Travel Compliance Data
Travel Compliance information is applicable to all booking and retrieve transactions (Air, Hotel, Vehicle, Passive, and Rail). Its attributes support:
- Policy Compliance
- Contract Compliance
- Preferred Supplier
Important! The functionality applies only to PNRs on Galileo and Apollo.
Travel Compliance information can be updated and deleted, and a record of any data that is added, updated, or deleted is saved in Universal Record History. Travel Compliance information can be entered in the BookingTraveler element for all:
- Create Reservation requests and responses (Air, Hotel, Vehicle, Rail and Passive.)
- UR Retrieve and UR Modify requests and responses (Air, Hotel, Vehicle, and Passive.) Modify requests for Rail are not currently supported.
Travel Compliance data is saved locally, without a host transaction, and it provides segment and reservation references in both the request and response.
Travel Compliance functionality does not:
- Calculate Travel Policy Compliance.
- Support updating Passive bookings, other than with the Delete and Add functionality.
- Provide the TravelComplianceData attributes (TravelCompliance, ContractCompliance or PreferredSupplier) for saved trips.
Using the Travel Compliance Attributes in a Request
TravelComplianceData contains three child elements to support entering Travel Compliance information:
- PolicyCompliance: InPolicy can be set to "True" or "False"
- ContractCompliance: InContract can be set to "True" or "False"
- PreferredSupplier: Preferred can be set to "True" or "False"
Each TravelComplianceData element allows:
- A maximum of two each of PolicyCompliance and ContractCompliance elements.
- An unlimited number of PreferredSupplier elements
The request requires one of the AirSegmentRef, PassiveSegmentRef, or RailSegmentRef attributes in the TravelComplianceData element.
- If none are provided for an Air, Passive or Rail segment, a warning is returned: SegmentRef is mandatory for Air, Passive, and Rail Travel Compliance fields.
- If no SegmentRef exists, the travel compliance entry will be ignored.
Hotel and Vehicle do not support segment number association, and Hotel and Vehicle segment reference cannot be sent in the request. However, the response includes the ReservationLocatorRef attribute, which associates TravelComplianceData to the relevant Hotel or Vehicle ReservationLocatorCode.
Note: If ReservationLocatorRef is sent in the request, it is ignored. PolicyToken attributes identifies the policies used and referenced in PolicyCompliance and ContractCompliance.
Travel Compliance functionality is not currently supported.