PNR Status Codes

A status code indicates the status of an air segment. The status is an important indicator of what status the flight segment is in. This can indicate the carrier has confirmed the segment, the segment is on waitlist, a schedule change has been received from the carrier, and many other possibilities.

The following status codes can be returned for an AirSegment.

Status Code Description
AF AA Advantage ticket
AK Passive - Confirmed outside Galileo system (This is only applicable in 1G)
AL Passive- Waitlisted outside Galileo system (This is only applicable in 1G)
AN Passive- Requested outside Galileo system (This is only applicable in 1G)
BK Passive- Booked with carrier. Will generate message to carrier when air segment is cancelled.
BL Passive- Waitlist segment
BN Requested outside Galileo system
CH Passive- Code share holds confirmed
CK Advance check-in. Boarding pass issued
CS Code share sell segment
DK Link book last seat
DL Deferred waitlist
DS Desires segment
DX Passive - Broken marriage / Active-Authorized partial cancellation within a marriage
EK EMD confirmed
FS Free sale
GF Firm booking
GK Guaranteed/Merged. Also used in 1V as Passive - Group confirmed
GL Waitlist with carrier
GN Group booking
GO No action taken on group request.
HA Have requested. Airline requested one of their own segments
HD Holding confirmed; EMD required
HI Holding confirmed EMD issued (EMD can only be issued if Ticket is Issued)
HK Holds confirmed
HL Holds waitlist
HN Holds need/confirmed
HQ Space prev. request
HS CO changes
HW Have waitlisted. Airline waitlisted one of their own segments
HX Cancel confirm hold
IG Involuntary upgrade
IH Inhibit status code
IK Infant no seat
IN If not holding need
IS If not holding sell
IX If holding cancel
KD Issue EMD
KK Carrier confirmed
KL Waitlist confirmed
LK Passive - Link booking - guaranteed sell
LL Add to waitlist
MB Move reaccommodation - Pax was on standby status for flight affected
MK Non messaging Passive segment.
ML Waitlisted
MN Not available
MR Requested
NA Need alternate
NN Requesting segment
NO No action taken
NS No show
OB Overbook
OX Cancel only if requested segment is available
PA Priority waitlist-emergency travel
PB Priority waitlist
PC Priority waitlist
PD Priority waitlist
PK Discounted passenger.
PN Pending need
PS Passive
PW Priority waitlist
RR Reconfirm
SB Boarded standBy
SC Schedule change
SD Schedule change/re-booking; EMD already issued. Document number must be included in the SSR
SP Passive-space protected
SQ Space request - bilateral use
SS Sell segment
TK Schedule Change. Advise passenger of new scheduled times.
TL Schedule change waitlist. Advise passenger of new scheduled times.
TN Schedule change. Is Pending Need. Advise passenger of new scheduled times.
UC Unable to confirm or waitlist
UN Unable - no flight
US Unable to sell
UU Unable to confirm. Waitlist requested
WK Schedule change of a confirmed segment
WL Schedule change of a waitlisted segment
WN Schedule change of a needed segment
XK Cancel seg with change
XX Cancel segment
YG Involuntary upgrade
YK Hold confirmed Airline space
ZK Passive- API booking


The air status code will be reflected in a UniversalRecordRetrieve response and AirCreateReservation response within the air segment. The below example indicates that the air segment is confirmed by showing the status code of HK:

<air:AirSegment Key="EvgLQM3R2BKABcuTCAAAAA==" Group="0" Carrier="SK" CabinClass="PremiumEconomy" FlightNumber="804" ProviderCode="1G" 
Origin="LHR" Destination="OSL" DepartureTime="2020-09-20T10:20:00.000+01:00" ArrivalTime="2020-09-20T13:30:00.000+02:00" ClassOfService="Y" 
ETicketability="Yes" Equipment="73W" Status="HK" ChangeOfPlane="false" GuaranteedPaymentCarrier="No" 
ProviderReservationInfoRef="EvgLQM3R2BKA7buTCAAAAA==" TravelOrder="1" ProviderSegmentOrder="1" OptionalServicesIndicator="false">
  <common_v49_0:SegmentRemark Key="EvgLQM3R2BKADcuTCAAAAA==">SAS IRELAND</common_v49_0:SegmentRemark>
  <air:FlightDetails Key="EvgLQM3R2BKACcuTCAAAAA==" Origin="LHR" Destination="OSL" DepartureTime="2020-09-20T10:20:00.000+01:00" 
ArrivalTime="2020-09-20T13:30:00.000+02:00" FlightTime="130" TravelTime="130" Equipment="73W" OriginTerminal="2" AutomatedCheckin="false"/>