Rich Content and Branding in Air Booking

Air Bookings can include Branded and Upsell fares, when available.


See the Air Booking transactions:


  1. Send an Air Booking request (AirCreateReservationReq).
  2. Include AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/FareInfo/Brand @BrandID, at a minimum. The Brand ID for the selected itinerary can be taken from the:
    • Air Pricing response (AirPriceRsp)
    • Low Fare Shopping response (LowFareSearchRsp)
    • Low Fare Shopping Asynchronous response (LowFareSerachAsynchRsp).
  3. Or, include the complete brand details from AirPriceRsp.

  4. Include AirPricingSolution/OptionalServices element for optional services associated to the brand that have a fee, or for optional services that are not associated to the brand.
  5. Enter AirPricingSolution/HostToken and AirPricingSolution/AirPricingInfo/BookingInfo @HostTokenRef.

Request Processing

Errors and Warnings

In the Air Booking response: