Deleting Saved Trips
Saved trips can be deleted before they elapse. As well:
All segments in a saved trip can be booked so no data is left in the saved trip.
Some segments can be deleted and the remaining segments can be booked so no data is left in the Saved Trip.
In all of these scenarios, the Saved Trip is deleted. When Saved Trips are deleted, they are not moved to Universal Record History.
Note: Saved trips that are not associated to a Universal Record are purged (deleted) 24 hours after the last dated segment in the Saved Trip is past date.
Located in Universal.xsd:
How To
Specify the @LocatorCode of the save trip to be deleted in SavedTripDeleteReq.
Saved trips can be deleted:
- By the customer. The Saved Trip can have a status of Active or Retained.
- When all the data in the Saved Trip is moved to a new reservation or an associated Universal Record.
A successful delete is indicated by an empty body in the SavedTripDeleteRsp.
Errors and Warnings
If the deletion of the Saved Trip cannot be processed or fails, a soap fault is returned in SavedTripDeleteRsp with a warning or error message.
If a Saved Trip LocatorCode cannot be found, an error message is returned: Unable to delete Saved Trip. Saved Trip Locator Code is not valid.