Air Segment Connection Logic
If a Connection/SegmentIndex is returned in a Low Fare Shopping or Air Availability response, it indicates a connection between two or more air segments. The Connection indicator must be used when Pricing and Booking to ensure the flights are sold correctly and a sell failure does not occur. This is also known as "Journey Control."
The Connection logic pertains to both Air Pricing and Air Booking. The Connection segment index information comes back in the Low Fare Shopping or Air Availability response as an array of data:
<air:Connection SegmentIndex="0" />
<air:Connection SegmentIndex="1" />
<air:Connection SegmentIndex="3" />
<air:Connection SegmentIndex="4" />
The SegmentIndex shows the air segment where the connection indicator must be present. The value of the SegmentIndex is equal to the AirSegment position in the list of air segments, which are part of one air pricing solution, plus one. For example, using the list of air segments above that were returned in the Low Fare Shopping air pricing solution:
- SegmentIndex="0" would link to the air segment in the first position in the list.
- SegmentIndex="1" would link to the air segment in the second position in the list.
- SegmentIndex="3" would link to the air segment in the fourth position in the list.
- SegmentIndex="4" would link to the air segment in the fifth position in the list.
Note: Only elements which show <air:Connection SegmentIndex="#" /> are connections. If there is a stopover specification as part of the connection element, it is not considered a connection, but a stop in the journey. This means elements like <air:Connection StopOver="true" SegmentIndex="3"/> are not connections.
Description | Example |
An Air Availability request may return flights with a Connection indicator. |
In the example, four flights in the AirItinerarySolution require the Connection indicator. ![]() Note the Connection/SegmentIndex indicators in the AirItinerarySolution. The Key for the AirSegmentRef can be used to find the exact flights.
A Low Fare Shopping request may return flights that require the Connection indicator. |
In the example, four flights in the AirPricingSolution require the Connection indicator. ![]() Note the Connection/SegmentIndex indicators in the AirPricingSolution.
The Connection/SegmentIndex from the Low Fare Shopping or Air Availability response must be sent as a Connection in the appropriate Air Segments in the Air Pricing request. I.e., the element <Connection /> must be specified as part of the AirSegment to which it belongs, as explained in the Low Fare Shopping and Air Availability section, and as illustrated in the XML samples. |
In the example, note the Connection indicators are placed according to the SegmentIndex plus one, from the Low Fare Shopping response. ![]() Remember, in the Low Fare Shopping response example, the SegmentIndex indicators were 0, 1, 3, 4. That means in the Air Pricing request, AirSegment 1, 2, 4, and 5 require the Connection indicator.
The Connection/SegmentIndex from the Low Fare Shopping or Air Availability response must be sent as a Connection in the appropriate Air Segments in the Air Booking request. |
In the example, note the Connection indicators are placed according to the SegmentIndex plus one, from the Low Fare Shopping response. ![]() Remember, in the Low Fare Shopping response example, the SegmentIndex indicators were 0, 1, 3, 4. That means in the Air Booking request, AirSegment 1, 2, 4, and 5 require the Connection indicator.
Note: The Connection indicator from an Air Availability response is used in Air Pricing and Air Booking as it is from a Low Fare Shopping response.