. |
60528 |
Please specify the hierarchy level id for the profile being created. |
60702 |
profile is null |
60710 |
Location for Phone cannot be empty in the request. The location must be a valid airport or city code. |
60730 |
The minimum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be less than 0. |
60731 |
The maximum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be less than 0. |
60732 |
The maximum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] cannot be less than the minimum number supported by the system ([$?]). |
60733 |
The maximum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be less than the minimum occurrences specified. |
60734 |
The maximum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] cannot be greater than the maximum number supported by the system ([$?]). |
60735 |
The maximum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be greater than [$?]. |
60736 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] cannot be less than the minimum number supported by the system ([$?]). |
60737 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] cannot be greater than the maximum number supported by the system ([$?]). |
60738 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] cannot be greater than [$?]. |
60739 |
The maximum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be less than the minimum occurrences specified. |
60740 |
The minimum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be less than 0 |
60741 |
The maximum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be less than 0. |
60742 |
The maximum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be less than the minimum number supported by the system ([$?]). |
60743 |
The maximum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be less than the minimum occurrences specified. |
60744 |
The maximum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be greater than the maximum number supported by the system ([$?]). |
60745 |
The maximum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be greater than [$?]. |
60746 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be less than the minimum number supported by the system ([$?]). |
60747 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be less than [$?]. |
60748 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be greater than the maximum number supported by the system ([$?]). |
60749 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be greater than [$?]. |
60750 |
The maximum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be less than the minimum occurrences specified. |
60751 |
The loyalty card deleted was also removed from all preferences that referred to it. |
60752 |
The payment method deleted was also removed from all preferences that referred to it. |
60753 |
Loyalty Card of type Hotel already exists for the specified hotel reservation. |
60754 |
Loyalty Card of type Air already exists for the specified hotel reservation. |
60763 |
Loyalty Card of type Air already exists for the specified hotel reservation. |
60755 |
One or more values of Field ID [$?] could not be decrypted due to invalid data. The value returned may not match the value created by the user. |
60756 |
Addition of AirPricingPayment for StoredFare PricingType is not allowed through uAPI for the requested provider. |
60757 |
Addition of AirPricingTicketingModifiers for StoredFare PricingType is not allowed through uAPI for the requested provider. |
60758 |
Ticketing for StoredFare PricingType is not allowed through uAPI for the requested provider. |
60761 |
The maximum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] on a template cannot be greater than the maximum number defined for the field itself. |
60762 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] on a template cannot be less than the minimum number defined for the field itself. |
60764 |
The maximum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] on a template cannot be less than the minimum number defined for the field itself. |
60765 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] on a template cannot be greater than the maximum number defined for the field itself. |
60766 |
The maximum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] on a template cannot be greater than the maximum number defined for the group itself. |
60767 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] on a template cannot be less than the minimum number defined for the group itself. |
60768 |
The maximum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] on a template cannot be less than the minimum number defined for the group itself. |
60769 |
The minimum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] on a template cannot be greater than the maximum number defined for the group itself. |
60770 |
The minimum or maximum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be less than 0. |
60771 |
The minimum or maximum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be less than 0. |
60772 |
The inheritable value of field [$?] has been changed. Note that the inheritability of this field on the template(s) it is already associated to has not been changed and cannot be changed using this version of the schema. |
60773 |
The inheritable value of field group [$?] has been changed. Note that the inheritability of this field group on the template(s) it is already associated to has not been changed and cannot be changed using this version of the schema. |
60774 |
Not authorized to add/remove the requested parent profile [$?]. User's authorization level is not sufficient. |
60775 |
Cannot specify both an amount and percentage for a given Contract value. |
60776 |
Parent type of [$?] is not valid for a [$?] type. |
60777 |
A custom field group [$?] without child field cannot be added to a profile. |
60780 |
ProviderInfo with key [$?] doesn't exist in database. |
60781 |
Key must not be present while adding new ProviderInfo. |
60782 |
Key is required for modifying/deleting ProviderInfo. |
60783 |
Invalid id specified. |
60784 |
Invalid parent hierarchy level id specified. |
60785 |
Invalid Type for Electronic Address. |
60786 |
DefaultBranchCode =$? is not a valid branch type |
60787 |
DefaultBranchId =$? is not a valid branch type |
60788 |
An agent cannot have a default branch (Branch Code [$?]) that is outside the agent's agency. |
60789 |
An agent cannot have a default branch (Branch ID [$?]) that is outside the agent's agency. |
60790 |
Provider Info can only be added/updated/deleted while modifying a branch profile. |
60791 |
PCC [$?] and the provider [$?] cannot be duplicated. |
60792 |
Tag doesnot exist for PaymentDetails[$?] to be deleted. |
60793 |
The $? GeoPoliticalAreaCode [$?] requires a $? GeoPoliticalAreaType to narrow down the GeoPoliticalArea. |
60794 |
The $? GeoPoliticalAreaType [$?] requires a $? GeoPoliticalAreaCode to narrow down the GeoPoliticalArea. |
60795 |
The value [$?] is not valid for Travel Document Gender. |
60796 |
The value [$?] is not valid for Gender. |
60797 |
Hierarchy can be restricted for only profile types Traveler, Traveler Group or Account. |
60798 |
Hierarchy can be restricted only if Inherited Data has been requested. |
60799 |
Account is the highest level in the restricted hierarchy, hence no parent data is returned. |
60800 |
Hierachy cannot be restricted when Parent Summary has been requested. |
60801 |
Display Order [$?] is already in use. Please specify a different Display Order. |
60802 |
Overridden template cannot be created for this owner. |
60803 |
Search Option or/ and Display Order is/ are not modifiable for a branch's Name and PCC/ SID. |
60804 |
Deleting fixed field not supported. |
60805 |
Deleting fixed field group not supported. |
60806 |
Owner Id specified for Field [$?] is not an immediate parent for the Traveler. |
60807 |
User is not authorized to access the proprietory data for the parent [$?]. |
60808 |
ProprietaryData does not exist for [Key=$?]. |
60809 |
Key has to be provided during ProprietaryData modification. |
60810 |
The custom field(s) cannot be deleted as it has been overridden in template(s) [$?]. |
60811 |
The custom field group(s) cannot be deleted as it has been overridden in template(s) [$?]. |
60812 |
Child field [$?] cannot be deleted using the Field Group Modify Service. |
60813 |
Field/Group [$?] cannot be repeated in the overridden template definition. |
60814 |
[FixedField/Group or CustomField or CustomFieldGroup] [$?] does not exist in default template. |
60815 |
Only Traveler template can be overridden. |
60816 |
Overridden template [$?] exists for this owner. |
60817 |
Field/Group [$?] is searchable and hence cannot be hidden in overridden template. |
60818 |
Invalid TemplateFieldID specified. |
60819 |
Overridden fields are not available in Default template. |
61818 |
Duplicate Travel Document data exists in request [Key=$?]. |
61819 |
Duplicate Form of Payment data exists in request [Key=$?]. |
61820 |
Insufficient rate information provided by host. Some rate details may be missing. |
61821 |
CVV is not stored in Profile. |
61822 |
Approval Code is not stored in Profile. |
61823 |
Check Number is not stored in Profile. |
61824 |
Acceptance Override is not stored in Profile. |
61825 |
Amount is not stored in Profile. |
61826 |
Discount Amount is not stored in Profile. |
61827 |
Discount Percentage is not stored in Profile. |
61828 |
Not Valid Before is not stored in Profile. |
61829 |
Not Valid After is not stored in Profile. |
61830 |
ExtendedPayment=Y/N only. Please input valid value. |
61831 |
Additional Form Of Payment data available. Upgrade to the latest version of the uAPI schema to receive this data in FOP form. |
61832 |
Expiration Date is missing for provided credit card number. |
61833 |
Expiration Date is missing for provided debit card number. |
61834 |
Please provide valid category in MiscFormOfPayment |
61835 |
Customer Reference is not stored in Profile |
61836 |
Third Party Payment is not stored in Profile |
61837 |
Bank Name is not stored in Profile |
61838 |
Bank Country Code is not stored in Profile |
61839 |
Please provide valid type in FormOfPayment |
61840 |
Please provide valid preference payment type in FormOfPayment |
61841 |
Street/AddressLine is required for BillingAddress in FormOfPayment |
61842 |
Valid State Country combination required |
61843 |
Type value provided in FormOfPayment doesn't match with the actual FormOfPayment element provided |
61844 |
Additional Preference Payment data available. Upgrade to the latest version of the uAPI schema to receive this data in FOP form |
61845 |
Additional PreferencePaymentMethod values will be returned in the current version of the schema. Please upgrade to the current version of the schema to receive this information. |
61846 |
Additional CustomFieldOrGroup data is available, please upgrade to the current version to receive this information. |
61847 |
Invalid CabinClass Specified. |
61848 |
AlternateAgentID can not be searched with wild card |
61849 |
Please provide valid payment type in FormOfPayment |
61850 |
12 digit CreditCard or DebitCard codes are no longer supported in profile. Please use a valid CreditCard or DebitCard code for uprofile transactions. |
61852 |
Carrier code is required in SSR. |
61853 |
Carrier does not support adding SSR. |
601854 |
Type Specified For Accounting Reference is not valid. |
601855 |
Custom fields and field groups created at an account level may only be added to account, traveler group and traveler templates. |
601856 |
Custom fields and field groups created at an account level may only be added to templates within its own hierarchy |
601857 |
Custom fields and field groups created at an account level may only be added to account, traveler group and traveler profiles |
601858 |
Custom fields and field groups created at an account level may only be added to profiles within its own hierarchy |
601859 |
Address Type [$?] is not valid. Valid values are '[Shipping, Collection, Other, Delivery, Location, Mailing, LocalLangInvoice, Home, Work]'. Address Type must be a value from the valid values list. |
601860 |
Field [$?] with value [$?] and length = [$?] exceeds the maxLength [$?] for type field type [$?] |
601860 |
Invalid State [$?]. Length of state can not be greather than 128 |
601763 |
Invalid State [$?]. Length of state cannot be greater than 128 characters. |
601861 |
Minimum 2 characters are required to search with wildcard |
601862 |
Leading wildcard search is not supported, only trailing wildcard search is supported with minimum 2 characters |
601863 |
Loyalty Program Number can not be more than 255 characters |
601864 |
The accounting reference value is required. |
601865 |
AccountingReference Value can not be more than 255 characters |
601866 |
Travel document number can not be searched with wild card |
601867 |
Contract number can not be more than 50 characters |
601868 |
Profiles of type Agent and Traveler can never have children and as such are not relevant to this service. |
601869 |
Child Search cannot be done for a Deleted profile. |
601870 |
Organization Name not applicable for Profiles of type Agent and Traveler |
601871 |
SurName and GivenName not applicable for Profiles of type other than Agent and Traveler |
601872 |
Profile Type is mandatory for profile search |
601873 |
IATA code specified has too many characters. |
601874 |
Pseudo City code specified has too many characters. |
601875 |
Account Number can not be searched with wild card |
601876 |
Account Number can not be more than 100 characters |
601877 |
Expiration $? can not be searched with wild card |
601878 |
Address Line can not be searched with Wildcard |
601879 |
Phone LocalNumber can not be searched with Wildcard |
601880 |
$? length can not be more than 128 character. |
601881 |
PseudoCityCode length can not be more than 10 character. |
601882 |
IataNumber length can not be more than 8 character. |
601883 |
$? length can not be more than 255 character. |
601884 |
$?Code length can not be more than 128 character. |
601885 |
Only trailing wildcard search is supported with minimum 2 characters |
601886 |
Specified Resource in ResourceLevelInfo does not exist[$?] |
601887 |
Specified AccessLevel in ResourceLevelInfo does not exist[$?] |
601888 |
User is not authorized to assign [$?] [$?] to a role. |
601889 |
User is not authorized to assign [$?] to [$?] [$?]. |
601890 |
Moved profile will inherit template and fields of new parents |
601891 |
Branch Group cannot be moved without removing existing children |
601892 |
Need to add Hierarchy Level before moving BRG under the lowest level |
601893 |
To assign Custom Field, either FieldID or Name should be specified along with Field Value |
601894 |
Provide either FieldID or Name of the custom field, not both. |
601895 |
Field with Name [$?] does not exist within this hierarchy. |
601920 |
Field with Name [$?] does not exist within this hierarchy. |
601895 |
Search with field name can not be done without parentID. |
601896 |
Service not available |
601897 |
BulkTransferInd is not required with SecondaryIdentifier. |
601898 |
Traveler DOB cannot be in the future. |
601899 |
JobID $? submitted is invalid. |
601900 |
JobIDs $? submitted are invalid. |
601901 |
All JobIDs submitted are invalid. |
601902 |
No jobs found for the requested user or status. |
601903 |
PCC is not associated to any WAB. |
601904 |
Multiple WAB's found.PCC should configure with only one WAB. |
601905 |
Agent doesn’t have access of provided PCC. |
601906 |
A work area branch was not found in association with PCC [$?]. |
601907 |
Multiple work area branches were identified in association to PCC [$?]. |
601908 |
Minimum and maximum charters permitted are 1 and 25. |
601909 |
Loyalty Card of type Vehicle already exists for the specified Vehicle reservation. |
601910 |
Work area branch [$?] is not associated with PCC [$?]. |
601911 |
No need of BranchCode as PrimaryIdentifier is not given. |
601912 |
Report is generated by using JobID. No need of BranchCode. |
601913 |
No Work area Branch found with BranchCode [$?]. |
60754 |
Loyalty Card of type Air already exists for the specified Vehicle reservation. |
601914 |
[$?] is invalid. Valid Status values include: STARTED, COMPLETE, CANCELLED, PENDING, FAILED and INCOMPLETE. |
601915 |
[$?] is an invalid AgencyCode. |
601916 |
[$?] is invalid for CreatedByAgent. |
601917 |
$? JobID submitted is not valid. |
601918 |
$? JobID submitted is not valid. |
601919 |
BranchCode is an invalid. |
601921 |
Branch with PseudoCityCode [$?] and ProviderCode [$?] already exist. |