Placing Itineraries in a Queue

The Queue Place functionality adds a specific booking (PNR) to a queue in the provider system for a specific Pseudo City Code. If a Universal Record (UR) does not exist for the PNR, it is placed in the queue anyway, but PNR Import is not completed for the UR database.

Note: This functionality is supported by Galileo (1G), Apollo (1V), and Worldspan (1P).


Located in GDSQueue.xsd:


A Queue Place request is made using GdsQueuePlaceReq in GDSQueue, to place a PNR on the queue.

The ProviderCode, ProviderLocatorCode, and TargetBranch must be included in the request. PseudoCityCode can also be sent in the request, but it is not required. When the Pseudo City Code (PCC) is not included, it is determined by Universal API.

Use the value of @QueueSessionToken from a previous GdsEnterQueueReq or GDSNextOnQueueReq to determine if the Universal Record is present in the queue.

The QueueSelector/QueueNumber attribute, as well as the other attributes in QueueSelector are optional, however a Date Range can only be included in the request if there is a category in the request:

Note: The date range feature is not enabled for Worldspan (1P) customers.

Important! Category and Date Range must be configured for agencies and other travel providers via GDS Desktop.

Queue Place during Create

Queue Place can be requested during booking using the QueuePlace element. Queue placement occurs after the complete booking is created. This is applicable to:

If QueuePlace element is added in the request, the Queue Number is mandatory, while the other elements are optional. If Queue placement:

If Queue Place is successful, Universal API creates the Universal Record and updates Queue Information in the Universal Record History.


The response redisplays the booking that was placed on queue, includes an indicator that the transaction was ended by a Queue method, and provides an information message that the booking was successfully placed on the Queue.

At the same time, Universal API updates the cache time stamp as an interaction so that the customer does not get timed out.


In Worldspan (1P):

ACH does not support queues.