Fare Guarantees
Send a request with AirPricingInfo/PassengerType/FareGuaranteeInfo/@GuaranteeType to identify the source of the quoted fare.

Note: @GuaranteeDate is not supported by Apollo.

Fare Guarantee Code | Fare Guarantee Type | Annotation |
C |
Auto |
Automatically generated. |
M |
Manual |
Agent has overridden default(s). |
B |
ManualFare |
Fare has been constructed by agent. |
G |
Guaranteed |
Fare is guaranteed. |
I |
Invalid |
Invalid fare, e.g., due to name or itinerary change. |
R |
Restored |
Ticketed stored fare has been restored. |
T |
Ticketed |
Fare is ticketed. |
U |
Unticketable |
Unable to ticket. |
V |
Reprice |
Need requote to ticket. |
X |
Expired |
Expired fare due to older fare guarantee date typically older than 7 days. |
H |
Airline |
Fare guaranteed by airline. |
N |
GuaranteeExpired |
Guaranteed fare recently got expired as ticketing hadn't been done within a time frame typically midnight local time of POS. |
A |
GuaranteedUsingAirlinePrivateFare |
Guaranteed fare using Airline private fare that was filed with a fare distributor. |
P |
AutoUsingPrivateFare |
Agency private fares that are not guaranteed. |
Z |
AgencyPrivateFareNoOverride |
Agency Private Fare with no rules override. |
Unknown |
To handle new enumerations added by provider but currently not recognized by API. |

Fare Guarantee Code | Fare Guarantee Type | Annotation |
C |
Auto |
Automatically generated. |
M |
Manual |
Agent has overridden default(s). |
B |
ManualFare |
Fare has been constructed by agent. |
A |
GuaranteedUsingAirlinePrivateFare |
Guaranteed fare using Airline private fare that was filed with a fare distributor. |
P |
AutoUsingPrivateFare |
Agency private fares that are not guaranteed. |
Z |
AgencyPrivateFareNoOverride |
Agency Private Fare with no rules override. |
Unknown |
To handle new enumerations added by provider but currently not recognized by API. |
Enumerations sent in GuaranteeType are returned in the following responses for Air schema version 22.0 and greater:
- Air Booking (AirCreateReservationRsp)
- Retrieving Universal Records (UniversalRecordRetrieveRsp)
- Modifying Universal Records (UniversalRecordModifyRsp)
- Importing Universal Records (UniversalRecordImportRsp)
- Retrieving Air Documents (AirRetrieveDocumentRsp)
Worldspan (1P) and Airline Content Hub (ACH) do not support fare guarantee types.