Manual Fares

Creating Air Booking OR
Universal Record Modify > AirAdd
Manual fares can be created as a new fare or to override automatic fares. Manual fares can be created in two ways:
- When a booking is created.
- After a booking is created by adding the manual fare to the Universal Record.
See the following transactions for Manual Fares:
- Creating an Air Booking:
- Modifying a Universal Record:
How To
- Follow the process to create an Air Booking or modify an Air Booking.
- Set AirPricingInfo/@PricingMethod to 'ManualFare' and include the fare calculation in AirPricingInfo/FareCalc
- If there is more than one segment and @Amount is not included in the request, Universal API defaults the fare amount to 0.00.
- If there is only one segment in the PNR and @Amount is not included, the fare amount defaults to AirPricingInfo/Base Price.
Add Bulk Ticketing for Worldspan (1P).
Bulk ticketing is available for Worldspan when a manual fare is created. A bulk ticket allows a customer to buy tickets from an airline, normally a discounted price, and then sell these tickets at a mark up. The customer then puts the amount being charged for the ticket in the PNR (rather than the amount paid for the ticket).
Within AirPricingInfo, the FareInfo BulkTicket and InclusiveTour attributes (both Boolean) are used to indicate bulk ticketing.
- Only one attribute can be true. If both are set to true, a warning is returned.
- When either attribute is true, TourCode must also be supplied. Worldspan allows only one tour code per passenger type.
- The response is the same as the response for automated fares except for the PricingMethod enumeration.
Note: AirPricingInfo/FareCalc is optional when submitting requests to Apollo. For all other providers, FareCalc is required.
Using fare calcuation
If the fare calculation is not sent in the request when creating or modifying manual fares, the Fare amount for each air segment in the PNR must be sent in AirPricingInfo/FareInfo/@Amount.
If only one fare is included in the request for two or more segments that have a connection, the fare is applied to the last segment. The other segments default to 0.00.
If a surcharge is associated with a segment, both AirPricingInfo/FareInfo/@Amount and FareInfo/FareSurcharge/@Amount are sent in the request.
The sum of @Amount for each segment must be equal to the BasePrice or an error is returned: "SUM OF SEGMENT FARES NOT EQUAL TO BASE FARE"
Adding Manual Fares to a Passive Segment
Manual fares can be added to a passive air segment after it is booked.
- Follow the process to create a passive segment in an Air Booking or add a manual fare to the segment in the Universal Record.
- Ticket the manual fare using AirTicketingRequest.
- Bulk ticketing is not available.
- Bulk ticketing is not available.
- AirPricingInfo/FareCalc is optional when submitting requests to Apollo.