Action Status

The action status, associated to the Provider Locator at the Universal Record (Itinerary) level, indicates the current or future status of an existing PNR and identifies how the system should react to this reservation if it is left unticketed. After the action is taken, a new status is set to indicate that the system will no longer take any automatic action.

Action Status is linked to both air and non-air services per Universal Record, providing faster access to view, update or cancel a service. Action statuses are relevant before a PNR is ticketed; therefore, the action status can only be modified if the PNR is not ticketed and up to the point of first departure of the first flight on the PNR.


The ActionStatus element is used to set the action status. When Action Status is provided during Air/Vehicle/Hotel/Passive Book-on-Book for a specific Provider Locator Code in the UR, the new Action Status overrides the old Action Status for that Provider Locator Code.

ActionStatus is optional in the following requests:

In UR Modify for UniversalDelete, “Active” replaced “NA” as an enumeration (UniversalRecordModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd/UniversalDelete Element=”ActionStatus”).

ActionStatus has the following attributes:

A Remark child can be sent to include free text which may be required or optional, depending on the type of ticketing/queue request.

The Type attribute indicates the status. The following statuses can be set by the user. All statuses set by the user, except ACTIVE, can be modified in the Universal Record.




Set the status to Active for ACH requests where an instant purchase occurs.


Ticket At Will. Sets the time at which the PNR will be placed on the ticketing queue to be ticketed. The PNR will NOT be ticketed automatically, just placed on the queue.

Note: Requires a corresponding TicketDate attribute.


Ticket Time Limit. Sets the time at which the PNR will be placed on the ticketing queue to be ticketed. The PNR will NOT be ticketed automatically, just placed on the queue.

When using TTL the AirportCode and the SupplierCode, as well as TicketDate, must be present in the request. For example:

<ActionStatus AirportCode="xxx" TicketDate="2020-11-30T23:59:00.000" Type="TTL" ProviderCode="1G" SupplierCode="xx"/>.

Typically, the 'TTL' value is preferred so that the PNR will be canceled automatically if there is a problem or if it is never ticketed.

Note: Requires a corresponding TicketDate attribute.


Arrange Ticketing Date. Equivalent to TAX in Worldspan.


Default action status, If no action status is specified in a request.Equivalent to 'T/' in Galileo.

Additional system-generated statuses that cannot be modified are:




Canceled by TTL. Indicates that the TTL time expired for the PNR, and the system automatically canceled the air segments (AirSegment).


Indicates that the PNR is active, and denotes that the PNR has been ticketed and is now the responsibility of the agent/agency. The system will not attempt to perform any further actions (see the following Note).


Canceled. A cancel request was received for the PNR and no further action will be taken.

Note: The status code of 'Active' indicates that the PNR is current and in some way active. However, a single status code does not fully represent the actual ticketing status.

For example, a PNR can contain several passengers, each with an Electronic Ticket Record (ETR). However, if the booking for one passenger in the PNR is modified by voiding and re-ticketing, cancelling, exchanging, refunding, or another modification, the PNR remains 'Active' and is active and able to have other actions take upon it.

The individual ticketing status for each passenger in the 'Active' PNR is then represented in the DocumentInfo element.

The client application can change the 'Active status' back to 'TTL' or 'TAW' if segments are re-sold, tickets are refunded, or another modification is made. The system then considers the PNR for auto-cancel or auto-ticket queue placement as it did previously.


The ActionStatus element is returned in the responses for Air Booking, Vehicle Booking, Hotel Booking, and Passive Bookings, and for Universal Record Modify (UniversalAdd, UniversalUpdate, and UniversalDelete), Universal Record Import, and Universal Record Retrieve.

The Action Status is now logged in the UR History at the UR Level. History logged before Release 2.1 has the Action Status at the Air Reservation level.

NA was removed from the enumeration of Action Status and was replaced with ACTIVE for Universal Records returned in the following services:


The following errors may occur:

Error Reason

Action Status is required.

  • Occurs with Air Book or Air Book on Book in Apollo, Galileo, or Worldspan Provider reservation.
  • Occurs when the Air Create request is used to create a new provider locator or used on a provider locator which does not have an Action Status and does not include Action Status in the request modifier

Ticketing Action Status already exists in the Provider Reservation. Please use URUpdate to update the same.

  • Occurs with addition of Action Status in Apollo and Galileo Provider reservation through UniversalRecordModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd/ Add.
  • Avoids duplication of Action Status.

Ticketing Action Status cannot be added/deleted. Only update is allowed.

  • Occurs with add/delete of Action Status in Worldspan Provider reservation through UniversalRecordModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd/ Add or Delete
  • Avoid addition or deletion of Action Status.

Action Status already exists in the Provider Reservation.

  • Occurs with add/delete of Action Status in Third Party Provider reservation through UniversalRecordModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd/ Add.
  • Occurs when customer tries to add the Action Status in a Third Party Provider locator that already has an Action Status.

Not Implemented

  • Occurs with add/delete of Action Status in Third Party Provider reservation through UniversalRecordModifyReq/UniversalModifyCmd/ Delete or Update
  • Occurs when customer tries to update or delete the Action Status in a Third Party Provider locator.