Error Codes and Descriptions

The following errors can also be downloaded as a .xml file (latest update from 04/2024).

Name="SYSTEM" Range="0-0299"

Type Name="System"

0001 Unexpected system error.
0 Success.
0002 System temporarily unavailable.
0003 Cannot find service:
0004 No locator codes available.
0005 SERVICELOCATOR.getHome()caughtIllegalAccessException. Check nested exception.
0006 Internal exception occurred during rule engine processing.
0007 Vendor connection is down.
0008 A timeout occurred while communicating with vendor.
0009 Connection with vendor is experiencing problems.
0010 Transaction failure.
0011 Host temporarily unavailable.
0014 Unsuccessful host transaction causing partial failure.
0015 DCC service error
0016 Invalid Supplier URL.
0019 Specified Encryption Key is unsupported in this environment.
0298 UAPI exceeded time limits and was unable to process.
0299 Unable to unmarshall host response
0038 Unable to open host session.
0039 Unexpected error while retrieving cache entry.
0040 Unexpected error while deleting cache entry.
0045 Unable to Update Cache from Gws
0043 Error message from supplier.
0121 Unexpected system error related to binary serialization.
2000 An internal processing error occurred.
0123 Unknown host error encountered.
-1 Test error.
0124 Invalid Cache Name.
0255 Something went wrong with binary data serialization
0256 Service is retired
0257 Accessed by another transaction.Retry later
0258 Flex shopping options not provisioned.
0259 Connection with provider unavailable.
0260 No availability for this request.
02611 Use GDSNextonQueue/QueueContinue= “True” to continue to the top of Queue or GDSQueueExit to exit out of the Queue.
02612 Combination of either Queue Selector or Remove Current ="True" with GDSQueueContinue="True" is not allowed.
02613 Combination of either Queue Selector or Remove Current ="False" with GDSQueueContinue="True" is not allowed.
02614 Invalid response from HCA
02615 Negative variance value is not allowed.

Type Name="Security"

0300 User is not authenticated.
0301 User is not authorized.
0302 PCC is not authorized for this operation.
0303 User information not found.
0304 User is not authorized.Because no Branch exists for given criteria.
0305 User is not authorized because Branch is not active.
0306 User is not authorized because agency is not active.
0307 User is not authorized because agent is not active.
0308 User is not properly set in the Http Header.
0309 User is not authorized to acces the UR details.
0313 User is not authorized because one of the ancestor BranchGroup is not active.
0317 User is not authorized to assign role(s).
0318 Agent cannot emulate on a ControlBranch .
0319 Agent has no privilege to perform Emulation.
0320 Work Branch is not set up to emulate.
0321 Branch Code has been truncated to # characters.
0322 Desktop User does not have the proper permission
0323 User does not have the proper permission
0324 Proper Role ID not specified
0325 Incorrect format for Description. Please provide a different value.
0326 Duplicate value exists for ID. Provide a different value.
0327 Incorrect Category. Provide a different value.
0328 Permission Name cannot be blank.
0329 Duplicate value exists for permission name. Provide a different value.
0330 Incorrect format for Name. Please provide a different value.
0331 Incorrect format for ID. Provide a different value.
0332 Specified Resource does not exist[$?].
0333 Desktop Permission is being updated by another user or wrong version retrieved. Please retrieve the Permission again and try again.
0334 Service Permission does not have dependent permission.
0335 Specified Desktop Permission [$?] does not exist.
0336 Specified Desktop Permission with ID [$?] deleted successfully.
0337 Creation of Roles at the Branch level in no longer supported. All Branch level Roles have been migrated to the Agency level. Please upgrade to the latest version of the schema.
0338 Roles at the Branch level is no longer supported. All Branch level Roles have been migrated to the Agency level. Please upgrade to the latest version of the schema.
0339 Assignment of Roles at the Branch or Agency level is no longer supported. All Roles should be assigned to Agents. Please upgrade to the latest version of the schema.
0340 User not authorized to use OverridePCC
0341 The Pseudo City Code on the current PNR does not exist in UAPI, please contact account representative to have it added.
0342 Multiple WAB's exist for the PCC - $?.
0343 PNRs that have different owning PCC’s cannot be mixed in a Universal Record.
0344 PNR $?: The ownership of this PNR has been changed. It can no longer be synchronized.
0345 No Agreement Exists
0346 Both the Emulation Pseudo City and Provider must be present to complete this transaction.
0347 Unable to connect to Enett Payment gateway.
0348 Enett System Error
0349 VAN transaction id: $? has been issued and cannot be cancelled or modified from UAPI. Please cancel the VAN via Enett.
0350 Enett Endpoint URL is empty.
0351 MaxPercentage has not been considered while issuing a multiuse VAN.
0352 VAN $? has been issued. Please Update/Adjust the VAN limits via Enett Portal.
0353 User is not authorized for SellCheck. Please contact support.
0354 User is not authorized for Split Ticketing Shop. Please contact support.
0355 User is not authorized for Split Ticketing Price. Please contact support.
0356 User is not authorized for Split Ticketing Book. Please contact support.
0357 User is not authorized for Spanish Resident Ticketing. Please contact support.

Name="WEBSVC" Range="1000-1199"

Type Name="Data"

1000 Validation failed on request message.
1001 Required attribute in the request is missing
1004 Provide Loyalty type (SupplierType=?)
1005 Unable to parse XML stream
1006 Required attribute Queue Number in the request is missing
1007 The queue designation is not valid, check queue.
1008 The agent is not currently on queue, invalid request.
10081 The Queue Session Token is not correct, invalid request.
1009 TargetBranch does not match with queue mode.
1010 Invalid request combination of return record and next on queue not allowed.
1011 Invalid request combination of return record and queue provider locator not allowed.
1012 Invalid request combination of next on queue and queue provider locator not allowed.
1013 UR $? is not in queue for current agent. Invalid request.
1014 PNR/BF not imported, cannot work on queue.
1015 Surname as in queue ,supports alpha characters only.
1016 Your queue session has timed out. The following booking could not be re-queued automatically. Please manually put the booking back to queue if required.Provider $? UR $? PNR $? PCC $? Queue $?.
1017 Invalid field length.
1019 XML External Entity is not supported.
1020 Supplier code is missing in the request
1021 TravelerFirstName is missing in the request
1022 TravelerLastName is missing in the request
0310 Request containing DTD declarations is not supported.
0311 Please provide proper Agency ID.
0312 Please provide proper Branch ID.
0314 Origin Application specified in the request is invalid.
2407 The input currency is not permitted.
2411 Invalid - Need City.
2412 Verify cities - Invalid airport item 0001.
2600 Invalid Segment Specified.
2599 No matching air segment found by key $?
2699 Segment with given key doesn't exist.
3101 Invalid input data. Generic data validation failure message.
3152 Invalid Date.
3156 Invalid Email Address.
3550 Provider Code exceeds maximum acceptible length.
3060 Provider supports any characters apart from "/" or "#" for Loyalty Card with SupplierType = $?
3061 Provider supports 1-$? characters for Loyalty Card with SupplierType = $? including SupplierCode
3003 Request data is invalid.
3719 No Booking Traveler found for the given key.
3720 Email with key not found in any of the Booking Traveler(s).
3721 Phone number with key not found in any of the Booking Traveler(s).
3722 No Address exists with Key.
3723 General Remark key not found in the UR.
3724 ACCOUNTING Remark key not found in the UR.
3751 InValid Date format.
3782 Invalid country code for Address of Booking Traveler.
3783 Invalid state code for Address of Booking Traveler.
3784 Invalid address of Booking Traveler.
3806 Invalid country code for DeliveryInfo of Booking Traveler.
3664 Infant date of birth is required.Please specify the same in DOB or name remark field.
4608 Provider supports a minimum 10 characters in DeliveryInfo/Email.
4609 Provider supports a maximum 50 characters in DeliveryInfo/Email.
3269 Provider Code is required for merchandising requests
7435 AssociatedRemark with Key = $? not found.
7436 AssociatedRemark with Key =$? must have a Text Messages associated it
7437 AssociatedRemark with Key =$? has invalid AirSegmentRef
7438 AssociatedRemark with Key =$? has no AirSegmentRef
7439 AssociatedRemark(s) with unsupported special symbols for this provider were ignored.
6203 Bad time format.
6204 Bad date format.
6037 Maximm field length for delivery signature required is 10.
6205 Invalid Email type
6306 Geo City Code is missing, seat map request failed.
6307 Pseudo City Code is missing, seat map request failed.
6308 Default currency is missing, seat map request failed.
6309 Default currency is missing, request failed.
6311 Invalid Country
6312 Invalid Zip/Postal Code
6209 EmailId has been truncated. Host does not support more than 125 characters
6210 Email Comment has been truncated. Host does not support more than 125 characters
6211 PNR in Queue Mode:
6212 Add, Change or Deletion not performed for non-primary booking traveler. Please provide @ProviderCode and @LocatorCode record identifiers.
6213 Name [$?] and [$?] are considered to be the same name. Two or more booking travelers cannot have the same name.
6214 All the Requested E-Tickets not found. Please do a Air Retrieve Document with Air Reservation.
6215 Air Reservation does not exist.
6216 Document numbers grouped in an Air reservation are only allowed to Void.
6217 Document Type must complement Document number in the request.
6218 Provider Code must complement Provider Locator Code in the request.
6219 Void request requires atleast one of the request modifiers-Air Reservation, Provider Reservation or Document information.
6220 Air Reservation does not exist for ticket number [$?].
6221 No valid document exist for the Air reservation.
6222 Review Booking key not found in the UR.
6223 Requested Provider Locator Code not found in requested Air Reservation.
6224 Not qualified for accessing requested provider.
6225 No associated universal record is found for the requested provider locator code.
6226 Unable to process,associated universal record does not belong to a proper hierarchy.
6227 Cannot divide by zero.
6229 Unable to retrieve the CurrencyConversion Rate ( ToCur:$?, fromCur:$?)
6230 Requested Universal Locator Code is not associated with requested PNR.
6231 Unhandled Resource Type: $?
6232 Yet to be implemented
6233 Universal Locator Code is required to retrieve optional services for an existing booking.
6234 Invalid UR Locator Code.
6235 BookingTravelerRef or EmailRef not found.
6236 OneWayShop and PreferCompleteItinerary cannot be requested together.
6237 User is not authorized for one way shop.
6238 Cache access already failed within this tx
6239 No mapping found to convert class
6240 binaryProtocolException
6241 Missing branchCode
6242 Empty branchCode
6243 Missing ConfigurationCode code
6244 Empty ConfigurationCode code
6245 No such ConfigurationCode:
6246 Unable to create new file [$?]
6247 $? $? is malformed
6248 Error loading OriginApplicationError OR SupportedOriginApplications values from configuration file.
6249 Can't create email address
6250 Error occured for Provider :$? $?
6251 Could not find tag: $?
6252 Cannot access Naming Context
6253 CONTEXTFACTORY construction failure reason:
6254 Unable to initialize bean
6255 Unable to invoke method
6256 Cannot parse calcline: $?
6257 $? results found for Agency [$?] Invoice [$?]
6258 No such key exists
6259 Failed $? TaxFactor between $? and $?
6260 $? is a required parameter
6261 agencyBranchCode '$?' is not a valid branch
6262 No code specified for $?
6263 No cache exists for type [$?]
6264 No code specified for cache [$?]
6265 Unknown Carrier :$?
6266 Null city code for this airport : $?
6267 User is not authorized for Flex Explore.
6268 Value must be present in the HostToken element.
6269 Destination is mandatory field in the LFS request.
6270 Override PCC emulation for Aggregate Booking is restricted for the requested Provider.
6271 PNR/BF $? not imported, cannot work on queue.
6272 Import of PNR [$?] failed and PNR removed from the Queue.
6273 Universal Record [$?] update for PNR [$?] failed and PNR removed from the Queue.
6274 Destination is mandatory in the Transaction. Please provide one.
6275 Please try GDSEnterQueueReq again.
6276 Please use GDSNextonQueueReq to get the next PNR in queue or use GDSExitQueueReq to exit the queue.
6277 Import failed during GDS queue operations
6278 Universal Record $? modified successfully
6279 Invalid EmailRef, Valid EmailRef is expected for sending Email to ‘Specific’ addresses
6280 Invalid number of FOP, Maximum one Credit Card, one Check and one Other type of payment allowed
6281 Failed to add $? due to some error from host
6282 Failed to remove $? due to some error from host
6283 Universal Record feed start date cannot be greater than the end date.
6284 Duration between Universal Record feed start date and end date cannot be more than $? days.
6285 Input data is not in correct format.
6286 Requested Pseudo City Code is not available.
6287 Requested Pseudo City Code is not configured.
6288 MaxJourneyTime is not yet available
6289 MaxJourneyTime is not supported for ACH
6293 The requested data does not exist in session.
6290 Rapid Reprice is not enabled for this branch.
6291 Surname in GDS QUEUE Selector is not supported for requested provider
6292 RetrieveAll cannot be true for requested Provider
6294 Queue Count with only PsudoCityCode not supported.
6295 Queue Count display is restricted to Queue Number and category for the requested Provider.
6296 Queue Count display is restricted to Queue Number for the requested Provider
6297 Queue Enter with specified Provider Locator is not allowed for requested provider
26298 The change fee/penalty can't be applied to both the total fare amount and a tax.
6299 Withholding tax not supported.
6300 Taxes have been withheld.
6301 Only the first four WithholdTaxCode were used.
6302 Due to host limitation, only the first valid name remark could be sent. Other invalid remarks are ignored.
6303 Provider not supported.
6304 ExchangeQuote only supported for end transacted PNRs
6305 PhoneNumber value is empty.
6313 Unable to import: First Name is required for all booking travelers.
6314 Provider does not support the MaxResponse
6315 BrandModifier value is not valid.
6316 Simultaneous addition of PNR elements of different type is not supported. Only the first element is added on the PNR
6317 Simultaneous modification of PNR elements of different type is not supported. Only the first element is updated on the PNR
6320 One or more optional services can't be sold.

Type Name="System"

1200 Validation failed on response message.
1201 A general marshalling exception occurred.
3001 Missing configuration property.
3100 General failure.
3923 Unable to process request
6118 Host processing error.
6003 Booking failed due to price match error.

Type Name="Business"

1400 Reservation is currently being updated by another process.
1401 Invalid reservation.
1402 Provider information not found.
1403 Target Provider Code not found.
1404 Target Provider Locator code not found.
1405 Import of a ReadOnly record is not allowed.
1406 PNR XXX is ReadOnly
1407 This service is deprecated.
1408 Please check service endpoint.
1409 Action Status date is past dated.
1410 Reservation has been created ignoring rule name.
1411 Invalid length for Provider Locator Code.
1412 Invalid length for City. The response has been truncated.
5124 Provider supports only one hotel loyalty card for the primary passenger. The following loyalty card(s) were not included in the request:
5125 Provider supports only one air loyalty card for the primary passenger. The following loyalty card(s) were not included in the request:
18077 Invalid Account ID.
0017 Provider Locator Code does not exist.
0018 PNR does not exists.
0020 Error in retrieving the PNR.
0022 Universal Record Locator for the specificed Provider Locator could not be found.
0023 Loyalty card information is allowed for primary passenger only.
0031 Status UC - Unable to confirm or waitlist
0032 Status SS - Sell message sent to the carrier
0315 Origin Application is required in the request.
3004 Minimum Connect-time Threshold violated.
3006 Authorization on at least one credit card failed.
3111 Credit card has no funds.
3112 Credit card Expiry Date is past dated.
3113 Invalid credit card number format.
3115 Invalid credit card vendor.
3117 Credit card was denied.
3118 This credit card is not supported for address verification.
3119 Credit card security code verification failure.
3121 Credit card has an invalid expiration date.
3122 Credit card has an invalid effective date.
3124 Credit card has an invalid authorization amount.
3339 Invalid Credit Card
3106 Passenger name not found in the database.
3130 Record locator not found.
3148 Reservation has expired.
3157 Duplicate loyalty card. A passenger can only have one loyalty card for each carrier.
3403 Invalid host
3899 Remarks have been truncated. Host does not support remark text of more than 69 characters
3068 Additional details like Billing Address, Phone Number is saved locally for the requested provider.
3725 Updates for the given product is not supported by provider.
3757 Child Age information not supported for the requested provider
3625 NextResultReference is not supported by the Provider.
5625 The Next Result Reference is not associated with a valid session.
3644 Customer ID is not supported by the requested provider.
3915 Invalid Supplier Locator code.
3919 PNRBFRetrieve element not found in response.
4579 Only first three of the street address is being considered
4580 Tax Information for Exempted Taxes not available for the provider
4581 All Taxes may not be exempted for the provider
4582 The modifier would not be supported by the Provider
4583 Seat assignment request not mapped for Traveler Type - INF (Infant-In-Lap).
4584 Only infant date Of birth name remark could be sent.
4585 Due to provider limitation, only the first name remark could be sent
4586 An SSR DOCS item is required for each passenger with an SSR DOCO with an 'R' Redress Number
4587 Ticketless booking requires special processing.
4588 The first BookingCode is considered in the request as only one permitted booking code is supported per air segment for the requested provider.
4589 Osi Input truncated to 57 characters due to Provider restriction
4590 Plating Carrier XX is used for booking
4591 1P does not support the request modifier - IncludeSurcharges
4592 The requested modifier - FareBasis is not supported for the requested Provider.
4593 The requested modifier - Ticketing Date is only supported for historical fares for provider $?
4594 When requesting availability by Arrival Time, provider only selects flights departing on the requested date. If the display involves a flight that crosses midnight, the date change is not considered and the flight is displayed as if it arrives on the requested date.
4595 Specific Time could not be mapped to provider
4596 Time Range could not be mapped to provider
4597 Search By Arrival Time not supported by Provider. Arrival Date has been considered as Departure Date in Provider request. A default time window of 6AM - 2359Am have been used.
4598 Requested provider has a restriction of 30 characters for Address (Street and City). Only Zip Code submitted to Provider
4599 Maximum of 6 SearchOrigins/SearchDestinations supported for requested Provider
4600 Alternate Origins and/or Destinations from the First SearchAirLeg are considered
4601 Search By Arrival Time not supported by Provider. Arrival Date has been considered as Departure Date in Provider request. A default time window of 6AM - 2359Am have been used.
4602 Booking Traveler Info provided in the new product request should match with the Booking Traveler Info in the existing reservation.
4603 No response from host.
4604 Invalid response from host.
4605 Postscript note has been truncated. Host does not support postscript note of more than 63 characters.
4606 Postscript Note already exists in PNR and is being ignored. Use modify to change Postscript Note.
4607 CustomerID already exists in PNR and is being ignored. Use modify to change CustomerID.
4623 TicketingDate and ReturnDate modifiers cannot be combined.
3223 Postscript is not supported by the provider
3225 SSR Foramt is not correct. Check the Format
3270 Provider supports max 25 characters per Billing Address field.
3271 Could not delete FormOfPayment as it is associated with one or more payment elements
4152 ProviderCode and ProviderLocatorCode is required if either is present in the request.
4173 Provider Code must be SDK for third party supplier.
4181 Provider only supports Update of BookingSource post booking.
4197 Not Implemented.
5018 Rate category 'Negotiated' is not supported for 1G.
5019 Invalid value in NegotiatedRateCode.
5020 Maximum 3 Negotiated Rate Codes allowed.
4736 A time out occurred while waiting for the first Response.
4737 No response came from any provider.
5021 No Hotel Rates found for the request.
5022 Max of 20 characters corporate discount id is supported for this host.
5023 Provide unique search order in each hotel search criteria for the requested provider.
5024 No Matching Rate Plan found.
4902 Universal record NULL. This should be created at provider.
8116 The Host Provider Info is invalid.
8259 Host Connection Credentials not available
8261 Agent not provisioned for Cryptic entries
1326 Provider supports AccountingRemark with TypeInGDS - Account, Other, Endorsement and TourCode only.
1366 Attribute RetrieveProviderReservationDetails is ignored as this is not supported for this provider
17029 Couldn't find optional services for the Itinerary and Credentials.
21602 Unable to perform sync.
3514 Credit Card has not been charged.
3527 PhoneNumber of Type Agency is only supported for AgencyContactInfo phone numbers
4008 Provider code is invalid.
7402 Provide either credit card info or Other Guarantee Info, not both.
7406 This form of Guarantee/Deposit is not supported by the Provider
7407 This form of Deposit do not support text data by the provider
7408 Name in Credit Card is not supported by the provider
7409 Billing Reference Number should have maximum 25 characters.
7410 No images available from provider based on the request info.
7411 No image available from provider for the requested car type.
7412 VehicleSpecialRequest already exists against segment. Only one can be added. Please delete the existing record to add a new request or update the existing information.
7413 No VehicleSpecialRequest available against reservation for update.
7414 No VehicleSpecialRequest available against reservation for delete.
7415 Voucher does not exist. Use Vehicle Add to add new voucher information.
7416 Payment info does not exist. Use Vehicle Add to add new Payment information.
7417 Return Location Type and Number both must be supplied with Return Location.
7418 Provider does not support indexing by reference point.
7420 SubKey word is not supported. Only KeyWord info is supported by the provider
4203 ProviderCode and ProviderLocatorCode both are required.
5123 Price requested and Price received do not match.
1509 Payment with Key = $? not found.
1510 Phone location can't be more than 3 characters.
1511 General Price Error.
1512 Unable to process the request.
1513 Deprecated request data is not allowed
1514 Please provide atleast one SegmentRef inside ThirdPartyInformation.
1515 The first Third Party Supplier Element was applied to the reservation.
1516 Loyalty cards already exists in booking traveler
1517 Unable to retrieve reservation
1518 Travel Compliance cannot be modified
1519 Booking Traveler Refernce is required
1520 Segment reference is required
1521 Every Travel Compliance 'key' should be numeric :
1522 SegmentRef is mandatory for Air, Passive, and Rail Travel Compliance fields. If no SegmentRef exists, the travel compliance entry will be ignored.
1526 Unknown rail location: $?
21608 Unable to sync PNR @ with host. Host error returned: 'Unable to process the request.'
21611 Incorrect payment amount. Please re-price before payment addition
21612 Problem in re-price, payment amount could not be validated
21613 OverrideCarrier is not supported for requested provider.
21614 Destination must be specified for Air type passive segment.
21615 Provider $? is not authorized, please use default; leave PermittedProvider blank, and send the request again.
21616 Free text is required for this type of SSR [$?]
21617 Free text is not required for this type of SSR [$?]
21618 Provider is not supported for attaching custom check rule
21619 Invalid Agent Sine.
21620 Agent Sine more than 2 characters, first 2 characters of Agent Sine used.
21621 Unable to sync PNR @ with host. Host error returned: '$?'
21622 Multiple HostReservation present. All bookings must be created by one IATA agency for Merchandising optional services to be returned.
21623 Failed to get Booking IATA from GDS retrieve
21624 Invalid SSR text. [$?]
21625 EMD number required for detail retrieve
21626 EMD is not associated to the provided PNR
21627 The FNAME '$?' has been truncated to '$?'
21628 The LNAME '$?' has been truncated to '$?'
21629 No configuration value found for $?
21630 Invalid EventOriginator type specified: $?
21631 Not yet implemented.
21632 validation failed
21634 Could not find a payment information for key $?
21635 Could not find a traveler with id $?
21636 No EMD information available for display
21637 No associated PNR is available for this EMD. Security validation failed
21638 EMD synchronization failed
21639 String must either be 'Y' or 'N'
0138 Invalid data for form of payment type $?
21641 Invalid data for form of payment type $?
21662 Reference to the requested form of payment not found in the associated reservation
21663 Emd no does not exist under the given pnr
21664 AssociatedRemark in Passive segment is not supported for requested provider: ['$?'].
21665 Requested Fop type does not match applied profile fop type
21668 Ticket modifier key should be specified
0127 Invalid Payment Method key
0129 Frequent Flyer Numbers application failed: $?
0130 Frequent Flyer Cross Accrual Numbers application failed: $?
0131 Phone application failed: $?
0132 Street Address application failed: $?
0133 Travel Order Number application failed: $?
0134 End Mark application failed: $?
0135 Please provide comma (|) separated tables names as input. Empty input not accepted. Here is the list of table names $?
0136 Invalid field length for $? [Expected: $? , Actual: $? ]
0137 Media Item not assigned.
21679 Unable to decrypt the password . Please correct the Host password for Provider = $? and Supplier = $?
0138 Invalid data for form of payment type
0139 Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Credit Card specified
0140 Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Debit Card specified
0141 Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Certificate specified
0142 Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Ticket specified
0143 Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Check specified
0144 Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Requisition specified
0145 Invalid data for form of payment type :: If formOfPayment type is cash , you cannot specifiy other form of payment element
0146 Invalid data for form of payment type :: If formOfPayment type is invoice , you cannot specifiy other form of payment element
0147 Invalid data for form of payment type :: If formOfPayment type is UnitedNations , you cannot specifiy other form of payment element
0148 Invalid data for form of payment type :: If formOfPayment type is DirectPayment , you cannot specifiy other form of payment element
0149 Invalid data for form of payment type :: If formOfPayment type is AgentVoucher, you cannot specifiy other form of payment element
0150 Invalid data for form of payment type :: No Miscellenious formOfPayment specified
0154 Invalid SSR Format..
0155 Invalid Passport/TravelerID code $? in SSR FreeText..
0156 Invalid Visa code $? in SSR FreeText..
0157 Visa Expiry Date is required field..
158 Modifications to reservations with Optional Charges are not supported for carrier $? Contact the carrier directly to make changes
0160 Passenger name(s) has changed. Contact the carrier $? directly to make changes.
0161 Carrier $? flights have been cancelled or are past date. Contact carrier $? directly for further details or to make changes.
0162 Only one unit of distance - KM or MI is allowed for the requested provider
0163 Duplicate key error; Object: AgencyContactInfo.PhoneNumber Key: $?
0164 Bad time format: $?
0165 Bad date format: $?
0166 Number of airsegment in request does not match for carrier $?
0172 Duplicate key error; object:ThirdPartySupplierLocator key: $?
0173 Host Access Code is blank for $?
0174 Duplicate provider info
0175 Host Provider Code is blank
0176 $? is not a valid provider code.
0177 No validator configured for DefaultAirPricingEditor
0178 PassegnerRemark cannot be null
0179 PassengerRemark cannot be empty
0180 Cannot assign role to a disabled entity.
0181 Cannot assign role as branch of the entity is disabled.
0182 Role Name cannot be blank
0183 Role [$?] with id [$?] already exists. Role names must be unique within its hierarchical context.
0184 3rd Party resources are not yet supported in Kestrel.
0185 Cannot delete role because it is the requester's only assigned role.
0186 Invalid AssignerCategory ( $? ) Specified
0187 Invalid Agent Code passed in AssignableResourcesRetrieveReq.
0189 Invalid Agent Code passed in AgentAssignableRolesRetrieveReq.
0190 Duplicate key error; object:BookingTraveler key: $?
0191 Invalid response from host $?
0192 Missing/Invalid departing airport in request
0193 Missing/Invalid arriving airport in request
0194 US Teritory departing airport in request
0195 US Teritory arriving airport in request
0196 Cannot leave and arrive at the same airpoint in a segment!
0197 Missing/Invalid Base Fare in request
0198 $? to $? has no special tax factor.
0199 Unable to build Fare Calc Line.
0200 Ticket number is invalid: '$?
0201 Could not find UniversalRecord
0202 More than one ProviderReservation found for Provider Code: $? Provider LocatorCode: $? and HostCreateDate: $?
0205 Please specify number of records to be purged.
0206 Reference data already exists for code : $?
0207 Reference data not available for code : $?
0208 Update is not supported for active REFPUB Reference data, code : $?
0209 Invalid Account [?] supplied
0210 Account [$?] does not belong to agency supplied
0211 Invalid Agent [$?] supplied
0212 Agent [$?] does not belong to agency supplied
0213 Invalid Branch [$?] supplied
0214 Branch [$?] does not belong to agency supplied
0215 Duplicate key error; object:UniversalRecordCmd key: $?
0216 Existing Restriction should be deleted when changing the existing data type of a field.
0217 When deleting Restriction for previous data type, one and only one new Restriction needs to be added for Field [$?].
0218 Restriction with Action=\"Add\" is not compatible with the new Type : $?
0219 Restriction can not be deleted if Type is not changed for Field [$?].
0220 Action='Add' can not be provided with Restriction if Type is not changed for Field [$?].
0221 Value [$?] specified for Field [$?] is not in accordance to the field data type. [$?]. Please specify a correct
0222 Value for Field[$?] should be from enumerated list$?
0223 Value $? for Field[$?] is beyond maximum limit acceptable.
0224 Field [$?] should have compatible Restriction with Type.
0225 No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Boolean.
0226 No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Date Day Month Year.
0227 No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Date Day Month Year Time.
0228 No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Date Month Year.
0229 No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Date Year.
0230 No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Time in Milliseconds with Time Zone.
0231 No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Time in Hour & Minute.
0232 No Restriction is allowed for Field [$?] with Type Time in Minutes.
0233 MinLength, MaxLength cannot be applied with Enumerations.
0234 In field [ $? ], each field enumerations must be unique.
0235 In field [$?] the default value must be a value from the enumerated list.
0236 Min Length for $? cannot be more than the Max Length specified.
0237 Default value [$?] specified for $? is not in accordance to the min/max value applicable for the field. Please specify a correct Default value.
0238 Min Value for $? cannot be more than the Max Value specified.
0239 Default value [$?] specified is not in accordance to the field data type. [$?]. Please specify a correct Default value.
0240 Restriction is not compatible with Type for Field [$?].
0241 Value [$?] specified for field [$?] is not in accordance to the min/max value applicable for the field. Please specify a correct value.
0242 $?MiscTravel = $? and $?RefCategory = $? combination is not valid.
0243 Other Preference data does not exist for [Key=$?].
0244 The $?EndDate can not be before the $?Startdate.
0245 The $?EndDate and $?Startdate can not be the same date.
0246 $?Preference Key is mandatory for Update and Delete.
0247 $?Preference data does not exist for [Key=$?].
0248 $?TypeCRS = $? and $?TypeSSR = $? combination is not valid.
0249 CRSCode = $? and SSRCode = $? combination is not valid.
0250 Credit Card Number must be provided
0251 Debit Card Number must be provided
0252 Invalid Tag Name
0253 Invalid Tag Label
0253 Invalid Tag Description
0261 Invalid tag description.
1525 Invalid schema version found.
21669 AssociatedRemark in Passive segment is not supported for requested provider.
21670 PassiveSegmentRef $? is not present in the universal record.
1202 This function is not supported.
0021 The code [$?] for [$?] is deprecated.
0012 No default location for city/ airport.
19066 Only Brand data Add/Delete is supported in UniversaRecordModify with SessionContext.
0042 System Admins not allowed to perform the search.
0044 Service not implemented.
0122 Invalid Url.
0316 Invalid data entered.
3517 No service defined for the request.
0041 Error responses from multiple hosts.
19034 Unexpected system error.
19040 Provider Reservation [$?] Retrieve failed.
19041 Error from host .Description:
19049 System is unable to start session
19050 Session information not provided
19051 The AreaCode exceeded the maximum length of 10 characters.
19052 Invalid Session key provided or Session has expired.
19053 Provider Error - Some of the elements could not be added.
19054 Session already bound to Universal Record $? . Generate new session token.
19055 Session has been closed and the key is no longer valid.
4780 Record not found.
19057 Request contains a Policy Reference. But is not setup in uPolicy System!
19058 Universal Policy is not supported prior to version 15.4 (hotel.xsd v34).
19059 Universal Policy is not applied to one or more response options. Please check your response.
19063 Agent ID is invalid and override is ignored
19065 Be aware that this response may include items that are marked as Excluded (@PolicyExclusion= "true") based on the associated Universal Policy settings.
19067 Unable to find BookingTraveler. SSR added to UR.
19064 Universal Policy was not applied. The chain code (HotelChain) or Hotel Property ID (HotelCode) was not recognized by Universal Policy.
19069 AirRefundQuote using the ticket number is not supported for this provider.
19070 Fares failed.
19071 Session was not end transacted because of errors.User action required.
19072 Null response from HCA
21673 Split Booking is not enabled for book on book scenarios.
21674 Split Booking is not supported with more than 2 pricing solutions.
21676 Provider code is either missing or not the same in all air segments.
21677 Unsupported provider ACH for split booking.
21678 One or more segments are not bookable.
21680 Split booking functionality is currently disabled.
21681 Corporate ID is not supported by the Provider
21682 Invalid Cabin Class Type is specified

Name="LFSSVC" Range="2000-2199"

Type Name="Data"

2400 No Legs specified in search request.
2401 The Arrival or Departure Time Window is either empty or negative.
2402 No airport specified/matched for origin.
2403 No airport specified/matched for destination.
2404 Invalid city or airport code.
2405 An airport appeared more than once in the itinerary.
2406 A bad availability specification was found.
2408 Either AutoSeatAssignment or SpecificSeatAssignment can be provided for an air segment for the requested provider.
2409 SpecificSeatAssignments for all passengers except Infants should to be provided for an AirSegment for the requested Provider.
2410 AutoSeatAssignment is applicable for all BookingTravelers for the requested Provider.
2413 Not a valid Gender Type.
2414 Contract Codes not supported in LFS AirExchangeModifiers.
2415 This ManualFareAdjustment option is not supported by the requested provider.
2416 The Duplicate PassengerRef is found for ManualFareAdjustment and first one is considered.
2417 ManualFareAdjustment is not supported by the requested provider.
2418 The ManualFareAdjustment modifier is not supported for this request.
2419 PassengerRef is not applicable for requested provider.
2420 ManualFareAdjustment@PassengerRef is required for the requested provider.
2421 Decimal value for ManualfareAdjustment is not supported by the requested provider and decimal portion is truncated.
2422 ManualFareAdjustmentType@FareType is required for requested provider.
2423 @FareType , @TicketDesignator attribute are not applicable for the requested provider.
2424 This ManualFareAdjustment option is not supported by the requested provider.
2425 Multiple ManualFareAdjustment is not supported for requested Provider. Send only one
2426 Either one of these options AirPricingModifiers@FaresIndicator, AirPricingModifiers@AccountCodeFaresOnly, AirPricingModifiers/AccountCodes@AccountCode and ManualFareAdjustment cannot supported together for the requested provider. Send only one
2427 Decimal value for ManualfareAdjustment is not supported by the requested provider and decimal portion is truncated.
2428 The more than 2 characters FareTye code is not supported by requested provider.
2429 Decimal value with Percentage AdjustmentType for ManualfareAdjustment is not supported by the requested provider and decimal portion is truncated.
2430 Seat assignments are required for all passengers, excluding infants without seats, for Provider 1V.
2431 Requested provider supports only 1 cabin class for permitted cabins. Only the first cabin class has been mapped.
2432 Requested provider supports only 1 cabin class for preferred cabins. Only the first cabin class has been mapped.
2433 The Seat Update failed – The Original Seat has been retained
14065 Personal Geography is not supported by the requested provider.
14066 City code is not supported for location pricing for the requested provider.
14067 Country code is not supported for employee location pricing for the requested provider.
14068 Only US state codes are supported for location pricing for the requested provider.
14069 First available PersonalGeography information in Pricing Group $? has been applied.
14070 Only US state codes are supported for location pricing for the requested provider.
14071 First available PersonalGeography information has been applied.
14072 ResidencyType is not a supported modifier for the requested provider.
14073 PutUapiInitialLfsRequest_exception
14075 Account Code has an invalid code.
14076 Traveller type should not be null.
14078 Account code details applied on the Universal Record have been suppressed
14080 AirSearchModifiers@ExcludeGroundTransportation attribute is not supported for the requested provider.
14083 Valid values for the FaresIndicator@Type attribute are PublicFaresOnly, PrivateFaresOnly, AirlinePrivateFaresOnly, AgencyPrivateFaresOnly, PublicandPrivateFares, NetFaresOnly, AllFares.
14084 The “FaresIndicator” and the MultiGDSSearchIndicator/”Type” may not both contain values.
14085 The attributes ProviderCode, DefaultProvider, PrivateFareCode and PrivateFareCodeOnly in the MultiGDSSearchIndicator element can be used only for multiGDS search with 1J & 1V. If searching a single GDS, use the attributes in the standard elements PreferredProviders and AccountCodes.

Type Name="Business"

2601 This itinerary violates the minimum connection time.
2602 No Solutions in the response.
2604 Service not found. Please check city pair availability.
2605 Point To Point search is not allowed for requested Provider(s).
2606 Point To Point Alternates is not allowed for requested Provider(s).
2607 Expert Solutions are not allowed for requested provider(s).
2608 FareRuleType is ignored since FareRules are fetched from UR.
2609 Value in SessionTimeout greater than maximum. Defaulted to 1800000
2610 Value in SessionTimeout less than minimum. Defaulted to 30000
2001 Max number of Preferred Alliances exceeded for this host. The following Preferred Alliance(s) were not included in the request:
2002 Max number of Preferred Carriers exceeded for this host. The following Preferred Carrier(s) were not included in the request:
2003 Max number of Permitted Carriers exceeded for this host. The following Permitted Carrier(s) were not included in the request:
2004 Host does not support the requested Preferred Carrier modifier
2005 Host does not support the requested Alliance Code modifier
3328 Host supports max 8 passengers.
2007 ProhibitMultiAirportConnection is not supported by ACH Provider
2008 ProhibitOvernightLayovers is not supported by ACH provider
2009 ProhibitOvernightLayovers is not supported at Segment Level but supported at Itinerary Level by the requested provider.
2010 OptionalServices are not Supported/Required for passenger type INF.
2011 SearchSpecificAirSegment is not supported for ACH.
2012 The supplier did not provide a retain amount for this cancellation.
2013 MaxConnectionTime is not supported at Segment Level but supported at Itinerary Level by the requested provider.
2014 MaxConnectionTime is not supported by the requested Provider.
2015 1440 minutes is the maximum value of MaxConnectionTime for the requested provider.
2016 MaxSolutions should be between 1 and 9999 for this provider.
2017 PreferNonStop is not supported by the requested Provider.
2018 PreferNonStop is not supported at Segment Level but supported at Itinerary Level by the requested provider.
2019 This feature is not supported for the requested provider.
2021 PermittedConnectionsPoints and Flight Type Modifiers cannot be provided together. Flight Type Modifiers has been ignored.
2022 Direct Flight indicators ignored as Permitted Connection Point specified in request.
2023 Enhanced Flight Type indicator is not supported for the requested provider.
2024 No Asynch LFS response data found for the Search Id and Provider Code specified in the request.
2025 createProviderSpecificCopy() for AirSegment Not implemented yet
0126 Only FareRuleKey is supported for ECM.
2027 Requested date is out of provider supported date range. Results may have been returned with other dates.
2028 Modified Ticket Date is not supported for this request. The date of this transaction was used as the ticket date for this price request.
2006 All hosts that were searched failed: $?
2029 The NativeSearchModifiers is not applicable for requested provider and it is ignored.
2030 User is not authorized to use native search modifier.
2031 The NativeSearchModifier is not applicable for a PricePoint search and it is ignored.
2032 FareRulesFilter categories are not yet available.
2033 Please include a ProviderCode for each MultiGDSSearchIndicator @Type.
2034 Please include a GDS ProviderCode for each MultiGDSSearchIndicator @Type
2035 A MultiGDSSearch was not performed. Only the first MultiGDSSearchIndicator @Type was considered for this search.
2036 Please use the AccountCode attribute when searching for 1 provider. Only use the MultiGDS element when searching for 1J and 1V.
2037 Different MultiGDSSearchIndicator @Type values are not allowed for the same GDS ProviderCode. Only the first element for each provider code was considered for this search.

Name="AIRSVC" Range="3000-3999"

Type Name="Business"

3308 Seat map is unavailable for this flight.
3309 SSR type not supported by this carrier.
3211 Some or all of the seat assignments could not be made.
3606 Number of infants must not exceed number of adult passengers.
3031 Ticketing is not supported for a ticketless carrier.
3032 The passenger does not match the name on the ticket.
3005 No segments to ticket.
3007 One or more pricings have changed.
3030 The requested feature is not implemented for this carrier.
3033 Reprice is required before ticketing.
3034 The carrier locator code is not yet available for this Reservation. Please try again later.
3035 Carrier is not permitted. The set of permitted carriers is:$?
3036 The request contains a past-date segment with no availability defined.
3037 No availability on chosen flights.
3038 The Air Segment has only zero availability defined.
3039 Ticket cannot be modified.
3040 Tickets should be for the same Reservation.
3041 Ticketing time limit (TTL) has expired. Re-book itinerary in a new Reservation and try again.
3102 Ticket number not associated with the right owner.
3109 At least one void or refund operation failed. The output will contain the ticket number of the successfully processed tickets.
3110 Duplicate SSR type.
3114 Invalid credit card expiration date. Transaction rejected.
3249 DocumentSelect ticketing modifier can not be deleted from Host.
3250 Validity dates modification is only supported via manual fare on Galileo host.
3251 Ticket Designator modification is only supported via manual fare on Galileo host.
3252 Non Refundable Bulk Ticket modifier is not Supported on 1G.
3253 Baggage Allowance Ticket modifier is not Supported on 1G.
3254 Ticketing modifier System Generated Itinerary Numbers is not supported by the requested provider.
3255 Sequence number is not supported on 1G.
3256 Supplier Locator ticketing modifier is not supported on 1G.
3224 Net Fares ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3226 Invoice Fare ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3227 Ticketing Modifier - Bulk Ticket is not supported with SuppressOnFareCalc false for the requested provider.
3228 Ticketing Modifier - Group Tour is not supported with SuppressOnFareCalc false for the requested provider.
3229 Accountancy Info ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3230 Actual Selling Fare ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3231 Corporate Discount ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3232 Ticketing modifier - Fare Percent Commission Modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3233 Ticketing modifier - Fare Amount Commission Modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3234 Ticketing modifier - Commission Amount is not supported by the requested provider.
3235 Ticketing modifier - Less Standard Commission Modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3236 Ticketing modifier - Commission Modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3237 Ticketing modifier - Supplementary Percent is not supported by the requested provider.
3238 Ticketing modifier - Supplementary Amount is not supported by the requested provider.
3239 ExemptVAT ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3240 ValueModifier ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3241 Net Remit Override not Supported on 1G.
3242 Net Remit Override maximum length is 8 characters.
3116 Credit card has an invalid merchant id.
3104 Reduced ticket not supported.
3105 Agency number not found.
3107 Ticket number not found in the database.
3108 Unable to associate passenger with a fare.
3125 Invalid account.
3126 Price Verification Failure.
3127 Unable to generate a price for specified itinerary that matched the quoted price. Price verification is performed on fare + tax amount, and only on booking classes with sufficient availability for all passengers in requested list. Transaction will be rejected.
3128 Not e-ticketable itinerary; was not able to issue ticket. Transaction rejected.
3129 Unable to price itinerary.
3131 Reprice required.
3133 E-Ticket creation failed. Was not able to generate a ticket at time of ticketing request. Transaction rejected.
3134 Reservation is already ticketed.
3135 Invalid fare data. The fare data does not match the itinerary data.
3136 Post ticketing Warning. Failed to remove ticket from Reservation database.
3137 Invalid ticket number. Ticket number should be 13 chars long.
3138 Ticket has no refund value.
3139 Out of date.
3140 Non-refundable.
3142 This transaction is not supported due to a carrier imposed restriction.
3143 This transaction is not supported due to a client-imposed restriction.
3144 This transaction is not supported due to a carrier/client-imposed restriction.
3145 Airline unable to modify ticket.
3146 Unable to refund/void ticket. Try again.
3147 Actual refund amount is less than the expected refund amount.
3321 Failure. There is at least one past-date segment in the request
3302 Unable to refund ticket. Value of the used fare portion is less than when it was originally ticketed.
3150 No cabin class specified. Cabin class is required to verify the price quote.
3008 Host does not support the requested Preferred Cabin modifier. Host supports up to 2 Permitted Cabin modifier.
3009 Amadeus supports max 2 SearchAirLeg(s).
3010 Host does not support both Permitted and Prohibited Cabins together.
3151 No form of payment specified. FOP is required to complete the transaction.
3894 Invalid credit card details provided. $?
3153 Incomplete air itinerary. If a component is specified without a flight, or if an air itinerary is specified without any air components, the transaction will be rejected.
3154 Invalid correspondence address.
3155 Maximum number of segments allowed for specified airline has been exceeded.
3159 Currency code is blank.
3160 Married segments error.
3161 Invalid infant name. If a reservation includes an un-ticketed infant, then at least the last name must be specified.
3162 Unsupported Name Change request. A Name change request must not contain other changes.
3163 Airline code is missing.
3164 PNR Must Contain atleast one Non-Infant Passenger.
3165 Primary Passenger cannot be Infant.
3166 Amount must be greater than $1.00.
3167 Invalid airline requested.
3168 Not enough seats available. Requested itinerary does not have sufficient availability on one or more flights for requested passenger list.
3170 Invalid air itinerary.
3171 Insufficeint seats available in requested cabin class.
3172 Ticket is fully used.
3173 Quote tolerance exceeded.
3174 Invalid Passenger. The passenger type list did not contain the specified passenger.
3175 Tickets for all passengers listed in the refund/void request must have the same coupon usage.
3177 The requested booking class was not available for at least one segment. The itinerary was priced and booked in coach for these segments.
3178 Fare was upgraded free of charge.
3179 Unable to access record because it cannot be found or access is restricted.
3180 Air Reservation not found.
3183 Ticket already exchanged.
3184 Ticket already refunded.
3185 Ticket is printed.
3186 The status of the ticket is unknown; please confirm with the carrier.
3187 Ticket is voided.
3188 This trip contains at least one non-exchangeable fare.
3189 Airline rule states that a non-refundable ticket cannot be exchanged for a refundable ticket.
3190 Traveler cannot get the refund due because the ticket is non-refundable
3191 Changes of origin or destination are not allowed for tickets that are partially used.
3192 Nothing to exchange. New and old itineraries match exactly.
3193 The ticket cannot be exchanged because it lies outside the airline's established use-it-or-lose-it parameters.
3194 Unable to qualify the input fare data. Please verify fare calc line format.
3195 The fare provided does not match the fare retrieved from the fares database.
3196 The fare provided cannot be found in the fares database.
3198 Invalid request. Attempting to cancel a segment that does not exist or has been previously cancelled.
3199 More than one cash, credit card, or check form of payment supplied.
3200 Invalid Form of Payment.
3201 The flight is either sold out or does not exist. Please try a different booking class.
3202 Cannot modify a past-date segment.
3203 This ticket is partially used and cannot be voided.
3204 Connection with host airline expired.
3205 Sell failed because of problem with one or more segments.
3206 Solution verification difference. Unable to generate a solution for the specified itinerary that matched the one specified in the request.Transaction will be rejected.
3207 Ticket out of sync with host. Please contact the carrier.
3208 Attempting to update a segment that does not exist.
3209 Attempt to find air segment details was unsuccessful.
3210 Refund amount is less than the expected. Try to refund manually.
3212 Duplicate payments on same credit card are not allowed. Please consolidate payments.
3213 Cancel denied by vendor
3214 Create Service fee failed for all passengers.
3215 Duplicate PCC in the same agency are not allowed
3216 OptionalService must contain at least one reference to an AirSegment or BookingTraveler
3217 Some PCCs in the request were not successfully deleted from the host database.
3218 Some PCCs in the request were not successfully added to the host database.
3219 PCC was not found in the host database.
3220 A reference to a passenger is missing.
3221 We are unable to retrieve fare rules due to issues during storing of fare rules or the Fare is now invalid due to itinerary change.
3301 Segment sync error. Flight times returned from the carrier do not match the flight times requested.
3303 Segment mismatch error. Number of segments does not match segments in host, or no segments exist.
3304 Departure date required for a historical enquiry.
3305 Ticketing date must be past date for a historical enquiry.
3306 International is not supported for this request.
3307 No historical data available before 6 Feb 2006.
3310 Failed to find matching ticket.
3311 The status of the ticket and it's coupons may not be updated.
3312 Failed to find matching coupon.
3313 Unknown coupon status.
3314 Unknown ticket.
3315 The ETR contains at least one ticket with an invalid state. Please contact the carrier.
3316 The ETR is the result of an exchange and has been already partially used. Please contact the carrier.
3317 The ETR was issued with a manual pricing and cannot be automatically exchanged.
3318 No Plating Carrier Found.
3319 Booking Class/Preference not avail, check availability.
3320 Infant in lap passenger type is prohibited for international flights.
3322 Date sequence is not valid for the itinerary.
3323 Invalid combination of penalty restriction modifier.
3324 Provider does not support search by reference point.
3800 Detected international origin in itinerary.
3801 Detected international destination in itinerary.
3802 Code share not allowed to book.
3885 Credit Card authorization number should be same as form of payment Credit Card number.
3886 Approval Code is not supported.
3887 Invalid payment approval code returned from provider. AuthCode not populated in the response.
3991 A Segment has a bad flight date.
3992 Host locator code is not valid.
3993 This flight, segment or class is closed.
3994 Unable to sell segment.
3995 Segment was not sold via the Type A link.
3996 Could not add SSR.
3997 No qualified air providers found.
3998 No meal service on this flight.
3501 Agency not authorized to use this carrier for Merchandising.
3502 The carrier locator code is not valid. Please check the locator and try again.
3504 There are no confirmed segments found on the PNR.
3505 Cannot complete this transaction. Please contact the carrier directly to modify seat assignments.
3803 Ticket date is required for specified type.
3804 Only one value of FaresIndicator is supported in AirPricingModifier during Air Book .
3805 Remark is required for specified type.
3506 There are no existing seats to cancel/modify. Please attempt seat assignment only.
3507 Seat request date is out of range.
3508 Generic seat requests are not supported on this airline. Please assign specific seats.
3509 Invalid seat. Please check the seat requested and try again.
3510 No available seats to assign on this flight.
3511 Invalid request for preferred traveler.
3512 The carrier reservation does not contain any valid flight segments.
3513 There are fewer preferred seats available than passengers traveling.
3518 Maximum of 18 services are permitted in a single purchase request.
3519 Max of one trip type is supported for this host. The following trip type(s) were not included in the request:
3520 The following trip type(s) are not supported for this host and not included in the request:
3536 Multiple Universal Records present. All air segments must be in one Universal Record for Merchandising optional services to be returned.
3537 Universal Record not found.
3538 Provider Locator for the specified Universal Record Locator could not be found.
3541 Invalid Provider Locator specified in request.
3400 Invalid itinerary. Please check date time continuity of flights.
3401 Invalid itinerary. Please check flight number.
3402 Invalid itinerary. Please check booking class.
3404 Seat map display is restricted.
3405 Class of Service not available.
3406 Unable to change new class.
3407 Class of Service not found.
3408 Booking restricted at this location. Contact system administrator
3409 Booking restricted from this location. Contact system administrator.
3410 Please check segment
3412 Verify order of itinerary segments.
3413 Segment must be in sold order.
3414 Unable to process sell.
3415 Flight is not operating on this date.
3416 Seat not allowed.
3417 Airport check in not successful.
3419 Advance seating limit reached. Further seating at check in.
3420 Maximum passenger limit reached.
3421 Booking segment invalid. Please call system administrator.
3422 This airline is Invalid.
3423 Request is 30 days prior to departure.
3424 Request is 48 hrs within departure.
3425 Invalid Segment code.
3426 No combinable fare found.
3427 Passenger reservation system not available.
3428 Segment status not allowed.
3429 Availability service returned no booking codes.
3430 Invalid flight segment.
3431 No itinerary cloned.Check record locator.
3432 Request is restricted. Please call system administrator.
3435 Direct connect is in process. Please wait.
3436 Direct connect is in process.
3437 Direct connect is in progress. Please retry..
3438 Unable to end transaction without stored fare.
3439 Check number in party.
3440 Error in opening session: Unable to connect to ICE security system.
3441 Unable to process. Seat doesn't exist.
3442 Host does not support the requested Prohibited Cabin modifier
3443 Host does not support the requested ETicketable modifier
3444 Host does not support the requested plating carrier modifier
3445 used for all Search Legs
3446 Host does not support the requested Permitted Cabin modifier. Host supports only 1 Preferred Cabin modifier
3447 Alpha Remark has not been added to the reservation, please use single letter category
3448 Remarks have been truncated. Host does not support remark text of more than 70 characters
3450 SSR Update not supported in host. Please Cancel and Add
3898 More than one cash, credit card, or check form of payment supplied.
3329 Host supports PricePTCOnly=true for only 1 passenger type. So, PricePTCOnly was ignored.
3456 Age is required for this PTC.
3459 ProhibitRestrictedFares cannot be combined with any other Fare Type modifier.
3521 Host allows maximum 2 Fare Type modifiers.
3522 Host supports only 4 passenger types. Please ensure that the Booking Travelers do not have more than 4 different PassengerTypes.
3524 Exchange not supported for this scenario.
3528 Carrier can not be Empty
3529 Upsell Admin Offer is more than one
3531 No Matching FareFamiles Found.
3532 Maximum seat allowed exceeded.
3533 Invalid number of seat requested.
4521 Traveler type already exists for the Traveler
4523 Traveler type change for INF passenger types not allowed
4524 Traveler type cannot be changed to INF
3534 Invalid seat number.
3535 Invalid characteristics.
3451 Invalid travel date.
3452 Date outside system range. Please enter date with year.
3453 Invalid flight date.
3454 Invalid board point.
3455 Invalid off point.
3457 Invalid class code.
3458 Invalid Airline code.
3460 Seating suspended.
3461 No seats available.
3462 No seating this flight.
3463 No seating in this class.
3464 Generic seating only.
3465 No input keyword block.
3466 Non positive number for loop.
3467 Invalid TRS address..
3468 Invalid seat data in TRS.
3469 Invalid seat length.
3470 Keyword find error on TRS.
3471 Keyword find error .
3472 Flight not operating or invalid.
3473 Error finding flight items in TRS.
3474 Keyword data error.
3475 Keyword build error.
3476 Link error 'MFT is missing'.
3477 Seat to cancel not found in flight.
3478 Invalid number in party.
3479 Flight item not in TRS.
3480 No class of service.
3481 Bad flight number.
3482 Bad service class.
3483 Bad board point.
3484 Bad off point.
3485 flight date.
3486 Check vendor/carrier code.
3487 Check itinerary status.
3488 Number of seats invalid.
3489 Flight is ground transport and ASR.
3490 Flight status is not confirmed.
3491 Airport check in error.
3492 Advance seat reservation is not allowed.
3493 Code share flight.
3494 Building ACI input.
3495 Returned from ACI.
3496 Equipment changed airport check in.
3497 Airport check in.
3498 Seat map unavailable.
3499 Seat assignment temporarily suspended.
3500 Invalid seat.
3515 Unsuccessful primary host transaction causing reservation failure.
3516 Secondary host reservation failure.
3551 Air availability not available.
3552 Only one stored fare is supported for the requested provider. Use URModify AirDelete to remove the existing fare and AirAdd to add the new fare
3553 The pricing information for the requested provider air reservation has expired. Use URModify AirDelete to remove the existing fare and AirAdd to add the new fare.
3554 Only one stored fare is supported for the requested provider.
3555 Certain elements of the provider reservation could not be saved.Please verify the Universal Record.
3556 Both max connection, max stop, permitted and prohibited connection points cannot be present in the same request.
3557 Max number of Prohibited Connections exceeded for this host. The following Prohibited Connection(s) are not included in the request:
3558 Payment amount must match AirPricing TotalPrice - (amount).
3559 Value in Payment @ Key does not reference in Universal Record.
3560 Maximum number of connection points exceeded for this host. Connection points not included:
3561 Ticket numbers must be from a single AirReservation.
3562 Ticketing Modifiers already exist for referenced AirPricingInfo.
3563 Invalid Form of Payment for Credit Card authorization.
3564 Only Fare Level commissions are supported as a ticketing modifier.
3565 Any one of the value of Amount or Percent should be passed.
3566 Amount or Value is required for Flat Commission.
3567 Percent is required for PercentBase Commission.
3568 Host error during manual fare build.
3569 AirPricingInfo BookingInfo is required for manaul fare build.
3570 SegmentRef in BookingInfo is missing or invalid.
3571 Host stored fare already exists - use AirDelete to remove stored fare before adding new pricing.
3572 All AirPricingInfos must use the same Pricing Method.
3573 Missing Total Amount.
3574 Missing Base Fare Amount.
3575 Base plus Taxes plus Fees does not equal Total Price.
3576 All AirPricingInfos must be booked in the same class of service.
3577 All taxes must be exempt for all Air Pricings.
3578 Missing Fare Construction.
3579 Missing Equiv Amount.
3580 Incomplete PFC (XF Tax) Information.
3581 Incomplete Segment (ZP Tax) Information.
3582 Percent is required for PercentTotal Commission.
3583 Value Code ticketing modifier not supported.
3584 Commission Type must be set to PercentBase or PercentTotal for FarePercent Commission.
3585 Percent is required for FarePercent Commission.
3586 Commission Type must be set to PercentBase or PercentTotal for LessStandardCommission Commission.
3587 Percent is required for LessStandardCommission Commission .
3588 Commission Type must be set to Flat for amount commissions.
3589 Commission amount must be set for Flat amount commissions.
3590 Only whole percentages are supported by the host system.
3591 Only whole currency amounts are supported by the host system.
3592 Host error during restrict fare modification.
3593 Seat assignment is not Guaranteed by the Provider.
3594 Manual fare build is only supported for specific Providers (eg. 1G).
3595 Payment has already been made for this fare.
3596 Prohibition of Max Stay Fares is not supported via 1P.
3597 Time Range cannot be more than 12 hours
3598 NUC fares require only one carrier code to be specified in the request for provider 1P
3599 If a Global Indicator is provided, a carrier code should also be provided for 1P
3770 Format of the data in Commission\Value is not supported by the requested Provider. Please use a monetary value up to two decimal point.
3797 Both permitted and prohibited connection points cannot be present in the same SearchAirLeg.
3798 Both preferred and disfavored elements for carriers and/or alliances cannot be present in the same request.
3799 The flex options - Flex airports,days, origin and destination,weekend are mutually exclusive in the low fare shop request.
3950 Departure Date should be past for historical fares for 1P as Ticketing date is in the past
3951 At least one vendor code has to be provided to view historical fares for provider $?
3952 Unable to Retrieve FARERULE.
3953 There has been change in fare data, please redisplay tariff and request for follow on information again.
3954 Host supports only Long Fare Rules.
3955 Booking Traveler Name or Loyalty Card information is not supported by provider in a Seat Map request.
3956 The first stored fare is considered as only one stored fare is supported for the requested provider.
3957 Retrieval of only Short Text fare rules for a priced 1G Air reservation is supported currently.
3958 PreferredCarrier modifier is not supported for the requested provider.
3959 More than one FQUG is not supported by the provider
3960 FQUG is valid only for carrier UA
3961 Free text not allowed with SSR - FQUG by provider. The text has not been mapped to provider request.
3962 Commission Type must be set to PercentBase or PercentTotal for StandardPlusSupplementaryPercent Commission.
3963 Percent is required for StandardPlusSupplementaryPercent Commission.
3964 Commission Type must be set to PercentBase or PercentTotal for SupplementaryPercent Commission.
3965 Percent is required for SupplementaryPercent Commission.
3966 Commission Type must be set to Flat for amount commissions.
3967 Commission amount must be set for Flat amount commissions.
3968 Net Fare Value must be set.
3969 ValueModifier Value must be set.
3970 Add FOP is not supported for ACH. Use AirUpdate/AirPricingPayment elements to make payment.
3971 PricingMethod for each AirPricingInfo having the same AirPricingInfoGrp for a particular provider should have the same value.
3972 Payment amount does not match the total for this provider reservation..
3973 Provider does not allow combining of options for Preferred Carriers and Alliances.
3974 Provider does not allow combining of options for Permitted Carriers and Alliances.
3975 Provider does not allow combining of options for Preferred Carriers and Permitted Carrier.
3976 FareFamily Record being updated by another user
3977 Carrier not found
3978 Universal Record Locator code is required for ACH Host reservation.
3979 The Provider reservation is being modified externally. Please Air Ticket later.
3980 The stored fare is invalid. Please use UR Modify AirAdd and AirDelete to delete the current stored fare and add a new stored fare before ticketing.
3981 Flight information has changed.
3982 Price information has changed.
3983 Verify date sequence in itinerary.
3985 Value for Key is required for AirDelete.
3986 Retrieval of only Short Text fare rules for a priced 1P Air reservation is supported currently.
3987 Search of multiple cabin options is not supported.
3988 Unassociated Itinerary Remark has been truncated. Host does not support remark text of more than 70 characters
3989 AccountCodeFaresOnly air pricing modifier requires at least an account code or a contract code to be specified in the request.
3990 Only one contract code is supported in a request.
3015 Multiple segments are not supported for the requested Provider.
3016 Associated Itinerary Remark has been truncated. Host does not support remark text of more than 70 characters
3018 Form Of Payment already exists in the Air Reservation. Use AirUpdate/FormOfPayment to update the existing Form Of Payment
3019 Not an existing Form of Payment
3024 Only FareBasisCode and FareBreak are supported as AirSegmentPricingModifiers in Book/Modify.
3025 Both AirSegmentPricingModifier or BookingInfo should not be provided in this request for AirPricingInfos belonging to the same AirPricingInfoGrp
3026 Atleast AirSegmentPricingModifier or BookingInfo should be provided in this request for AirPricingInfos belonging to the same AirPricingInfoGrp
3027 Cannot find segment for AirSegmentPricingModifiers/AirSegmentRef:
3028 All AirPricingInfos belonging to the same AirPricingInfoGrp should have the same PaymentRef
3029 Some of the prices could not be stored because either flight departure time changes have occurred or some of the segments failed to be sold. Please verify connections, then price and store again.
3631 Invalid AirSegment provided or no AirSegment provided
3632 SegmentSelect can have either ApplyAllSegment or AirSegmentRef
3042 Multiple vendors cannot be provided for this provider. Cross Accrual will be handled internally by the provider.
3045 Airport Fare Exists
3046 Contract Code is not supported by the Provider
3050 Contract Code modifier is not supported by the provider.
3051 No more later flights.
3052 Credit card holder name length should not exceed 29.
3053 The Credit Card Holder Name is only saved locally for the requested provider.
3054 Ticket Number not found.
3055 The fare quote cannot be stored.
3056 Penalty Fare Information is not supported by the provider.
3057 ProhibitNonRefundableFare is not supported by the provider.
3058 Penalty Limit information is not supported by the provider.
3299 Record locator not attached with specified provider
3350 FormOfPayment and AirPricingPayment both cannot be specified in a single UR modify request.
3351 Net Remit Applied ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider
3352 Net Remit ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider
3353 Optional Services returned in the Book Response do not match the Request. Please review.
3354 Baggage Allowance ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3355 No stored fare in Host PNR - use UR Modify to store new fare
3356 Unable to ticket - Booking Traveler Name changed
3357 Unable to ticket - Segment returned from host changed
3358 BookingInfo is required to identify segments for which fare applies
3359 Not an existing OSI
3360 Group Tour and Bulk Ticket cannot be requested together
3361 Bulk Ticket cannot be requested without Tour Code
3362 Group Tour cannot be requested without Tour Code
3363 carrier(s) is/are blacklisted.
4276 carriers are blacklisted.
4277 carrier is blacklisted.
3364 Validity Dates ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3365 Ticket Designator ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3366 Free Ticket ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3367 Passenger Receipt Override is not supported by the request provider.
3368 Document Type $? is not supported.
3369 Only Non Accounting predefined values are supported by the requested provider.
3370 The Credit Card Holder Name is only saved locally for the requested provider.
3371 Credit Card Authorization is supported by the requested provider for the Payment which is associated with Stored Fare FOP Only.
3372 Credit Card Authorization is present for the Payment provided.
3373 Credit Card Authorization code length must be less or equal to six for the requested provider.
3374 Must Not Break Pricing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3375 MustOnlyBreak should be applied on a single segment.
3376 Both MustBreak and MustOnlyBreak can not be clubbed in a single AirPricingInfo.
3377 Price Break Modifiers are not supported by the requested provider in Air Price Request.
3378 Customer Reference number length is more than 24 characters, max 24 characters are supported
3379 Invalid Form of Payment not imported/synced
3380 Provider mandates that an adult passenger can only have one infant in lap.
3381 Infant In Lap needs to be associated with the correct adult PTC by re-adding the SSR INFT.
3382 Please provide at least one permitted carrier.
3383 Unknown availability type.
3384 No. in party is not numeric.
3385 Class pref is not 'F', 'C', 'Y'.
3386 No displayable flights.
3387 Carrier code not in OGI.
3388 No link availability for this carrier.
3389 This carrier link is not operating.
3390 No more earlier flights.
3391 Unable - refresh link availability.
3392 Carrier not available.
3393 Can't relax carrier preference - CSD.
3394 Carrier is not a CSD participant.
3395 No more classes exist.
3396 Some of the Provider stored fare could not be processed due to Name change in PNR.
3397 Invalid form of payment, permitted credit card type length is two.
3398 Invalid PTC returned by host.
3399 GenerateItinNumbers and SuppressInvoiceNumberPrinting can't be used together by the requested provider
3062 $? ticket modifier is not supported by the requested Provider
3063 Invalid SupplierCode is provided.
3064 Segment Reference in SupplierLocator is mandatory by the requested provider.
3065 CircleTrip and RoundTheWorld trip types are not supported in estimated taxes scenario for the requested provider.
3066 Ticketing currency modifier is not supported on 1G.
3067 Pocket Itinerary not supported for this host.
3069 The requested provider does not support Apply All for Waitlisted segments.
3070 Fax indicator not supported for this host.
3071 Entry of Fax data is not supported for this provider. Unable to complete document issuance.
3072 $? carriers are blacklisted.
3073 Entry of Fax data is not present in the request. Unable to complete document issuance.
3075 Only one option can be selected out of PrintItineraryInvoicePerTraveler and PrintItineraryInvoicePerSurname
3076 FaxDetails can not be empty in FaxDetailsInformation.
3077 AirPricingInfoRef can not be empty in FaxDetailsInformation.
3078 AirPricingInfoRef Key = $? is invalid in FaxDetailsInformation.
3079 Only Canada(CA) or US(US) are allowed in LanguageOption - Country.
3080 Invalid language option specified for this provider - Only English(en) or French(fr) are allowed.
3081 Ignoring Second LanguageOption from Request.
3082 Please provide Language Option for TermConditions.
3083 Multiple Customized Name Data is only allowed with Itinerary/Invoice blank form options (BV/BVD/HV/HVD)
3084 Language Option is only allowed with Itinerary/Invoice blank form options (BV, BVD, HV and HVD)
3085 Key reference not found for PassiveSegment with key reference $? inside SupplierLocator.
3086 Provider supports a single PreferredAlliance
3087 Provider does not allow combining of options for Permitted Carriers and Alliances
3088 Provider does not allow combining of options for Prohibited Carriers and Alliances
3089 Provider does not support DisfavouredAlliances
3090 Provider supports PreferredAlliance at the AirSearchModifier level only
3091 Alliance Code requested not supported by provider
3092 Invalid Phone Type Specified - 'Fax' type PhoneNumber required for FaxDetails
3093 Preferred Alliance Code not supported in air search modifier
3094 An Air Type Passive AirSegment must be present in the PNR for any SupplierLocator to be added.
3095 The combination of segment/s select for Auxiliary is not supported by the requested provider.
3096 Invalid search window start time.
3097 Invalid search window end time.
3098 PercentTotal is not supported by the requested provider. PercentTotal has been changed to PercentBase and submitted.
3099 The combination of segment/s select for Waitlisted is not supported by the requested provider.
0025 Only one Loyalty Card of type "Air" is allowed.
2603 No matching flight segment found in database.
3705 Max number of Prohibited Carriers exceeded for this host. The following Prohibited Carriers were not included in the request:
3706 Max number of Permitted Carriers exceeded for this host. The following Permitted Carriers were not included in the request:
3707 Max number of Prohibited Connection Points exceeded for this host. The following Prohibited Connection Points were not included in the request:
3708 Max number of Permitted Connection Points exceeded for this host. The following Permitted Connection Points were not included in the request:
3709 The following Pseudo City Code was sent to host:
3710 No available flights found
3711 Each passenger must have a seat (current or new) in order to submit your request.
3712 You can only select seats of the same type - Either all preferred or all standard.
3713 Max number of account codes exceeded for the host. The following account code(s) were not included in the request:
3714 Unable to complete this transaction. Please make sure all segments are in a confirmed status and try again.
3715 Host only allows one Address/Delivery Address. Only one sent in request.
3717 Only one Carrier is allowed, if specifying a Booking Code.
3718 A Carrier must be specified, if specifying a Booking Code.
3626 Provider do not support City Code. Use Airport Codes.
3639 GeneralRemark with TypeInGDS as Vendor is not supported for the requested provider.
3640 Provider does not accept Availability Source in request. Data has been saved locally.
3642 FirstAvailable by Cabin Class is not supported by the requested provider
3645 MICR number cannot be added or modified.
3647 Origin must be specified by user.
3653 Provider supports only one tour code per passenger type.
3658 Provider does not support different Passenger Type(PTC) inside a AirPricing.
3665 At least one Passenger Type should be present in Pricing Info.
3667 Non INF Passenger can't be priced as INF.
3679 StopoverIgnoreInd is not supported for the requested provider.
3543 No Reservations found for given TCR.
3011 IncludeMileRouteInformation, UnsaleableFares, AdditionalBookingCodeInfo for Primary/Secondary airline are mutually exclusive and cannot be requested together.
4700 AirFareDisplayRuleKey is required for a follow on air fares display as UnSaleableFaresOnly is set to true.
4701 UnSaleableFaresOnly and IncludeMileRouteInformation modifiers are mutually exclusive in the request for the requested provider.
4702 AirFareDisplayRuleKey is not allowed for air fares display as UnSaleableFaresOnly is set to true.
4703 AirRefundQuoteReq requires non-null Ticket numbers
3013 SecondaryCarrier is required when IncludeAddlBookingCodeInfo Type is Secondary.
3900 Invalid Trip Type combination selected.
3901 Only one-way and simple round trips are supported for Flex Airports Shopping
3902 Only one-way and simple round trips are supported for Flex Origin and Destination Shopping
3903 One-way or simple round trips and open jaw itinery are supported for Flex Days Shopping
3904 Request Flex option cannot be queried with Agency Private Fares and/or ContractCodes for the requested Provider
3905 Only Simple round trips are supported for Flex Weekend Shopping
3906 Maxiumum distance (100 Miles or 160 Kilometres) exceeded for Flex Origin and Destination Shopping
3907 Flex shop more days supports an expanded date range search of Maximum of 3 days for a departure and/or a Return Date
3908 IncludeExtraSolutions have to be used with only one of the four flex options - Airports, Days, Origin and Destination or Weekend
3910 FareInfo element not found in response
3912 Invalid FareDisplayRuleKey, please redisplay fare and request for rules again.
3913 The request details in the follow on fare display is different from the initial fare display. Please check.
3914 There has been change in fare data, please redisplay tariff and request for follow on information again.
3917 Ticketless journey is not supported.
3920 Conflicting ExemptTaxes info in the request - ExemptAllTaxes True and/or specific tax/country codes provided.
3921 Host supports only Miles as Distance Unit for Flex Origin and Destination Shopping
3922 Flex Shopping with Alternate City and Mileage Radius cannot be combined in the same request
4575 Only the first two search air legs are considered in the request.
4576 Provider does not support the requested plating carrier modifier
4566 Requested fare type is not supported for the requested provider.
4567 Requested fare type is not supported for the specific provider/transaction combination.
4577 No applicable Eticketable Flights
4578 The modifier would not be supported by the Provider
4610 Price Break Modifiers are not supported by the requested provider in Air Price Request.
3222 FirstAvailable is supported either for Permitted Booking Code or Cabin Class for the requested provider.
3243 UnSaleable Fares are not supported by the provider.
3244 ExemptTaxes modifier is not supported by the provider.
1523 The ExemptTaxes modifier is not supported by the Provider.
3246 Host Reservation is required for merchandising requests
3247 Reservation not ticketed. Paid seats may be available after ticketing
3248 Some of the requested AirPricingInfos could not be saved for the requested provider.
3257 NetFareValue is not supported by the requested host.
3258 Tour Code can be maximum 15 alphanumeric characters for the requested Provider.
3259 Net fare is required for Actual selling fare.
3260 Multiple Ticket Modifier Lines (DI Lines) exist for the ProviderReservation which could not be imported.
3261 Ticket modifier Add/Update/Delete through UR Modify is not supported as multiple ticket modifier lines (DI Lines) exist for the ProviderReservation.
3262 Ticketing is not supported as multiple ticket modifier lines (DI Lines) exist for the ProviderReservation.
3264 The combination of segment/s select is not supported by the requested provider.
3265 Auxiliary type or segment number are not supported for requested provider.
3266 Fare Rules not available for priced itinerary for the requested Provider.
3273 Duplicate ticket number found :[$?]. Please provide UniversalRecordLocatorCode, ProviderCode and ProviderLocatorCode to retrieve the ticket.
3274 Use value 'Fare' for Commission Level
3293 TicketNumber is required for all passengers in the PNR when passengers have matching last/first names.
3279 Economy Plus seats can be purchased on up to four flights. A combination of paid and free seats can be selected on up to four flights.
3281 Only first line of endorsement is accepted by requested provider.
1315 Currency code in AdjustedTotalPrice must match the currency code in TotalPrice.
1320 Some of the Payments could not be added as some of the prices changed or some of prices did not store.
13518 Departure time cannot be after the Arrival time for Air Segment
13520 No PassiveAirSegment found for the specified PassiveSegmentRef
17028 Offer data missing for element OptionalServiceData in OptionalService.
20019 Carrier UA is not supported for the requested provider.
20035 Segment Reference or Carrier Code is required by the provider.
3909 Err element not found in response
3289 All PricingType inside AirPricingInfo with same AirPricingInfoGroup should have same value.
3290 Provider code expected on air segment.
3291 No segment found for the specified AirSegmentRef - $?.
3292 Multiple adjustment for a Booking Traveler is not allowed
3294 Max length of Commission amount supported by host is 8.
3296 Provider does not allow combining the options for Preferred Carriers, Permitted Carriers and Prohibited Carrier. They are Mutually exclusive.
3297 BookingInfo@SegmentRef should correspond to the segment of the same provider as airpricing.
3298 Eticketability is required for Airsegment.
30001 Request modifier(s) not supported for specific flight availability for the requested provider.
30002 Specific flight not found.
30003 Number in party for specific flight not met.
30004 Invalid SegmentIndex specified for $? in the request.
30005 Departure date-time is before the current departure city date-time
7203 The ActionStatus Type specified is not supported by the requested provider.
7204 Start date cannot be greater than the End date.
7205 Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with GeneralRemark
7206 Requested modifier $? not supported at segment level.
7207 LoyaltyCard with key $? not found for update.
7208 Invalid payment specified. , InvalidPaymentAmount The specified payment has an undefined amount
7209 Key reference not found for PassiveSegment with key reference $? inside ThirdPartyInformation.
7210 Preferred Carrier Code not supported. All results returned.
7211 ETR $? could not be retrieved
7212 Some or all of the ASVC SSR could not be added.
7213 Some Optional Services ignored. Seat number required in ServiceData @ Data.
7214 Some Optional Services ignored. Web service only supports Optional Services with Type "PreReservedSeatAssignment".
7215 Web service only supports Optional Services with Type "PreReservedSeatAssignment".
7216 Seat number required in ServiceData @ Data
7217 Seat is not available.
7218 Seat price has changed.
7219 Seat $? requested is not available. Alternative seat $? is available.
7220 Action Status already exists in the Air Reservation. Please use AirUpdate to update the same.
7221 FiledCurrency not supported.
7222 Some or all seats are not available.
7223 Some or all seat prices have changed.
7224 Provider does not allow combining of options for PermittedCarriers and ProhibitedCarriers. Option Permitted Carrier Submitted.
7225 ProhibitedCarriers is not supported at Segment Level but supported at Itinerary Level by the requested provider.
7226 Max number of Prohibited Carriers exceeded for this host. The following Prohibited Carrier(s) were not included in the request.
7227 Seat $? requested is not assigned.
7228 Action status is required.
7229 The price has changed to $? $? for the optional service $? $? on flight $? $?.
7230 SSRCode is missing in one of the optional service element in request.
7231 Preferred and Permitted Carrier Modifier is not supported at Segment level for this request.
4024 The combination of segment/s select is not supported by the requested provider.
4025 The supplier did not provide a refund amount for this cancellation.
4026 AirSegment@SupplierCode is mandatory for this provider
4027 Percentage value is not allowed for Commission Type 'Flat', provide Amount value
4032 Invalid Payment Mode,selected payment type not supported for this transaction
4033 Requested PermittedCabins are ignored during pricing in requested ClassOfService.
4034 PricePoints are not compatible with PointToPoint or ExpertSolutions. Only PricePoints returned.
4035 PricePoints are not supported for $?.
4036 Duplicate AirSegment Key values found in request.
4040 Phone extension length should not be greater than 10 characters.
4041 Selected FaresIndicator option not supported for requested provider. PrivateFaresOnly used as default setting.
4042 AccountCodeFaresOnly air pricing modifier requires at least an account code to be specified in the request.
4043 InventoryRequestType is not a supported modifier for the specified provider
4044 InventoryRequestType is not a supported modifier for this transaction
4045 Required Terminal Session Info elements are missing. The required elements are: Static GTID,TPFSYSID,PCC, Source ID, Source type, Vendor ID, Vendor type, Special Characters flag
4046 Required Terminal Session Info elements are missing.The required elements are: EAS UserID, EAS Password, PCC, ISOCountry, AgentDutyCode, AirLineVendorId, IATA, TerminalId
4047 Required either SysId or EasUserId
4048 Preferred Providers contains different providers than FareRuleKey.
4049 Required Terminal Session Info elements are missing. The required elements are: [Static GTID,TPFSYSID,PCC, Source ID, Source type, Vendor ID, Vendor type, Special Characters flag][EAS UserID, EAS Password, PCC, ISOCountry, AgentDutyCode, AirLineVendorId, IATA, TerminalId]
4051 Issues with saving price in reservation.
4052 No Merchandising optional services returned for Flight(s)
4058 ServiceSubCode is required.
4059 AirSegment and SearchTraveler are required to fulfill optional service.
4060 Response missing some of the AirPricing Solutions.
4061 AirSegmentRef and SearchTravelerRef are required to fulfill optional service.
4062 Different PseudoCityCode values sent in multiple AirPricingInfo without AirPricingInfoGroup or with same AirPricingInfoGroup values. PCC $? used to store fares.
4063 Multiple AirPricingInfo without AirPricingInfoGroup or with same AirPricingInfoGroup values sent. PseudoCityCode value not sent in first AirPricingInfo. PCC $? used to store fares.
4064 Commission element is missing in the response as commission@value $? is not supported in this version of common schema. Please upgrade to common version 19 or higher for exact response.
4065 SSR application failed.
4067 Commission Conflict: Only one is allowed.
4066 Seat Map not supported.
4068 This functionality is not supported by the requested Provider.
4069 Ticketing Modifiers already exist for referenced BookingTraveler.
4070 AirPricingInfoRef and BookingTravelerRef are not supported as part of same AirPricingTicketingModifiers. Please retry after removing one of them.
4071 No Matching Form Of Payment Found for Payment
4072 SpecificSeatAssignment for infants are not supported for the requested provider.
4073 Manual Fare Build Failed
4074 Custom Exception
4075 Stored fare fop addition failed
4076 AssociatedRemark with Key $? should have a text message - Update Failed for this Element
4077 AssociatedRemark with Key = $? have either illegal or no AirSegmentRef Present - Update Failed for this Element
4078 AssociatedRemark with Key = $? is not valid for no AirSegmentRef
4079 Optional Service containing AirSegment with key $? not found in air reservation.
4080 BookingTraveler with key $? not found in air reservation.
4081 Third Party Information containing AirSegment with key $? not found in air reservation.
4082 Third Party Information already been added to AirSegment with key $?
4083 User Not Authorized to view Fares Rules of the requested Provider - $?
4084 TCR already exchanged
4085 Specified TCR has been exchanged
4086 Flight Details could not be retrieved for segment
4087 Null request passed to tax service
4088 No segments passed to tax service for calculation
4089 All override exchange fees that correspond to a single air pricing must match
4090 AirSegment with no ClassOfService information
4091 AirSegment cannot have duplicate keys
4092 If an enumeration contains a primary SolutionGroup there must only be one such SolutionGroup.
4093 AirRefundTicketReq is null
4094 AirRefundTicketReq requires non-null request data
4095 AirRefundTicketReq.AirRefundBundle.WaiverCode has no type defined
4096 AirRefundTicketReq.AirRefundBundle.WaiverCode is empty
4097 Ticketing with commissions is not supported at this time.
4098 Commissions on refund must be of commission level Recalled.
4099 Commissions must be unique by level and passenger.
4100 Commissions on ticketing may not be of commission level Recalled.
4101 Passengers specified were not unique. Please use full names or unique keys to identify passengers.
4107 No responses returned from GWS
4117 Exchange only supports one type of host per request
4118 Passenger name mismatch between ticket being used and PNR
4119 No ticket number to use for exchange
4120 No ExchangeTicketBundle found on request
4122 SpecificSeatAssignment for Seat Id $? is ignored as Passenger Type in Booking Traveler is missing.
4123 Segment remarks should be set a valid value.
4134 Invalid provider code on segment.
4156 A booking require the fare to be set a valid value.
4160 Fare Basis should be set a valid value.
4166 Carrier $? doesn't support automated void.
1524 AccompaniedPassenger modifier in SearchPassenger is not supported by the requested Provider.
3411 SOA Shop does not support LowFareSearch.
3418 SOA Shop does not support AsynchLowFareSearch.
4219 Days of Operation is not supported for the requested provider.
4220 End Date is not supported for the requested provider.
4221 The flight specific search is not supported by this provider. The timetable for all the flights for the carrier will be displayed.
4222 Prefer City is not supported for the requested provider.
4223 Only first 3 Carrier Codes are supported in the include carrier list for the requested provider.
4224 The exclusion of carrier is not supported by this provider.
4225 End Time is not supported for the requested provider.
4226 DaysOfOperation is Manadory for GeneralTimeTable for the requested Provider.
4227 EndDate is Manadory for GeneralTimeTable for the requested Provider.
4228 Merchandising request unsuccessful - please retrieve UR/PNR, check status and report issue immediately. At least one OptionalService/ServiceData is required for non-seat optional service and must reference one air segment and one booking traveler to fulfill optional service.
4300 Null request passed
4301 Expected a MctCountReq
4302 No MctSearch element in MctCountReq
4303 No Arrival Airport specified in search element
4304 Expected a MctLookupReq
4305 Either a Search or Query is Required
4306 Cannot have both a Search and a Query
4307 Arrival AirSegment Required for Query
4308 Departing AirSegment Required for Query
0151 Either AirSolution or HostReservation is required.
0167 Invalid AirSegment in the request for carrier $?
0168 Airsegment validation failed.
0169 Couldn't process Airpricing.
0204 Could not find AirReservation with LocatorCode: $?
4314 Reduce not allowed if travel has started.
4315 Cannot reduce single-passenger PNR
4316 Must reduce at least one passenger from the PNR
4317 May not reduce all passengers from a Pnr
4318 reduce may not result in a PNR with only CHD, INF or INS passengers
4319 Cannot have more infants in laps ($?) than adults ($?)
4320 Cannot travel with $?INS and only $? adults
4321 Cannot divide AirReservation with un-confirmed segments
4322 Cannot divide single-passenger AirReservation
4323 Must divide at least one passenger from the AirReservation
4324 May not divide all passengers from a AirReservation
4325 No ProviderReservationDivideReq passed to validator
4326 Request passed to validator must be of type [$?]
4327 Cannot travel alone: $?
4328 Incorrect chaperone passenger types or ratio for: $?
4329 No ACH credentials found
4330 One OptionalService/ServiceData is required for seat optional service and must reference one air segment and one booking traveler to fulfill optional service.
4331 At least one OptionalService/ServiceData is required for non-seat optional service and must reference one air segment and one booking traveler to fulfill optional service.
4332 Multiple booking traveler references not allowed within one OptionalService.
4333 ViewableOnly Services cannot be sold.
4334 ViewableOnly Service $? cannot be sold.
4335 ReturnFirstAvailableOnly and OrderBy cannot be combined. ReturnFirstAvailableOnly has been used.
4336 OrderBy $? not supported for the requested provider.
4337 OrderBy modifier is not supported for this transaction.
3000 General air service Error.
30015 StoredFareQuote requires end transaction prior to deletion
30016 00000 TR/S CANCELLED
3002 GDS Enter Queue Error.
3540 Failure. All segments in the request are in the past.
3547 FareType, Booking Code, Cabin Class and Fare Basis code modifiers are mutually exclusive for the requested provider.
3549 Invalid Currency Code.
3911 Not a valid Fare Rule Type
3924 Use a request of type DirTerminalCommandRequest
4611 Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided for $?
4612 Multiple BookingTravelerRef allowed only with clustered names. Separate UnassociatedRemark submitted for each BookingTraveler as per provider specification
4613 Provider PNR is clustered. Please select all travelers from same cluster
4614 Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with UnassociatedRemark
4620 Provider does not support InvoiceRemark
4621 Provider does not support AccountingRemarks with TypeInGDS=Other
4622 Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with AccountingRemark
3245 Postscript is not supported by the provider
3282 Language code and country code combination is not supported by the requested provider.
3287 Invalid ParticipantLevel.
3288 Invalid PolledAvailabilityOption
4615 Provider PNR is clustered. Please select all travelers from same cluster for $?.
4616 Multiple BookingTravelerRef allowed only with clustered names
4617 Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided for General Remark
4618 Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with General Remark
4619 Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef for GeneralRemark with TypeInGds = Basic
3283 Enter correct Tax code - Two letters (alpha character).
3284 Some of the tax code/s are in incorrect format, so could not be saved.
3285 SuppressItineraryRemarks ticketing modifier is not supported by the requested provider.
3286 Host PNR has unsupported ticketing modifiers.
4624 SSR OTHS is not supported for the requested provider. A vendor remark has been added instead.
4625 Multiple BookingTravelerRef for $? allowed only with clustered names.
4626 Provider does not support BookingTravelerRef with AssociatedRemark
3280 Enter correct value for Destination/purpose code.
3275 Net fare is required, and commission type should be Percent Base for NetRemitApplied
3276 Net fare ticketing modifier is required for successful ticketing
3267 Point of sale country missing in request.
3268 Agency sell information is required for merchandising requests
3272 Name field on the segment does not match passenger list.
4627 Vendor remarks associated to air passive segments for the requested provider not supported.
4628 SSR OTHS not supported as Vendor remarks associated to air passive segments for the requested provider.
4629 ProhibitMultiAirportConnection is not supported at Segment Level but supported at Itinerary Level by the requested provider.
4630 BookingTraveler or RPH is missing for SeatAssignment.
4631 MaxSolutions is not supported by the requested Provider.
4632 profileType is not valid.
4633 Credit card form of payment must be sent in the air price request for an OB fee to be returned.
4634 SearchTraveler is missing in the request
4635 PreferredCabins is not supported by the requested provider.
4636 BookingInfo/SegmentRef is required.
4637 ProviderReservationInfoRef is not supported in this request
4638 SegmentIndex is not supported by Provider 1P
4639 Specific flight not found.| $?
4640 Request modifier(s) not supported for specific flight availability for 1P provider
4641 FOP and Credit Card can not have different profile ids
4642 FOP and Credit Card can not have different keys
4643 Invalid Search Traveler key. Key should be a numeric value.
4644 Open segments are not supported for this provider. It is only applicable to 1G,1V and 1P.
4645 Time is ignored for open segments.
4646 Connection indicator is ignored because of more than one value exist. Please specify only one conenction indicator element in the Price request.
4647 Flight number is not valid for Segment marked as Open. Flight number should be null/OPEN.
4648 Invalid flight number for Air Segment with OpenSegment = false.
4396 Only Flat and PercentBase options are supported for requested provider.
4397 Amount is required for Flat Commission.
4398 SearchPassenger Key or BookingTravelerRef is required.
4399 Ticket status in the Document Info may not be current.
4400 No Merchandising optional service returned for Flight(s) [$?][$?].
4401 No request for Merchandising optional services sent for Flight(s) [$?] [$?]. AirSegment ArrivalTime is required.
4402 No request for Merchandising optional services sent for Flight(s) [$?] [$?]. AirSegment Carrier, FlightNumber, DepartureTime and ArrivalTime are required.
4403 The PTC Type FR is related to AF Abandonment fees, that uAPI currently does not support.
4405 The FOP is not associated at the PNR level.
4406 Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided in OptionalService/ServiceData
4407 Invalid AirSegmentRef provided in OptionalService/ServiceData
4408 Payment amount was lowered to $? $? for $? seat optional service SEAT $? on flight $? $?.
4409 OptionalServices may not be Supported/Required for passenger type INF.
4410 Some or all merchandising requests for carrier $? were unsuccessful.
4411 HostReservation not found or Agency IATA was not returned.
4412 The BookingCode modifier is not supported for this request
4413 No fares found for the specified request
4414 PreReservedSeatAssignment OptionalService not supported. Seat has not been confirmed.
4415 Prohibit Unbundled Fare Types modifier is not supported for this request.
4417 Required Session Context elements are missing.The required elements are: UserID, Password, PCC, ISOCountry, AgentDutyCode, AirLineVendorId, IATA, TerminalId, AgentSine
4418 Some of the Pricing in the Universal Record may have changed.
4419 Some of the Pricings can not be Ticketed.
4420 InventoryRequestType may or may not be applicable for all types of segment sell.
4421 triple connections not supported by requested provider.
4422 Requested Carrier is not supported for this Provider.
4423 Book request unsuccessful due to incorrect OptionalService/ServiceData. Seat Data is required.
4424 SpecificSeatAssignment $? has been ignored because of duplicate seat in OptionalService.
4425 A BookingTraveler can’t have more than one seat assignment for each AirSegment. Correct OptionalService with the paid seat and SpecificSeatAssignment with the standard seat each referencing a unique BookingTraveler and AirSegment.
4426 OptionalService PreReservedSeatAssignment is missing ServiceSubCode. If this is standard seat then an OptionalService should not be used.
4427 ASVC delete not allowed - delete assigned seat.
4428 Ticket Agency modifier will be ignored.
4429 CheckFlightDetails modifier will be ignored.
4430 Active Air segments with Arrival dates past two or more days are ignored in Journey Data of AvailabilitySearchReq.
4431 ASVC SSR was ignored and SSR was sent for deletion.
4432 ASVC SSR delete is not allowed. Delete standard SSR first.
4433 MaxConnections and MaxStops are not supported.
4434 Private Fare modifier will be ignored.
4435 Optional Service cannot be added. Use AirMerchandisingFulfillment.
4436 One or more ancillary services saved successfully.
4437 Passenger type level fees are informational only, and may not match with those returned at the itinerary level.
4438 Provider code needed if provider locator code is specified
4439 AirReservationLocatorCode required
4440 Request provider code and segment provider code doesnot matches
4441 Atleast one air pricing solution is required
4442 Atleast two air pricing solution is supported
4443 Both New and Original itinerary are required
4444 Only one air pricing solution is supported
4445 Original itinerary not supported for this provider
4446 FareCalc is required with the original itinerary for a Rapid Reprice request
4447 Provider Code in air segment in mandatory
4448 A mix of providers in exchange quote is not supported
4449 Provider not supported
4450 Cabin Class is not supported for 1P/1J
3826 Waitlist Segment Status $? not allowed in request
3827 UR Modification has failed due to waitlisted segment
3828 – Policy Code(s) is invalid.
3829 – Policy details not available.
3830 Please provide AirTicketReq/AirPricingInfo/Booking Traveler Ref@Key and associated PaymentRefs for Ticket issuance with Multiple Forms of Payment.
3831 Payment is not required with single FOP for ticket issuance of a single Air Pricing Info.
3832 Multiple Form of Payment requires Payment for a booking traveler
3833 AirPricingInfoRef is required with multiple AirTicketingModifiers for ticket issuance.
3834 Booking Traveller specific ticketing is not supported for 1V provider.
3835 Multiple Form of Payments not allowed for the requested Provider.
3835 HostToken Validation Failed For [$?]
3848 HostToken validation failed for [$?]
3849 $? is not supported in AirCreateReservationReq
3836 HostToken key was not found
3837 HostToken has expired
3838 HostToken Decryption Failed
3839 HostToken Decryption Failed
3840 Invalid ticket numbers specified
3841 Ticket Number doesn’t match for each passenger in the booking
3842 Tickets not present in the reservation
3843 Ticket Number doesn’t matches
3844 HostToken is not present in the request
3845 NumberInParty is not present in the request
3846 Passenger Select or Segment Select Pricing not supported.
3847 Multiple Auto Prcing is not supported.
4451 Optional Service cannot be updated. Use AirMerchandisingFulfillment.
4452 TAN Details have not been considered for the current booking.
4453 TAN Details have not been applied due to an incorrect format or incorrect Supplier Code. Use TAN/ (2 Digit Supplier Code).
4454 Original ticket has no residual value for this specific itinerary. Issue a new ticket using current fares.
4455 Pricing is not present in reservation.
4456 Provide valid air vendor code for SSR DOCS/DOCO/DOCA.
4458 Transaction not supported.
4459 Discount Card/Rail Seat Assignment/Emergency Info/Drivers License/Applied Profile/Traveler Compliance/Traveler Info/CustomizedName Data is ignored for Shared Booking.
4460 Seats assignment is only allowed via Booking Seat req.
4462 Unable to End PNR due to Host errors
4463 Unable to map a stored fare to FareInfo.
4464 UniversalRecordLocatorCode not associated with specified provider.
4465 Seat assignment at airport check-in.
4466 Flight not operating on requested date.
4467 Seat map not available for requested zone.
4468 Seat map not found for requested flight.
4469 Availability seat map not supported by this supplier.
4470 Carrier code required.
4471 No fares found for this request.
4472 No fares returned from provider.
4473 Rule not found.
4474 Seat map not available for this class or carrier.
4475 Seat map not available.
4476 Seat map not available for codeshare flight.
4477 Seating selection available for specified time range.
4478 Unable to fare quote.
4479 Date requested is too far in the future or is in the past.
4480 Invalid City/Airport code.
4481 Invalid passenger count.
4482 Invalid format.
4483 Invalid flight number.
4484 Unable to price requested segments.
4485 No fare found for class of service booked.
4486 Invalid City code.
4487 Invalid Arrival or Departure location.
4488 Total flight segments exceed maxiumum allowed.
4489 Invalid destination City/Airport code.
4490 Fare is not filed in the requested currency.
4491 Unable to process. Function restricted for carrier.
4492 Number of infants exceeds number of adults.
4493 Invalid City/Airport code for connection.
4494 Invalid time.
4495 Unable to process flight times given.
4496 PNR segments not in proper date/time sequence.
4497 Permitted cabin class not supported by 1P.
4498 BrandID, AirPricingInfoRef, FareInfoRef is missing in the request
4499 AirpricingInfo not found in UR
4500 FareInfo not found in UR
4501 Unable to process request. Segments are not in proper date/time sequence.
4502 System busy and unable to process request. Retry request in 5 seconds.
4503 Unable to process current request while previous request is in progress. Retry current request.
4504 Key is required
4505 Mutiple Passenger Type is not allowed in single auto pricing
4506 No local fares in this market.
4507 FareInfo already contains Brand Details. Delete existing Brand to add new Brand
4508 Please provide ProviderCode for AirSegment.
4509 Arrival/Departure times is not set to a valid value.
4510 The following attribute is missing: AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/BookingInfo@HostTokenRef.
4511 Key reference not found for HostToken with key reference $? inside BookingInfo.
4512 The following attribute is missing in the $?: AirPricingSolution/HostToken.
4513 Unable to reissue ticket
4514 Unable to find tickets in the PNR
4515 Ignored Invalid OTHS SSR.
4516 CreatePassiveForHold is not applicable for this provider.
4517 CreatePassiveForHold is not applicable when FormOfPayment is provided.
4518 Ticket Details not available from the Carrier.
4519 Unable to associate Ticket Number $? to Booking Traveler - $?.
4810 Invalid general remark. Please verify format.
4811 Unable to process automated reissue - ticket information not found.
4815 Se ha producido un error al intentar validar alguno de los pasajeros. Por favor, vuelva a intentarlo más tarde. Disculpe las molestias.
4816 SeatMap for UAPI versions 34 and lower no longer provide ReturnSeatPricing, please upgrade to the latest UAPI Seatmap version for that functionality.
4817 Invalid Channel ID.
4818 Invalid SCC Override.
4819 Invalid Modifier Combination.
4820 Agent Not Authorized.
4821 OptionalServices may not be Supported/Required for passenger type VFF.
4822 OptionalServices may not be Supported/Required for passenger type ITF.

Type Name="Data"

4461 Timezone not available for airport $?. So +00.00 is added.
3020 FareInfoRef element is not valid in this type of request. Use a FareInfo element instead.
3021 FareNoteRef element is not valid in this type of request. Use a FareNote element instead.
3022 AirSegmentRef element is not valid in this type of request. Use an AirSegment element instead.
3023 FlightDetailsRef element is not valid in this type of request. Use a FlightDetails element instead.
3600 Only one primary contact info is allowed.
3601 Phone number is required for primary contact.
3602 At least one contact must be specified as a primary contact.
3603 At least one Contact is required. This contact will be primary by default
3604 Number of passengers cannot exceed 9.
3605 Not all passengers can be Non-Adult.
3607 Invalid PTC in request.
3608 Only one account code is allowed in request.
3609 Invalid tour code format.
3610 The exchange amount is not calculated properly. The value of the exchange amount must be equal to the value of the new ticket, minus the value of the old ticket, plus the penalty and forfeit amounts.
3611 Invalid Accounting Remark Category
3612 Invalid Accounting Remark text format
3613 A permitted BookingCode or ClassOfService for each air segment is required to price in the requested class of service.
3623 Please enter Payment details.
3700 GWS supports only 3 Carriers.
3701 GWS supports only 3 Point Of Sales.
3702 GWS supports only 1 Fare type.
3703 GWS supports only 1 Booking Code.
3704 Remark has not been added to the reservation, please use single letter category
3716 Multiple Ticketing ActionStatus is not supported for a specific provider
3729 No flight service information available.
3730 Specific Time could not be mapped to host.
3731 Host Message do not support Queue category with a Action Status - TTL
3733 FormOfPayment@Type is an unsupported FormOfPayment for host reservation.
3734 Payment and FormOfPayment reference key do not match.
3735 Invalid credit text specified for this form of payment.
3736 Credit card type must be specified in form of payment.
3737 Credit card number must be specified in form of payment.
3738 Credit card expiration date must be specified in form of payment.
3739 CreditCardAuth must be included with form of payment.
3740 CreditCardAuth AuthCode must be specified with form of payment.
3741 Only Government Requisition supported for this form of payment.
3742 Invalid Requisition number for this form of payment.
3743 Invalid freeform text for this form of payment.
3744 Invalid freeform Credit Card for this form of payment.
3745 Only AutoSeatAssignment@SeatType Aisle or Window is supported without a Booking Traveler and/or Air Segment association for the requested provider.
3746 Earliest Time should be before Latest Time
3747 Time Difference cannot be greater than 24 hours for provider
3750 Infant date of birth is required in the name remark field.
3752 Infant Email address is not supported by the provider
3753 Every FQTU and FQUG needs a corresponding FQTV
3754 More than one FQTV number for same airline is not supported
3756 PseudoCityCode length should not be more than 4
3759 Booking Traveler(s) already have seat(s) assigned. Please delete the same to add a new one.
3760 Either BookingTraveler or Segment is not present in the UR for the given SeatAssignment request.
3761 Seats Assignment not available for all Booking Travelers and/or Segments in the requested Updated Command(s).
3762 TypeInGds cannot be blank for updating general remark.
3763 The pricing information for the provider air reservation has expired. Use URModify AirAdd and AirDelete to add new fare before ticketing.
3765 eVoucher is not supported by the Requested Provider.
3773 Invalid - $? Loyalty Number - $? for Booking Traveler - $? - $? Please take necessary action.
3778 Same BookingTraveler should not be repeated inside AirPricingInfo/PassengerType having same AirPricingInfoGroup.
3781 Cannot find segment for BookingInfo/SegmentRef:
3785 No more AirItinerarySolution exists for the requested SearchAirLeg.
3788 Unable to ticket without pricing information.
3789 Ticket already exist.
3790 Some of the AirPricingInfos are not associated with requested AirReservation.
3791 All AirPricingInfos associated to an AirPricingInfoGroup should be provided in the request.
3792 Some AirPricingInfos associated to other providers are not ticketed.
3793 All AirPricingInfos associated to an AirPricingInfoGroup should be provided with the DetailedBillingInformation.
3794 All AirPricingInfos associated to the same AirPricingInfoGroup should be provided with the DetailedBillingInformation.
3616 All forms of payment must be associated with Air pricing information.
3617 Duplicate Loyalty Card found for same Booking Traveler.
3618 "This loyalty card already exists for this booking traveler."
3619 Pricing cannot be added for deleted segments.
3620 No Air Pricing found for the given key.
3621 Invalid Key Specified.
3622 BookingTravelerRef and AirSegmentRef are required with ServiceData/Data.
3807 Provider requires AirportCode and SupplierCode simultaneously for ActionStatus = TTL:
3808 Fulfillment Error: SeatSell is not found.
4889 Form of payment required with optional service price higher than 0.00.
3809 Fulfillment Error: NonTravelSell and Confirmation Number not found.
3810 No Seats were selected. Please go back and make seat selections.
3624 Invalid Request - Incorrect Provider Reservation Info Ref.
3629 Provider does not support multiple VehicleType or PseudoCodes. Only the first VehicleType was considered for the request.
3633 Fare Type Code SR is mandatory for Net Fare
3634 NetFaresOnly is not supported by the provider
3635 Specific Private fare type is not supported by the provider
3636 Account Code is not required for this FaresIndicator type by the Provider.
3637 Appropriate FareTypeCode is used for the given FaresIndicator type by the provider
3638 Provide FaresIndicator type
3641 Invalid Request - No Provider Reservation Info found.
3643 Invalid Requisition type for this form of payment.
3646 Any of the values in MileRouteInformation, AdditionalBookingCodeInfo, UnSaleableFaresOnly is required for the requested provider.
3648 Flight Number is truncated to 4 characters.
3649 Fare Basis Code is Mandatory by the Provider
3650 Fare Construction is mandatory by the Provider
3651 Provider does not support Endorsement
3652 Provider supports only 2 character tax code
3654 Base Fare Currency Code is mandatory
3655 Base Fare Amount is mandatory
3659 attribute ProviderCode is required in AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo for aggregated air booking.
3660 All BookingTraveler of same TravelerType should be present inside a AirPricingInfoGroup.
3661 Some of the SegmentRef provided in AirSegmentPricingModifier do not match the ones provided in BookingInfo
3662 Each AirPricingInfo of a specific AirPricingInfoGroup should have BookingTravelerRef.
3668 Provider supports only one tour code/Bulk ticket/Inclusive per passenger type.
3669 BulkTicket cannot be requested without Tour Code.
3657 InclusiveTour cannot be requested without Tour Code.
3656 BulkTicket/InclusiveTour is not supported for the requested provider.
3663 BookingTraveler reference does not exists in Air reservation.
3666 Passenger must have a valid passenger type code.
3675 Air Segment Reference is required in AirSegmentPricingModifiers.
3676 Provided in Infant Date Of Birth
3677 Infant passengers date of birth can not be in future
3678 Infant passengers include new borns to 23-month olds only
3678 DOB for Infant is ignored. Invalid SSR text.
3680 Date of Birth (DOB) for Infant is ignored. Invalid SSR text.
3681 Invalid tax amount.
3682 Cannot find segment for given SegmentRef.
3683 Invalid TypeInGDS value provided by the user. Permitted values are $?
3684 MICR Number not supported by provider
3685 Invalid OverrideOption value provided by the user. Permitted values are $?
3686 Invalid FareInfoRef specified in BookingInfo.
3687 Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided for $?.
3688 Multiple BookingTravelerRef for $? allowed only with clustered names.
3689 Please provide at least one permitted carrier.
3690 Separate PointOfSale not supported by provider
3691 Invalid FOP type. Permitted values are $?
3692 Invalid Category for MiscFormOfPayment. Permitted values are $?
3693 Provider does not support this FOP Type
3694 Provider requires at least 7 digit long number for this FOP type
3695 Free Text can be maximum 25 characters long and should not contain special characters
3696 Invalid AirSegmentRef for InvoiceRemark.
3697 Provider does not support Segment Association in InvoiceRemark for Vehicle, Hotel or Passive Segments
3698 Provider does not support AirSegment Association in InvoiceRemark for Non-Air Products
3333 Invalid AirSegmentRef Provided in EMDIssuanceReq.
0013 No Timezone specified for airport.
3012 AirFareDisplayRuleKey is required for a follow on air fares display.
3699 Invalid PricingType. Permitted values are $?
0099 Payment and PaymentRef elements must be added in the same request.
3999 PaymentRef element must be added in the air pricing.
4001 PaymentRef attribute must be added in the fee.
4002 Segment class of service is missing.
4003 Status MK only supported for segment type Hotel.
4015 Key reference not found for Charge with key reference $? inside $?.
4016 There are too many search solutions; Please retry your search with more restrictive criteria.
4017 Session emulation is restricted.
4018 Payment with multiple Tickets is not supported.
4019 Pricing Details are not returned by the provider. Check host setup for Pricing Strings
4020 Fare rules could not be retrieved.
4021 The reservation returned by the host changed. The segment information is now updated and the pricing data has been removed.
4022 The reservation returned by the host changed. The segment information is now updated.
4023 The reservation returned by the host changed. The segment information is now updated and the pricing data has not changed.
4028 Amount value is not allowed for Commission Type 'PercentBase', provide Percent value
4029 Use PercentBase for Commission as percentage
4030 Host has returned Unknown Carrier Code [$?] for SSR [$?].
4031 Length of postal code exceeds maximum allowable
4037 Please provide ProviderCode for ActionStatus.
4038 MaxSolutions cannot exceed $? for $?
4039 "Result size exceeded the maximum allowable and some results were discarded. It may be necessary to narrow your search using search modifiers."
4050 00:00 in TicketDate is not a supported value for the requested provider.
4053 Different air ticketing modifiers for different AirPricingInfos belonging to same AirPricingInfoGrp is not supported.
4054 GenerateItineraryInvoice, GenerateAccountingInterface are not supported for the requested provider. All documents will be issued.
4055 Plating carrier is not supported for the requested provider.
3823 Ticketed Fare Override is not supported for the requested provider.
4056 One or more SSRs have been ignored ; Invalid SSRCode : $?
4057 Host has returned Unknown Status Code [$?] for SSR [$?].
3811 One or more SeatAssignment have been ignored; Invalid SeatAssignment Status $?
3812 Departure Time of $?-$? Flight is being removed from the response.
3813 Arrival Time of $?-$? Flight is being removed from the response.
3814 Multiple ProviderLocatorCodes for the same carrier is not allowed.
3815 A passenger can only request one seat per flight.
3816 Destination terminal value cannot exceed 10 characters. Only first 10 characters has been considered.
3817 The valid type with radius is DistanceInMiles and DistanceInKilometers.
3818 The radius is manadatory with type DistanceInMiles and DistanceInKilometers.
3819 The valid type with destination list is destination.
3820 The destination list is manadatory with type destination.
3821 Fuzzy Search for this provider not permitted.
3822 BrandTier should be 1-9999.
3824 The fare HostToken has been ignored. The BrandTier has been applied.
3825 Either a BrandTier or a HostToken can be sent.
3850 The Brand Tier must be the same for all passengers in a stored fare.
3851 BrandTier should be sent in FareInfo/Brand. AirSegmentPricingModifiers/BrandTier has been ignored.
3852 RFIC, RFISC and SvcDescription required to create SVC segment
3853 StartDate cannot be past date while creating SVC segment
3854 SVC segments were not added as the Change Fee is zero.
3855 SvcSegmentRef should not be specified if IssueAllOpenSVC is set to true
3856 SvcSegmentRef could not be found
3857 SvcSegmentRef= $? is already issued EMD-S
3858 Booking Traveler of specified SvcSegmentRef= $? have multiple valid ticket
3859 The Ticket -$? is not valid open ticket
3860 The BookingTraveler associated with SvcSegmentRef= $? does not have any valid ticket
3861 Specified ticket is not associated with passenger of given SVC segment
3862 No SVC segment present to issue EMD-S
3863 All the SVC segments in the reservation are already issued EMD-S
3864 StandAlone EMD Issuance Error
3865 EMDS issuance for SvcSegmentRef= $? has failed with error: $?
3866 SVC addition failed for BookingTravelerRef = $? Process Manually
3867 Functionality for adding SVC is currently not available and will be enabled in future
4649 Unable to parse host response message
4656 Provider does not allow stored fare updation.
4657 Change of Date is not supported for this provider
4660 Unable to update segment status- HOST ERROR $? : $?
4661 Air Segment with key $? not found in air reservation.
4663 Please assign default currency in Agency Branch
4664 FOP not implemented
4665 User not authorized to use this service for the requested provider
4666 Custom Runtime Exception
4667 Error from Galileo
4668 Error
4669 User Not Authorized for Flight Information
4670 Could not locate host passenger: $? in pnr
4671 Key is mandatory for updating the element $?
4672 No coupon could be found that matches the coupons
4673 Testing ApolloAirFareRulesService
4674 exception1
4675 Fail test case
4676 Custom App Exception
4677 Unsupported Service
4678 availabilitySearch is not yet implemented for GwsLowFareSearchAdapter
4679 priceItinerary is not yet implemented for GwsLowFareSearchAdapter
4680 retrieveFareRule is not yet implemented for GwsLowFareSearchAdapter
4681 scheduleSearch is not yet implemented for GwsLowFareSearchAdapter
4682 segmentDetailSearch is not yet implemented for GwsLowFareSearchAdapter
4683 availabilitySearch is not yet implemented for GwsOptimizedLowFareSearchAdapter
4684 priceItinerary is not yet implemented for GwsOptimizedLowFareSearchAdapter
4685 retrieveFareRule is not yet implemented for GwsOptimizedLowFareSearchAdapter
4686 scheduleSearch is not yet implemented for GwsOptimizedLowFareSearchAdapter
4687 segmentDetailSearch is not yet implemented for GwsOptimizedLowFareSearchAdapter
4688 Date Of Birth can not be in future
4689 Missing city code for airport $?
4690 Retrieval of only Long Text fare rules for a priced ACH Air reservation is supported.
4691 Not all AirSegments are referred to bookings from submitted AirPricingInfos.
4692 Airport Country is not set to a valid value.
4662 Airport Country is not set to a valid value.
4692 Carrier Code is not set to a valid value.
4693 Account Code should set to a valid value.
4694 Fare Destination should be set a valid value.
4694 FareNote should be set a valid value.
4748 FareNote is not set to a valid value.
4695 AirPricing.BasePrice is null
4696 AirPricing.BookingTravelers is empty
4697 AirPricing.TotalPrice is null
4698 AirPricing.LatestTicketingTime is null"
4699 AirPricing.TaxPrice is null
4704 AirPricing.Taxes is empty
4705 Pricing Feed is malformed
4706 The validator cannot validate non AirExchangeQuoteReq: $?
4707 $? cannot validate non AirExchangeTicketingReq: $?
4708 AirReservation cancel request validation
4709 The AirReservation specified was not found.
4710 Locator code is missing on request
4711 AirRefundQuoteReq requires non-empty ticket number
4712 All coupons are in a status that does not premit refund.
4713 AirRefundQuoteReq is null
4714 AirRefundQuoteReq requires non-null Ticket numbers
4715 AirReservation is null
4716 PNR does not have any air segments.
4717 LatestTicketingTime is not set on air pricing
4718 Optional Service containing BookingTraveler with key $? not found in air reservation.
4719 Unable to generate back office accounting feed
4720 The amount for Payments is not equal to the total amount of the elements with a matching PaymentRef.
4721 Segment origin is missing.
4722 Segment destination is missing.
4723 Itinerary cannot have repeated origin airport.
4724 Itinerary cannot have repeated destination airport.
4725 SSR seat types not allowed
4726 ProvideLocator locator value missing.
4727 The amount for Payment(Key=$?) is not equal to the total amount of the elements with a matching PaymentRef.
4728 Action ID(s) does not exist. ID = $?
4729 Invalid $?Card
4730 AirTicketingReqValidator cannot validate $?
4731 No ETR found for ticket $?
4732 AirRefundTicketReq.AirRefundBundle.WaiverCode(TicketDesignator) is greater than $? characters
4733 AirRefundTicketReq.AirRefundBundle.WaiverCode is greater than $? characters
4734 AirPricing.WaiverCode has no type defined
4735 AirPricing.WaiverCode is empty
4738 AirPricing.Bookings is empty
4739 AirPricing.Fares is empty
4740 AirPricing.WaiverCode(TicketDesignator) is greater than $? characters
4741 AirPricing.WaiverCode is greater than $? characters
4742 AirPricing.Bookings[$?] is not associated with any Fare
4743 AirPricing.Bookings[$?].BookingCode is blank
4744 AirPricing.Fares[$?].$? is null
4745 AirPricing.Taxes[$?]$? is null
4746 AirPricing.Taxes[$?].FlightDetails is not resolved (transient key$?)
4747 AirPricing.BookingTravelers element [$?] is null
4659 The amount itemized must be equal the total $? tax amount
4749 Not Used Now
4750 validate$?Contact internal error
4751 AirReservation in database has newer version.
4752 AirReservation was not valid for saving to DB - Created By Agent Id is found null for the reservation.
4753 AirReservation was not valid for saving to DB - contained invalid Tax info. Make sure each Tax object does not refer to both flight detail and segment simultaneously.
4650 No AirSegment found for the specified SegmentRef
4651 Multiple Elements with same key $? are found.
3433 air reservation air itinerary mis-match.
3434 Some or all Optional Service Type are not valid
4758 FormOfPayment is not supported for the requested provider in AirTicketingReq.
4759 CreditCardAuth is not supported for the requested provider in AirTicketingReq.
4761 [$?] is missing in Journey Data
4762 Some of the fare rules were not returned, as the associated fares changed – please price the itinerary to get the updated fares.
4763 Retrieval of MCOs associated to the Ticket Number is not supported without ProviderCode and ProviderLocatorCode.
4764 Retrieval of MCOs is not supported for the given ProviderCode.
4765 Carrier does not support updating an SSR.
4766 Unable to update. Document not found.
4768 Max number of SearchAirLegs supported by uAPI is 16. The remaining SearchAirLegs are not considered for the request
4769 No response from PSS.
4770 Code is required in AccountCode.
4771 Invalid CreditCard details has been returned from host - FOP ignored.
3796 Unrecognized PTC is returned,converted to ADT
4772 SOA SeatMap Error
4773 SOA SeatMap Warning
3948 One or more air segments do not contain valid flight dates
4774 Seat Map is unavailable
4775 All air segments do not contain valid flight data. AirSegment Carrier, FlightNumber, DepartureTime and ArrivalTime are required.
4776 Override PCC does not have printer details in uAPI database hence printer details will be configured from Target Branch
4777 Override PCC has multiple WAB associated hence printer details will be configured from Target Branch
4778 All PricingType inside AutoPricing should have same value.
4779 Alpha numeric Tariff Number suppressed.
4783 All BookingTraveler of same TravelerType should be present inside an AutoPricingInfo.
4784 BookingTraveler with key $? is invalid
4785 Please ignore and end existing session before opening PNR $? in session
4786 Universal Record changed outside existing session. Please ignore current session and re-open PNR in session.
4787 Sesioned Transacation on a existent UR with multiple PNRs not supported.
4788 The sessioned universal record is incomtaible with the version being retrievd from.
4789 Invalid $? Loyalty Number - $? for Booking Traveler $?. Please take necessary action.
4790 Invalid Action Status key specified
4794 ServiceFee@BaseAmount is required
4795 Imported Universal Record is missing Document Info.
4799 Given PhoneNumber Type is not supported for this Provider
4800 Invalid FOP type. Permitted values are $?
4801 ProviderReservationInfo is required.
4802 No passenger type codes were found.
19109 SellCity and TicketingCity modifier(s) not supported by this provider and have been ignored.
19110 BSPPayment is not applicable for this provider.
19111 ARCPayment is not applicable for this provider.

Type Name="System"

4655 Error Occurred
4781 Invalid ProviderCode.
4782 Invalid provider response.
47831 GdsNextOnQueue can only retrieve the PNR from top of the Queue
4791 AccountCode is not supported.
4792 Universal API supports 9 or fewer Booking Travelers.
4793 Universal API supports 16 or fewer Air Segments.
4796 Pricing Type $? is not supported for this provider.
4797 All AirPricingInfo must have a PricingType and with the same value.
4798 PointOfCommencement not available for provider.
4803 Form of Payment fees may be added at the time of adding payment.
4804 Form of Payment fees have been added to the reservation.
19102 Price variance is greater than the allowed variance.
19108 FareSearchOption functionality is not supported for 1G and 1V.

Name="VEHSVC" Range="4000-4999"

Type Name="System"

Type Name="Business"

1010020 Guarantee type with Corporate Number is not supported.
4102 No car companies operate in the provided location.
4103 An all-alpha confirmation code was used for CE of a car segment.
4104 No rates qualify for request.
4105 The system is unable to display all the information in the car segment.
4106 The system is unable to find the reservation matching the given information.
4108 A phone number is required to complete the booking.
4109 The car vendor is unable to confirm your request.
4110 An invalid vendor code was used.
4111 The rental counter is closed during your specified arrival time. Please select another vendor or change arrival time.
4112 The system found more than one reservation for the given information.
4113 A supplier locator code is required to complete the cancellation.
4114 Car vendor, car type, rate code, and rate token are required for vehicle rules. Inventory token may be required.
4115 Unable to process Rules Request.
4116 This feature not implemented.
4121 Vendor/Location not found.
4124 Vendor code not found.
4125 Check car company code.It must be valid two letter code.
4126 Price requested and Price received do not match.
4127 Book Car-then add Voucher Request.
4128 Host does not support the Return Location Type modifier.
4129 Host does not support Pick up Location Type modifier with Permitted Vendor modifier.
4130 Host supports only 1 Loyalty Card modifier.
4131 Only companies with loyalty numbers were used in search.
4132 Host does not support the RatePeriod modifier.
4133 Host does not support the RateGuaranteed modifier.
4135 Max number of rate codes exceeded for this host. The following rate code(s) were not included in the request:
4136 Max number of rate categories exceeded for this host. The following rate category(s) were not included in the request:
4137 Max number of discount numbers exceeded for this host. The following discount number(s) were not included in the request:
4138 Max number of rate periods exceeded for this host. The following rate period(s) were not included in the request:
4139 Supplier Type for loyalty card not supported by host. The following card number(s) was not included in the request:
4140 Max number of loyalty cards exceeded for this host. The following loyalty card(s) were not included in the request:
4141 PermittedVendors and ProhibitedVendors are not applicable with multiple Discount Numbers or Loyalty Cards for this host. The following vendors were not included in the request:
4142 Either PickupLocation or ReferencePoint or both should be provided.
4143 PickupLocation required for the requested provider.
4144 Only one vendor can be specified in a Car Location List search with Reference Point.
4145 A Vehicle Type is required when searching with multiple vendors.
4146 Max length of Reference Point description is 30 for the requested provider
4148 $? - Car Special Equipments are not supported by the requested provider.
4149 Only Guarantee type is supported for car book.
4153 First 3 car types considered in the request considering VehicleModifiers and VehicleTypes.A maximum of 3 car types are supported for the requested provider.
4154 Provider does not support search by reference point.
4155 Flight Number is required for requested provider.
4157 Invalid Pickup Location Type. If Pickup Location Number is present in request Pickup Location Type can not be null.
4158 Invalid Pickup Location Number. If Pickup Location Type is present in request Pickup Location Number can not be null.
4159 Location Type is mandatory with Location Number for provider.
4161 Provider allows a maximum of 16 characters for CardNumber for SupplierType - Vehicle.
4162 Provider allows a maximum of 15 characters for LoyaltyCard including SupplierCode and CardNumber for SupplierType - Air.
4163 Provider only accepts Loyalty Cards with SupplierCode same as that of VendorCode for SupplierType = Vehicle.
4164 Provider supports only one vehicle loyalty card for the primary passenger. The following loyalty card(s) were not included in the request: $?
4165 The Car Special Equipments - $? are not supported by the requested provider.
4167 Provider allows maximum of 60 characters for Street, City, State, Postal Code and Country combined in Delivery Address.
4168 Provider allows maximum of 60 characters for Street, City, State, Postal Code and Country combined in Collection Address.
4169 Provider does not accept phone number as part of Delivery or Collection Address.
4171 Supplier Type cannot be changed.
4172 Loyalty Card does not exist.
4176 Child Count modification is not supported.
4177 "ReturnLocationType and ReturnLocationNumber should always be supplied together; one cannot exist without the other.
4178 Provider does not support Booking Source of Type $?
4179 Provider supports only Booking Source with 7 or 8 numerics.
4180 Reservation does not have an existing BookingSource to update. Use VehicleAdd to add one.
4182 eVoucher and PrePayAmount are not supported by the provider
4184 Deleting Vehicle Billing Reference Number (BR) is not supported by the Provider.
4185 Only one Driving License is supported by the provider. First Driving License of 1st Traveler is sent to the provider.
4189 Provider supports either a VehicleSpecialRequest or a DriverLicense. DriverLicense has been saved locally
4190 Provider supports only one DriverLicense for each segment. DriverLicense of the first BookingTraveler has been submitted provider
4191 DriverLicense exists for the Reservation. Use VehicleUpdate to update the number.
4192 No DriverLicense exists for the Reservation for $?
4193 Reservation already has a drivers license.Please use product update to change drivers license data
4194 Reservation does not have a drivers license
4195 No matching drivers license found
4196 Drivers license not associated with this reservation
4198 Provider supports either a VehicleSpecialRequest or a DriverLicense. A VehicleSpecialRequest exists against the Reservation
4199 Credit card type, card number and expiration date cannot be empty.
4200 Vehicle Loyalty Card $? not sent to requested Provider as it belongs to a different Supplier
4202 EVoucher amount is required for a SpecificValue EVoucher the requested provider
4204 Credit Card Billing Address not supported for car book by the requested provider.
0026 Only one Loyalty Card of type "Vehicle" is allowed.
0033 Car Vendor, Car Type and Rate Code information is required for vehicle rules
0035 Keyword CARS is required
0036 Only one Keyword with a single SubKey is supported for the requested provider
3530 No Vehicle Matches with Upsell Offer
3627 Pseudo Code - %s not supported by provider.
3628 Provider does not support VehicleType or PseudoCodes with other car types. Only the VehicleModifiers were considered for the request.
3630 First 10 car types considered in the request considering VehicleModifier. A maximum of 10 car types are supported for the requested provider.
4004 Multiple Vehicle modifers not allowed for Upsell.
4005 PickupLocationType is mandatory when VendorLocation(s) are provided in the request.
4006 Door count is required, if vehicle category is CAR.
4007 Car vendor, car type, rate code, and rate token are required for vehicle rules. Inventory token , Rate period , Rate category maybe required.
4009 The GWS request doesn't accept more than one Vendors for a Single Rate Code.
7405 Supplemental information (SI) Text have been truncated. Requested Provider does not support more than 30 characters
7455 Supplemental information (SI) Text have been truncated. Requested Provider does not support more than 138 characters
40020 Only one Vendor code is allowed in Permitted Vendors.
3325 Host supports only 1 Loyalty Card modifier
3326 Host does not support the RateGuaranteed modifier
3327 Host does not support the Prohibited Vendor modifier
3984 Vendor Preference must be specified for Loyalty Card.
3300 Vehicle Rules returned are as of today since Vehicle supplier confirmation is not yet available.
7801 Reservation already has a booking source. Please use product update to change booking source data.
7802 ReturnAllRates not supported by $?, and has been ignored.
7804 $? Time is required
7805 PickupLocation, PickupLocationType and PickupLocationNumber are required for location with City codes.
7806 ReturnLocation, ReturnLocationType and ReturnLocationNumber are required for location with City codes.
4000 General vehicle service error.
0034 SubKey match not found
7807 PickupLocationNumber or ReturnLcationNumber should not be more than 3 digit long
7808 Provider does noy support Booking Source of Type $?.
7809 Provider supports Booking Source with 7 or 8 numeric only.
7811 The max distance cannot exceed 999 and the results are based on a Max distance of 999.
7812 Min Distance cannot be greater than the max Distance.
7814 Reference Search with Distance and Direction is currently not supported.
7815 Direction and Distance value must both be present for Direction Search.
7816 Distance and direction search criteria is not supported with CarMatrix and has been ignored.
7817 PickupLocationType "Unknown" not a valid Type for Vehicle booking
7818 Invalid Special Equipment Type $?
7819 Pickup Location attributes not specified in VendorLocation
7820 Return @LocationType and @VendorLocationID are not allowed with multiple Pickup Locations.
7821 All Return Locations must be the same when Multiple Pickup Locations are requested
7822 Match VendorLocation/@Key to veh:VendorLocationRef and resend request
7823 The number of /VendorLocation/ @Location, @Type “Pickup” has exceeded 10. Please correct and resend request.
7824 Missing VendorLocation/@Key or veh:VendorLocationRef, update and resend request.
7825 Voucher number is mandatory when VoucherType is selected as RegularVoucher.
7826 Please select VoucherType as “RegularVoucher” to provide the Voucher Number information.
7827 PrePayAmount is not supported by the provider.
7828 BookingSourceOverride is only applicable for 1P/1J providers in Vehicle Booking.
7829 BookingSourceOverrride code is applicable only in the vehicle reservation. BookingSourceOverrride code will be ignored when used other than VehicleCreateReservationReq service.
4339 Maximum 5 special equipment’s can be used in the vehicle search request for 1P/1J providers. When more than 5 special equipment’s are being provided in the request, uAPI will consume first 5 and ignore the rest.
4457 Special Equipment type(s) [$?] is/are invalid. Please enter the valid special equipment code and resubmit request.
4872 [$?]-Policy Name is invalid and was not processed in the request
4835 [$?]-SubKey @Name is invalid and was not processed in the request
4836 Please provide a valid LoyaltyCard/@SupplierCode
4871 Partial DiscountNumber returned. Upgrade to schema v34.0 or higher to retrieve full DiscountNumber.
4837 Invalid company code.
4838 Location closed at the time of day requested.
4839 Invalid vendor code.
4840 Location closed at time specified.
4841 Location closed. After hour returns are not available.
4842 Location not found.
4843 Location is closed at specified time/date.
4844 Need city/airport code.
4845 No rates for the requested vehicle(s).
4846 No vehicles available for requested city.
4847 Pick up date cannot be in the past.
4848 Rate code and plan did not match the date requested.
4849 Reference point not found.
4850 Return date cannot be in the past.
4851 Return date too far in the future.
4852 Return location not found.
4853 Unable to find rates for the date range indicated.
4854 Car company not at location.
4855 Car not available.
4856 Invalid pickup date.
4857 Invalid pickup location.
4858 Invalid return location.
4859 Location closed at time of return.
4860 No response from vendor.
4861 Rate not available.
4862 Return to same city.
4863 Return to same district.
4864 Return to same location.
4865 Credit card required.
4866 Link to Supplier not available.
4867 Return city or location code not valid.
4868 Vehicle not offered at this location.
4869 Invalid location category.
4870 Invalid arrival time.
4873 VehicleCategory, VehicleClass, TransmissionType, AirConditioning are required for Vehicle Rules by the Provider.
4874 VendorCode, VehicleCategory, VehicleClass, TransmissionType, AirConditioning, RateCode, and RateToken are required for vehicle rules. InventoryToken , RatePeriod , RateCategory may be required
4875 VendorCode, VehicleCategory, VehicleClass, TransmissionType and AirConditioning are required with /VehicleModifier
4876 All Return @LocationCode must be the same.
4877 Request contains a Policy Reference. But there is no valid response data to pass into Policy.
4878 You are not provisioned for this version of the schema, which contains alpha functionality. Please use another version, or contact your local Travel port representative or API Support for more information.
4879 Maximum 5 Special equipment codes can be used in the search request. First 5 special equipment codes have been processed in the request.
4880 SpecialEquipment/@Quantity is not supported in the VehicleSearchAvailabilityReq and has been ignored.
4881 1P host does not support the @Quantity in VehicleCreateReservationReq. SpecialEquipment/@Quantity has been ignored.
4882 The following <SpecialEquipment/@Type(s)> are not supported and were not included in the request: [$?]
4883 The following <RateCategory> are not supported and were not included in the request: [$?]
4884 The following <VehicleClass> are not supported and were not included in the request: [$?]
4885 The following <Category> are not supported and were not included in the request: [$?]
4886 At Age, please enter a valid driving age number , eg . '21'.
4887 Age specified > 99 is not valid and has been ignored.
4888 VehicleModifier/@ MinDoorCount and /@ MaxDoorCount has been ignored. Possible values for MinDoorCount is 2,4 and MaxDoorCount is 3,4,5.
4890 MinDoorCount cannot be greater than MaxDoorCount. VehicleModifier/@ MinDoorCount and /@ MaxDoorCount has been ignored.
4891 VendorLocation/@ProviderCode and @VendorCode are required.
4892 AcrissVehicleCode was processed and all other VehicleModifiers have been ignored.
4893 Location is closed at specified time/date.[$?][$?] is open at [$?] and closed at [$?]
4894 Location is closed at specified time/date.[$?][$?] is open at [$?] and closed at [$?] and open at [$?] and closed at [$?]
4895 Prepay rates are not available for rental requests that exceed $? days.
4896 The requested location.[$?] does not offer prepay rates.
4897 VehicleRules Request with VehicleReservationLocatorCode is not valid and has been ignored

Type Name="Data"

7403 PickupLocationType and PickUpLocationNum is mandatory.
7404 EVoucher amount is required for a SpecificValue EVoucher.
7421 - Keyword is invalid
7422 If the LocationType is entered then PickupLocationNumber is required
7423 If the PickupLocationNumber is entered then LocationType is required
7424 – keyword details not available
7425 Maximum five special equipments are allowed.
7426 Special equipment $? already present in the reservation.
7427 Special equipment $? was not present in original booking.
7428 Only First Promo code is used and Multiple Promo Codes are not supported by the Provider.
7430 $? already exists against segment. Please delete the existing record to add a new address or update the existing information.
7431 No $? available against reservation for $?.
7432 Infant Date of Birth is Required in the BookingTraveler/DOB field.
7433 Both, Date Of Birth of Infant/Child and NameRemark was provided. NameRemark data has been ignored.
7434 Only Infant Date Of Birth NameRemark could be sent.
3059 PickUp Location date specified is in the past.
4010 Invalid Pick-Up Location Number.
4011 Invalid Return Location Number.
4012 UnMapped Rate Category from GWS Response.
4013 Multiple Vendor DiscountNumbers,LoyaltyCards not supported when a vendor rate code is specified for the requested provider.
4014 Warning and information from host.
4147 Max length for Loyalty Card Number is 18.
4150 The max value for card number allowed is of length 16.
4151 The max length for value of Other Guarantee Info allowed is 25.
4205 Frequent Traveler information for some of the vehicle reservation(s) could not be retrieved.
4206 VendorCode is required for Vehicle Rate Modifiers.
4207 VendorCode is required for Loyalty Card.
4208 Third Party Information already been added to VehicleReservation with key $?
4209 PaymentInformation Key Mismatch.
4210 SpecialEquipment Key Mismatch
4212 Duplicate key error; object:GeneralRemark key: $?
4213 Duplicate key error; object:UnassociatedRemark key: $?
4214 Duplicate key error; object:XmlRemark key: $?
4215 Duplicate key error; object:AccountingRemark key: $?
4216 Request for Pickup Location "$?" was not processed in your request, Max # Pickup Locations exceeded
4217 Request for Return Location "$?" was not processed in your request, Max # Return Locations exceeded
4218 PermittedVendors "$?" was not processed in the request
4229 VendorLocation was applied, request information provided in @PickupLocation, @PickupLocationType, @PickupLocationNumber, @ReturnLocation, @ReturnLocationType, @ReturnLocationNumber was not processed
4230 SellableRatesOnly option is not valid for Providers 1G, 1V
4252 SellableRatesOnly option is not valid for Provider 1V
4231 $? not specified in / VendorLocation.
4232 The max distance cannot exceed 999 and the results are based on a Max distance of 999
4233 ProviderLocatorCode is required.
4234 AirSegment is required.
4235 Only one AirSegment is allowed.
4236 Only one HostToken is allowed.
4237 AirSegment @ClassOfService is required.
4238 Enum value '$?' not found
4239 Rail and Air cannot be combined in one SeatMapReq. Only one AirSegment is allowed for Rail.
4240 Request information provided in VehicleDateLocation @ReturnLocation, @ReturnLocationType, @ReturnLocationNumber was not processed in the request. Please use VendorLocation element for this.
4241 EstimatedTotalAmount needed for MandatoryRateMatch.
4242 MandatoryRateMatch must be true if RateVariance attributes are used.
4243 MandatoryRateMatch, RateVariance all attributes are required.
4244 RateVariance specified in the request is invalid.
4245 MandatoryRateMatch, unable to complete booking, vendor response rates are undetermined.
4246 MandatoryRateMatch, unable to complete booking, EstimatedTotalAmount not returned by vendor.
4247 A successful booking was completed within the permitted rate match variance.
4248 MandatoryRateMatch functionality is not supported when SpecialEquipment is in the Book request..
4249 AGE is required in the request to allow the ability to return localized content in the response.
4250 Unable to return localized policy content.
4251 Unable to return localized policy content for requested language and supplier,defaulting to English.

Name="HTLSVC" Range="5000-5999"

Type Name="Data"

4901 Max length of Reference Point description is 30.
4903 AuthorizedBy is required.
5007 Keyword description for all of the requested keywords not available.
5026 Keyword description for some of the requested keywords not available.
5027 Please provide a HotelLocation to refine the search
5126 CheckIn Time cannot be null for complete hotel information
5127 CheckOut Time cannot be null for complete hotel information
4905 Frequent Traveler information for some of the hotel reservation(s) could not be retrieved.
4906 Please refer Hotel Rules for detailed rate information.
4907 PickupTime is not provided
4908 ReturnTime is not provided
4969 Only one room may be searched and booked
4970 One or more supplier was not recognized or authorized, please check your request for supplier code; [$?]
4981 No suppliers are authorized for this transaction, please see your administrator or try your transaction again.
4982 It appears that no suppliers have been authorized for your transaction, please try your search over. If you see this message again, kindly see your administrator.
4987 No Asynch Hotel search response data found for the Search Id and Provider Code specified in the request.
4988 Request has invalid Provider Code. Please specify correct Provider Code.
4990 Requested RatingProvider not supported for requested Provider.
4991 The first Rating value for $? has been considered in the request.
4992 The valid rating value for RatingProvider $? is between 1 and 5 only.
4993 Valid MinimumRating and/or MaximumRating should be between 1 and 5 for requested RatingProvider
4994 Invalid RatingRange specified
4995 For this provider, the currency requested in the Details request must match the currency used in the Search request.
4996 Duplicate key error; object:$? key: $?
4997 AuthorizedBy field may only contain letters and numbers.
4998 An invalid value @MaxWait was entered and has been ignored.
5001 A name in the booking did not match at least one of the SearchTraveler names sent in the request.
5003 Invalid value in parameter. The minimum value for the search_timeout parameter is 2000.
5008 Travelport Universal API does not support hotel booking for multiple aggregators. Please select a room/rate option (HotelRateDetail) from the same aggregator.
5009 The BookingTravelerRef key is required to properly allocate guests to each room in the booking. The BookingTravelerRef key must match with the key provided in BookingTraveler @Key. Provider: TRM.
5010 The BookingTravelerRef key $? returned in BookingGuestInformation does not match any BookingTraveler @Key value. Please validate and resubmit your request.
5011 In BookingTravelerRef Key $? the Child age does not match the age requested in BookingGuestInformation. Please validate and assign the proper BookingTravelerRef key.
5015 NumOfRatePlans has been ignored, positive integers are supported.

Type Name="Business"

5105 The system is unable to display all the information in the hotel segment.
5106 The system is unable to find the reservation matching the given information.
5107 No properties match request.
5108 The property does not accept the type of credit card given.
5109 Property requires a deposit for this date.
5110 Check the date.
5111 An invalid chain code was used.
5114 Dir support up to 50 Vendor Locations, First 50 vendor locations are considered for this request.
5116 A phone number is required to complete the booking.
5117 Max number of Corporate Discount Id(s)/Negotiated Rate Code(s) exceeded for this Provider. The following Corporate Discount Id(s)/Negotiated Rate Code(s) were not included in the request:
5555 Max number of Corporate Discount Id(s) exceeded for this Provider. The following Corporate Discount Id(s) were not included in the request:
5118 Amenity request not supported by host. Supported amenities have been requested.
5119 The maximum number of 15 search modifiers has been exceeded. Additional modifiers have been ignored.
5120 Invalid amenity code, please verify.
5121 No hotels meet your search modifier criteria.
5122 Maximum number of amenities has been exceeded. First four amenities have been requested.
5113 isRelaxed indicator not supported by this provider, and has been ignored.
5112 No hotels meet your search modifier criteria.
5232 Location ignored - Specific properties returned.
5233 The maximum number of 8 amenity search modifiers has been exceeded. Additional amenities have been ignored
5234 Please add a LocationCode or PropertyID.
5235 MaxProperties modifier is not supported and has been ignored.
5236 Amenities modifier is not supported, and has been ignored.
5237 RateCategory modifier is not supported, and has been ignored.
5238 PermittedChains modifier is not supported and has been ignored.
5239 ProhibitedChains modifier is not supported and has been ignored.
5240 HotelAddress modifier is not supported, and has been ignored.
5241 ReferencePoint modifier is not supported, and has been ignored.
5242 SearchPriority modifier is not supported, and has been ignored.
5243 PermittedSuppliers modifier is not supported and has been ignored.
5244 NumberOfChildren modifier is not supported, and has been ignored.
5245 HotelPaymentType modifier is not supported, and has been ignored.
5246 Distance modifier is not supported, and has been ignored.
5247 CorporateDiscountID modifier is not supported, and has been ignored.
5248 HotelBedding modifier is not supported, and has been ignored.
5250 "BookingGuestInformation" is used by TRM only. For GDS providers (1G, 1V, 1P, and 1J) and aggregated requests (GDS provider + TRM), use @NumberOfAdults, @NumberOfRooms, and @NumberOfChildren.
5128 Invalid Date Range, NumberOfNights should not exceed 99
5129 Invalid Date Range, Check-out date cannot be before Check-in date
5130 CheckOut date must be after CheckIn date
5131 The child count must include one age for each child listed within the number of children
5132 The number of adults plus the number of children must not exceed a total of 9
19073 The number of rooms must not exceed 9
19074 The number of adults plus the number of children must not exceed a total of 9 and the number of rooms must not exceed 9
5134 Invalid Request: Duplicate Bed Type.
5135 Invalid Request: Apart from Adult Rollway, Child Rollway and Crib only one bed type is supported.
5136 Credit Cardholder Name or CVV not supported for the requested hotel supplier.
5137 Credit Card Billing Address not supported for the requested hotel supplier.
5138 Number of beds is required for the requested provider.
5139 Invalid NumberOfBeds for the requested provider.
5140 Maximum 25 characters allowed for guarantee information.
5143 Only Agency IATA or ARC number can be mapped to host.
5144 Provider does not support Search by Loyalty Number. So Loyalty Information not submitted to Provider.
5145 Provider does not allow setting of Priority Order for Search Modifiers.
5146 Provider does not support search by AAA Rating. The input was not submitted to the Provider.
5147 Only one Corporate Discount ID or Negotiated Rate code is supported for the requested provider.
5148 Requested provider has a restriction of 30 characters for Address (Street and City).
5149 Number of Bed Type is not supported by Vendor.
5150 Provider does not support Age for Children in request. Age value not submitted to provider.
5151 Number of Children is not supported by $?.
5152 Provider does not support Details by Bed Type
5153 Provider allows a maximum 2 Number Of Beds for Type
5154 No Room details available for this property.
5155 Provider does not support Details by Loyalty Number.
5156 This form of Guarantee/Deposit is not supported by the host.
5157 Supplemental information (SI) Text have been truncated. Requested Provider does not support more than 90 characters
5158 Bed Types supported by provider are - RollawayAdult, RollawayChild and Crib.
5159 Number of beds is required for the requested provider.
5160 Provider only allows one Email Address per passenger. Only one sent in request.
5161 Provider allows a maximum of 17 characters for LoyaltyCard including SupplierCode and CardNumber for SupplierType - Hotel.
5162 Provider allows a maximum of 22 characters for LoyaltyCard including SupplierCode and CardNumber for SupplierType - Air.
5163 Provider only allows a maximum of 3 Booking Codes
5164 Provider does not support Availability request with Premium First as cabin class.
5165 Best fares for the requested cabin class may not have been returned. Please use booking code search.
5166 Provider returns best fares for search with Booking Codes. Hence PermittedBookingCodes submitted to provider.
5167 Provider does not support search with 'Premium First' cabin class.
5168 Only one Corporate Discount ID is supported for the requested provider.
5169 Separate NegotiatedRateCode is not supported in the Book request by the requested provider. NegotiatedRateCode is tied with RatePlan if applicable.
5170 Separate NegotiatedRateCode is not supported in the Book request by the requested provider. NegotiatedRateCode is tied with RatePlan if applicable.Only corporate discount ID is supported for the requested provider.
5171 Provider supports only one Corporate Discount ID. First one in the list submitted to provider.
5172 The HotelRateDetail and HotelRatebyDate data may vary from the actual rates used for the booking as the provider does not support some of the rate modifiers for the Rate Detail request.
5173 Provider does not support Age for Children in request. Age value not submitted to provider
5174 Booking Source requires 7 or 8 numerics by the Provider.
5175 This form of Guarantee is not supported by the Provider.
5176 This form of Guarantee/Deposit is not supported by Vendor.
5177 Invalid IATA Number.
5178 Location Type not supported by provider.
5179 Location Number is mandatory with Location Type for provider.
5180 Location Type is mandatory with Location Number for provider.
5185 Provider does not support this RatePeriod modifier.
5186 VendorCode and RateCode are required for Vehicle Rules by the Provider.
5187 VehicleCategory and VehicleClass are required for Vehicle Rules by the Provider.
5188 DoorCount is required this Vehicle Category by the Provider.
5189 SupplierCode for Customer Identification Number(SupplierType="Vehicle") should be same as the Car Vendor being requested.
5190 Provider sometimes return the Total value for all rooms.
5191 This type of Booking Source is not supported by the provider.
5192 Vendor does not support booking with Promotional Code.
5195 Host does not support Number of Beds in Hotel Shop Request.
5196 The Bed Type is not supported as user input in Hotel Shop by the provider.
5198 Provider does not support Bedding Type = '$?'.
5199 Provider supports max. two Bed Types in the request. Bed Types - $? have been submitted to the provider request.
5201 Unmatched search criteria
5202 Invalid Chain -
5203 No Properties found for Chain -
5205 Provider requires either HotelLocation or ReferencePoint is required for Hotel Search.
5206 HotelLocation is mandated by provider.
5207 Images of type Gallery is not supported by provider.
5208 Number of Children is not supported by Vendor
5209 Number of Persons in room exceeds limit. Please alter number of person or change the room type
5210 Provider allows a maximum $? Number Of Beds for Type = '$?'.
5211 This form of Guarantee/Deposit is not supported by the host.
5213 Hotel Rules may not reflect rules as booked
5216 Provider does not support modification of Email Comment
5220 Requested Bed Type not available from vendor
5221 Requested Bed Type is not available from vendor and a substitute is being offered
5222 Requested Bed Type is not available from vendor as maximum has been exceeded
5223 Credit card type, card number and expiration date cannot be empty.
5224 Cannot add Corporate Discount for the hotel segment as only 1 corporate discount is allowed per segment
5225 No updation possible as no corporate discount exists for the hotel segment
5226 No deletion possible as no corporate discount exists for the hotel segment
5227 NegotiatedRateCode can only be added during book. This field cannot be modified post booking
5115 Only Property level keywords are supported by the provider and HotelCode is required to get property level keywords.
5133 SubKey word is not supported. Only KeyWord is supported by the provider.
5228 Negotiated rate code is not supported for requested provider
5229 Guarantee Key Mismatch.
0024 Only one Loyalty Card of type "Hotel" is allowed.
0030 Loyalty Card of Type "Hotel" already exists and not sent to host.
3043 Cannot update Booking Source for the hotel segment as only 1 special request is allowed per segment.
3044 No updation possible as no Booking Source exists for the hotel segment.
3047 Cannot update Special Request for the hotel segment as only 1 special request is allowed per segment.
3048 No updation possible as no special request exists for the hotel segment.
3049 No deletion possible as no special request exists for the hotel segment.
4174 Total number of rooms cannot exceed 9.
4175 Total number of persons including children cannot exceed 9.
4183 No updation possible as no Booking Source exists for the hotel segment.
4186 Provider supports maximum of 9 Extra Adults. Modify Booking to add the Extra Adults.
4187 ExtraAdults value already exists against the Reservation. Please use HotelUpdate to modify.
4188 There is no ExtraAdults value against the Reservation for update. Please use HotelAdd to add the value.
4201 Additional details like Phone Number is saved locally for the requested provider.
4211 Total number of children cannot exceed 5
4904 No hotel images available.
5031 Amenity data not available for the selected properties
5028 Hotel Rules returned are as of today since Hotel supplier confirmation is not yet available
5029 Cannot add Special Request for the hotel segment as only 1 special request is allowed per segment
5030 No updation possible as no special request exists for the hotel segment
1321 Hotel Rules returned are as of today since Hotel supplier confirmation is not yet available.
1322 Hotel Rules returned are as of today due to other error/warnings returned by the provider.
1323 No hotel reservation found for this locator code.
1330 Hotel Check-in or Check-out Date cannot be in the past.
5231 RoomMaster Property Number should have max length 5
4979 Max. one Corporate Discount is supported by provider. Only the first one has been used.
4980 Max. one Negotiated Rate Code is supported by provider. Only the first one has been used.
4983 Corporate Discount/Negotiated Rate Code not supported for this service for the selected Provider.
4984 Unrecognized Hotel Bedding Type was entered and will be ignored.
4985 Requested Provider supports only 5 Rate Categories. Rate Categories $? have been ignored.
4986 Rate Categories $? are not supported by the requested provider and have been ignored.
5499 Traveler compliance with given key $? not found.
4927 Please provide a bookingTraveler in the request
4929 Could not add session
4961 User Not Authorized to book Hotel of the requested Provider - $?
4989 User Not Authorized to view Hotel Rules of the requested Provider - $?
5500 Hotel Transportation type is unrecognized by host, and was ignored on the response.
5501 No hotels are available for search criteria.
5502 No hotels meet the hotel transportation type CourtesyBus criteria.
5503 Please change your search criteria, no hotels meet the hotel transportation type CourtesyBus with the AvailableHotelsOnly search as true.
5504 "Available Hotels Only" is set to true, in hotel search availability request, some hotels that may match other search criteria, are removed from response.
5505 No more hotels are available for search criteria.
5506 Rules request with Bed Type not supported by provider
5508 Unmatched search criteria Amenity
5000 General hotel service error.
5005 Hotel property doesn't exist.
5006 DAY rate category not recognized or supported with other rate categories.
5509 The rate override in not supported in hotel book. The rate can be overridden only during hotel modify.
5510 The base amount and total amount are suppressed as rate override occurred.
5511 The currency in the rate override amount should match with the currency in reservation.
5512 Cancelation Deadline Cannot be Derived
5513 TotalOccupants cannot be greater than sum of Number of Adults and Number of Children
5514 Total Occupants was ignored, not supported by provider.
5515 Only NumberOfChildren/@Count may be supported for this host provider. Children support is hotel supplier dependent.
5516 NumberOfAdults and NumberOfRooms both are '0', you must have at least '1' room with atleast '1' adult.
5517 NumberOfRooms is ‘0’, you must have at least ‘1’ room.
5518 Modification of Extra child not supported for provider.
5519 NumberOfChildren or ExtraChild, not both. Most suppliers use NumberOfChildren.
5520 ExtraChild data already exist in the reservation. Please use UniversalRecordModify, HotelUpdate transaction to request change.
5521 ExtraChild Content Attribute is not supported at request.
5522 Number of children Amount Attribute is not supported at request.
5523 Only ExtraAdult modification is supported using HotelAdd. For other GuestInformation attributes please use ModifyCommand/HotelUpdate.
5524 Extra children request exceeds 5 persons.
5525 Hotel Bedding Type is currently implemented only for RA, RC and CR.
5526 Please specify the number of beds.
5527 Number of beds can not be zero
5528 User must input a valid HotelSearchLocation code.
5529 You must enter a supported ProviderCode.
5530 IATA City/Airport code or ProviderLocation Code was not applied for GDS’ shopping.
5531 Please assure six character bespoke location code is entered.
5533 The hotel location, location airport, city, or the provider bespoke location code, could not be applied to the hotel search.
5535 Please check airport/city/bespoke code, change and try the search again.
5536 Must provide Latitude and Longitude for Hotel Search by Coordinate Location.
5537 Hotel Search by Coordinate Location is not supported for this provider.
5538 Cannot search by both Coordinate Location and Reference Point or Postal Code or Transportation, or Property ID or Hotel Address. Coordinate Location was used and other search modifiers were ignored.
5539 Max Distance cannot exceed 75 miles. Search modified for max of 75 miles.
5540 Max Distance cannot exceed 120 km. Search modified for max of 120 km
5542 Your reference point name was too long and has been truncated to the supported max 30 character length.
5544 Please enter a valid 2 character ISO state or country code and try your request again.
5546 Please check the CorporateDiscountID/NegotiatedRateCode – Plan Code. Only one Master Secure Rate Code may be supported per transaction.
5547 The following rate information does not match your request. Please adjust rate and resubmit reservation request. $?.  To override this validation and complete hotel reservation anyway, resubmit your request with MandatoryRateMatch ="false"
5548 No Rates for Total or Base were returned cannot complete booking.
5549 ReferencePoint has been ignored.
5551 Loyalty Card Number was ignored for Supplier Type Vehicle.
5552 Loyalty number invalid for this hotel chain – $?. Add the Supplier Code to Loyalty Number and resubmit.
5553 Loyalty Card for $? not supported by supplier. Remove and try request again.
5554 Supplier Code $$ is ignored from Request.
5556 Can only enter one loyalty card per Supplier Type (Air, Hotel).
5557 Cannot exceed 17 characters for Loyalty Card for Hotel Frequent Guest.
5558 Cannot exceed 22 characters for Loyalty Card for Air Frequent traveler
5559 RulesDetailReqd not supported by provider and was ignored.
5560 No rate plan type was returned. Change the RulesDetailReqd indicator to “Rules” or “All” and resubmit your request.
5561 No Rate for Total or Base were entered. Cannot complete booking.
5562 Variance – The Rate Base returned does not match the Rate Base entered in the request. Booking was completed because the Rate Total in the request did match the Rate Total in booking response.
5563 The Source Link for this request was not available and the returned rate information may not be accurate. Resubmit reservation request.$?. To override this validation and complete hotel reservation anyway, resubmit your request with MandatoryRateMatch ="false".
5564 Please enter a Country code and State code when US, on Worldspan Reference Point search.
5565 Invalid hotel properties: $?.
5568 HotelLocation "XXX" was applied as a null value because the hotel supplier did not return an IATA city or airport code.
5569 A duplicate discount rate code $? was entered and has been ignored.
5570 Travelport Rooms and More credentials are invalid.
5571 Please note the actual room rates may not match the room rate that is confirmed.
5400 Check-in date in the past.
5401 Check-out date in the past.
5402 Connection to Supplier is unavailable.
5403 No properties found for postal code.
5404 No properties found at this location. Refine search parameters.
5405 No properties found for reference point requested.
5406 No properties found meeting specified criteria.
5407 No properties found or available for this request.
5408 No properties found or available offering multi-level rate code.
5409 Reference point not found.
5410 Chain ID is invalid.
5411 Check-in/check-out date is invalid.
5412 Check-in date is not available.
5413 Check-in date is not valid.
5414 Check-in date is too far in the future.
5415 Check-in date is before today's date.
5416 Check-in date restriction.
5417 Check-out date is too far in the future.
5418 Check-out date restriction.
5419 Number of adults is invalid.
5421 Invalid Supplier response.
5422 Maximum length of stay error.
5423 Maximum length of stay restriction.
5424 Maximum number of adults has been exceeded.
5425 The maximum number of rooms has been exceeded.
5426 A maximum of 4 rooms per transaction can be booked.
5427 Minimum length of stay restriction.
5428 No room/rate available for number of guests requested.
5429 Number of adults exceeds room limits.
5430 Number of children exceeds room limits
5431 Number of nights CTA restriction.
5432 Number of nights exceeds limit.
5433 Property closed restriction.
5434 Property is not available.
5435 Rate plan is not available.
5436 Rates requested are not available.
5437 Room inventory restriction.
5438 Room occupancy exceeded.
5439 Room type is not available.
5440 Roomaster processing error.
5441 Rooms requested exceeds limit.
5442 Unable to perform multi-room request.
5443 Property does not support requests for this number of adults.
5444 Credit card number is invalid.
5445 Rate is not available.
5573 $? - $?
5574 "message": "None of the enabled engines could fulfill your request. $?."
5575 Children below age $? will be booked as Infants by $?.
5576 Children aged $? or older will be booked as Adults by $?.
5577 Maximum children per room supported by $? is $?. If more than $? children are requested for a room, excess children will be booked as Adults by the aggregator.
5578 $? does not support children. Any children included in the request will be booked as Adults by the aggregator.
5579 The hotel booking was successful. However, the aggregator or supplier (hotel property) was unable to fulfill the requested guest allocation per room. <AdaptedRoomGuestAllocation> contains the modified room allocation returned by the aggregator/supplier
5588 The target branch is not provisioned for the provider in the request.
5589 Amenity type has been ignored and sent as type 'HA'. The request supports a 2 byte alpha code; HA - hotel property amenity or RA - Room Amenity. Supported amenities have been requested.
5590 Only 3 rate codes are supported for requested hotel chain.
5591 No rate plan type was returned.
5592 Preferred currency has been ignored, please enter a valid ISO currency code.
5593 A Currency conversion attribute was not provided to successfully complete rate conversion support.
5594 PrettyPrintService failed for some of the HotelRateDetails.
5595 One or more Remarks could not be synched on the UR : $?
5596 One or more SSR could not be synched on the UR : $?
5597 The Vehicle Rules request does not support Air loyalty numbers and has been ignored.
5600 PNR Cancellation Date has been passed
5605 Email address was ignored in the Hotel Reservation due to invalid or no email type provided.Valid values are 'Traveler,Agency'.
5606 Email not supported by hotel vendor
5607 All rooms could not be sold - booking ignored.

Name="PNRSVC" Range="6000-6999"

Type Name="System"

6119 Host system error.
6120 Incomplete response from host.

Type Name="Data"

6006 Could not retrieve element being referenced in the reservation. No element found with the specified key.
6008 Unable to find a segment for specified flight number.
6009 The reservation element type is unknown.
6022 AccountingRemark remark is blank.
6025 CommisionRemark is not supported for the requested provider.
6023 General Remark is blank.
6024 Invalid carrier code in the OSI request.
6026 SSR type is blank.
6027 Passenger remark is blank.
6028 Passenger phone number is blank.
6029 Passenger email address is blank.
6030 Cannot resolve Fare object in new AirPricing.
6031 Cannot resolve Segment object in new AirPricing.
6032 Cannot resolve Booking object in new AirPricing.
6033 Cannot resolve Passenger object in new AirPricing.
6034 Cannot resolve FightDetail object in new AirPricing.
6038 Free text is required for this type of SSR.
6039 Free text is not required for this type of SSR.
6040 AirPricing object is incomplete:
6041 SSR $? is not supported for requested provider
6060 Given AirPricing object has unknown key.
6071 OSI text is blank.
6078 Free text format is not valid for this type of SSR.
6079 Provided host Pseudo City Code is invalid.
6082 AddressName is required on ContactInfo's Address.
6072 The member code must be specified for loyalty cards.
6098 BookingTraveler doesn't exist in the specified PNR.
6103 Some of the OSI(s) have been ignored due to invalid data.
6104 Key not found
6112 Cannot add a new BookingTraveler to an existing PNR
6113 Unable to sync form of payment information.

Type Name="Business"

6004 Solution not supported.
6005 Unable to process modify request. Reservation already ticketed.
6007 The reservation element modification failed due to an unspecified business rule.
6010 The reservation modify action specified is not supported.
6011 The earliest segment is within the advance-purchase-rule threshold.
6012 The indicated ticket-type change cannot be made.
6013 The specified card number does not match the number stored.
6014 The specified amount conflicts with the previous amount specified.
6015 The specified phone number cannot be deleted. At least one phone number must be present in a reservation.
6016 The specified expiration date is invalid.
6017 Primary contact was already defined.
6018 Primary contact cannot be deleted.
6019 Primary contact phone cannot be modified.
6020 The specified seat assignment does not match the existing, stored seat assignment.
6021 Form Of Payment contains and invalid amount.
6035 Seat assignments already exist for this passenger/segment. Please cancel existing seats and try again.
6036 At least one ticket number is required.
6050 Cannot add another AirPricing object: all passengers are already priced.
6070 Invalid program specified for loyalty card.
6073 The reservation has not yet been confirmed: Seat requests where not processed.
6074 The reservation element modification failed. Nothing to modify.
6075 Reservation has been created but could not be confirmed. Please contact Carrier for confirmation.
6076 Frequent traveler number does not exist for this airline.
6077 Name does not match frequent traveler number owner.
6100 Attempting to cancel a previously canceled reservation.
6101 Reservation is out of date. Please refresh reservation before continuing.
6105 Ticket has already been issued for one of the specified passengers.
6106 Unable to locate requested ticket. Please call the carrier.
6107 The specified passenger name does not uniquely identify the passenger within the reservation.
6108 Unable to process fare calculation line.
6109 Reservation has passive segments. Operation is not supported.
6110 A reservation with passive segments must be ticketed before modifications are allowed.
6111 On a reservation with passive segments, only other passive segments and remarks can be added/deleted.
6115 Reservation was out of synch with the carrier and has been updated. Please verify your request is still valid and retry.
6116 Vendor denied the cancel request.
6117 Segment number not found or is in incorrect format.
6121 Max number of permitted vendors exceeded for this host. The following vendor(s) were not included in the request:
6122 Max number of Rate Categories exceeded for this host. The following Rate Category(s) were not included in the request:
6123 Rate Category(s) not supported by this host. The following Rate Category(s) were not included in the request:
6124 Max number of prohibited vendors exceeded for this host. The following vendor(s) were not included in the request:
6125 Incorrect Ref point and city/airport combination. The similar names returned in response -
6126 Category should not be blank for Alpha type. Please use Basic.
6127 Category is not supported for Basic type. Please use Alpha.
6128 Unsupported type.
6129 Please provide Category for the "Other" type.
6130 Provided Category or TypeInGds is not valid.
6131 Accounting Remark text format is not valid for category.
6132 Only one rate modifier has been used, others are IGNORED.
6133 Provider accepts 35 characters per line of Client Billing Address. Thus some data has been truncated while submitting to provider.
6134 Provider accepts 32 characters per line of Client Delivery Address. Thus some data has been truncated while submitting to provider.
6135 General Remark with TypeInGds 'Alpha' should have a single character(A to Y) category
6136 General Remark with TypeInGds 'Historical' should have 'Z' as category
6137 Provider does not support status change of individual segments in a reservation. Status Change of all segments on the reservation needs to be accepted together.
6138 Provider does not support Vendor Remarks.
6139 Active Cruise is not supported by provider.
6140 Integrated Content is not supported by provider.
6141 Import of Group bookings is not allowed.
6142 Passive Segment End Date should be greater or equal to start Date.
6143 GeneralRemark remark can not be more than 87 characters in length.
6145 A CommissionCap can be entered only with an Amount or Percentage value.
6146 TravelerType used must be present in the Reservation.
6144 EndorsementRemark exceeds character limit for host.
6147 Ticketing Action Status cannot be added/deleted. Only updation is allowed.
6148 Additional details like Billing Address, Phone Number is saved locally for the requested provider
6149 Form Of Payment details like BillingAddress, Phone saved locally where not supported by provider.
6150 RoutingNumber, AccountNumber and CheckNumber saved locally for the requested provider.
6151 Review Booking is not implemented for requested provider.
6206 Import of Group bookings is not allowed.
6208 MoreToken have precedence over FastResult.Hence FastResult is ignored.
6001 Could not retrieve reservation. No matching records found.
15054 Price PTC Only modifier is not supported
6080 Allowable number of Accounting remark for category exceeded.
6081 Could not find bookingTraveler associated to HotelReservation in Host.
6083 MaxResults cannot be more than 99. 99 results are shown.
6084 Cruise details were not found.
6085 MCO details were not found.
6086 Review Booking details were not found.
6087 Gds Client File not found.
6088 Custom Check not found.
6089 Enhanced Modifiers not found.
6090 Integrated Content not found.
6091 Divide details were not found.
6092 PNR Flags not found.
6093 None of the requested reservation details data is found. The PNR details is returned.
6094 Length of Passenger remark category greater than 10.
6095 Amtrak Train Segment were not found.
6096 EnhancedItinModifiers is not supported for the requested provider.
6097 Could not find bookingTraveler associated to VehicleReservation in Host.
60196 Unable to process the Stored Fare
6099 Provider allows one primary email and one additional email per passenger. Additional emails have been saved locally.
6700 Provider allows one primary email and one additional email per passenger during post booking operation. Additional emails have been saved locally.
6701 Additional Email Messages exists on the PNR which could not be imported.
6702 Email not available for update. Use UR Add.
6703 Email not available for delete.
6704 Provider does not support delete of primary email of a passenger.
6705 Email Comment for Additional Email is not supported by the Requested provider.
6706 Email Type cannot be modified.
6707 Form of payment reference is invalid.
6708 Profile Id cannot be combined with Form of payment reference.
6709 Alteration of FOP data during reuse is not allowed.
6710 Debit card /Credit Card Form of Payment only allowed for reuse.
6711 Debit card payment is not allowed for hotel/vehicle reservation.
6712 Change in Payment method is not allowed during Form of Payment reuse.
6713 External reference modify/append/delete separately in a Form of Payment is not allowed.
16001 Profile ID update not supported.
6714 Credit/Debit Card invalid for reuse.
6715 Form of Payment reuse not allowed. This Form of Payment can be used only through Profile $?
6716 Retrieve of Group bookings is not allowed.
16009 Not authorized to update FOP/ Guarantee with Profile. Please delete and Add the new Form of Payment.
16010 Reservation not ticketed. Carrier $? paid seats may be available after ticketing.
6717 TypeInGds modification is not supported for GeneralRemark - TypeInGds has to be the same as the existing value already stored in UniversalRecord
6718 ProviderCode is required if ProviderLocatorCode is required in the request.
16011 Host supports only one Guarantee form of payment.
16012 LoyaltyCard Key Mismatch
16013 Duplicate Phone Number Key
16014 Duplicate Email Key
16017 Duplicate Loyalty Card Key
16020 Sync failed for PhoneInfo
16030 Sync failed for Email
16059 Sync failed for PassengerRemark
16061 Sync failed for EmailTypePhoneNumbers
16065 Sync failed for Address
16069 Sync failed for DeliveryAddress
16083 Sync failed for DeliveryPhone
16084 Sync failed for DeliveryEmail
16085 Sync failed for LoyaltyCard
16086 Sync failed for Group
16087 Sync failed for Form Of Payment
16091 Sync failed for AirSegments
16092 Sync failed for StoredFare
16096 Sync failed for PocketItineraryRemarks
16098 Sync failed for SSR
16099 Sync failed for SeatAssignment
16100 Sync failed for ActionStatus
16105 Sync failed for GeneralRemarks
16116 Sync failed for AccountingRemarks
16130 Sync failed for LoyaltyInfo
16138 Sync failed for UnassociatedRemarks
16140 Sync failed for CommissionRemarks
16141 Sync failed for AssociatedRemarks
16146 Sync failed for InvoiceRemarks
16148 Sync failed for AgencyContactInfo
16160 Sync failed for OSI
16161 Sync failed for ProviderArnkSegments
16162 Sync failed for AirTicketModifiers
16167 Sync failed for PrimaryAirTicketModifiers
16171 Sync failed for ConsolidatorRemarks
16173 Sync failed for UnmaskedDataRemarks
16174 BookingTraveler with key $? not found.
16175 Drivers License information is not associated for BookingTraveler with key $?.
16179 Linked UR key $? not found in the UR.
16184 No airreservation found in UR to update.
16186 Invalid target provider
16188 Expected One Item in etrAddListHistory
16330 No ticket number to use for voiding
16331 At least one coupon has a non-open status
16332 An exchanged ticket cannot be voided
16333 No ETR found for ticket$?
16334 $? cannot validate non AirVoidTicketReq: $?
6000 General Reservation service error.
6102 Could not retrieve the itinerary from the external host.
6200 Segment continuity error.
6207 Supports 6 characters only.Specified data is too long
16335 PNR $? already exists in UR
16336 PNR $? already exists in UR $? created by $?
16337 Sync failed for MCOs.
16338 Sync failed for OBFees.
16339 Enett FOP is not supported. Please choose a different form of payment and retry.
16340 Only Enett VAN is supported.
16341 Only MultiUse VAN is supported. SingleUse VAN is not supported.
16342 Enett for multiple form of payments is not supported, use only one Enett FOP or use a different FOP.
16343 Enett is not supported as FOP for Book on book.
16344 Exact pickup and return location is not supported – please contact support for more details.
16345 Merchandising request unsuccessful - please retrieve UR/PNR, check status and report issue immediately. PNR is not eligible for AA PreReservedSeatAssignment.
16346 User is not authorized to retrieve this PNR/UR.
16347 AirReservationLocatorCode not found for this Universal Record.
16348 Guarantee @Type Prepayment not supported.

Name="QUESVC" Range="7000-7999"

Type Name="Data"

7021 Please provide the TargetBranch.
7022 Queue cannot be null or empty string . Queue is a required attribute.
7023 Please provide the Queue Selector.
7024 Please provide the Queue Category along with DateRange.
1002 Queue Category Length should be 2 characters
1003 Alphanumeric combinations are not allowed for Queue Category, either 2 alpha characters or 2 numeric characters should be used
7027 Multi-PNR Universal Record cannot be modified while working on Consolidator Queues
7028 Queue Session Token is required for the requested service
7029 The host does not support the number of queues requested. Some queue requests have not been sent to the host.
7030 Place on Queue is restricted for Multiple PNR Universal Record.
7031 Invalid Queue Number – Queue place activity ignored.
7032 Invalid Date Range
7034 Requested queue is not activated
7038 Requested queue is not activated, QueueNumber = [$?] Category = [$?]
7035 Requested queue is empty
7039 Requested queue is empty, QueueNumber = [$?] Category = [$?]
7036 Invalid format specified
7044 Invalid format specified, QueueNumber = [$?] Category = [$?]
7037 Invalid queue, category or date range specified
7046 Invalid queue, category or date range specified ,QueueNumber = [$?] Category = [$?]
7033 Invalid DateRange specified. Please provide a value between 1 and 4.
7047 Requested category is not activated, QueueNumber = [$?] Category = [$?].
7048 Please enter correct Queue Session Token

Type Name="Business"

7007 Specified locator code already exists on the queue.
7018 Instruction Code mandatory for host
7019 Instruction Code must be mandatory
7016 PNR queue request failed.
7017 PNR queue request failed.PNR not found.
7020 Booking successfully placed on Queue $? for Pseudo City $?
7025 Already on Queue for UR $?
7026 No PNRs present on the specified Queue
7040 Host session has expired. Please do new QueueEnter
7041 Place on Queue for PNR $? in Queue $?/$?/$?/$? [PCC/Q#/Qcat/DateRange] failed
7042 RemoveDuplicate or ProviderLocatorCode required
7043 RemoveDuplicate cannot be set to "true" when ProviderLocatorCode is present
7049 QueueSessionToken ignored when ProviderLocatorCode is present
7045 QueueSelector with Queue required when ProviderLocatorCode is present

Type Name="System">

Name="AGMSVC" Range="8000-8999"

Type Name="Data"

8109 No traveler could be found for the specified traveler ID.
8117 No account could be found for the specified account client reference.
8118 No traveler could be found for the specified client id .
8119 No branch could be found for the specified branch code.
8256 AgencyId can't be an empty string.
8257 BranchId can't be an empty string.
8258 BranchCode can't be an empty string.
8262 The following are valid Profile Types: Traveler

Type Name="Business"

8105 Failed. The agency is not associated with the specified pseudo city code.
8113 Zip code does not match zip code in the ARC record.
8234 No provider/supplier is active for this user for the requested transaction.
8235 HostEndpoint can only be specified for Terminal credentials.
8236 No provider/supplier is configured for this user for the requested transaction.
8245 Duplicate carrier code not allowed.
8251 Cannot retrieve because agency is disabled.
8260 The specified Carrier is not configured for this user for the requested transaction.
8106 No branch could be found for the specified branch ID.
8107 No agent could be found for the specified criteria.
8108 No account could be found for the specified account ID.
8110 No agency could be found for the specified identifier.
8248 No group could be found for the specified group ID.
8249 No group could be found for the specified group client reference.
8223 Profile entity is being updated by another user or wrong version retrieved. Please retrieve the entity again and try again.
8231 Unable to retrieve Branch details.
8232 Unable to retrieve Agent details.
8233 Unable to retrieve Agency details.
8267 Unable to retrieve Party parent details.

Name="MCOSVC" Range="9000-9999"

Type Name="Business"

9100 Cannot Void MCO.
9101 MCO exceeds the maximum value.
9102 Mco not found.

Name="UTLSVC" Range="10000-10999"

Type Name="System"

10001 General Util service failure.
10008 Error getting a connection to the store for saving message.

Type Name="Data"

10005 The destination requested in the request is unknown.
10006 No destinations could be determined for the requested source.
10010 Service fee description cannot be more than 128 characters.
10011 Confirmation number is not supported in service fee request.
10030 Reference data lookup by name is supported only for Airport and Carrier. For any other type of reference data, lookup by code
10032 Found more than one item in array search requiring uniqueness.
10033 Invalid value $? specified. Only one currency may be specified.
10034 Action not specified
10035 Invalid record identifier. Provider code can not be null
10036 Booking Travelers need to match for the same host PNR reservation.
10037 No matching Booking Traveler Found in the existing BTs (Check Name)
10038 Current Booking Traveler Name should be same as the previous Booking
0125 Invalid date $? specified.
1527 failure
10065 Ticket [$?] is $?
10066 Ticket [$?] has no opened coupons
10067 Ticket [$?] does not have opened coupons with marriage groups tickets not flown
19061 Status is expected in ServiceFeeInfo
19062 BookingTravelerRef is expected in ServiceFeeInfo

Type Name="Business"

10012 A report cannot be created for an unticketed reservation.
10014 A report could not be created. The reservation was refunded or exchanged.
10015 Service Fee has already been issued with key number.
10016 Max allowed Service Fee Taxes are 3.
10017 Service Fee Status should be ReadyToIssue while issuing.
10018 Only credit card form of payment allowed.
10019 Multiple PNR exists.Incorrect PassiveProviderReservationInfoRef in request.
10020 The status is not valid for the service fee request.
10021 FormOfPayment is required to create Service Fee.
10022 No such job exists!! Please enter the correct job name to proceed further
10003 A report could not be created. A reservation with the specified code could not be found.
10007 Error serializing message for transmission.
10009 The billing item count and number of billing items is not the same.
10023 TypeCode is required. Please provide a valid TypeCode.
10024 Invalid Type requested. Please provide a valid TypeCode.
10025 StartFromResult value is invalid, should be greater than zero.
10026 MaxResults value is invalid, should be between 1 to 200.
10027 Reference data update operation failed, please check the request data.
10028 Cache refresh successful on all clustered servers.
10029 Cache refresh have failed on some clustered servers. Check log for detailed information.
10030 EAS Service call failed
10072 EAS Service call failed.
10031 Origin Application List From EAS miss following supported Origin value : $?
10039 Missing Address Information
10040 Invalid Address Name
10041 Invalid Street Information
10042 Invalid City
10043 Invalid State/Province
10044 Invalid Country
10045 Invalid Date provided. $?
10046 Both SpecificTime and TimeRange is not set to a valid value.
10047 Distance Type is not set to a valid value.
10048 Location is not set to a valid value.
10049 Airport is not set to a valid value.
10050 Invalid amount specified.
10051 Specified amounts less than $1.00 are not supported
10052 Endorsement Value is not set to a valid value.
10053 Arrival times is not set to a valid value.
10054 Departure times is not set to a valid value.
10055 Only uuid of length 24 is supported
10056 Multicarrier validation not supported [$?/$?]
10057 Continuity validation failed when adding: $?. $? already in AirReservation
10058 Minimum Connect Time between arrival [$?/$?] and departure [ $?/$?] must be greater than $? minutes
10059 Ticket [$?] is older than 1 year.
10060 DateTime is not set to a valid value: $?
10061 Duplicate Credit Card information provided.The type and last 4 digit of every credit card number should be unique
10062 Email address is more than 128 characters.
12006 Error linking ticketing device.
10063 HotelMealPlans is not supported in this version of util schema. Please upgrade to util version 26 or higher for exact response.
10064 HotelRoomViewType is not supported in this version of util schema. Please upgrade to util version 26 or higher for exact response.
10068 Please enter the supported provider code to get the reference points list.
10069 Please check your @ProviderCode and @TypeCode and enter exactly as supported. Your data search could not be completed.
10070 ReferencePointSearch is not supported in this version of util schema. Please upgrade to util version 29 or higher for exact response.
10071 Please reenter @ProviderCode = "1G" for Apollo/Galileo or "1P" for Axess/Worldspan users.
10073 The amenity type 2 byte alpha code are not supported, all hotel amenities have been responded.
10074 TypeCode entered is not supported prior to Universal API 16.3 (Util.xsd v.38.0 and prior).
10075 Shop with rail location codes is not supported for this version. Use version 41 or higher.
10076 Enter 2 integer parameters for NumberOfRowsToDelete and NumberOfDaysOlder

Name Name="UTSVC" Range="12000-12999"="System"


12004 Invalid supplier point of sale data.
12008 Host error during ticket issue.
12009 Host error during ticket retrieve.
12010 Form Of Payment is mandatory for midwest.
12014 Ticketing Date is passed the deadline $?

Name="URSVC" Range="13000-13999"


1302 Universal Record Modification Failed.
1303 Segment continuity validation failed.
1308 SSR with key $? not found for update.
1309 Only 1 FOP is supported. A new FOP cannot be added with one existing.
1310 Free text is mandatory for SSR - $?.
1311 Provider only supports a status - $? for SSR - $?.
1312 Carrier code is mandatory for this type of SSR.
1313 Carrier Code, Status Code, Country Code Of Origin , Passenger Contract Phone Number , Passenger First Name and Passenger last name are mandatory for this type of SSR.
1314 PhoneNumber of Type Agency is only supported for AgencyContactInfo phone numbers.
1316 AirPricingInfo cannot be found.
1317 All the AirPricingInfoRefs for the requested stored fare need to be specified in the request.
1318 $? already exists against segment. Please delete the existing record to add a new address or update the existing information.
1319 No $? available against reservation for $?.
1324 Due to the provider limitation, booking traveler can support single name remark.
1325 Agent Email already available in host.
1327 Only one AccountingRemark with TypeInGDS = Account is supported by provider.The reservation already has an existing AccountingRemark with TypeInGDS = Account.
1328 Provider supports only one AccountingRemark of TypeInGDS = Account.
1335 Provider supports only one TourCodeRemark
1336 Tour Code can be maximum 14 alphanumeric characters for the requested Provider and this Tour Code is not applied.
1367 TourCode modifier is not supported for the requested provider.
1500 BulkTicket is not supported for the requested provider.
1338 No TourCodeRemark exists for the Reservation, use URAdd to add one.
1339 Accounting Remark Key and TypeInGds = TourCode did not match in the UR
1329 Provider only supports Category of FT for AccountingRemark with TypeInGDS = Other.
1331 Deleting Vehicle Special Equipment Type is not supported by the provider.
1332 Universal record is Inhibited. Please contact customer service for further queries.
1333 Traveler Type cannot be changed to INF.
1334 Traveler Type change for INF passenger types not allowed.
1337 Provider supports only one EndorsementRemark.
1340 No EndorsementRemark exists for the Reservation, use URAdd to add one.
1341 Accounting Remark Key and TypeInGds = Endorsement did not match in the UR.
1342 One CommissionRemark already exists and Provider supports only one CommissionRemark
1343 No Commission Remark exists for the Provider, use URAdd to add one.
1344 CorporateTrackingId can have a minimum of 6 characters and maximum of 10 characters.
1345 Provider supports only one CorporateTrackingId.
1346 No CorporateTrackingId exists for the Reservation, use URAdd to add one.
1347 Accounting Remark Key and TypeInGds = CorporateTrackingId did not match in the UR
1348 Provider supports a maximum length of 58 characters for Commission Remark line formed by concatenation of all CommissionRemark fields for all passengers
1349 Credit Card Type and Credit Card Number need to be specified in the request.
1350 ItineraryInvoicePerTraveler Remark already present for the ProviderReservation.
1351 ItineraryInvoicePerSurname Remark already present for the ProviderReservation.
1352 Provider does not support any associated text for AccountingRemark with TypeInGds = $?.
1353 Invalid BookingTravelerRef provided for Divider Card Remark.
1354 Provider PNR is clustered. Please select all travelers from same cluster.
1355 Provider does not support any Booking Traveler association for AccountingRemark with TypeInGds = $?.
1356 Booking Traveler Name has been truncated in host PNR because of Provider Limitation.
1357 Stored fare is required for Ticketing Modifiers.
1358 CustomizedNameData exists for BookingTraveler for the ProviderReservation. Provider supports only one CustomizedNameData per traveler per ProviderReservation.
1359 Use UniversalRecordModifyReq for add, update or delete of CustomizedNameData.
1360 CustomizedNameData Key is mandatory for Update.
1361 No CustomizedNameData available for update.
1362 No CustomizedNameData available for delete.
1363 Provider supports a maximum of 29 alphanumeric characters for CustomizedNameData.
1364 Ticketing Action Status already exists in the Provider Reservation. Please use URUpdate to update the same.
1365 Ticketing Action Status cannot be deleted when Active/ Passive Air segment is present in Provider Reservation. Only Action Status update is allowed.
3748 Invalid Request - General Remark with typeInGds 'Alpha' should have a single character category.
3749 Invalid Request - General Remark with typeInGds 'Historical' should have 'Z' as category.
3755 'Include Taxes' modifier is supported only for domestic fares within Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Canada, and the USA.
3758 Cannot delete phone number as at least one phone number is required by Provider.
3764 Only Textual Information can be modified for this Provider.
3766 Payment Information already exist for this Reservation.
3767 Cancellation or Addition failed for some segments :
3772 Postscript already exists in PNR and is being ignored. Use modify to change Postscript.
3774 UniversalAdd for BookingTravelerName not supported for the requested provider.
3776 CustomerID already exists in PNR and is being ignored. Use modify to change Customer ID.
3777 Name change may not be communicated to the Vehicle reservation supplier for the requested provider.
3779 Name change for a partially or fully ticketed UR is not supported.
3780 Name change not supported for the request.
3786 Modification of Vendor Remark is not supported.
3787 Deletion of Vendor Remark is not supported.
3670 Traveler type already exists for the Traveler.
3545 Number of Booking Travelers should be same as total number of AirPricingInfo(s)/PassengerType(s).
3277 Phone number for the Delivery Address already exists
3278 Email for the Delivery Address already exists
5200 Provider does not support deletion of primary email of booking traveler.
5212 No Payment Information present to be deleted for the Vehicle reservation
5215 Provider does not support modification of Agent Email (Additional Email)
5217 Provider does not support deletion of Agent Email (Additional Email)
5218 Provider does not support deletion of Email Comment
5219 A passenger type email is required along with an Agent type email
12012 Provider does not support delete of Delivery Info Email Address.
12013 Provider does not support Update of Delivery Info Email Address.
1300 Universal Record being updated by another user
1301 Failed refresh: Universal Record data may be stale
13006 Failed UR Modify: Not able to synch with the Host
13002 Provider reservation exists in another Universal Record.
13003 No provider reservation to import.
13004 Provider reservation contains an unsupported product.
13005 User is not authorized to acces the UR details.
13007 Universal record is being updated by another user or wrong version retrieved. Please retrieve the reservation again and try again.
13067 Universal record is being updated by another user or wrong version retrieved. Please do URretrieve or EMDretrieve to get updated data.
13009 Cascade is not supported for Multi Passenger. Please provide Provider Code and Provider Locator Code.
13010 Cascade is not supported for Multi Provider UR. Please provide Provider Code and Provider Locator Code.
13011 Cascade not supported. Please Provide Provider Code and Provider LocatorCode.
13012 ProviderReservationDetails are not available for this provider.
13500 No matching records found for the given parameters.
13504 The specified Universal Record does not exist.
13505 The specified Universal Record has been archived. Merge is not allowed.
13508 UniversalRecord is Archived and user does not have permission to view.
13509 Associated Remark(s) could not be mapped to host as Segment was not found.
13510 Some history elements were not returned as version of UR does not support these specific elements: $?
13511 ProviderLocatorCode of the requested provider is not currently associated with the UR
13514 already present in the reservation.
13516 ProviderLocatorCode does not exist on UR. Use UR Import services first to import the PNR data.
13519 Age/DOB already exists for the Traveler
21605 Universal Record not found for the rail reservation.
13013 Provider does not support SegmentRef in AssociatedRemark for Vehicle, Hotel or Passive Segments.
13015 Addition or Deletion of TicketRecord or PricingInstruction PricingType is not allowed for the requested provider.
13016 Action Status already exists in the Provider Reservation
13017 The requested Action Status is not associated to the Provider Code: $? and Provider Locator Code: $?
13018 Segment Status change ignored for segments undergoing class of service and/or date update.
13019 Split of Provider Reservation with single Traveler or more than 8 Travelers is not allowed.
13020 Split of Provider Reservation without the air reservation is not allowed.
13021 Universal record must contain 1G or 1V or 1P PNR to support Divide.
13022 Number of infants must be less than or equal to number of adults in a Provider Reservation.
13023 Failed to update class of service for flight $?.
13024 Provider reservation must have atleast one adult traveler.
13025 Import failed. Failing element $?.
13026 One or more booking traveler reference is invalid.
13027 User not authorized.
13028 Requested Profile ID can only be Agency, Branch Group or Branch Profile.
13029 Please provide a valid target branch.
13030 Not Authorized without Profile Modifier.
13031 User not authorized to view the UR.
13032 Failed to add some of the Review Bookings.
13033 Duplication of Review Booking not allowed.
13034 Segment connection validation failed.
13035 Unable to Import PNR for Provider $?.
13036 Unable to retrieve reservation for Provider $?.
13037 Valid Remarks required in review booking.
13038 Multiple Provider Code Types not allowed in a single UR Modify Request
13039 Associated universal record is not active or retained.
13040 PNR may have been recycled, please import before EMD retrieval
13041 EMD validation error
13042 No Booking Traveler found for the specified BookingTravereRef
13043 No Booking Travelers available in UR
13044 Don't use Product specific operations(like AirAdd, AirUpdate etc) if your request doesn't contain ProviderCode or ProviderLocatorCode. Instead use UR specific operations(like UniversalAdd, UniversalUpdate etc).
13045 Product [$?] updates unsupported by provider
13046 Provider Locator Code not found in the Universal Record
13047 Address with key $? either does not exist or not tagged with the current PNR
13048 Universal Record $? has already been cancelled
13049 Invalid Target Branch specified...
13051 Universal Record has been archived.
13052 Review booking date should be before the last departure date.
13053 Infant addition not supported for the requested provider.
13054 Non INF traveler cannot be added for this provider
13055 $? and $? should be used in separate modify commands
13056 Non INF traveler cannot be deleted for this provider
13057 Unable to retrieve TicketInfo for Ticket Number $? : $?
13069 Ticket was issued successfully. Error retrieving new electronic ticket record. Send a follow on AirRetrieveDocument to retrieve new electronic ticket record. $?
13058 Applied Profile already present in Booking Traveler $?
13059 General UR service Error.
13060 Profile $? present in Form of Payment cannot be updated or deleted.
13061 AppliedProfile $? is not present in universal record.
13062 Split of Provider Reservation failed. Please retrieve and report UR.
0153 No HostReservation present for Provider Code \"ACH\". Only post booking optional services can be searched.
13063 Universal Record is not in sync with carrier $? booking(s). Re-retrieve the Universal Record so that the booking(s) can be synched. Once synched, continue with the cancellation or modification process.
0203 UniversalRecord ($?) already exists for Provider Code: $? Provider LocatorCode: $? and HostCreateDate: $?
4653 PNR has been created
0152 Only one OfferAvailabilityModifiers element permitted
13071 User is not the primary traveler on the PNR. Action not allowed.
3539 UR Modify Service Error.
3540 PNR $? associated with UR $? has been re-used in host with creation date $?. No further operation is permitted on this PNR.
4338 The PNR $? associated with UR $? has been re-used in host provider with creation date $?. No further operation is permitted on this PNR.
3541 "The PNR $? has been re-used in host. To retrieve PNR $? associated with UR $? retrieve with UR $?. The new details has been syned to UR $?.
3503 "The PNR $? has been re-used in host provider. To retrieve PNR $? associated with UR $?, retrieve with UR $?. The new details have been synchronized to UR $?.
3542 UR has multiple Booking Travelers, please specify the BookingTravelerRef
13064 Unable to sync $? PNR: $?, with host creation date: $?
13065 ProfileID or ProfileSecureFlightDocKey only valid for SSR DOCA/DOCO/DOCS
13066 ProfileID specified in SSR is not present in Booking traveler(s) in request or UniversalRecord
13067 ProfileID or ProfileSecureFlightDocKey must be accompanied with eachother for Secure Flight SSRs
13070 ProfileID and ProfileSecureFlightDocKey are required for Secure Flight SSRs.
13068 UniversalRecordSearchReq@ProviderCode has been ignored, UniversalRecordSearchReq/OverridePCC@ProviderCode is used.
13100 'ViewOnly' retrieval of a PNR already existing in a UR is not possible. Sync is done.
13101 'ViewOnly' retrieval of an UR is not possible. Sync is done.
13102 TripName already exists for the Traveler
13103 TravelPurpose already exists for the Traveler
13104 No TravelPurpose exists for the Traveler for deletion
13105 No TripName exists for the Traveler for deletion
13106 No TravelPurpose exists in the Traveler for update
13107 No TripName exists in the Traveler for update
13108 System encountered issues during UR creation. UR may have incomplete reservation data. Please report issue to API Support immediately.
13109 Unable to create the minimum UR. Missing field : [$?]
13110 Unable to perform sync for the PNR : [$?]
13111 Provide valid Provider Locator Code
13112 Requested provider does not match with configured background passive provider
13113 New PNR created as requested Provider Locator Code does not have equal number in Party and matching Booking Traveler name
21025 BookingAction attribute in RailExchangeReq can either be Initiate,Final or FinalTicket
13114 Drop off charges cannot be shown.
13115 Universal API encountered issues during Universal Record (UR) creation. Please review the UR. If necessary, Retrieve to synchronize booking data.
13116 Please add Travelers and Segments
13117 OperatedBy for LoyaltyCard is not supported for this provider.
13118 Provider does not accept more than one cross accrual carrier. Only the first is considered. Others are ignored
13119 Loyalty Card mentioned in the request does not exist on PNR
13120 Simultaneous addition of new traveler and updating existing travelers are not supported
13121 Adding or Updating $? is not supported
13122 Multiple Applied Profile specified in request.
13123 VIP already exists for the Traveler
13124 Gender already exists for the Traveler
13125 Nationality already exists for the Traveler
13126 Reduce Number in Party for non-air bookings is not supported for the requested provider
13127 Voucher number is mandatory when VoucherType is selected as RegularVoucher.
13128 CAR segment already has a voucher number. If you like to update the existing voucher number, please use the VehicleUpdate.
13130 Agency contact email is required for Travel Agency Fulfillment Type.
13131 Agency Email id given in any BookingTraveler other than first are ignored. Please provide the Agency email under first Booking Traveler.

Type Name="Data"

13501 Key does not exist on the reservation.
13502 Agency Phone number with given key not found.
13503 Phone number with given key not found.
13506 Unassociated Remark with given key not found.
13507 Associated Remark with given key not found.
13512 Value of ProviderReservationDetail attribute is false
13513 Return Location Type and Number both must be supplied with Return Location.
13515 ProviderReservationDisplayDetailsReq requires atleast one of attributes to be True.
13517 Destination/Purpose code already exists.
13521 Commission Remark with given key not found.
13522 CommissionRemark/PassengerTypeLevel can be used only when multiple TravelerType exist on the reservation.
13523 Divider Card Remark can be maximum 40 characters for the requested Provider and this Divider Card Remark was not applied.
13524 No DividerCard exists for the Reservation, use URAdd to add one.
13525 Accounting Remark Key and TypeInGds=DividerCard did not match in the UR.
13526 Provider does not support AccountingRemark with TypeInGds=$?.
13527 Pocket Itinerary Remark with given key not found.
13528 Pocket Itinerary Remark(s) could not be mapped to host as Segment was not found.
13529 Agency Type Phone number not allowed for Traveler Phone.
13530 Invoice Remark with given key not found.
13531 Given State is not valid.
13532 Key reference not found for AirSegment with key reference $? inside Associated Remark.
3768 Name Remark with key not found in any of the Booking Traveler(s).
3769 Mentioned FOP is not supported by the provider.
3771 Reservation with given key not found.
3795 Supplier Code is required for this request.
3614 Requested Supplier Type is invalid.
3615 Requested Supplier Code is invalid
3544 PassengerType/BookingTravelerRef and BookingTraveler/Key is required for multiple passenger request.
3546 Either some of the PassengerType/BookingTravelerRef and BookingTraveler/Key Or BookingTraveler/TravelerType and PassengerType/Code are not matching.
12011 Invalid Form Of Payment Reference.
13008 Version number missing for the universal record.
3548 Universal Record is already visited once.
13533 Element with key $? is not found.
13534 AirPricingInfoRef@Key is required for requested provider.
13535 Primary DI already exists.
13536 Duplicate AirSegment Ref $? present in Optional Service.
13537 TicketingModifiers with BookingTravelerRef is not supported by the requested Provider.
13538 Third Party Information with given key not found.
13539 Only SDK segments are supported in Third Party Information.
13540 Please specify key for Third Party Information
13541 Third Party Information not found in vehicle reservation.
13542 Third Party Information is already added to this $? reservation. Please update it.
13543 Please specify key for Third Party Information.
13544 Third Party Information with key $? not found in $? reservation.
13545 Locater Code $? is not linked with the product given.
13546 Length of CountryCode in PhoneNumber should be within 5 characters.
13547 No Stored Optional Service found for key :$?
13548 Use AirAdd to Add new Ticketing Modifiers.
13549 ReservationName Or NameOverride is ignored as provider supports only 28 characters (which include spaces) and first BookingTravelerName is considered.
13550 First BookingTravelerName is considered as ReservationName and truncate to 28 characters (which include spaces) due to host limitation.
13551 Key Provided [$?] is invalid because it is not base64 encoded.
13552 Consolidator is not implemented for requested provider.
13553 Provider supports only one Consolidator Remark at PNR level
13553 Consolidator Remark with given key not found in PNR.
13571 Consolidator Remark with given key not found in PNR.
13554 Service status can't be modify from confirmed to other.
13555 Consolidator Remark does not exist for PNR
13556 Invalid app server name
13569 Invalid branch ID specified.
13557 No SSRs found in the specified UR
13558 expression is null for the trigger: $?, event: $?, type: $?
13559 Address for the Booking Traveler already exists
13560 Invalid input. Please provide a valid reservation domain type
13561 Cancelled segments can't be deleted.
13562 Brand ID and Brand Details are not saved.
13563 Brand ID has changed.
13564 BrandID is required.
13565 UpsellBrandID has been ignored.
13566 Brand optional services were filtered out as they are not offered in the brand or are only available at a charge.
13567 No match found for Brand ID
13568 No result found for Brand ID $?
13574 ParentType and ParentRef must be set in order to handle this request
13575 Invalid CreditCard
13576 Applied Profile with key $? not present in the Booking Traveler $?
4658 Osi key $? not found in the UR.
4652 Osi Key is not provided.
13579 AirSegment @ClassOfService or @CabinClass is Required.
13581 No matching traveler found.
13582 Ownership change not implemented for this provider.
13583 Ownership change is not supported for a Universal Record with multiple provider reservations.
13584 Ownership change failed as provider reservation is not associated with Universal Record.
13585 Ownership change failed as requested PCC and existing PCC are same.
13586 Ownership change failed as there is no phone available in the provider reservation.
13587 Passive Air segment book with $? status not allowed.
13588 The provider locator code exceeds the maximum allowable size.
13589 Unable to determine time zone for $?.
13590 Please provide valid provider locator code.
13591 No matched brand detail found
13592 Actual Cause - AirPricingInfoRef@Key is required for requested provider.
13593 No Air Pricing found for the given key $?
13594 Actual Cause - All the AirPricingInfoRefs for the requested stored fare need to be specified in the request.
13595 Please provide different AirPricingInfoRef for different AirPricingTicketingModifiers
13596 Please specify only the correct AirPricingInfoRefs for the requested stored fare inside AirPricingTicketingModifiers

Name="ACH" Range="14000-15999"

Type Name="System"

14001 Reservation system error
14002 Undetermined error - please report
14004 Error occured while doing MultiThreaded request processing
14005 Connectivity to the Vendor timed out
14006 Unable to get Connectors
14018 The vendor is temporarily unavailable
14019 Error with the response from the Vendor
14020 Exception occurred while fetching the data from the Cache/Database
14057 Supplier connection timed out.

Type Name="Business"

15001 Invalid flight number
15003 Payment amount is greater than total fare
15004 Payment amount is less than total fare
15005 Invalid agency number
15006 Insufficient funds available
15007 Invalid currency code
15008 Invalid credit or debit card
15009 Invalid agency ID for pre-payment
15014 Reservation declined by the Vendor
15015 Reservation pending with the Vendor
15109 Reservation pending with the Vendor.
15017 No flight records found for this date or market
15018 Reservation is on hold. Add payment to complete booking
15019 Reservation payment is less than total fare
15020 Reservation payment is more than total fare
15021 Invalid credit card details. Booking on Hold
15022 Unable to update Host booking. A new booking has been created
15023 Payment not added to Host booking. Update manually
15024 Host booking could not be retrieved or updated. Update manually
15025 The reservation could not be matched with a Host booking. Unable to update
15026 Hold not allowed for selected class
15027 Invalid request. Vendor or source unrecognized
15028 No payment added. Reservation has already been paid in full
15030 Unable to verify payment for the reservation. Please re-try momentarily or contact the Airline
15031 One or more payments in the reservation are pending. Retrieve the reservation to verify payment status and if needed contact the Airline
15032 The reservation could not be matched with a Host booking. Payments or modifications must be manually added to the Host booking
15033 Fare Rules could not be retrieved, please try again later
15035 Invalid date for flight requested
15039 Some of the flights have no fares associated with them
15040 Requestor of the service is unauthorized for the requested adapter
15041 No adapters available for the given origin and destination
15042 No airports available for the requested Airline/Adapter
15043 The passenger type and count combination is not supported by the carrier
15044 Infant or Child age is not supported by the carrier
15115 Child age is not supported by the carrier
15116 Infant age is not supported by the carrier
15045 Selected Payment Type requires the payment details
15046 One or more legs is sold out on the specified journey
15047 The Pass information provided is not valid
15048 The upgrade request cannot be processed currently. Please try again later
15049 The selected options could not be applied to the reservation
15050 The requested seat selection cannot be applied
15051 Discounted or private negotiated fares are not available for this itinerary
150052 Your requested change is not available for this reservation
15053 Seat selection is not available for this flight
15055 Only oneway and roundtrip journeys are supported.
15056 No Authorized ACH carrier requested
15057 User not authorized for carrier
15058 No Supported ACH carrier requested
15059 American Express Extended Payment is not supported.
15060 Booking Cancel is not supported by carrier
15061 Booking Retrieve is not supported by carrier
15062 Carrier XX does not support Add Payment
15063 Traveler Info Modify is not supported by carrier
15064 Segment Modify is not supported by carrier
15065 Number of Booking Travelers should be same as total number of AirPricingInfos/PassengerTypes for multiple passenger request.
15066 PassengerType/BookingTravelerRef and BookingTraveler/Key is required for multiple passenger request.
15068 Use AirRefundQuote or AirRefund web service when cancelling an ACH booking.
15070 Form of payment type changed.
15071 MN only supports one loyalty card per transaction.
15072 ACH does not support search by Arrival Time.
15073 Air Fare Display request is not supported for low cost carriers.
15074 FlightDetails request is not supported for low cost carriers.
15075 SeatMap is not supported by carrier
15076 Delete of payment is not allowed for Carrier XX.
15077 No change to the Air itinerary has been requested. Please use UniversalRecordModify if attempting to add optional services.
15078 SSR is Wrongly Map with the Segment.
15079 ClassOfService is a required attribute.
15081 Unable to retrieve the reservation from the supplier. The reservation details may not be in sync.
15083 Invalid carrier mapping for ssr.
15084 Only one Data attribute allowed per Optional Service.
15085 Only one BookingTravelerRef and AirSegmentRef is allowed with ServiceData/Data
15086 Invalid host response. Please shop and re-try
15087 Invalid host token reference. Please check all HostTokenRefs
15088 Cancelled segments/Reservations can't be Modified.
15089 Book/Modify into a SDK/ACH/RCH Passive Provider Reservation Info Locator code is not supported
15090 APIS Data from vendor is incomplete. Contact Vendor for more details
15091 Air on Air in the same AirReservation must be done using UniversalRecordModify.
15092 The requested itinerary or fare combination is not supported by the carrier
15093 Specify both earliest time and latest time if one of them is specified in time range
15094 Miscellaneous alert returned from vendor
15095 An error occurred while trying to apply the payment information
14000 Passive Segment creation in Galileo failed
14003 Error occurred while transcoding request XML
14007 Error occurred while creating supplier specific request
14008 Error with the response from the Vendor
14009 Error occured while converting supplier specific response to OTA Response
14010 Passive Segment Booking failed in Apollo
14011 Manual fare failed while creating Booking File
14012 Manual fare transaction might have failed and fares need to be entered manually
14013 Flights may not be available for Outbound or Inbound journey
14014 Manual Fare creation may have failed due to Host time out. Please verify the host PNR
14015 PNR creation may have failed due to Host time out
14016 Unable to retrieve reservation
14017 Host time out while retrieving reservation
14021 There was an error calculating the fare, please re-try
14024 Billing Record Creation failed on Galieo
14025 Billing Record Creation failed on Apollo
14026 Credit card type and number must be the same as the credit card type and number used in the initial booking or any subsequent modification.
14027 Credit Card in FormOfPayment does not match credit card in Universal Record (referenced by FormOfPaymentRef).
14028 Value in FormOfPayment @ Key does not reference credit card in Universal Record.
14030 Only credit card or debit card form of payment allowed.
14032 Use AirRefundQuote followed by AirRefund web service when canceling all segments in an ACH booking. Use AirExchangeQuote followed by AirExchange when modifying segments in an ACH booking
14034 Both preferred and disfavored elements for carriers and/or alliances cannot be present in the same request.
14042 Permitted and Preferred Carriers cannot be sent in the same request.
14043 A specific carrier code can only appear in one of the Preferred/Permitted/Disfavored carrier elements in a request.
14045 Only credit card,debit card or agency payment form of payment allowed.
14049 AssociatedRemark is not supported for this carrier.
14050 Only one AssociatedRemark supported for this carrier.
14051 Requested passenger type not supported.
14056 Customer Loyalty information provided is invalid or cannot be matched with the Traveler.
14074 Invalid currency type.
14077 Invalid Documentation Language code. Defaulting to English.
14078 For ACH only exchange segment should be present
14086 For ACH, exchange segment should be present.
14079 For ACH, exchange segment should contain cabin class
14081 PrivateFareOptions supports the values of AccountCodeOnly, PrivateFaresOnly, or PublicPrivateFaresOnly.

Type Name="Business"

14035 Unable to modify Optional Service
14036 BookingTravelerRef is required when adding optional services.
14037 AirSegmentRef is required when adding optional services.
14038 No ServiceData specified. BookingTravelerRef and AirSegmentRef are required when adding optional services.
14040 Fare Basis Code is required for ACH Price Request
14041 Date of Birth format is invalid, use ddMMMyy format
14044 ACH requires Date of Birth for children and infants
14046 Provisioning must include a pseudo city for ACH.
14047 Provisioning must include an Access Code for ACH.
15002 Fare class missing or invalid
15010 Invalid first name
15011 Invalid last name
15012 Invalid expiration date on credit card
15013 Request cannot be null/empty
15016 Invalid host code. Must be 1V or 1G
15029 Amount not specified in payment request. No payment added
15034 Credit Card type is required
15036 Required element in the request is missing
15038 Invalid data type / length / value of attribute supplied in the request
15067 Email address required for the primary passenger.
15082 Either FormOfPayment or FormOfPaymentRef is required in the request.
15096 Only one TCRNumber is supported in an Ignore request.
15101 Carrier $? does not support changing optional services after the booking.
15104 Carrier $? does not support Re-Price.
15102 No matching ProviderReservationInfo found for Provider: $? LocatorCode: $?
15103 Couldn't find matching airSegment from UR
14022 The current session has expired. Please restart your session
14023 No response is received from the carrier. Please contact the carrier for further information
14031 No update requests to perform
14033 Not supported by ACH
14052 AirUpdate not supported for ACH segments. Please use AirAdd and AirDelete.
14053 HostToken is required for the carrier.
14054 Loyalty Card required for carrier with Flight Pass adapters.
14039 Optional Service Add/Modify is not supported by carrier
14048 User is not fully provisioned for ACH.
14063 Requested loyalty card already exists in the record.
14064 Carrier $? does not support Add Loyalty
14055 Adding SSR through UR Modify is not supported by the requested provider
15106 No seat assignment exists to modify for mentioned Traveler and FlightSegment. Use AirAdd to add new seat assignments
15107 Seat Assignment cannot be processed. Seat is already assigned for mentioned Traveler and FlightSegment. Use AirUpdate to modify the Seat
15501 Agency Form Of Payment is not supported for this provider(ACH only).
15502 Agency Form Of Payment is not supported for this carrier.
15503 Agency Form Of Payment is not enabled. Please Contact Support.

Type Name = "Data"

15069 Quantity must be specified for Optional Services.
15080 FareBasisCode is a required attribute.
15097 ACH AirAdd requires a FareBasis.
15098 ACH AirAdd requires a HostToken.
15099 Modify of a paid booking is not allowed for this carrier. Please use the AirExchange flow.
15100 The vendors may not use the loyalty card(s) sent in the request
15105 Company Name may not be more than 64 characters
15117 Plating Carrier $? was not successfully added

Name="DESKTOPSVC" Range="16000-16999"

Type Name = "Data"

16002 Desktop Preference Deletion is unsuccessful
16006 Agent Code is not valid
16015 ProfileId is required when ProfileType is Agency or Branch or Agent or Account
16016 ProfileId is required when ProfileType is not Global
16018 Please provide a proper profile entity type
16019 Please provide proper values in Applies To
16021 Please provide proper ID
16022 Workflow not Found
16023 No Matched Agent Found with this ID
16024 Effective From Date also needs to be supplied if Effective To Date is specified
16025 Effective To Date should be greater or equal to Effective From Date
16026 Please provide the proper version
16027 Please provide the proper Based On ID
16028 No Data Found with the Criteria
16029 Trigger Policy not Found
16037 Reason code can not be empty
16039 Please provide unique WorkflowID in WorkflowReference
16040 Please provide a proper Category
16043 Name can not be empty
16044 Name already exists
16050 Custom Manifest URI is incorrect.
16051 AgentID in custom manifest URI is invalid.
16053 Version can not be empty
16054 Preferred release can not configured as non-preferred one
16055 ReleaseName can not be empty
16060 Activity Node is not proper
16062 You are not allowed to add the given users.
16066 Inbox DistributionList ID is not valid.
16067 Inbox DistributionList Name should be unique for a particular Profile type Code and Owner.
16070 Product Code is invalid."
16071 Description can not be empty
16072 Extension field should not be blank.
16073 Product and Release Combination doesn't exist.
16074 Product and Release should not be null.
16076 Product and Release Name Duplicate
16077 Extension file code not valid. Please check.
16079 Please provide unique License Code
16080 Please provide proper License Code
16081 StartFromResult should be greater than zero
16082 Please provide proper limit value (should start from -1 onwards)
16095 Description attribute must have minimum of three characters
16097 List name cannot be empty or contain only blank spaces
16102 Start From Result Should be greater the zero
16109 Invalid Media Type Name Specified.
16110 Invalid profileId Specified.
16114 Duplicate Media Type with same Media Code is not Valid.
16118 Please provide both ProfileEntityID and ProfileLevel
16125 Category can not be blank.
16126 Status is wrong.
16128 Description cannot be blank.
16129 Assigned to agent code can not be blank.
16134 Inbox Embedded DistributionList ID is not valid.
16135 Asignee agent code is wrong.
16136 Universal Locator Code cannot be blank.
16137 TRAVELERID cannot be blank.
16139 Assignee Agent cannot be blank.
16143 Maxsize(512K) exceeded for Workflow Activity Data.
16145 Invalid Priority Id.
16147 Invalid Change ID.
16156 No task assignment found in request.
16158 Assignee Agent code was wrong.
16166 Maxsize(512K) exceeded for Trigger Policy Data.
16170 Profile Type can not be null
16178 ProfileEntityID can not be blank
16205 ReleaseVersion and SetType can not be specified together.
16242 Wildcard not supported in between search token.Specify them either at start/end or both.
16243 Please enter minimum of 3 characters (wild card excluded) in search token
16251 Invalid StartFromResult value;total records less than StartFromResult value
16269 For Regional Admins, ManagingEntity attribute needs to be present.
16270 ProfileLevel can not be used with ParentProfileID option
16271 Release with no expiration date or expiration date later than today's date can not be deleted.
16272 Preferred indicator can not be set explicitly for Agent/Branch and is only available for Agency/BranchGroup
16273 Maxsize(50) exceeded for Trigger Policy Name.
16274 Invalid Traveler ProfileID.
16309 Invalid value specified in the request criteria
16310 Icons can only be applied to Agency.

Type Name="Business"

16008 No Business Option Item available based on supplied parameters
16031 Name already exists for this Agency ID
16032 Reason code list not found
16033 Code repeated for this Reason Code List
16034 Profile Entity Id does not exists for the entered Profile Level
16035 Please provide unique Profile Level and Profile EntityID
16036 Reason code list not found with this Search Modifier
16038 ProfileEntityID should not be passed when SystemOwned is true
16041 If UnAssigned is specified as true then AppliesToSearch should not be passed
16042 If UnAssigned is specified as false then AppliesToSearch must be passed
16045 Preferred Indicator can not be set when ReleaseType is "Limited" or if an ExpirationDate has been set
16048 This Release Or Version Already Exists
16049 Expiration Date should later than today's date
16052 No product release metadata exists for given criteria
16056 Preferred release metadata can not be deleted"
16057 Record has already been deleted"
16058 No preferred release available for given product
16063 You are not allowed to add the given Embeded List.
16064 You are not allowed to retrieve Distribution List.
16068 Duplicate Distribution ID's in EmbeddedDistLis not allowed.
16075 Extension Already Exist.
16078 You are not allowed to assign the list of profiles
16088 Duplicate Recipients with same ProfileID and ProfileType is not allowed
16089 Duplicate Permitted Users with same ProfileID and ProfileType is not allowed
16090 Distribution List modified successfully.
16093 Requested Extension does not exist
16094 You are not authorized to get the requested extension data
16101 You are not allowed to modify Distribution List.
16103 Distribution List deleted successfully.
16104 You are not allowed to delete Distribution List.
16106 Agent does not have any provisioning.
16107 No License type limit found.
16108 Duplicate Applies TO with same ProfileID and ProfileLevel is not allowed.
16111 Invalid Media Item Specified, No such media Item is available to Unassign.
16115 You are Not Authorized to Assign/Unassign Media to given Profile Id.
16117 ProfileLevel should be System when SystemOwned is true
16119 No Task found with the ID and Category.
16120 Invalid Task Name.
16121 Invalid Inbox Item Type Name.
16122 Invalid Traveler or Party Role.
16123 Invalid Locator Code.
16124 Invalid Action Type Name.
16127 Problem While Copying Task Assignment.
16132 It is not assigned so cannot be unassigned.
16133 You cannot Embed the same distribution list.
16141 You are Not Authorized to Retrieve Media Item.
161780 Not authorized to retrieve media item.
16142 No contract profile found.
16144 Cannot invoke method by reflection.
16149 Invalid Master Item ID.
16150 Invalid Status Id.
16151 Invalid Type Id.
16152 Inbox DistributionList Name is not valid.
16153 Inbox DistributionList not found with the given Name.
16154 The AUTH agent will need to be one of the Authorised users of the DistributionList..
16155 No task assignment found with this ID.
16157 Task reassignment and status change can't done parallely.
16159 Profile hierarchy mismatch in AppliesTo.
16163 Agency does not have any provisioning
16164 Branch does not have any provisioning
16165 BranchGroup does not have any provisioning
16168 Emulation is not supported for SystemOwned transaction
16169 Creator agent only can modify Type
16172 Agency Admin can assign release either to Agent, Branch, BranchGroup or Agency.
16176 One or more ProfileEntityId/ProfileLevel combination is already assigned a release. Please unassign first.
16177 One or more ProfileEntityId/ProfileLevel combination is not assigned a release. Please assign first.
16180 No limited release found for the product/version combination.
16181 No General release exists for given criteria
16182 Can not assign a release which is more recent than globally preferred release
16183 UpgradeTime must be specified when UpgradeMethod is "Timed"
16185 Can not assign an expired release
16187 User is not authorized as its agency is not the owner
16189 User does not have system level access
16190 No Branch Group Found
16191 A system owned policy can only be mapped to a system owned workflow
16192 A Agency owned Policy can only be mapped to a system owned or same Agency owned workflow
16194 Regional Admin do not have provisioning.
16195 One or more agency or branchGroup do not have provisioning.
16196 One or more agency or branchGroup do not have Managing Entity.
16197 One or more agency or branchGroup is not under the regional admin's managing entity hierarchy.
16198 Regional Admin can assign release only to an Agency or Branch Group
16200 Only Agency Admin can assign or unassign a release.
16201 Only Regional Admin can set a preferred release!! Check if requesting agent has any valid ME role.
16202 User is not authorized to create/modify/delete Immutable item.
16203 User is not permitted to change an immutable item to mutable
16204 SystemOwned indicator can only be changed if there are no assignments
16206 The release is not assigned to one or more given profile(s).
16207 Managing Entity can only assign extension to Agency profiles.
16210 Auth Agent is not associated with the Managing Entity.
16213 No branchgroup could be found for the specified identifier.
16214 No Provisioning found for the Given Profile.
16217 The assignee agents are not under the same hierarchy.
16218 Only the creator of the task can delete it.
16219 Only creator of the task can modify the task.
16220 Owner of Workflows to be associated does not fall under auth agent's agency.
16221 No Provisioning found for the Auth Agent.
16222 No Provisioning found for the requested Agency.
16223 No Provisioning found for the requested Branch.
16224 No Provisioning found for the requested Agent.
16225 No Provisioning found for the requested BranchGroup.
16227 One of the Assigned Agent is not a valid Agent.
16228 One of the Assigned Agency is not a valid Agent.
16229 One of the Assigned Branch is not a valid Agent.
16230 One of the Assigned Agents is not under Agency hierarchy.
16231 One of the Assigned Agencies is not under Agency hierarchy.
16232 One of the Assigned branches is not under Agency hierarchy.
16233 One of the Assigned Profiles id and Type is not a valid.
16234 One of the Assigned Profiles Doesn't fall under Agency Hierarchy
16236 Immediate Branch Group of the Auth Agent has no contract level defined.
16239 Media services in V9 are deprecated.
16240 User not authorised to retrieve the workflow of a different Agency hierarchy
16241 User is not authorized as its agency not the owner
16244 Requesting user is not authorized to act as specified support user role
16245 "ReturnUpgradeMethod" attribute can not be set to true for support user
16246 Assignment search for profile types other than Agency not valid for support user
16247 "PreferredOnly" attribute can not be set to true for AgencyAdmin
16248 Assignment search for profile types other than Agency/BranchGroup/Branch/Agent not valid for AgencyAdmin
16252 System admin can not do association without emulation
16257 ReturnUpgradeMethod must be specified and set to true for AgencyAdmin.
16258 You are not authorized to delete the requested extension.
16259 One or more assignees is not a valid Agency or BranchGroup.
16260 One or more assignees are not provisioned
16266 User not authorised to retrieve the rule of a different Agency hierarchy
16267 No contract level assigned for the branch.
16268 ManagingEntity could not be used for agency owned transaction
16273 No Host Access Found with Provider
16313 Missing provider details in the Target Branch.
16274 No Type defined with AccessInfo
16314 No Type defined with AccessInfo.
16275 Description cannot be modified by an Agency administrator
16276 Provider not found for given Provisioning ID, Version and ProviderInfoID
16277 Provider Should have atleast one AccessInfo
16278 User cannot add or modify PCC value.
16279 User is not authorized as the Desktop Item is not owned by the transacted branch. Please use work area branches - [$?] to successfully delete the desktop item.
16280 User is not authorized as the Desktop Item is not owned by the transacted branch. Please use work area branches - [$?] to successfully modify the desktop item.
16281 Version length should not be greater than 25
16282 PCC cannot be modified by an Agency administrator except ACH/RCH providers
16283 $? has been created without a Branch Ownership information
16284 Work Area Branch is outside of the Agency
16285 Branch needs to be a Work Area Branch
16286 Secondary Owner can’t be defined for system owned $?
16287 One of the Assigned Profiles Doesn't fall under valid branch hierarchy.
16288 Branch ownership information does not exist
16289 User is not authorized as the Desktop Item is not owned by the agency hierarchy.
16290 User is not authorized as the Desktop Item is not owned by the branch hierarchy.
16291 No reason code list exist with name $?.
16292 Modification successful, but Secondary Owner has been deleted.
16293 Requested profile id $? is outside requester’s agency hierarchy.
16294 User is not authorized to the inbox item since it is outside of permitted hierarchy.
16295 Only AgencyAdmin/SystemAdmin can assign or unassign a release.
16296 Value for the attribute $? is required.
16297 Value for the attribute $? is invalid. Please input only integer.
16298 Start values $? is required.
16299 System Administrators resources are needed to modify the System Owned Trigger Policy $? field
16300 Agency/Branch Admin should be able to modify Profile Assignments For SystemOwned Transaction within its own hierarchy
16301 Agency/Branch Admin should be able to Modify a System Owned Trigger Policy to be assigned to other System Owned or Same Agency owned workflows
16302 No branch group could be found for the specified branch group ID.
16303 No traveler group could be found for the specified traveler group ID.
16304 Data not returned for ProfileType = (Branch Group, Traveler Group), please upgrade to the current version of the schema to receive this data.
16305 Reason / @Code has been truncated. Upgrade to the latest version of the uAPI schema to receive this data.
16306 One of the deleted profiles doesn’t fall under valid branch hierarchy.
16307 The WAB for this PNR do not match with the WAB of the UR. Please try to create the PNR using the WAB in the UR.
16308 Results not found for given search modifiers.
16311 User is not authorized to request AutoReleaseRange when AppliesTo is not included.
16312 Invalid UniversalRecord LocatorCode. Length must be between 5 and 8 characters.
16400 Schema for the current request $? will expire in $? day(s). Please update to latest version.
16401 Schema for the current request $? has expired. Please update to latest version.

Name="PROVISIONINGSVC" Range="17000-17999"

Type Name = "Business"

17001 Cannot create Provisioning Info, as it already exists for this entity
17003 No Provisioning Data Set exists with the given ID and Version Combination
17004 Provider Modify request not valid with Provisioning ID, AncillaryService and Version
17005 The source of the ancillary service should be $?
17006 No AncillaryService exists within given provisioning
17007 Provider Modify request not valid with Provisioning ID, Provider ID,PrinterLinkage and Version
17008 The specified criteria did not match any valid provider information
17009 Printer Linkage does not exist for this provisioning/provider combination
17010 Duplicate Printer Linkage already exists
17011 Same access information already exists for this provider
17012 Access info does not exist for this provisioning/provider combination
17013 ProviderInfo must be specified
17014 Provisioning Modify request not specified with provisioning Id, provider Id and version
17015 Provider Modify request not valid with Provisioning ID, Provider ID,AccessInfo ID and Version
17016 Same ProviderInfo already exists for specified Provisioning Data Set
17017 Provider Modify request not valid with Provisioning ID and Version
17018 Device ID can not be blank for Printer Linkage
17019 Duplicate Printer Linkage(same DeviceType/DeviceId) not allowed within a provider
17020 Ancillary service with same carrier code already exists for this provisioning
17021 Provider Modify request not valid with Provisioning ID,Version and AncillaryService
17022 Carrier Code : $? | Invalid carrier for Merchandising
17023 Provider Modify request not valid with Provisioning ID, Provider ID,TransactionType and Version
17025 Invalid request;Either ProvisioningID or Owner information must be specified.
17026 Please provide unique ProviderCode and Supplier Code
17027 Invalid ProfileLevel;Valid choices are Agency/Branch/Agent.
17030 Please Put a valid city Code
17031 Please Put a valid currency Code
17032 This Profile Level and Profile ID combination is invalid
17033 The Source should be same as ProfileLevel
17034 The IATA Code should not be blank and more than 8 characters
17035 The Currency Code should not be blank
17036 Please provide proper managing entity id value (should lie between 0 and 32767)
17037 RegionRep value can be passed only for Agents
17038 Please provide unique Managing Entity Id
17039 Please provide unique Feature Code
17040 Please provide either both Contracted Profile Level and Profile or none
17041 Feature value should not be blank
17042 Feature id should not be blank
17043 Please provide valid GeoCity Code
17044 Please provide valid CurrencyInfo Code
17045 BranchGroup can not be provisioned with ProviderInfo/SubscriberInfo
17046 You are not authorized to retrieve provisioning for the given Agent.
17047 Default PCC not provisioned for Provider and TargetBranch, please provide PCC.
17048 Only RCH, ACH and SDK supports BackgroundPassive.
17049 For RCH, ACH and SDK you must provide BackgroundPassive instead of Passive.
17050 There is one or more invalid/inactive product
17051 No provisioning data found for given identifier(s)
17052 Invalid ProfileLevel - Only Branch is allowed to have CustomerContractInfo
17053 Only WorkArea Branch is allowed to have CustomerContractInfo
17054 No CustomerContractInfo is associated with the given provisioning
17055 All product codes must be valid
17057 No provisioning data found for given identifier
17058 All supplier codes must be valid
17060 CustomerContractInfo already exists for intended provisioning
17061 Duplicate Supplier for this CustomerContractInfo
17062 Duplicate Product for this CustomerContractInfo
17063 The product is not associated with the current CustomerContractInfo
17064 The supplier type is not associated with the current CustomerContractInfo
17065 Some or all of the static data types are invalid
17066 There are duplicate entries in product list
17067 There are duplicate entries in supplier list
17068 Can't create CustomerContractInfo for a provisioning of non workarea branch
17069 Country field cannot be blank
17070 ProfileID required for agents with basic roles
17071 At least three of ProviderCode/SupplierCode/ProfileType/Description/ProfileID must be present
17072 None of ManagingEntityID/ContractProfileID/PseudoCityCode/IATACode/BillingInfo/ProviderCode/SupplierCode/Description be present while searching for un-provisioned profiles
17073 ProfileType and ProfileID must be present while searching for un-provisioned profiles
17074 ProfileType can be Agent, Branch or Agency only
17075 Description can be only be UAPI, UDT or NONE
17076 ACH/RCH does not have description. Please provide a valid GDS provider
17077 Please provide ProviderCode while searching with description
17078 MoreDetails can not be set to true while searching for un-provisioned profiles
16226 No Provisioning found with the requested criteria.
16265 Billing Key can not be Duplicate.
17079 Length of PseudoCityCode should be less then 10 chars.
17080 Contract profile setting has been ignored as it is no longer supported.
17081 Public Key is required element, please provide the public key value.
17082 UniqueCredential name can not be repeated.
17083 Primary Name already exists.
17084 Supported profile types are Agency, Branch and Agent only.
17085 Invalid profileId Specified.
17086 UniqueCredential data can not be empty.
17087 ThirdPartyCredential does not exist.
17088 Invalid version id specified.
17089 Invalid Credential id.
17090 User not authorized to modify this provisioned data.
17091 Branch/BridgeBranch level user not authorized to modify provisioned data for agency/branchgroup.
17092 Invalid value provided in Data field.
17093 User is not authorized to retrieve this provisioned data.
17094 Workflows have already been associated to categories for this agency..
17095 The following preconfigured workflows $? could not be found.So assigning the associations $? failed.
17096 Cryptic Session can be only be configured for a Branch
17097 $? cannot be provisioned with provider $?.
17098 A branch cannot be provisioned with a SupplierCode when ProviderCode is $?.
17099 Public Key Specified is not valid.
17100 Inconsistant State: While Retrieving the TransactionType
17101 Inconsistant State: While Retrieving the BillingInfo
17113 Unable to retrieve BillingInfo from the Target Branch.
17101 Inconsistant State: While Retrieving the Provider
17102 Inconsistant State: While Retrieving the ProvisioningAccessInfo
17103 no providers available for $?/$?
17104 APP Exception Occured
17105 Source under providerInfo should be $?
17106 Provision Provider Details Not Found
17107 Provision Access Info does not exist for Provider combination
17108 Provider Not Supported for modification
17109 Provision Access Details Not Found
17110 ApiWithOverride can be only be configured for a Branch.
17111 HTH can be only be configured for a Branch.
17112 HCA can be only be configured for a Branch.
17114 Provisioning does not contain IATA code.
17115 Unable to determine IATA Code for override PCC.

Type Name="Data"

16263 Billing Key can not be BLANK.
16264 BillingString can not be BLANK.

Name="PROFILESVC" Range="18000-18999"

Type Name = "Data"

18002 A template with the specified name already exists. Template names must be unique.
18003 Only agency-owned fields and groups may be associated to an agency-owned template, except for Locked fields.
18004 Only Travelport-owned fields and groups may be associated to a Travelport-owned template.
18005 No field could be found for the specified Field ID.
18006 AccountId should not be null.
18007 AccountId should be a numeric value.
18008 TemplateId can't be a empty string
18009 TemplateId should be a number.
18010 The specified template is not owned by the same agency that owns the profile.
18011 Fields are not defined for the given TemplateId .
18012 Duplicate fields are not allowed.
18013 No template could be found for the specified template ID.
18014 Field ownership cannot be changed after field is created.
18015 The data type of a custom field cannot be modified.
18016 No field or Group could be found for the specified Field ID.
18017 Field enumerations cannot be modified.
18018 Requested Id is not unique for field and field group.
18019 Traveler profile created successfully.
18020 No field or field group available based on your search criteria.
18021 No name defined in search criteria.
18022 Profile Template created successfully.
18023 Account profile created successfully.
18043 Hierarchy level name cannot be empty.
18044 Hierarchy level description cannot be empty.
18076 Invalid Booking Traveler ID.
18078 Invalid Immediate Parent ID.
18079 Error in AppliedProfile.
18082 PassiveProviderReservationInfoRef $? not found in the UR.
18083 Service Fee Info key $? not found in the UR.
18084 The $? for [$?] cannot be $? as it is in use by one or more templates.
18085 Duplicate role
18086 Both isDesc and isName cannot be false
18087 Please specify the AgencyID.
18088 $? is required for Profile Type [$?]
0128 Profile Move application failed: $?
0254 Cannot use ProfileModifyTemplate service for deleting Override Template data.

Name="PAS" Range="20000-20999"

Type Name="Business"

20000 General passive service error.
20001 Active segments are not allowed on a Passive Reservation request.
20002 End date is required for Hotel Passive Segment.
20003 Passive Reservation Locator Code is required for Passive Cancel.
20004 Passive Reservation not found for the requested PassiveReservationLocatorCode.
20005 One or more Passive segment(s) are past dated.
20006 Passive Segment not found for the requested PassiveSegment Key
20007 Supplier locator can only be submitted on Passive segments.
20008 Supplier locator can only be submitted on Passive Air segments.
20009 End date should not be present for passive segments except air/hotel.
20010 No matching Segments found for the PassiveSegmentRef in the Request.
20011 Passive SegmentType Air for SupplierCode UA is not supported for the requested provider.
20012 VehicleType is required for a car passive for the requested provider.
20013 Some passive data was overridden to work with this host. Please check vendor, status and city.
20014 Amount information for the specified passive segment(s) are supported as remarks for the requested provider.
20015 AmountDuePaid is required when Amount type is Due or Paid for the requested provider.
20016 Amount Type Text and AmountDuePaid is not supported for the provider.
20017 Invalid Passive Segment Status specified for the current Provider.
20018 Passive Segment Status is not allowed in Active Book.
20020 Number of Passengers must be equal to the number of Booking Travelers excluding Infant for Air Passive.
20021 FlightNumber required for an air passive segment reservation for the requested provider.
20022 SupplierCode required for car passive segment for the requested provider.
20023 Passive Remark Type required.
20024 Provider allows only 4 numerics for Flight Number.
20025 Provider does not support mixing active and passive segments for the same carrier on a single reservation.
20026 Provider only supports Manual Pricing for passive segments.
20027 Provider does not allow input of SupplierLocator for passive segments in AirCreateReservationReq.
20028 Origin is mandatory for $? Segments.
20029 Number of Passengers must be same as number of Booking Travelers for Passive Booking.
20030 Duplicate Passive Remark Type: xx not sent to host.
20032 Invalid Provider Locator Code for the Passive Reservation.
20033 Unable to sync some passive segments of the provider reservation.
20034 Invalid request. Attempting to cancel a passive segment that does not exist or has been previously canceled.
20036 Non-Air suppliertype Loyaltycard is not supported for the requested provider. This data will be stored locally."
20037 Invalid Hotel Passive Segment Status provided in the request.
20038 PassiveProviderReservationInfoRef not valid in the current context.
20039 Some or all of the BookingTravelers specified in Adjustment do not belong to the AirPricingInfo
20040 Multiple Adjustments applicable for all associated Travelers to an AirPricingInfo is not allowed
20041 Adjustments with and without Traveler association to an AirPricingInfo are mutually exclusive
20042 If BookingTravelRef is provided in PassengerType, it should also be provided in Adjustment
20043 BookingTravelerRef in Adjustment cannot be found in UR
20044 PassiveSegment SupplierCode is mandatory field by the requested provider
20045 Some or all of the BookingTravelers specified in Yield do not belong to the AirPricingInfo
20046 Multiple Yields applicable for all associated Travelers to an AirPricingInfo is not allowed
20047 Yields with and without Traveler association to an AirPricingInfo are mutually exclusive
20048 If BookingTravelRef is provided in PassengerType, it should also be provided in Yield
20049 BookingTravelerRef in Yield cannot be found in UR
20050 Multiple yield for a Booking Traveler is not allowed
20051 SSR for non-air type passive segment is not supported.
20052 No PassiveAirSegment found for the specified PassiveSegmentRef : $?
20053 Third Party Information containing PassiveSegment with key $? not found in passive reservation.
20054 Third Party Information already been added to passiveSegment with key $?
20055 PassiveSegment Key Mismatch
20056 Trying to Cancel Already Cancelled Segment, Segment Key =$?
20057 Duplicate PassiveSegment Key
20058 Duplicate PassiveRemark Key
20059 Key reference not found for PassiveSegment with key reference $? inside SSR
20060 Origin is required for Hotel Passive Segment with Key $?
20061 Start and End Date is required for Hotel Passive Segment with Key $?
20062 NumberOfItems can not be 0 or empty for Hotel Passive Segment with Key $?
20063 PassiveSegment with Key = $? must have a Hotel Property Number and/or Hotel Name PassiveRemark(RemarkType=P and/or H) associated with it
20064 PassiveSegment with Key = $? must have a Hotel Room type/Rate code PassiveRemark (Remark Type=R) associated with it
20065 PassiveRemark:passiveSegmentRef must match PassiveSegment
20066 Identical passiveSegments must have same group number
20067 PassiveSegments with same group number must be identical
20068 Invalid provider specified.
20069 CarType has not been saved for some of the segments
20070 Passive status Code required for Booking Confirmation.
20071 Booking Confirmation and Status Code not allowed for requested Provider.
20072 Booking Confirmation already exists
20073 Booking Confirmation must be present in Hotel Reservation for update
20074 Booking Confirmation can only be added/updated for Passive Hotel Reservation.
20075 Provide 1-25 valid characters for Booking Confirmation
20076 Maximum NumberOfItems supported by this provider is 99
20077 Country Code range Exceeded.Provide 1-5 valid characters for Country Code
20078 Passive Group supplied in request is not supported.
20079 FlightNumber has been truncated. The value exceeds the allowable length of $? characters.
20080 Key reference not found for AirSegment with key reference $? inside SSR
20081 One or more of the Passive remark not added successfully

Name="UPS" Range="40000-40999"

Type Name="Business"

40001 No Upsell solutions found.
40002 Effective date is later than expiry date.
40003 Departure date range start is later than Departure date range end.
40004 Either one of OfferRef or UpsellOffer is required.
40005 No Offer found for the specified Key.
40006 No Qualify found for the specified Key.
40007 Invalid Offer Key specified for the Qualify.
40008 Carrier can not be updated.
40009 $? not found.
40010 Active qualify rows found for this offer, include qualify rows in delete request
40011 Nothing to add. Please specify valid Offer/Qualify.
40012 Nothing to Update. Please specify valid Offer/Qualify.
40013 Nothing to Delete. Please specify valid Offer/Qualify ref.
40014 Expiration Date cannot be in the past.
40015 Vendor can not be updated.
40016 No matching segments found for the segmentRef in the booking code.
40017 Pick up date or return date can not be in past
40018 Hotel Chain can not be updated
40019 Specific Vendor is required for Upsell.
40021 No Fare Family Found
40022 Fare Family already present for the Carrier and FareBasis code.
40023 No matching offers/qualifies found for the search criteria.
40024 No Merchandising optional services returned for Flight(s) $?.
40025 No of passengers are more than no of seats available
40026 Class of services mismatches, hence no offer found

Name="ROLEMGMTSVC" Range="50000-50999"

Type Name = "Business"

50001 Version number missing in the Role element.
50002 Security Role is being updated by another user or wrong version retrieved. Please retrieve the Role and try again.
50003 User is not authorized to specify the role category. Role category is automatically defined if user is not authorized to override the system-defined category.
50004 Category of AgencyOwned or BranchOwned roles cannot be over-ridden .
50005 Duplicate Role Category is not allowed.
50006 Assigned Profiles not found with this Search Modifier.
50007 This security role Id is empty.
50008 Specified Resource in ResourceLevel does not exist
50009 TargetBranch is not applicable for EmulationTargetRetrieve.
50010 No Canned Role found with the provided RoleName.
50011 Please provide valid RoleName.
50012 Only System level user is allowed to modify a non-restricted role category (which is not branch/ agency owned).
50013 This security role Id ( $? ) does not exist.
50014 The user is not authorized to retrieve resources for the role Id: $?
50015 This security role ( $? ) does not exist
50016 This security role Name ($?) does not exist.
50017 This security role Id ($?) does not exist.
0170 Invalid Agent Code passed in ResourceInfoRetrieveReq.
0171 The user is not authorized to retrieve resources for the role: $?
50020 $? of Resource[$?]cannot be modified. $? should be [$?]
50021 [AgencyName] cannot be modified.
50022 Role not found.
50023 User is not authorized to modify a Travelport-restricted role.
50024 Ownership of a role cannot be changed after it has been created. AgencyID and BranchID cannot be modified.

Name="RAILSVC" Range="21000-21999"

Type Name="System"

21001 The vendor is temporarily unavailable.

Type Name="Data"

21201 Point of sale not found.
22002 Preferred date-time is before the current departure city date-time.
21604 Invalid request data.
21660 TEST
21672 Rail Location must be present for both origin and destination.
21666 Only one RailAvailInfo in each Railsegment is supported by the requested provider
21667 Key reference not found for RailFareNote with key reference $?
21671 OfferID is required

Type Name="Business"

21601 Use RailRefundQuote or RailRefund web service when cancelling a rail booking.
21603 Rail distributors require an age for each passenger type. As age was not sent in the request, pricing options for passenger type Adult have been returned in the response.
21606 Unable to sync rail pricing information. The train station name changed in the rail distributor $0 record and no longer matches the train station name in the Universal Record.
21607 Unable to sync rail journey information. The train station name changed in the rail distributor $0 record and no longer matches the train station name in the Universal Record.
21609 RailPricingInfo has been removed because no matching origin or destination has found in Universal Record.
21610 Invalid request. Attempting to cancel a rail booking that has been previously cancelled.
21640 Invalid request data. Please assign valid seats
21642 Invalid request data. Number of Booking Travelers should be same as total number of AirPricingInfo(s)/PassengerType(s) for multiple passenger request.
21643 Invalid request data. The invalid passenger mapping is found in RailPricingInfo.
21644 Invalid request data. The invalid passenger mapping is found in AutoSeatAssignment
21645 Invalid request data. The invalid RailSegment mapping is found in AutoSeatAssignment
21646 Invalid request data. PhoneNumber of Type Agency is only supported for AgencyContactInfo phone numbers.
21647 Invalid request data. The RouteReference attribute value is required for AutoSeatAssignment.
21648 Invalid request data. Please provide valid passenger references in AutoSeatAssignment.
21649 Invalid request data. Please provide valid TravelerType.
21650 Invalid request data. Please provide valid Email Address.
21651 Invalid request data. Please provide valid Phone Number.
21652 Invalid request data. Reservation Locator Code should not be blank and more than 6 characters.
21653 Invalid request data. Please provide booking traveler in request.
21654 Invalid request data. BookingTraveler information in the Universal Record does not match BookingTraveler information in RailExchangeReq.
21655 Invalid request data. The invalid passenger mapping is found in RailExchangeInfo
21656 RailSeatAssignment is not allowed in Booking Traveler level. Use it in Booking level
21657 Rail distributor $? is not provisioned. Can't modify rail reservation.
21658 Rail distributor $? is not provisioned. Can't cancel rail reservation.
21659 Rail Fares expected in PriceInfo on RCH response. Skipping Sync.

Name="RCH" Range="22000-22999"

Type Name="System"

22001 Unable to complete transaction by the vendor

Type Name="Business"

22601 Only One Way or Round Trip journeys are supported.
22602 Maximum passenger limit reached.
22603 Rail reservation is locked and further updates to the reservation cannot be made until rail distributor releases the reservation. Please try again later.
22604 Booking Retrieve is not supported by rail distributor
22605 Booking Cancel is not supported by rail distributor
22606 Segment Modify is not supported by rail distributor
22610 SeatMap is not supported by rail distributor $2
22611 Search/Pricing modifier(s) may not be supported by rail distributor.
22612 Rail booking cannot be appended to existing Provider Reservation. New Provider Reservation has been created.
22613 AirPricingModifiers/PermittedCabins modifier used.
22614 Search of multiple cabin options is not supported. Only the first cabin option has been searched.
3014 Cabin Class mapping for Booking Class Code not available.
22615 Reservations could not be made for all required seats.
22616 Lock failure.
22617 Pricing Error.
22618 Distributor rejects request (commercial rules).
22619 Distributor communications error.
22620 Distributor technical error.
22621 Distributor rejects request (technical rules).
22622 Date/time error.
22623 Form of Payment error.
22624 No journey found.
22625 Distributor timeout error.
22626 Booking not found.
22627 Distributor session expired or invalid.
22628 Unknown error type.
22629 Distributor payment error.
22630 Reference data error.
22631 Distributor ticketing error.
22632 Distributor authentication failure.
22633 List of possible elements expected:'OutwardJourneyTicketPair';Possibly JourneyDirection Missing.
22634 Request errored at RCH end. reason: $?
22635 Rail distributors Deutsche Bahn and Bene cannot be sold intergrated with Air.
22636 Rail seat map has failed. Origin and/or destination location codes are missing.
22637 Number of infants must not exceed number of adult passengers.
22202 Invalid host request.
22203 Unsupported IATA LocationCode.
22204 Provider $? Supplier $? is not provisioned. Can't retrieve seatmap/coachmap.
22205 Agent $? is not provisioned for Rch Service
22206 Supplier code not found
22207 No credential found for the supplier code $? and agent $?
22208 Rail book has failed. Origin and/or destination location codes are missing in RailJourney, RailSegment and/or RailFare
22209 Form of Payment Type is not supported by rail distributor $?
22210 Rail Exchange has failed. Origin and/or destination location codes are missing in RailJourney, RailSegment and/or RailFare
22211 The mandatory information of Distributor, Date(s), Origin and Destination, Fare Class and Passengers must be included in this request.
22212 Ticket on Departure was assumed as the fulfillment for this booking.
22213 Invalid Discount Card sent for Vendor: Amtrak. DiscountCode ignored.
22214 RailExchangeQuote without RailPricingSolution is not supported for this vendor.
22215 Attribute Operation is mandatory for this vendor.

Name="STRIP" Range="23000-23999"

Type Name="Business"

23001 Unable to delete Saved Trip. Saved Trip Locator Code is invalid or not found.
23002 Unable to retrieve Saved Trip. Saved Trip Locator Code is invalid or not found.
23003 Saved Trip has been archived.
23004 Provide valid Saved Trip locatorcode.
23011 No Saved Trips were found for the search criteria.
23012 Unable to modify the Saved Trip. Saved Trip Locator Code is invalid or not found.
23013 Unable to modify the Saved trip createdbyagent.
23014 Unable to modify the Saved trip Name.
23015 Unable to modify the Saved trip Create Date.
23016 Unable to modify the Saved trip Modify Date.
23018 Saved Trip is being updated by another user. Use the correct version of Saved Trip.
23019 Unable to modify the Universal Record Locator Code.
23020 Saved Trip is deleted since it has past dated segment(s) and not associated with any UniversalRecord.
23021 Universal Record Locator code provided is already associated with a SavedTrip.
23022 Saved Trip $? has been archived
23024 Universal Record Locator code not found.
23025 Vendor Location Key does not match with any Vendor Location.
23026 VendorLocationKey is Missing in HotelProperty.
23027 VendorLocation is Missing in VehicleDateLocation.
23028 Active SavedTrip status cannot be modified.
23029 Start date is greater than end date for $?.
23030 Start and End dates are same for $?. Please use specific date.
23031 Saved Trip must be created with Active Status.
23032 Travel Date cannot be combined with any other date.
23033 Saved Trip Status cannot be modified
23034 Air provider code cannot be blank
23035 Rail provider code cannot be blank
23036 No Booking Traveler found for the given key : $? in PassengerType.
23037 No Booking Traveler found for the given key : $? in BookingTravelerList.
23038 No Booking Traveler found for the given key : $? in Adjustment.

Type Name="Data"

23005 Booking Traveler Name is Missing in saved trip.
23006 Booking Traveler Phone Number is Missing in saved trip.
23007 Booking Traveler Phone Number is Missing in saved trip.
23008 Itinerary is Missing in Saved Trip.
23010 Saved trip name is Missing.
23039 Wrong Booking Traveler Reference in Reservation name.

Name="FFSVC" Range="24000-24999"

Type Name="Business"

24001 FFString delete is successful.
24002 FFString ID does not exist.
24003 FF String is being updated with wrong version number.
24004 FF String Not Found.
24005 FF String id should be of type long.
24006 FF String Invalid Search String.
24007 User not authorized for update/delete
24008 Provider Not Supported
24009 FF String name should be unique for an agency profile .
24010 Profile id not associated with the FF String
24011 Duplicate profile id can not be associated with a FF String
24012 Some of the file finishing strings could not be applied.
24013 The version in modify request and UpdateFFString should match .
24014 The id in modify request and UpdateFFString should match .
24015 File Finishing name cannot be more than 50 characters long.
24017 File Finishing name cannot be blank.
24018 ProviderCode cannot be modified.
24019 The AssociatedProfile ID [$?] does not exist.
24020 The AssociatedProfile ID does not exist.
24021 Conditions exists that were created by a more recent schema version and are not supported by this schema version. Upgrade to retrieve them
24022 Invalid ProfileID
24023 User not Authorized to search FF string in the given Agency
24024 User not Authorized to search Profile FF strings in the given Agency
24025 User not Authorized to delete FF string in the given Agency
24026 User not Authorized to modify FF string in the given Agency
24027 User not Authorized to retrieve FF string in the given Agency
24028 User not Authorized to search FF string in the given Agency
24029 User not Authorized to $? FF string in the given Agency.
24030 System level user should emulate into an Agency hierarchy to administer File Finishing strings.
24031 Provided ProfileID is not an Agency.
24032 City required in File Finishing Itinerary String.
24033 Status is mandatory for Apollo itinerary segment retention line.
24034 Vendor code is mandatory for Apollo itinerary segment retention line.
24035 Vendor Code can be 2-3 characters long.
24036 Tour Segment Type is only allowed for Apollo itinerary segment retention line.
24037 Due/Paid/Text is mandatory in Itinerary string for the requested Provider.
24038 The description should be less than 255 characters.
24039 FF String has been created without a WAB Ownership information.

Name="UPROFILESVC" Range="60000-60999"

Type Name = "Business"

60003 Profile [$?] deleted successfully.
60004 Profile [$?] not found.
60005 Profile cannot be deleted because it has child profiles that are not deleted.
60006 The requested profile [$?] does not exist.
60007 No matching Postal Address [$?] for the provided Profile [$?].
60008 No matching Phone [$?] for the provided Profile [$?].
60009 No matching Electronic Address [$?] for the provided Profile [$?].
60011 Not authorized to retrieve the requested profile.
60012 Not authorized to create a profile of Type
60013 Not authorized to create the requested profile type within the specified parent context. User's authorization level is not sufficient.
60014 Not authorized to modify a profile of Type
60015 Not authorized to modify the requested profile. User's authorization level is not sufficient.
60016 Not authorized to retrieve the requested template.
60017 Not authorized to modify the requested template.
60018 Not authorized to search for children of the requested profile.
60019 Not authorized to search profile of Type
60021 Not authorized to search within the specified parent profile.
60024 Not authorized to perform a child search from a profile in the agency hierarchy.
60025 User is not authorized. This resource requires a user to be authorized at the System level.
60026 Not authorized to create a custom field or field group for the specified profile ID.
60027 Not authorized to modify a field for the specified field owner.
60028 Not authorized to retrieve a field for the specified field owner.
60029 Not authorized to define or manage protected fields.
60030 Not authorized to create a level in the specified hierarchy.
60031 Not authorized to create hierarchy levels in the agency hierarchy.
60032 Not authorized to modify a level in the specified hierarchy.
60033 Not authorized to modify hierarchy levels in the agency hierarchy.
60034 Not authorized to retrieve a level in the specified hierarchy.
60035 Not authorized to retrieve hierarchy levels in the agency hierarchy.
60036 Not authorized to delete a level in the specified hierarchy.
60037 Not authorized to delete hierarchy levels in the agency hierarchy.
60038 Not authorized to change the status of profiles of Type
60039 Not authorized to change the status of the requested profile.
60040 Not authorized to retrieve the bridge branches of the requested agent.
60041 Not authorized to modify the bridge branches of the requested agent.
60042 The data type of the Field [$?] and Endpoint [$?] is not compatible.
60043 Invalid [$?] Key : [$?].
60044 Not authorized to retrieve history for profiles of Type
60045 Not authorized to retrieve history for the requested profile.
60046 User is not authorized to access control branch.
60048 Profile Link is possible only for traveler
60049 Multiple occurrences of ProfileStatusUpdate not allowed.
60050 Agency Info can not be updated twice in single request
60051 Branch Group Info can not be updated twice in single request
60052 TargetBranch does not exist with Code [$?]
60053 AgencyGroup Info can not be updated twice in single request
60054 Branch Info can not be updated twice in single request
60055 Agent Info can not be updated twice in single request
60056 TravelerGroup Info can not be updated twice in single request
60057 Traveler Info can not be updated twice in single request
60058 $? cannot be modified for Profile Type $?
60059 Duplicate parent profile Ids specified for addition.
60060 Only Traveler can support multiple parents.
60061 AgencyGroup does not have parent.
60062 Duplicate parent profile Ids specified for deletion.
60063 Only Deletion of Agency, BranchGroup, Branch and Agent is supported as of now.
60066 Invalid Advisory with Key : $?
60070 Profile doesn't exists.
60072 Invalid ProfileID provided.
60075 Valid Key has to be specified for updating Remark.
60076 Account Info can not be updated twice in single request
60078 CustomFieldId [$?] does not exist.
60079 Template doesn't exists for the requested Template ID [$?].
60080 Template version ID[$?] is not the current version.
60081 Multiple occurrences of TemplateInfoUpdate not allowed.
60082 Duplicate ID specified, ID=[$?]
60086 Adding fixed field group not supported
60087 Adding fixed field not supported
60090 Key is not valid.
60093 Invalid provider code: $?
60098 Cannot modify data for multiple profiles [$?] in single request.
60104 Traveler Id [$?] cannot be linked multiple times with the same relationship type.
60105 Unable to remove link. Cannot find the specified link in Traveler id [$?] profile
60107 FixedFieldIdNbr [$?] does not exist.
60108 Parent profile Id [$?] is not a valid parent.
60123 Payment Type [$?] and PaymentSupplier [$?]combinations are not permitted.
60126 Invalid Type present in Key [$?].
60127 Account [$?] is not a valid account for the Accounting Reference [$?].
60128 Accounting Reference [$?] not valid for profile [$?] type [$?] being updated.
60130 AgentID does not exist.
60131 Provisioning Code does not exist.
60132 The agent [$?] is already bridged to branch (Branch ID) [$?] so it cannot be added.
60133 The agent [$?] is already bridged to branch (Branch Code) [$?] so it cannot be added.
60134 A specified branch (ID [$?] ) is already saved in the agent's profile [$?] as the default branch, so cannot be added as a bridged branch.
60135 A specified branch (Code [$?] ) is already saved in the agent's profile [$?] as the default branch, so cannot be added as a bridged branch.
60136 The default branch (ID [$?] ) cannot be deleted via this service.
60137 The default branch (Code [$?] ) cannot be deleted via this service.
60138 Bridge branch request can not be performed for duplicate branch (Branch ID) [$?].
60139 Bridge branch request can not be performed for duplicate branch (Branch Code) [$?].
60140 Bridge branch request can not be performed as branch (Branch Code) [$?] and branch (Branch ID) [$?] referes to same branch.
60141 The agent [$?] is not bridged to branch (Branch ID) [$?] so it cannot be removed.
60142 The agent [$?] is not bridged to branch (Branch Code) [$?] so it cannot be removed.
60143 An agent cannot be bridged to a branch (Branch ID) [$?] that does not exist.
60144 An agent cannot be bridged to a branch (Branch ID) [$?] that is outside the agent's agency.
60145 An agent cannot be bridged to a branch (Branch Code) [$?] that does not exist.
60146 An agent cannot be bridged to a branch (Branch Code) [$?] that is outside the agent's agency.
60147 No agent bridge branch exist for branch (Branch ID) [$?].
60148 The branch (Branch ID) [$?] is outside the agent's agency.
60149 No agent bridge branch exists for branch (Branch Code) [$?].
60150 The branch (Branch Code) [$?] is outside the agent's agency.
60151 Profile doesn't have any alternate contact types to be deleted.
60152 Profile doesn't have any contact types to be deleted."
60153 Profile doesn't have any existing alternate contact.
60155 Not authorized to search tags.
60157 Not authorized to search tags within the specified tag owner.
60159 Commission data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60160 Duplicate Commission data exists in request [Key=$?].
60161 Cannot specify both an amount and percentage for a given Commission value.
60164 The StartDate [$?] needs to be prior to the ExpirationDate [$?].
60165 Provider [ $? ] is not valid.
60166 Supplier [$?] and SupplierType [$?] combinations are invalid.
60167 Field Name "$?" is already in use. Field names must be unique among all fields or within all fields in a group. Please specify a different Name.
60168 The Profile ID submitted is either not valid or does not exist. Please enter a valid profile ID and re-submit your request.
60169 Display Order cannot be specified for standalone field[$?]
60170 Display Order [$?] for field [$?] is already in use [$?]. Please specify a different Display Order.
60171 DisplayOrder cannot be a negative number for $?
60172 DisplayOrder cannot be a zero for $?
60173 Min Occurs [$?] cannot be more than the Max Occurs specified [$?] for $?
60174 Inheritability of the child field [$?] cannot be different from that of the parent group [$?].
60175 Field Name [$?] is duplicated in request. Field names must be unique among all fields or within all fields in a group. Please specify a different Name.
60176 Field Group Name [$?] is duplicated in request. Field Group names must be unique. Please specify a different Name.
60177 The child field's [$?] immutable property cannot be different than that of it's parent group [$?].
60178 Invalid Agency ID [$?] specified.
60179 Field Group with ID [$?] does not exist in database.
60180 ActionType in Field Group with ID [$?] is not valid.
60182 Field Group Name [$?] is already in use. Please specify a different Name.
60184 Inheritability of the all child fields cannot be different from that of the parent group.
60185 [$?] cannot be deleted as it is in use by one or more templates.
60186 The MinOccurs for [$?] cannot be increased as it is in use by one or more templates.
60189 A hierarchy level of type [$?] cannot be a child of a [$?]. Please specify the ID of a permitted hierarchy level type as the parent level.
60191 Advisory not valid for profile type being modified.
60192 LoyaltyProgramEnrollmentRef doesn't exist for the references $?.
60193 $?GeoPoliticalArea doesn't exist for the given combination [$? and $?].
60194 PaymentDetailsRef doesn't exist for the references $?.
60195 No parent information for the requested profile can be returned. The user is not authorized to view control branches.
60198 The remark type [$?] does not allow for the AccountingRemarkType in the request.
60199 Not authorized to create, modify or delete tags.
60200 Not authorized to create, modify or delete the requested tag or tags.
60201 Cannot create field [$?]. The maximum number of custom fields allowed [$?] has been exceeded.
60202 Cannot create field group [$?]. The maximum number of custom fields allowed [$?] has been exceeded.
60203 The IssuedForGeoPolicitalAreaType is required when using the GeoPoliticalAreaType.
60204 The IssuedForGeoPolicitalAreaCode is required when using the GeoPoliticalAreaType.
60205 Cannot add value for field [$?]. The maximum number of occurrences [$?] per custom field per profile has been exceeded
60206 Not authorized to define a parent for an agency profile or move an agency profile to a different parent.
60207 Not authorized to delete a profile of Type
60208 Not authorized to delete the requested profile. User's authorization level is not sufficient.
60209 The maximum number of Tags that can be applied to a given data value is [$?]. One or more data values exceeds this limit.
60210 Tag [$?] has a deleted status that can not be used for the profile.
60211 Cannot add the Branch Group Level. The maximum number of levels [$?] permitted in an Agency hierarchy has been exceeded.
60212 Cannot add the Traveler Group Level. The maximum number of levels [$?] permitted in an Account hierarchy has been exceeded.
60213 Duplicate Tag Id[$?] is not allowed for modify tag,please verify and resend request.
60214 Cannot use the field group [$?] specified because the field group is not owned by the agency [$?] associated to the template [$?].
60216 The commission reference has more than one agent number.
60217 Commission Reference not valid for profile type being updated.
60219 CommissionReference data does not exist for specified profile.
60220 The commission reference can only support one agent name.
60222 Commission Reference is not valid for profile type [$?].
60224 Traveler Group cannot be moved to a parent from a different Account.
60225 The new parent [$?] must be at a higher level in the hierarchy than the profile [$?] itself.
60226 The new parent [$?] must be at a higher or same level in the hierarchy than the current parent [$?].
60227 Not authorized to move a traveler group profile to a different parent.
60228 Not Authorized to set Profile Sync Indicators.
60229 FilterType Departure is applicable on Air ,Rail, Hotel and Vehicle preferences only.
60230 FilterType Arrival is applicable on Air and Rail preferences only.
60231 FilterType Connection is applicable on Air and Rail preferences only.
60232 FilterType Other is applicable on Other preferences only.
60233 Specified SupplierCode [$?] is not valid.
60234 Invalid PTC [$?] specified.
60235 Enter correct value for Destination/purpose code
60236 Data with key [$?] can not be deleted and updated in the same request.
60238 Cannot modify Type for AccountingReference [$?].
60242 Key has to be provided during Advisory update.
60243 Invalid Key provided for Advisory update.
60244 Parent profile Id [$?] is not a valid parent.
60246 The parent specified [$?] is not valid.
60247 The parent [$?] is not an AgencyGroup. Agency must have AgencyGroup as parent
60248 Alternate contact with Key [$?] does not exist for Profile [$?]
60250 Invalid Alternate contact
60251 Alternate contact ID [$?] doesn't belong to Profile [$?].
60252 No Parent Profile Found
60253 Specified Currency [$?] is not valid.
60254 Please specify the PCC corresponding to the IATA Number [$?].
60258 Cannot specify both a code [$?] and name [$?] for state.
60262 PaymentDetails data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60263 Invalid input string[$?].
60264 The parent specified is not valid.
60265 "Parent profile Id in ProfileParentDelete [$?] is not a valid parent.".
60267 Start Date [$?] and End Date [$?] cannot be the same.
60268 End Date [$?] must be after Start Date [$?].
60270 Parent in ProfileParentAdd should be a Branch.
60272 Atleast one phone number is required for agent
60273 Atleast one email address is required for agent
60275 Default Branch [$?] doesn't exist.
60276 Must have at least one phone number in the profile.
60277 Must have at least one email address in the profile.
60278 Parent in ProfileParentAdd should be a Agency or BranchGroup.
60280 Geo City Code is invalid.
60282 The MaxOccurs [$?] for [$?] cannot be decreased as it is in use by one or more templates.
60283 Child fields[$?] of [$?] cannot be deleted as it is in use by one or more profiles.
60284 Child fields[$?] cannot be added to [$?] as it is in use by one or more Profiles.
60285 Field [$?] is under different ProfileId [$?],all fields should be under the same ProfileId
60286 Field Name [$?] has already been specified. Please specify a different Name.
60288 ID has to be provided for field [$?] when Action = Update or Delete.
60289 Field with ID [$?] does not exist in the context.
60290 ID cannot be provided for field [$?] when Action = Add.
60291 Field with ID [$?] does not exist in database for the Field Group[$?] specified.
60292 Root field cannot be added, see field with Name [$?].
60293 The MinOccurs for [$?] cannot be specified as it is in use by one or more templates.
60294 The MaxOccurs for [$?] cannot be specified as it is in use by one or more template
60295 State and Country combination is not valid for State[$?] and Country[$?]
60297 Payment Type [ $? ] and PaymentSupplier [ $? ] combinations are not permitted.
60298 Not authorized to move the requested profile. User's authorization level is not sufficient.
60299 Not authorized to move the requested profile type [$?]
60300 ServiceFee Key is mandatory for Update and Delete.
60301 ServiceFee data does not exist for [$?].
60302 Fixed group does not exist, ID = [$?]
60303 Custom field group does not exist, ID = [$?]
60304 Custom field group already exists, ID = [$?]
60305 Fixed field does not exist, ID = [$?]
60306 Field ID[$?] cannot be a Search Option
60307 Search Option on field [$?] must be off to hide the field on the template
60308 Search Options limited to [$?], please update selected search options
60309 Root level custom field does not exist, ID = [$?]
60310 Custom field already exists, ID = [$?]
60311 Custom field does not exist, ID = [$?]
60312 LoyaltyProgramEnrollment Key is mandatory for Update and Delete.
60313 LoyaltyProgramEnrollment data does not exist for [$?]
60314 LoyaltyProgramEnrollment is not supported by [$?]
60316 Provider Info can only be added/updated/deleted while modifying a branch profile.
60321 Error loading AccountSyncEnabled indicator from configuration.
60322 Invalid object
60323 The parent specified $? is not valid.
60326 Supplier and SupplierType combination is invalid for [Type=$?, Supplier=$?].
60327 Supplier Type Code $? and Supplier $? combination is invalid.
60328 Profile does not exist with ProfileID [$?]
60329 LoyaltyProgramEnrollment data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60330 Address [$?] doesn't belongs to profile [$?].
60331 No Matching Contact found for Address Key [$?]
60332 Provisioned is not allowed for [$?]
60333 Key has to be provided during Address update
602334 Phone Key [$?] doesn't belongs to this profile ID [$?].
60335 No Matching Contact found for Phone Key [$?]
60336 Key has to be provided during Phone update
60337 Electronic Address [$?] doesn't belongs to this profile [$?].
60338 No Matching Contact found for Electronic Address Key [$?]
60339 Key has to be provided during Electronic Address update
60340 [$?] Key [$?] doesn't belong to profile [$?].
60341 Invalid Contract with Key : [$?]
60343 The agent ID [$?] is not a valid Agent ID.
60344 The User Name [$?] is not a valid User Name.
60345 Agency Group is not supported yet.
60346 Parent Hierarchy Level Id is required to create new Hierarchy Level.
60347 Parent Hierarchy Level Id [$?] does not exist under agency hierarchy structure.
60348 Parent Hierarchy Level Id [$?] does not exist under account hierarchy structure.
60349 No hierarchy found for the specified ID[$?].
60350 Anchor point hierarchy levels cannot be deleted.
60352 Specified ProfileType [$?] is not valid for the HierarchyLevelID[$?].
60353 Invalid parent hierarchy level specified
60354 Hierarchy Level Id [$?] does not exist under account hierarchy structure.
60355 Hierarchy Level Id [$?] does not exist under agency group hierarchy structure.
60356 No Profile found for the specified ID [$?].
60357 The requested profile is deleted. History cannot be retrieved for a profile that is deleted.
60358 Profile type [$?] is unsupported
60360 TagAdd/TagDelete for TravelDocument cannot be performed for non-traveler profile.
60361 TagAdd/TagDelete for LoyaltyProgram cannot be performed for non-traveler profile.
60362 TravelDocument doesn't exist for [$?]. TagAdd cannot be performed.
60363 TravelDocument data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60364 The tag [$?] already exists for [$?][$?] on this profile.
60365 Tag does not exist for TravelDocument[$?] to be deleted.
60366 Tag[$?] does not exist for TravelDocument[$?] to be deleted.
60367 LoyaltyProgramEnrollment doesn't exist for [$?]. TagAdkeyd cannot be performed.
60368 The tag [$?] already exists for VehiclePreference ID [$?] on this profile.
60370 Not authorized to search masked or encrypted data in the specified profile. User's authorization level is not sufficient.
60372 Tag doesnot exist for LoyaltyProgramEnrollment[$?] to be deleted.
60373 Tag[$?] doesnot exist for LoyaltyProgramEnrollment[$?]
60374 Contract doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed.
60375 Contract data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60376 Tag doesnot exist for Contract[$?] to be deleted.
60377 Tag[$?] doesnot exist for Contract[$?] to be deleted.
60378 PaymentDetails doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed.
60379 Tag[$?] doesnot exist for PaymentDetails[$?] to be deleted.
60380 AirPreference doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed.
60381 AirPreference data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60382 Tag doesnot exist for AirPreference[$?] to be deleted.
60383 Tag[$?] doesnot exist for AirPreference[$?] to be deleted.
60384 Duplicate Tag id[$?] found in request for "+element+" with key[$?].
60385 Tag[$?] doesnot exist for Remark[$?] to be deleted.
60386 Tag doesnot exist for Remark[$?] to be deleted.
60388 Remark data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60389 HotelPreference doesn't exist for [$?]. TagAdd cannot be performed.
60390 HotelPreference data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60391 Tag doesnot exist for HotelPreference[$?] to be deleted.
60392 Tag[$?] doesnot exist for HotelPreference[$?] to be deleted.
60393 VehiclePreference doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed.
60394 VehiclePreference data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60395 Tag doesnot exist for VehiclePreference[$?] to be deleted.
60396 Tag[$?] doesnot exist for VehiclePreference[$?] to be deleted.
60397 RailPreference data does not exist for [$?].
60398 Tag doesnot exist for RailPreference[$?] to be deleted.
60399 Tag[$?] doesnot exist for RailPreference[$?] to be deleted.
60400 OtherPreference doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed.
60401 OtherPreference data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60402 Tag doesnot exist for OtherPreference[$?] to be deleted.
60403 Tag[$?] doesnot exist for OtherPreference[$?] to be deleted.
60404 Remark doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed.
60405 RailPreference doesn't exist for $?. TagAdd cannot be performed.
60406 RailPreference data does not exist for [Key=$?].
60407 No User Data Found
60408 Not authorized to retrieve the specified profile with all data unmasked. User's authorization level is not sufficient.
60409 Not authorized to retrieve profile of Type $? with all data unmasked.
60410 PartyRole or PartyRoleType not found for associated AgencyCustomerRelationship
60411 PartyRole not found in CustomerRelationship Hierarchy for the associated party
60412 HierarchyLevel not found for the hierarchyLevelId $?
60413 Field Data key [$?] is not valid for Field Group Data key [$?].
60414 Queue list cannot be null.
60416 Not authorized to retrieve profile of Type [$?].
60417 No security level code for agency parent movement
60418 Not authorized to define the agent's default branch.
60419 Not authorized to assign branch ID/Code [$?/$?] to an agent as the default branch.
60420 Not authorized to assign a default branch to the agent. To manage default branch assignments, user must be authorized at the Branch level or above.
60421 Key [$?] has duplicate tag reference, in TagAdd or TagDelete Request for [$?] Element please verify and resend request.
60422 No data with key [$?] exists for [$?] Element
60424 [$?]Element is not valid for key [$?]
60425 The tag [$?] is not valid, please verify and resend request
60426 Travel Document is not supported by[$?]
60427 Accounting Reference [$?] not valid for profile type [$?] being created
60428 Main traveler can not be linked to itself
60429 Unable to create link - Cannot locate Traveler Id [$?] profile.
60430 Cannot link to traveler in a different agency
60432 Not authorized to create or modify provisioned data in the requested profile.
60433 Not authorized to modify Control branch profiles.
60434 Not authorized to modify the requested Control branch profile.
60436 Issue Date [$?] and Expiration Date [$?] for a Travel Document cannot be same.
60437 TravelDocument Key is mandatory for Update and Delete.
60440 Citizenship Country [$?] is invalid.
60441 IssuedByCountry[$?] is invalid.
60442 Nationality [$?] is invalid.
60443 Travel Document Issued Date[$?] cannot be after Expiration Date [$?].
60444 TravelDocument is not supported by [$?]
60445 Parent should be a AgencyGroup
60446 Parent should be a Branch
60447 Parent should be an Agency, BranchGroup, Branch, Account or TravelerGroup
60448 Parent should be an Agency, Branch or BranchGroup
60449 Parent should be an Agency or BranchGroup
60450 Only one Parent is permitted for Traveler
60452 At least one Parent is required
60453 Only one Parent is permitted for [$?]
60455 Parent Id [$?] is not valid
60456 Agent [Current Agency $?] cannot be moved to a parent from a different Agency[$?].
60457 For modifying parent, both ProfileParentAdd and ProfileParentDelete should be present.
60458 Branch [Current Agency $?] cannot be moved to a parent from a different Agency[$?].
60459 Branch Group [Current Agency $?] cannot be moved to a parent from a different Agency[$?].
60460 Traveler [Current Agency $?] cannot be moved to a parent from a different Agency[$?].
60461 Account [Current Agency $?] cannot be moved to a parent from a different Agency[$?].
60462 Hierarchy Level doesn't exist for the new parent.
60471 Field with Id [$?] does not exist
60473 Field Group with Id [$?] does not exist.
60477 Version [$?] is not the current version of the profile. The current version is [$?]
60478 Agency details can not be modified for[$?] type profile
60479 Account details can not be modified for [$?] type profile
60481 Tag cannot be deleted because it being used by profiles.
60482 Tags of multiple agency can not be modified in the same request.
60483 Tags provided in the request do not exist.
60484 The number of allowed Tags has exceed 15 for your agency, adjust the number of tags.
60485 Tag Name $? is already in use. Tag names must be unique among all tags. Please specify a different Name.
60486 Invalid AgencyID [$?] specified.
60487 Tag ID [$?] does not exists.
60489 Tags cannot be referenced at time of [$?] creation
60493 It is not valid to have a currency code and money data type in the same request. Remove the attribute currency and try request again.
60495 CRSCode and SSRCode both has to be provided.
60496 MealTypeCRS and MealTypeSSR both has to be provided.
60497 Must submit the same currency for each of the money data types [MaxFareAmount,BenchMarkAmount]. Correct the currency and try request again.
60498 It is not permitted to tag child field data within a grouping
60499 FieldData can not be referenced during agency profile creation.
60500 FieldGroupData can not be referenced during agency profile creation
60501 FieldID is required to Add new data value
60502 Key is not required to Add new data value.
60505 Invalid Template Id specified.
60506 The Template Version specified [$?] is not the current/latest version. The current version is [$?].
60507 The tag [$?] already exists for [$?] on this profile.
60508 Key [$?] has duplicate tag reference, in TagAdd or TagDelete Request for Fielddata or FieldGroupData Element please verify and resend request.
60509 The tag [$?] already exists for [FieldData/FieldGroupData] on this profile.
60510 Party with Provisioning Identifier Code [$?] for [$?] already exists.
60513 No profile data to delete with key [$?] for mentioned profile
60514 Data with same key [$?] can not be deleted again in same request
60516 Field Id [$?] is not valid for key [$?].
60517 No data with key [$?] exists for update.
605118 Data with same key [$?] can not be updated again in same request.
605119 The field group with id [$?] has duplicate tag reference, please verify and resend request.
60520 The tag [$?] already exists for field group Id [$?] on this profile.
60523 Not supported here yet.
60524 Duplicate Action ID(s) [$?] specified in request.
60525 fieldIdList is null.
60526 listOfFieldvalue is null.
60527 The value [$?] is not valid for Gender.
60529 HierarchyLevelID is not applicable while creating AgencyGroup/Agency/Account/Traveler.
60530 The parent specified violates the hierarchy level constraints.
60531 Cannot Delete HierarchyLevel having profile associated to it.
60532 Cannot Swap HierarchyLevel having profile associated to it.
60533 HierarchyLevelID can only be numeric.[$?] is not valid.
60534 Hierarchy Level ID[$?] cannot be moved below Hierarcy Level ID[$?].
60535 Hierarchy level [$?] can not be a child of hierarcy level [$?].
60536 AgencyHierarchyLevelID [$?] cannot be same as ParentHierarchyLevelId [$?].
60537 AgencyHierarchyLevelID [$?] cannot be moved below ParentHierarchyLevelId [$?].
60538 Hierarchy level [$?] is already in use. Please specify a different Name.
60539 The new parent of the hierarchy level can only be one level up or down from the current location of the level being moved
60700 Not authorized to change the status of profiles of Type [$?].
60701 Not authorized to create a profile of Type [$?].
60703 Not authorized to retrieve the specified profile's history with all data unmasked. User's authorization level is not sufficient.
60704 Not authorized to retrieve history of profile of Type $? with all data unmasked.
60705 Applied Profile [$?] in Form of Payment / Guarantee is not related to any Traveler ID in the request or Universal Record.
60706 At least one applied profile must be present in order to refer to payment details from a profile.
60707 Display order must be a non-negative integer.
60708 Display order of tags must be unique.
60709 Profile parent ID specified is not valid because it is the ID of an $?[$?]. These profile types cannot be a parent to other profiles.
60711 Display Order on custom field data is not supported and any values specified have been ignored.
60712 Unable to identify the payment details from the profile. Request must specify both the profile ID and the Key of the payment method to reference.
60713 Phone number local number is not a valid length.
60714 The local number value of a phone number has been truncated from the saved value of [$?].
60715 Cannot add or remove multiple immediate parents of a traveler profile using this schema version.
60716 Cannot delete all existing parents from a profile. A traveler profile must have at least one immediate parent.
60717 The requested profile has more than one immediate parent. Additional parent information is available, but cannot be returned with the schema version used.
60718 The requested profile has more than one immediate parent. Inherited parent data cannot be returned unless a single immediate parent is specified in the request.
60719 The requested parent [$?] is already associated to the profile.
60720 The request exceeds the maximum allowed number of immediate parent associations [$?].
60721 Value of travelerInfo for gender is a deprecated value.
60722 Value of travelDocument for gender is a deprecated value.
60723 Same Field [$?] can not be modify again in same request.
60724 Same FieldGroup [$?] can not be modify again in same request.
60725 Same ChildField [$?] of FieldGroup [$?] can not be modify again in same request.
60726 Invalid parent ID. The specified parent ID [$?] is not an immediate parent of the given profile.
60727 Not authorized to retrieve profile within the specified parent ID [$?].
60728 No user is permitted to search for traveler profiles across the system. Specify a parent context in which to search, or emulate to a branch in order to indirectly limit the scope of the search request.
60729 "Invalid accounting remark type [$?].
60759 The endpoint [$?] (ID $?) already exists on custom field [$?] (ID $?) and has been ignored.
60760 The endpoint [$?] (ID $?) already exists on fixed field ID [$?] and has been ignored.
60778 The CabinType [$?] specified in RailPreference is not valid.
60779 The profile[$?] has one or more rail cabin class preferences ($?) that cannot be returned with the schema version used.
18045 Anchor points cannot be moved within the hierarchy.
18057 No Action available in the system.
18060 AgencyGroup can not have parent.
18062 Parent profile id does not exist.
18064 Agency Group can not have field or field group.
18065 Branch Group can not have multiple parents.
18066 Branch Group can have only Agency or Branch Group as parent.
18068 Traveler Group can not have multiple parents.
18069 Traveler Group can have only Account or Traveler Group as parent.
18070 No hierarchy found for the specified ID[$?].
18073 The status is not valid for the type of Profile.
18074 Invalid Hierarchy Level Id [$?] specified.
18075 Only System Level users can retrieve/modify non-active profiles.
18080 Failed to decrypt some of the secured data.Erroneous data has been replaced with
18081 Contract Level is no more supported by the application.
60820 OwnerID is not valid for any Profile except Traveler.
60821 Overridden template must have at least one overridden field/group.
60822 The template [$?] is not an Overridden Template.
60823 [FixedField/Group or CustomField or CustomFieldGroup] [$?] already exist in override template.
60824 Overridden template does not have the [FixedField/Group or CustomField or CustomFieldGroup] [$?].
60825 Overridden template [$?] deleted successfully.
60826 Overridden template cannot be modified through this service.
60827 The field/group [$?] cannot be made searchable as it is marked as hidden in overridden templates [$?].
60828 Optional Services and / or Additional Services are unavailable for the selected itinerary at this time. Please change your selection or try again later
60829 Encryption of [$?] cannot be changed as it is in use by one or more profiles.
60830 The $? for [$?] cannot be increased as it is in use by one or more profiles.
60831 The $? for [$?] cannot be specified as it is in use by one or more profiles.
60832 The $? for [$?] cannot be decreased as it is in use by one or more profiles.
60833 The existing enumerations for [$?] cannot be changed/deleted as it is in use by one or more profiles.
60834 Data type of [$?] cannot be changed as it is in use by one or more profiles.
60835 The change will take some time to get reflected in profile data. Changes are expected to be completed by Midnight GMT.
60836 Association of custom field with template will also get deleted.
60837 Association of custom field group with template will also get deleted.
60838 AccountID is not valid for Accounting Reference in Account Profile.
60839 The Template ID [$?] being used is not the latest/correct traveler template in the hierarchy.
60840 Profile data associated with the custom field that will not be deleted.
60841 An amount or percentage must be entered for commission.
60842 The response may have truncated data for MultiLevelRateCode and RateCode.
60843 [$?] is not authorized to [$?] [$?] profile.
60845 Data exceeds field length of 255
60846 Agent level user is not allowed to retrieve Report on Profile Criteria
60847 System level access required to enable or update URSyncTo flag.
60848 Data not returned for URSyncTo field, please upgrade to the current version of the schema to receive this data.
60849 Data not returned for URSyncData field, please upgrade to the current version of the schema to receive this data.
60850 Specify a single entity (AgencyID, BranchID or AgentCode) to retrieve assigned roles.
60851 Specify an entity (AgencyID, BranchID or AgentCode) to retrieve assigned roles.
60852 Specify either AgencyID or BranchID. One role cannot be owned by an Agency and a Branch at the same time.
60853 If the role is agency-owned or branch-owned, TravelportRestricted must be false.
60854 User is not authorized to create a Travelport-restricted role.
60855 Duplicate Assignable Resource is not allowed.[$?]
60856 Duplicate Transactional Resource is not allowed.[$?]
60857 $? field [$?] can not be searched with wildcard
60858 Field Id [$?] is invalid
60859 Parent group[$?] is Hide, child $?[$?] cannot be made Hide off.
60860 Child field[$?] is a Search Option, the parent group [$?] cannot be Hide.
60861 Duplicate endpoints present for the same $? ID [$?] in the request.
60862 No match found for the requested consuming system.
60863 Template ID request does not have a new version of the template
60864 Custom Field Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order.
60865 Label name is already in use [$?]. Please specifiy a different label name.
60866 Custom Field Group Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order.
60867 Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order.
60868 PurposeTypeCode is blank for Endpoint ID [$?].
60869 EndpointId [$?] does not exist
60870 EndpointId does not exist.
60871 EndpointId $? does not exist
60872 EndpointId [$?] does not exist for CustomField ID [$?].
60873 Fixed Field Group Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order.
60874 Fixed Field Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order.
60875 Search Option Display Order [$?] is duplicated in request. Please specify a different Display Order.
60876 Search Option Display Order [$?] is already in use. Please specify a different Display Order.
60877 EndpointId [$?] does not exist for FixedField ID [$?].
60878 Specify an entity (AgencyID, BranchID or AgentCode) to assign roles.
60879 Provisioning Details Not Available
60880 Required License Match Not Found
60881 Only 'Agent' level for the bridged Branches.
60882 Duplicate bridge branch codes are not allowed.
60883 Cannot bridge to a branch whose status is Disabled.
60884 [$?] is already in use. Please specify a different Name.
60885 Specific Relationship type data exists for ProfileLink. Please update to the latest schema to retrieve all data.
60886 Language Code [$?] is not supported by ISO-639-1.
60887 Security Answer data must be transmitted with corresponding Security Question data.
60888 Security Question data must be transmitted with corresponding Security Answer data.
60889 Invalid PolicyReference Type.
60890 ControllingPolicyID [$?] is not a valid id for the Policy Reference
60891 Supplier Type Code [$?], Supplier [$?] and ProgramName [$?] combination is invalid.
60892 Cannot create field [PolicyReference]. The maximum number of Policy Reference allowed [$?] has been exceeded.
60893 Data exists. Please update to the latest schema to retrieve all data.
60894 PolicyReference Key is mandatory for Update and Delete.
60895 PolicyReference [$?] doesn't belongs to this profile ID [$?]
60896 [Policy Reference] Key [$?] doesn't belong to profile [$?]
60897 Only one instance of TravelerIdentityInformation is permitted.
60898 Traveler Identity Information may only be applied to a traveler profile.
60899 TravelerIdentityInformation Key is mandatory for Update and Delete.
60900 Traveler Identity Information Key [Key=$?] doesn't belongs to this profile ID [$?,$?]
60901 Secondary Identification Code is required if a masking code has been indicated.
60902 Not authorized to retrieve the specified profile with all data unmasked. User's authorization level is not sufficient.
60903 Key reference not found for $? with key reference [$?] inside $?
60904 UniqueProfileID is a required field associated with TravelerInfo.
60905 [$?] is already in use. Please specify a different identifier.
60906 Only 1 ProfileSpecification attribute may be transmitted. Please Choose ProfileID or UniqueProfileID or ProvisioningCode.
60907 ProfieType is a required field associated with UniqueProfileID.
60908 Minimum charters required is 6.
60908 ProfileUniqueIdentifier data is not a valid option for this transaction. Please re-submit using Profile ID or ProvisioningCode data.
60932 ProfileUniqueIdentifier is not a valid option for this transaction. Please re-submit using Profile ID or ProvisioningCode.
60909 Length of StartingFlightNumber/EndingFlightNumber Should not exceed 5.
60910 Profile does not exist with UniqueProfileID [$?]
60911 Profile does not exist with ProvisioningCode [$?]
60912 Invalid input for Local Language field.
60913 LocalLanguage code format not supported in version of the schema. Please upgrade to the current version of the schema to receive this information.
60914 Upgrade to later version for additional data.
60915 Please provide a different source for External ID, [$?] is already specified.
60916 $? Key is mandatory for Update and Delete.
60917 Accounting Reference $? does not exist for Account [$?].
60920 FormOfPayment [Key=$?] doesn't belong to this profile ID [$?].
60921 FormOfPayment [Key=$?] doesn't belong to this unique profile ID [$?].
60922 FormOfPayment of type Credit Card is allowed to be linked with AccountingReference.
60923 Data values may not be updated when a Source value is a host provider.
60924 Data values may not be updated when a Source value is a host provider. Upgrade to the latest schema version to retrieve all data values.
60925 Upgrade to latest version for additional data.
60926 Additional data exists, upgrade to the latest schema.
60927 AgencyCode, [$?], does not exist.
60928 Invalid ExternalSystem. Please provide ExternalSystem value as 1G or 1V.
60929 Invalid ProfileType. Please provide ProfileType value as Account or Traveler.
60930 TravelerProfileTitle is required when ProfileType is Traveler.
60931 Minimum and maximum characters permitted are 1 and 50.
60937 Some UProfile Services are temporarily unavailable.
60938 Some Security Services are temporarily unavailable.
60939 Some Internal Services are temporarily unavailable.
60940 MaxResults cannot be more than 2000

Type Name="Data"

18059 Name cannot be blank.
60064 Invalid Advisory Key $?
60067 Both Profile Id and Profile type are required.
60068 Both Provisioning Code and Profile type are required.
60069 ProfileId is required.
60071 Parent ID or Code not found.
60074 Valid Key has to be specified for updating AccountingReference.
60094 Please specify Supplier Type for Supplier[$?]
60095 Please specify Supplier for Supplier Type[$?]
60096 Key [$?] is not Valid.
60097 Invalid subjectPartyRoleId present in Key [$?].
60099 Invalid Item Number present in Key [$?].
60100 Key [$?] does not exist
60101 Key does not exist
60102 RemarkText cannot be blank.
60103 Valid Key has to be specified for deleting Remark.
60109 Hierarchy level ID should be specified.
60120 ProfileType should be specified.
60125 Invalid partyRoleID present in Key [$?].
60129 Please specify Agent ID or Provisioning Code.
60158 Commission Key is mandatory for Update and Delete.
60162 Supplier Contract Number is required.
60181 Field Group Name [ID=$?] can not be empty. Please specify a Name.
60187 $? cannot be blank.
60197 The remark for type accounting requires the AccountingRemarkType.
60221 Valid Key has to be specified for deleting CommissionReference.
60223 A Commission Reference must include at least an agent name or an agent number. Please specify a value for one or both fields.
60237 No FieldGroupData element is present with key [$?]
60239 Invalid Item Number present in Key [$?].
60241 Valid Key has to be specified for deleting AccountingReference.
60249 Invalid Alternate contact Key
60255 Branch Name cannot be Null or Empty.
60256 LocalNumber cannot be Null or Empty.
60257 ElectronicAddress Name cannot be Null or Empty.
60259 Address Line 1 is required.
60260 Electronic Address name is required.
60261 FormOfPayment Key is mandatory for Update and Delete.
60266 AccountInfo is not found in request.
60269 AgencyGroupInfo is not found in request
60271 AgentInfo is not found in request
60274 DefaultBranchCode can't be an empty string.
60279 BranchInfo is not found in request
60281 BranchGroupInfo is not found in request
60287 Field Name [$?] can not be empty. Please specify a Name.
60296 Account Number is required for PaymentDetails.
60315 LoyaltyProgramEnrollment Number is mandatory for[$?]
60324 TravelerGroupInfo is not found in request
60325 One Parent is required, please specify the parent.
60342 Invalid Contract Key : [$?]
60351 Hierarchy Level Id [$?] does not exist under agency hierarchy structure.
60359 Invalid key for ProviderInfo.
60371 Tag not found.
60423 TravelerInfo is not found in request
60431 ProfileType must be specified and value can't be empty
60435 Atleast one address line is mandatory.
60438 DocumentNumber cannot be empty.
60439 City in Address cannot be empty.
60451 ProfileType not found
60454 Duplicate parent id [$?] is found
60463 [$?] is not found in request
60464 AgencyInfo is not found in request
60465 LocalNumber for phone cannot be empty in the request.
60466 City for Address cannot be empty in the request.
60467 Invalid Month value[$?] provided in the request.
60468 Invalid Day value[$?] provided in the request.
60469 Custom Date requires Integer in Day, Month and Year.
60470 Field Group Id [$?] does not contain field [$?]
60472 Field [$?] should be present inside field group id [$?]
60480 The field with id [$?] has duplicate tag reference, please verify and resend request.
60488 The [$?] has duplicate tag reference, please verify and resend request.
60490 Tag Name [$?] should not be empty.
60494 Other Preference Key is mandatory for Update and Delete.
60503 Key is required to update existing data.
60504 Please specify the Template Id and Version for the profile being created.
60511 Provisioning Identifier Code cannot be blank for [$?].
60515 Key [$?] can not be blank
60522 The currency code is missing from [$?].A currency code must prepend every attribute with Money data type.
60528 Please specify the hierarchy level id for the profile being created.
60702 profile is null
60710 Location for Phone cannot be empty in the request. The location must be a valid airport or city code.
60730 The minimum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be less than 0.
60731 The maximum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be less than 0.
60732 The maximum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] cannot be less than the minimum number supported by the system ([$?]).
60733 The maximum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be less than the minimum occurrences specified.
60734 The maximum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] cannot be greater than the maximum number supported by the system ([$?]).
60735 The maximum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be greater than [$?].
60736 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] cannot be less than the minimum number supported by the system ([$?]).
60737 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] cannot be greater than the maximum number supported by the system ([$?]).
60738 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] cannot be greater than [$?].
60739 The maximum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be less than the minimum occurrences specified.
60740 The minimum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be less than 0
60741 The maximum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be less than 0.
60742 The maximum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be less than the minimum number supported by the system ([$?]).
60743 The maximum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be less than the minimum occurrences specified.
60744 The maximum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be greater than the maximum number supported by the system ([$?]).
60745 The maximum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be greater than [$?].
60746 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be less than the minimum number supported by the system ([$?]).
60747 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be less than [$?].
60748 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be greater than the maximum number supported by the system ([$?]).
60749 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] cannot be greater than [$?].
60750 The maximum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be less than the minimum occurrences specified.
60751 The loyalty card deleted was also removed from all preferences that referred to it.
60752 The payment method deleted was also removed from all preferences that referred to it.
60753 Loyalty Card of type Hotel already exists for the specified hotel reservation.
60754 Loyalty Card of type Air already exists for the specified hotel reservation.
60763 Loyalty Card of type Air already exists for the specified hotel reservation.
60755 One or more values of Field ID [$?] could not be decrypted due to invalid data. The value returned may not match the value created by the user.
60756 Addition of AirPricingPayment for StoredFare PricingType is not allowed through uAPI for the requested provider.
60757 Addition of AirPricingTicketingModifiers for StoredFare PricingType is not allowed through uAPI for the requested provider.
60758 Ticketing for StoredFare PricingType is not allowed through uAPI for the requested provider.
60761 The maximum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] on a template cannot be greater than the maximum number defined for the field itself.
60762 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] on a template cannot be less than the minimum number defined for the field itself.
60764 The maximum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] on a template cannot be less than the minimum number defined for the field itself.
60765 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field [$?] on a template cannot be greater than the maximum number defined for the field itself.
60766 The maximum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] on a template cannot be greater than the maximum number defined for the group itself.
60767 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] on a template cannot be less than the minimum number defined for the group itself.
60768 The maximum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] on a template cannot be less than the minimum number defined for the group itself.
60769 The minimum allowed occurrences of the field group [$?] on a template cannot be greater than the maximum number defined for the group itself.
60770 The minimum or maximum occurrences specified for the field [$?] cannot be less than 0.
60771 The minimum or maximum occurrences specified for the field group [$?] cannot be less than 0.
60772 The inheritable value of field [$?] has been changed. Note that the inheritability of this field on the template(s) it is already associated to has not been changed and cannot be changed using this version of the schema.
60773 The inheritable value of field group [$?] has been changed. Note that the inheritability of this field group on the template(s) it is already associated to has not been changed and cannot be changed using this version of the schema.
60774 Not authorized to add/remove the requested parent profile [$?]. User's authorization level is not sufficient.
60775 Cannot specify both an amount and percentage for a given Contract value.
60776 Parent type of [$?] is not valid for a [$?] type.
60777 A custom field group [$?] without child field cannot be added to a profile.
60780 ProviderInfo with key [$?] doesn't exist in database.
60781 Key must not be present while adding new ProviderInfo.
60782 Key is required for modifying/deleting ProviderInfo.
60783 Invalid id specified.
60784 Invalid parent hierarchy level id specified.
60785 Invalid Type for Electronic Address.
60786 DefaultBranchCode =$? is not a valid branch type
60787 DefaultBranchId =$? is not a valid branch type
60788 An agent cannot have a default branch (Branch Code [$?]) that is outside the agent's agency.
60789 An agent cannot have a default branch (Branch ID [$?]) that is outside the agent's agency.
60790 Provider Info can only be added/updated/deleted while modifying a branch profile.
60791 PCC [$?] and the provider [$?] cannot be duplicated.
60792 Tag doesnot exist for PaymentDetails[$?] to be deleted.
60793 The $? GeoPoliticalAreaCode [$?] requires a $? GeoPoliticalAreaType to narrow down the GeoPoliticalArea.
60794 The $? GeoPoliticalAreaType [$?] requires a $? GeoPoliticalAreaCode to narrow down the GeoPoliticalArea.
60795 The value [$?] is not valid for Travel Document Gender.
60796 The value [$?] is not valid for Gender.
60797 Hierarchy can be restricted for only profile types Traveler, Traveler Group or Account.
60798 Hierarchy can be restricted only if Inherited Data has been requested.
60799 Account is the highest level in the restricted hierarchy, hence no parent data is returned.
60800 Hierachy cannot be restricted when Parent Summary has been requested.
60801 Display Order [$?] is already in use. Please specify a different Display Order.
60802 Overridden template cannot be created for this owner.
60803 Search Option or/ and Display Order is/ are not modifiable for a branch's Name and PCC/ SID.
60804 Deleting fixed field not supported.
60805 Deleting fixed field group not supported.
60806 Owner Id specified for Field [$?] is not an immediate parent for the Traveler.
60807 User is not authorized to access the proprietory data for the parent [$?].
60808 ProprietaryData does not exist for [Key=$?].
60809 Key has to be provided during ProprietaryData modification.
60810 The custom field(s) cannot be deleted as it has been overridden in template(s) [$?].
60811 The custom field group(s) cannot be deleted as it has been overridden in template(s) [$?].
60812 Child field [$?] cannot be deleted using the Field Group Modify Service.
60813 Field/Group [$?] cannot be repeated in the overridden template definition.
60814 [FixedField/Group or CustomField or CustomFieldGroup] [$?] does not exist in default template.
60815 Only Traveler template can be overridden.
60816 Overridden template [$?] exists for this owner.
60817 Field/Group [$?] is searchable and hence cannot be hidden in overridden template.
60818 Invalid TemplateFieldID specified.
60819 Overridden fields are not available in Default template.
61818 Duplicate Travel Document data exists in request [Key=$?].
61819 Duplicate Form of Payment data exists in request [Key=$?].
61820 Insufficient rate information provided by host. Some rate details may be missing.
61821 CVV is not stored in Profile.
61822 Approval Code is not stored in Profile.
61823 Check Number is not stored in Profile.
61824 Acceptance Override is not stored in Profile.
61825 Amount is not stored in Profile.
61826 Discount Amount is not stored in Profile.
61827 Discount Percentage is not stored in Profile.
61828 Not Valid Before is not stored in Profile.
61829 Not Valid After is not stored in Profile.
61830 ExtendedPayment=Y/N only. Please input valid value.
61831 Additional Form Of Payment data available. Upgrade to the latest version of the uAPI schema to receive this data in FOP form.
61832 Expiration Date is missing for provided credit card number.
61833 Expiration Date is missing for provided debit card number.
61834 Please provide valid category in MiscFormOfPayment
61835 Customer Reference is not stored in Profile
61836 Third Party Payment is not stored in Profile
61837 Bank Name is not stored in Profile
61838 Bank Country Code is not stored in Profile
61839 Please provide valid type in FormOfPayment
61840 Please provide valid preference payment type in FormOfPayment
61841 Street/AddressLine is required for BillingAddress in FormOfPayment
61842 Valid State Country combination required
61843 Type value provided in FormOfPayment doesn't match with the actual FormOfPayment element provided
61844 Additional Preference Payment data available. Upgrade to the latest version of the uAPI schema to receive this data in FOP form
61845 Additional PreferencePaymentMethod values will be returned in the current version of the schema. Please upgrade to the current version of the schema to receive this information.
61846 Additional CustomFieldOrGroup data is available, please upgrade to the current version to receive this information.
61847 Invalid CabinClass Specified.
61848 AlternateAgentID can not be searched with wild card
61849 Please provide valid payment type in FormOfPayment
61850 12 digit CreditCard or DebitCard codes are no longer supported in profile. Please use a valid CreditCard or DebitCard code for uprofile transactions.
61852 Carrier code is required in SSR.
61853 Carrier does not support adding SSR.
601854 Type Specified For Accounting Reference is not valid.
601855 Custom fields and field groups created at an account level may only be added to account, traveler group and traveler templates.
601856 Custom fields and field groups created at an account level may only be added to templates within its own hierarchy
601857 Custom fields and field groups created at an account level may only be added to account, traveler group and traveler profiles
601858 Custom fields and field groups created at an account level may only be added to profiles within its own hierarchy
601859 Address Type [$?] is not valid. Valid values are '[Shipping, Collection, Other, Delivery, Location, Mailing, LocalLangInvoice, Home, Work]'. Address Type must be a value from the valid values list.
601860 Field [$?] with value [$?] and length = [$?] exceeds the maxLength [$?] for type field type [$?]
601860 Invalid State [$?]. Length of state can not be greather than 128
601763 Invalid State [$?]. Length of state cannot be greater than 128 characters.
601861 Minimum 2 characters are required to search with wildcard
601862 Leading wildcard search is not supported, only trailing wildcard search is supported with minimum 2 characters
601863 Loyalty Program Number can not be more than 255 characters
601864 The accounting reference value is required.
601865 AccountingReference Value can not be more than 255 characters
601866 Travel document number can not be searched with wild card
601867 Contract number can not be more than 50 characters
601868 Profiles of type Agent and Traveler can never have children and as such are not relevant to this service.
601869 Child Search cannot be done for a Deleted profile.
601870 Organization Name not applicable for Profiles of type Agent and Traveler
601871 SurName and GivenName not applicable for Profiles of type other than Agent and Traveler
601872 Profile Type is mandatory for profile search
601873 IATA code specified has too many characters.
601874 Pseudo City code specified has too many characters.
601875 Account Number can not be searched with wild card
601876 Account Number can not be more than 100 characters
601877 Expiration $? can not be searched with wild card
601878 Address Line can not be searched with Wildcard
601879 Phone LocalNumber can not be searched with Wildcard
601880 $? length can not be more than 128 character.
601881 PseudoCityCode length can not be more than 10 character.
601882 IataNumber length can not be more than 8 character.
601883 $? length can not be more than 255 character.
601884 $?Code length can not be more than 128 character.
601885 Only trailing wildcard search is supported with minimum 2 characters
601886 Specified Resource in ResourceLevelInfo does not exist[$?]
601887 Specified AccessLevel in ResourceLevelInfo does not exist[$?]
601888 User is not authorized to assign [$?] [$?] to a role.
601889 User is not authorized to assign [$?] to [$?] [$?].
601890 Moved profile will inherit template and fields of new parents
601891 Branch Group cannot be moved without removing existing children
601892 Need to add Hierarchy Level before moving BRG under the lowest level
601893 To assign Custom Field, either FieldID or Name should be specified along with Field Value
601894 Provide either FieldID or Name of the custom field, not both.
601895 Field with Name [$?] does not exist within this hierarchy.
601920 Field with Name [$?] does not exist within this hierarchy.
601895 Search with field name can not be done without parentID.
601896 Service not available
601897 BulkTransferInd is not required with SecondaryIdentifier.
601898 Traveler DOB cannot be in the future.
601899 JobID $? submitted is invalid.
601900 JobIDs $? submitted are invalid.
601901 All JobIDs submitted are invalid.
601902 No jobs found for the requested user or status.
601903 PCC is not associated to any WAB.
601904 Multiple WAB's found.PCC should configure with only one WAB.
601905 Agent doesn’t have access of provided PCC.
601906 A work area branch was not found in association with PCC [$?].
601907 Multiple work area branches were identified in association to PCC [$?].
601908 Minimum and maximum charters permitted are 1 and 25.
601909 Loyalty Card of type Vehicle already exists for the specified Vehicle reservation.
601910 Work area branch [$?] is not associated with PCC [$?].
601911 No need of BranchCode as PrimaryIdentifier is not given.
601912 Report is generated by using JobID. No need of BranchCode.
601913 No Work area Branch found with BranchCode [$?].
60754 Loyalty Card of type Air already exists for the specified Vehicle reservation.
601914 [$?] is invalid. Valid Status values include: STARTED, COMPLETE, CANCELLED, PENDING, FAILED and INCOMPLETE.
601915 [$?] is an invalid AgencyCode.
601916 [$?] is invalid for CreatedByAgent.
601917 $? JobID submitted is not valid.
601918 $? JobID submitted is not valid.
601919 BranchCode is an invalid.
601921 Branch with PseudoCityCode [$?] and ProviderCode [$?] already exist.

Name="REPSVC" Range="70000-70999"

Type Name="Business">

70001 No records found for specified criteria.

Type Name="Data">

70002 Agency Information is mandatory as reporting search criteria.
70003 Incorrect Branch
70004 Incorrect Branch for Speficed Agency
70005 Incorrect Agent
70006 Incorrect Agent for Speficed Agency
70007 Incorrect Account
70008 Incorrect Account for Speficed Agency
70009 Rate extended at counter
70011 Valid ReportingType values include, Export, Migration and Sync.
70012 Provide either PrimaryId or Filename to generate report.
70013 None of the indicators should be 'true' when report generation is based on JobID.
70014 ReportingType is Required.
70015 ProfileReportFilterCritiera and JobID may not be transmitted in the same rquest. Transmit one or the other.
70016 ReportingType of Sync is not permitted if the JobID is transmitted.JobID is permitted when Migration or Export is the ReportingType.
70017 FileName and SecondaryIdentifier are not applicable for ReportingType Export.
70018 PrimaryIdentifier is required when transmitting ProfileReportFilterCriteria and the ReportingType is Export.
70019 One of the indicators (MigrationReportInd or SyncReportInd) should be mark as ‘true’ to generate report.
70020 Permitted MaxResults is 1-99.

Name="TERMSVC" Range="14000-14999"

Type Name="Business">

14058 Could not locate Session Token Information Session May Have Timed Out.
14059 Cryptic Entries not allowed.
14060 Please try Cryptic entries after some time.
14061 Cryptic entry has timed out.
14062 Invalid Command
14087 Data not returned for AlternateAgentID. Please upgrade to the current version of the schema to receive this data.

Name="SSSVC" Range="15000-15999"

Type Name="Data"

15000 Invalid trip key specified.
15991 Invalid TPFSYSID specified.
15992 Invalid Stored Procedure schema name configured. Either property key or value is invalid.
15993 Unable to marshal response : $?
15994 Resultset(s) parameter(s) must be declared before others.
15995 Did not get configuration for air
15996 Did not expect to be called
15997 Please run one of the ECM configured services
15998 Invalid schema version found in 'uapi.urls.versions.xml'
15999 Could not determine locator code for the new Pnr.
16740 Invalid Ticket Modifier Class: $?
16750 General Remark key $? not found in the UR.
16751 Shipping Address for the Booking Traveler already exists
16752 Accounting Remark key $? not found in the UR.
16754 Service fee key $? not found in the UR.
16768 Invalid AirSegment supplied [ $? ]
16755 Address with key $? does not exist in host
16756 Rail distributor $? is not provisioned. Can't retrieve or sync rail reservation.
16757 test Exception
16758 ObjectName $? is invalid
16759 Address/Delivery Address is already present in TripData and is ignored.
15017 Form Of Payment is not Reusable
15037 Form Of Payment is not reusable.
15020 Only Credit and Debit Form Of Payments are allowed to reuse.
15113 Only Credit and Debit Form Of Payments are allowed to reuse.
15110 Invalid TargetBranch specified.
15111 Invalid Pseudo City Code specified.
15108 Key reference not found for $? with key reference [$?] inside $?

Type Name="Business">

15112 TerminalSessionInfo is mandatory to start a Shared Session.
15114 BookingTraveler and AirSegment should be present before adding AirPricingInfo.
15015 The credit card type is not valid
19001 Unable to create file [$?]
19002 Unable to create location [$?]
19003 Agent doesn't exists in system for AgentID [$?].
19004 Cannot format date.
19005 Segment synchronization error occured but no updated times were provided
19006 Some ticket numbers are not associated with a host provider
19007 Merchandising request unsuccessful - please retrieve UR/PNR, check status and report issue immediately. $?
19008 No known host provider type found for provider code: [$?]
19009 Error occured while marshaling request.
19010 Role not found
19011 Invalid LicenseID
19012 Invalid licenseTypeID
19013 Could not find current Agent
19014 The source of the ancillary service should be $?
19015 Provider Supplier combination doesn't exists .Provider Code =$? and Supplier Code = $?
19016 User id not authorised to activate the ProviderInfo data.
19017 Agency/Branch/Agent credentials are not supported for Provider Code =$? and Supplier Code = $?
19018 $? is not available for provisioning.
19019 $?-$? is not available for provisioning.
19020 $? cannot be provisioned to a new agency/branch/agent because it is inactive.
19021 $?-$? cannot be provisioned to a new agency/branch/agent because it is inactive.
19024 Testing CreateProfileException
19025 Test
19026 TicketEndorsement is not supported for the requested provider in AirTicketingReq.
19027 SuppressTaxandFee is not supported for the requested provider in AirTicketingReq.
19028 The SuppressTaxandFee Ticketing modifier is applicable for E-Ticket or E-Ticket and GenerateItineraryInvoice option only.
19029 Book request unsuccessful due to incorrect OptionalService/ServiceData.
19030 Only First two Endorsements are supported by the requested provider.
19031 Price request unsuccessful due to incorrect OptionalService/ServiceData.
19032 Invalid credit card authorization key.
19033 FormOfPaymentRef is required for adding masked PNR level credit card authorization
19035 TypeInGds or Category provided by user is/are not supported using this schema version.
19036 Book request unsuccessful due to incorrect OptionalService/ServiceData. Must send BookingTravelerRef and AirSegmentRef in the same ServiceData.
19037 Requested Availability Display Type is invalid. Please include one of 'General'/ 'Flight Specific'/ 'Carrier Specific/Direct Access'/ 'Manual Sell'/ 'Fare Shop/Optimal Shop'/ 'Fare Specific Fare Quote Unbooked' in the request.
19038 Polled Availability Option/ Availability Source/ Availability Display Type are not supported for the requested provider.
19039 AccountingRemark with BranchAgentOverride has been re-labeled as BookingAgentOverride.
19042 The Status code as HK is required for $? SSR.
19043 The FreeText for RNSK SSR is not applicable and it is ignored.
19044 The Status code as NN is required for $? SSR.
19045 The Carrier code is required for $? SSR.
19046 SSR $? is not supported for the requested provider.
19047 The Status is not required for $? SSR and has been ignored.
19048 Your request has returned no rates. Please resubmit your request.
19056 RailSearchType value was ignored.
19090 Unable to process MarginManager request.
19097 Invalid AirSegmentRef provided in AirSegmentTicketingModifiers
19098 All AirSegmentTicketingModifiers with BrandTier must have a unique AirSegmentRef
19099 Multiple BrandTier are not allowed unless a unique air segments is referenced for every brandTier
19100 Both HotelProperty@HotelLocation and HotelProperty@Name are required in the request.Please Modify and try again.
19103 Only the following Fare Rules Filter category codes are available: CHG
60002003 One or more updates were not successful, Please retrieve the record and re-try.
5856 Location closed at time specified.
101000 HostToken not found for Key reference [$?] inside AirSegment
101001 Unable to process fare host token, seat pricing may differ at the time of booking.
101002 RateCategory is not supported for this hotel provider
101003 Passive Remark text is too long
101004 One or more optional services can't be sold - Incorrect decimal places in amount
101005 One or more optional services can't be sold due to seat price mismatch.
101006 One or more optional services can't be sold due to missing SeatAttributes.

Name="INVSVC" Range="19000-19999"

Type Name="Business"

19000 Too many Trips requested