Review Bookings
Review Bookings (Q-Minders) are a provider functionality that issues reminders to agents for any pending tasks that must be done by a specific date and time. The PNR and the reminders are put into the agency queue on the date and time specified in Review Booking. Travelport Universal API now provides the option to view, add, delete, and modify Review Bookings through the Universal Record.
Review Booking can be added as follows:
- During the air, vehicle, hotel, and passive create reservation requests (i.e., AirCreateReservationReq, VehicleCreateReservationReq, HotelCreateReservationReq, and PassiveCreateReservationReq).
- Directly to the Universal Record using the following Universal Record Modify services:
- UniversalModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd/UniversalAdd
- UniversalModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd/UniversalModify
The Review Booking can be viewed, deleted, and modified through the Universal Record. If an attempt is made to add, update, or delete the Review Booking using a service other than the Universal Record Modify services listed above, an error is returned.
ReviewBooking is used in Common and Universal Record responses.
- A Review Booking can be synched during Universal Record Import, Universal Record Retrieve, or via any other service that invokes the synch flow.
- If the entire itinerary in the Provider Reservation is canceled, the Review Booking is removed from the Provider Reservation and synchronized during the Universal Record synch flow.
- Duplicate Review Bookings (i.e., Review Bookings with the same queue details, date, and reminder text) are not allowed.
- Any changes to a Review Booking are logged in the Universal Record History, including deletion.
- Failure to add, update, or delete a Review Booking does not stop the creation or modification of the Universal Record during the Universal Record update or create process.

For Review Bookings on Apollo, the date of the review booking will be same as is provided in the request and the time of the review booking will default to 00:00:00.

Review Booking is not available.