Polled Availability Option

The PolledAvailabilityOption attribute of AirSegment indicates whether the carrier has inside (polled) availability. When returned in an Air Availability, a Low Fare Shop, or an Air Pricing response, the PolledAvailabilityOption should be sent in the following booking request.

The Polled Availability Option is returned as an attribute of the AirSegment element from the following response:

Description PolledAvailabilityOption Value

Inside (polled) availability option exists.

Polled avail exists

No Inside (Polled) availability option.

No polled avail exists

Inside (polled) availability option was used on this flight.

Polled avail used

Inside (polled) availability was used on this flight and was obtained on a Point to Point Basis and the carrier has not implemented Journey Controls.

Polled avail used point to point. No JCL exists.

Origin and Destination Cache or Polled status was used on this flight which has different local status.

O&D cache or polled status used with different local status

Point-to-Point Cache or Linked status was used on this flight which has different O&D status.

Point to point cache or polled status used with different O&D status

Yes-CACHED: Inside (polled) availability option exist. Cached status was used on this flight.

Cached status used. Polled avail exists

No-CACHED: No Inside (polled) availability option exist. Cached status was used on this flight.

Cache status used. No polled avail exists.